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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    I've been missing alot here and I'm sorry.

    I see golf is in the air for the golfers. And we are in for rain this week--we'll see.

    I hope everyone who is going thru or starting treatments it will be kind to u and the usual--drinks loads of water, I drink the vitamin water it tastes better to me, regular water don't like it so much. So keep that in mind for a little extra vitamins. Good Luck

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Give in to goodness now and then.  I don't mean masochistic self-sacrifice.
    I mean the deliberate performance of an act that has ethical value:
    helping someone in need, righting a wrong, forgiving an enemy.
    For best results, the act should be one that can't possibly benefit you. . . .
    if we give in to goodness once in a while, we gain strength.
    If we consistently refuse, we're at cross-purposes with everything,
    including our deepest nature.  People not only have the capacity
    for ethical behavior, they have a built-in need for it.
    If you give in to goodness reasonably often, you won't have
    to seek self-renewal.  It will come to you.

    anonymous, quoted by Arthur Gordon

  • stcharleschick
    stcharleschick Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2013

    HI, HO, HI, HO it's off to the RO I go.  To zap and tatt and zap some more, HI, HO, HI HO!

    Have a great day, ladies!!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2013

    Oh Chick.....too funny!  Hope it goes well for you!

    It's rainy and dreay here today...bahumbug!  Where did our sunshine go? glad that you're nearing the end!  YEA!

    Hello to everyone!  Hope everyone is doing well!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    Rita, I was hoping Brandt Snedeker would win, but I was happy for Adam Scott.  If he were a better putter, he would have won by a bigger margin.  He missed so many putts after putting himself in great position on the greens.  I'm glad there was some drama toward the end of the round on Sunday.  DH got so bored during the early part of the round that he went to sleep.

    Pattie and Chick, hang in there.  You'll reach that light at the end of the tunnel.

    Camille, I'm worried about you.  Are you doing ok?  I miss you when you aren't on here giving me a hard time!

    Chevy, I'm guessing you were watching the car race on Saturday night.  DH watched it on the dvr on Sunday morning.  The winner wasn't one of his favorite drivers and that's an understatement.

    Jackie, have your daughter and son-in-law adjusted to living in IL?  I hope they realize that you live in the part of the state with the nicest weather, as Camille often points out to you!

    Today I did my April weigh-in at WW and was down .4 lbs since my March weigh-in.  So I'm still in good standing and don't have to pay to go to meetings and get the E-tools free.  To celebrate my status, we're having a ribeye steak for dinner.  Isn't that like a WW member to celebrate with food?!  I love steak and am generally a carnevore, whereas dh can get along without meat if he has good veggies.

    It was supposed to get up to 84 degrees today but I don't think it has gotten that hot.  Which is fine with me.  It's overcast and the cloud cover has probably kept the temperature down.  However, the muggies are back.  So far I haven't had to turn on the A/C.

    Hope everybody had a good day so far.

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Hi all,  I received a call today from the cancer center.  I have an appt. next Wednesday to meet w/ a Radiologist Oncologist.  She said to plan on being there for 2 hours!!  What could possibly take 2 hrs.? 

    Chick:  I like your sense of humor; I hope I can find some!

    Ritajean:  Good to know about the rads & the fatigue not happening until the end of treatment.  I will definitely let my DRs. know my concerns. 

    Jackie:  Great idea about walking,  Hopefully by the time I start my treatments, the weather here will be warmer!

    ptdreamers:  I noticed you said you are Lactose Intolerant & have IBS as well.  How do you manage to keep the weight on? 

    bonnets: You also said you have IBS & don't weigh 90 lbs.  Doesn't certain foods trigger your attacks? 

    Carole:  I wish I could enjoy food the way "normal" people do!   I would love to eat a big dish of ice cream or a whole bag of peanut M & M's!!!  Instead I have to eat everything plain; Blah!!

    Okay; getting hungry talking about food, so I will eat some "boring" pretzels & drink water Yum!!!

    Hope everyone has a good day!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    Hi gals!  Man, it's snowing like crazy here....


    Regbeach, you know you are doing everything you can, or could possibly do for your Mom....  Soon it will be out of your hands,  and things will all be taken care of. 

    I remember trying to talk to my Mom in the hospital....  Heart surgery, a stroke, and she didn't understand anything....  She was so helpless...


    But there is a chance she will survive this surgery, and with all of you taking care of her, go on to live a more normal life!   Maybe her seizure meds will work out, or get balanced with her...  Your neuro sounds like he knows what is going on.


    Sometimes you just have to let go and let God.... at least that's what I was told.   So just try and relax tomorrow.... it won't take that long.... they will take good care of her.... You DO face another challenge....And thinking of your Mom, and how she used to be has to be comforting to you.... It's alright to cry.... I STILL do, for my Mom and my Dad....I think we all do....  It's alright....

    And we'll all be thinking about you two tomorrow..... Let us know, okay?  Love you little one....


    Jennifer.... we were just talking about drinking husbands on the STFU thread.... There are so MANY of us gals dealing with this....  If you want to find our discussions, just click my name, and you will find it.....


    Hi Bonnets...  and Carole!  I'll bet you watched the masters, right?  Thinking about you and your niece...


    And hey Jackie!  Yes, I also wore a bra, constantly.... It was just more comfortable, since I was up and about.... Maybe it would make a difference Regbeach, if you Mom wasn't?  Maybe just keep her comfortable, with whatever she wants....  I don't wear one at home.... only when we go somewhere!  THAT comes off, along with my shoes...


    Hi Rita and Linda....and Camille!  I get to talk to you on other threads!  It's hard for me to keep up sometimes! 


    Dreamers.... yes I had heard about how tired you get with the standard radiation, but I didn't think it would bother me, with the Mammosite Device.... I couldn't have been more wrong....  Man, whenever I saw anything that resembled a bed or a couch, I was ON it.   You just have to go with it....  It "too shall pass."


    Hi  Patti!   Are you doing okay?  Yes, a lot of us have been through it all.... so we can look back on it now.... !  And that's the best part!    You just take it easy, until you are all healed!


    Chick!  You DO have a fun sense of humor! 


    Linda, I think they want to counsel you, and take your blood & stuff, and talk to you about what Als you will take....It shouldn't take 2 hours, but maybe you will have Pizza after.... Ha!


    Okay gals.... talk to you all later!


    Carole... congratulations on your weight loss!  You should be VERY proud! 





  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013


    I have Ibsd, I just have to look at fiber, especially broccoli and blueberries, and Im in the potty. Hate to traveling as I have to take immodium when I'm on the road. The first thing I ask when we take a tour, is are there bathrooms on the bus. I was really limited when I took my daughter to Hawaii. No bathrooms, if there were they wudn't let you use them. Also cancelled a trip to China cuz bathroomless buses. Oh we stop every hour, haha! Hate all the ads for fiber this, fiber that, think  everyone in the world are constipated, NOT! I average from 3 to 5 times a day, as routine. AAAAh, the Golden Years! I also look at food esp. carbs and gain weight. Eat like a human and gain weight. Have fought weight all my life. When I was young and active, if I  ate over 1200 calories a day, gained weight. Can't win. Worse  now that I'm older, retired and on Arimidex. Sooo that's my tale! Jean

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    LindaJD, Your appointment is for the mapping. They spend forever deciding what the best angle will be and how to avoid anything important. Then they have to set the machines up to do that. Then test them with a light or something to make sure they've got it right. Once they do that, they do the tatoos. Then when you go in for the actual radiation, it only takes a few minutes.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Wren.... I was thinking of a regular Oncology visit... not to a Radiologist....I just had the MammoSite Device for radiation... and the prep time and days seemed like forever, but the actual treatments were for only 8 minutes, twice a day for a week...

    Bonnets, I had that problem while on Tamoxifen..... I took Melatonin to help me sleep, without all the dreaming.... Well THAT caused the same problem!  I was finally on about 4 immodium AD a day, until I just quit the Melatonin....  and it all straightened out.   It's like when you take something, it might cause other problems...

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013


    Oh yes, I learned that. Had an ulcer, Previcid and Prilosec really  made the ibsd even worse!! Won't take them again!

  • stcharleschick
    stcharleschick Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2013

    Linda -

    It took almost 2 hours at the RO yesterday.  They did scans and put markers wherever they needed them.  They also gave me my tattoos.  They are the size of a pin head.  The Cancer Center employees are helpful, friendly and I never feel rushed.  You will see when you get there how involved it will be.  Nothing painful, and you will get a lot of your questions answered. 

    My RO said that I should continue vitamins.  I know that there are differences of opinion among the ROs.


    It will be fine!!!  We will be there in your back pocket!!



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Life rushes us along and few people are strong enough to stop on their own.  Most often, something unforeseen stops us and it is only then we have the time to take a seat at life’s kitchen table.  To know our own story and tell it.  To listen to other people’s stories.  To remember that the real world is made up of just such stories.  Until we stop ourselves or, more often, have been stopped, we hope to put certain of life’s events “behind us” and get on with our living.  After we stop we see that certain of life’s issues will be with us for as long as we live.  We will pass through them again and again, each time with a new story, each time with a greater understanding, until they become indistinguishable from our blessings and our wisdom.  It’s the way life teaches us how to live. Rachel Naomi Remen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    St. wonderful that you can walk Linda through this process as you are so close together time-wise in the experience. 

    It sounds so rough for those who have more than one stomach issue, IBS, and ulcers combined.   I recall my Dad's ulcer.  He lived on Maalox.  Just got to where he no longer needed to 'measure' it, just knew how much to 'swig' directly from the bottle and when.  A few years later... nothing really going on at the time, the ulcer ruptured.  That was horrid.  All the contents of the much acid, spilled out into the stomach cavity and was burning everything it touched. 

    Dad had to be operated on and all of that acid cleaned out.  My mom said he just begged the ambulance fellows to just give him a never-wake-up-again shot.  I can't imagine feeling BURNS on the inside.  Obvious what my Dad thought about it. 

    Still feeling shock and sadness for the people of Boston and all those directly at the site of the blast.  What is our world coming too.....thought after 9/11 we would not have these sorts of things again.  Glad it was much smaller scale but tell that to those who lost someone or were wounded.  I pray for us.

    Peace and love,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2013

    Carole...I love Phil too and Zack Johnson is one of my favorites.  He is from Iowa and we've watched him for years at the John Deere Open (Quad City Open).  Everyone follows him yelling "Zack Attack" until the quiet signs go up.  I was excited for Scott, though.  One of my friends and her husband went to the Masters this year.  I'd love to be able to do that.

    We had terrible storms last night and the creek behind our house is at the very top of the banks.  The sun is shining now but the ground is just saturated.  The storms last night did a real number on my daffodils.  Most of them are on the ground this morning.  :-(

    My heart is heavy after the Boston explosions yesterday.  Why or why?  I worry so much about this world in which we live. 

    Chick, it sounds like you're ready to go on those rads!  I didn't have tattoos.  They used little clear plastc circles and permanent marker on me.  I looked like a road map.  :-) 

    Hello to all of you.  I hope you have a good day. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good morning all--I've had to turn off the Boston horrific time, it's so sad--I've been watching since the beginning.'

    Oh Pyllis u'r so funny and u can really be by Linda's side at this time, Of course i asked for some cool tats at the time of rads but no such luck.

    Carole the weather here has fially been nicer and now u'rs is getting hotter and hotter--hehehe I knew we'd even out somehow. I'm doing ok Carole, just a few more bumps in my road but nothing horrendous just aggrevating. no big deal. Thanks.and Carole Congrats in the weight loss--u are doing great.

    Wow all of a sudden I'm so tired--to much TV on these old eyes, oh and pain meds. LOL

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2013

    Hang in there, cami!  I'm with you.  I can not watch anymore of the Boston news today.  I know that tragedy and disaster sells "news" but it is just so depressing to see what they are showing.  Hugs!  Just rest when you get tired!  :-)

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    I can't remember who had the food problems, but suggesting avocado and Glucerna. I don't know what's in Glucerna, but it's a meal drink for diabetics.

    Prayers for the victims and families in Boston. And for the witnesses as well.

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Hi ladies,   It's such a senseless tragedy what happened @ the Boston Marathon.  Innocent people losing their limbs, or their lives just because their paths crossed w/ a deliberate act of violence.  I know life isn't fair; but lately it just sucks! 

    Chick & Wren, thanks for explaining the process w/ radiation.  Now I will know what to expect next week when I go for my appt. 

    Jean, my tale compares to your tale w/ IBS.  I have to plan daily activities around my stomach, not just when traveling.  I suffer from both extremes; referring to the potty.  I just never know; Some days, like you said, I can go 3-6x in one day & then there can be times when I can't go for up to 7 days!  These are certainly NOT the Golden years!  In addition to the IBS, I also suffer from Bile gastritis, gastoparesis & distal esophagitis.  Then add being Lactose Intolerant & having food allergies to the mix & no wonder I can't seem to gain weight!!! 

    Wren, It's me!  I'm the one w/ all the food problems.  I've heard of Glucerna; I'll have to check out if it's made w/ milk.  I've never even tasted an avocada before.  What do you do w/ them besides make dip. 

    Chevy, I agree w/ you.  If you are on more than one thread, it is hard to keep up w/ everyone on here! 

    Speaking of threads, different people here have mentioned that I should start a New thread about what foods I could eat to gain weight ( or anybody else in a similar situation as mine).  I'll have to get busy & come up w/ a topic name! 

    Hope everyone has a peaceful evening.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    Avocados are good on sandwiches, in salads, in some soups (especially Mexican-type soups), and by themselves with a little salt and lemon. They're high in good fat. They're really mild tasting. The ones for dip need to be extremely soft. For other eating, the flesh should yield slightly when pressed. They can be bought green and ripened on a windowsill. Don't put them in the frig until they're ripe.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh I love avocados and good for potassium too yuumy.

    Linda if u start a new thread for weight gain u'll never see me on it because I certainly don't need to gain anymore but I could be a consultant in how to gain weight. I'm an authority on that. I'm used as the before picture.

    Oh I can't stop watching this Boston, but I just changed it now so I could relax a bit--what a horror.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    I love avocados!  I buy the little bags with 5 or 6 of them at Sam's Club, leave them sitting out in a bowl until they ripen, then put them in the refrigerator.  They're wonderful in salads.  Of course, on WW one quarter of an avocado is 2 pts.  Healthy fat but high cal. 

    Camille, the out of doors was like a sauna today.  We kept the doors and windows closed and the A/C on.  It didn't kick on most of the day because we turn the thermostat down to 68 at night so that it's cold in the bedroom.  The coolness lingers for quite a while.

    DH and I went to the YMCA early this morning.  I did some of the weight machines and then the BFIT class, which is really a workout.  About 2/3 cardio and 1/3 strength and stretching.  I have a little trouble keeping up with the routines, but I watch the woman in front of me and do whatever she does!  If she messes up, I'm in trouble.

    Tomorrow is golf day so I'll have to try to wear a pair of shorts and a shirt that don't show perspiration stains.  The sweat drips off of me.  Even my shoes get wet. 

    Dinner was so good tonight that I overate.  Meatloaf made of ground turkey, beef and pork.  Fresh broccoli steamed.  And home-made artisan bread that I made this afternoon.  Spread with REAL butter.  There's nothing better than butter. 

    Time for me to go to bed and read a little while before I turn off the light.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2013

    Carole...I still say that real butter is better for us than margarine!  Are you reading a good book?  I'm always interested in what others are reading because I read every day.  I envy you your heat!  I don't mind sweating at all!

    Jackie, I hope you don't get all our rain.  If our creek keeps rising I will be sitting with my legs over the back deck in the water!  YIKES!  I've only seen it this high one other time since I've lived here.

    Chevy, how long did that last snow stay around? When my son lived in Denver (and he hopes to return there some day!) he was always amazed how fast the snow melted after the big storms.  In Illinois it stays around forever, looking very dirty and unattractive.

    Hmm...funny that so many of us have digestive problems.  I have diverticulitis and have to watch what I eat, too.  All that fiber that they tell you to eat is not good for me.  I can't eat corn, anything with seeds, and most popcorn.  This past summer we found a guy who raises and sells hullest popcorn and I can actually eat it.  What a treat!

    Well, I'm signing off for the night and starting a new book  Everyone have a great Wednesday!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Carole U'r loosing weight, eating great food, hot out with a/c on, but can bake bread, golf when u want--WTF If I could draw on here I would draw how I feel--hahahahaha really, good for u.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013


    Join the club! I fought it ever since I was young. When I was in nursing school, young and active, eating measured portions, had to go 1000-1200 cal to maintain, under 1000cal to loose weight. Only time I was successful was eliminating carbs, ate lots of protein but  50 carbs or less a day. Now that Im retired , forget it, don't eat a lot, no junk, but add Arimidex and ........ Finally decided I'll never be thin again! Frustrating when we live in a society that places so much value on being skinny. Did you ever hear of a womans size 2 or  0 when we were young? Size 12 was normal, not large size. AAAAh the influence of the media. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    How will you use the years God gives you?  Will you be remembered for being a fault-finder?  Or will you be known for your quick smile, the laugh lines around your eyes, and the twinkle deep within?  After all, God gives you your face, but you provide the expression!

    Barbara Johnson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Rain in our forecast today....could be rather dicey too....meaning a lot.  Stormy along with it so not just rain.  I'll be thrilled if it holds off so I can feed the feral cats.  Also need to take my friend to have her nails done today.  Hope that works.

    Well, I'm on the weight battle train too.  Lost 50 lbs. and was doing really well and a lot of that is back again.  Sigh !!!  Seems to be my life story this pas 15 or 16 yrs.  Till then I held steady at about 130 or 135.  According to the "charts" that was not quite enough for me......but my body couldn't't read those charts and did what it it is also doing what it wants.  I need to get more involved with myself....I'm the one in charge here...aren't I ??? 

    Hope you all have a good day.  I'll be thinking about Carole.....possibly sweating.  Well, one of these days here.

    Peace and love,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2013

    Good morning everyone!

    Bonnets, here is part of a rhyme that I wrote for my friend who turned 60 this past week.  I think it says it all!  In other words, our bodies have changed and although we should try to eat healthy, we'll never look like we did in our 20s or 30s!

    The days of being skinny are long, long, long gone and being "mature" is no longer wrong.

    So throw out the spinach, the lettuce and rice, and eat childhood treats without thinking twice.

    They'll fill up the dimples on old thighs and hips and plump up the tissue on old thinning lips!

    It's another damp and dreary day here.   I need to find some project to do so that the lack of sunshine doesn't put a damper on my spirit!  Have a great day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good One Rita--u'r right on the mark.

    Bonnets I was a size 2---when I was about 1 yrs old.

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited April 2013

    Hi Ladies,Mom had surgery today and we are back home from NYC.  Mom high-fived my brother and me as we wheeled her to the elevator to leave- finally, a quick hospital visit.  I slept 2 hrs last night, couldn't fall back asleep (hotel room was hot, hard to believe a 4 star NYC hotel can't have heat and A/C active at same time!) and had to get up at 4:30 for a 5:45 appt. The surgeon said she did great. She had deep twilight not full anesthesia.  She is getting a little sore. She is wearing a compression bra they gave at hospital. Surgeon said the dye lit up 2 nodes so she took those plus maybe one more. Results on May 2.  She didn't want to do localization with wires for the micro cals they saw near the tumor, so she just went really wide based on the mammo to try to get them all.  She said even if she missed some that radiation will get them. The day before surgery I found out that even though her anti-seizure dose is still a little lower than planned, the level in her blood is at the low end of "the range."  So, that made me feel a little better.

    Waiting for the surgery to be done was hard- I was tired and couldn't eat, plus I had just waited with mom for almost 2 hrs, listened to the pre-surgery talk about risks, met 6 nurses/drs./fellows, blah, blah and my brother was in traffic.  I walked to hotel, moved the car to the hospital parking garage, expecting to park it, not give the key to an attendant. As he gave me directions to get back to the hospital through an internal tunnel, I couldn't even focus on what he was saying. I started crying so the parking attendant gave me a hug. We forgot about the tunnel and he sent me outside with simple directions that sent me where I had already walked. Pathetic and, I know, be strong but my mind was full. I just wanted to park and not think. He saw us afterwards and drove my car up to the street while I waited with my mom.  A very nice man.

    I thought of all you this AM, your journeys -one step to the next.  Thanks for sharing.