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  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Joan; small world.  I visited my son last July in Ronkonkoma.  He's been living there just about a year now.  Couldn't find employment here & decided to give LI a try.  He's a NYS certified teacher & these days there just are not that many teaching jobs available. 

    Bonnets; hope you are feeling better today:)

    Camille; I'll trade you chicken soup for some pizza!  I can't eat it either cause of the cheese & sauce, so I usually scrape it off & just eat the crust!

    Ritajean; My son & daughter-in-law gave me that book right after my surgery.  I had never read anything by that author either, but started it & like I said, it's very interesting.  Hope you enjoy the movie tonight!

    Very cold & windy here today; earlier this morning it was snowing!  Down in the 20's tonight; Brrrrr!  Where is Spring?

    Wishing everyone a relaxing Saturday,


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2013

    Beautiful day for a family picnic by the lake!  I made the same menu that I did for my family in Florida..pulled pork, potato salad, cole slaw, baked beans, chicken nuggets (for the kiddies) and cucumber, onion and tomato salad.  One of my BF's family members brought a cake saying "welcome Kay"...very sweet.  The kids went fishing and a good time was had by all.  Paper plates made cleanup very easy!  I'm now relaxing as the sun sets over the lake.  Life is good!

    Hope this post finds everyone well and having a good day.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Well not much sun here and chilly but's that's ok, it's not raining.

    I'm still knocked out from yesterday--no no knot knocked up---out so I'm not doing much at all.

    Kaara I love u'r posts--so happy and cheery for all of us and really enjoying life--so happy for u.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013

    Seems to be kidney season in my family. My daughter just in formed me her husband has a mass on his kidney. Has a ct on Wednesday. Praying it is not cancer.

    Spending most of my time in my recliner,, as the cramps are worse if I sit up straight. Not bad, but annoying. Dont think I'll go to church tomorrow.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Bonnets I'm so sorry about all this crap that u and u'r family is going thru--I hope the scan shows nothing serious.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    What is important is to realize that whether we understand fully who we are or what will happen when we die, it's our purpose to grow as human beings, to look within ourselves, to find and build upon that source of peace and understanding and strength that is our individual self.  And then to reach out to others with love and acceptance and patient guidance in the hope of what we may become together. Elisabeth Kuebler-Ross

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2013

    Good morning everyone!  It's always nice to see on of Kaara's cheerful posts!  Yes, life IS good!

    Bonnets, so sorry that you're still "not up to snuff."  Hang in there.  Better days are coming!

    If you get the chance to see the movie "42," grab it! It was wonderful and very well done.  It shows how very hard it was for Jackie to break into the baseball world and the determination and ridicule that he encountered.  I don't think I would have had the stamina and energy to persevere amidst the racial discrimination, regardless of how much talent I had.  We really liked the movie!

    Today the sun is shining and we are heading for the flower beds to get them cleaned off and ready for more mulch.  It's still cool out there but the sun is shining and we'll be moving around so it shouldn't be too cold to get some yard work accomplished.  It is still to wet to mow but there's plenty of other things to do around the outside.

    Hugs to all of you.  I hope you are able to enjoy this day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    OK it is sunny today, but chilly and my kids are working in the yard too--getting it ready for some planting or whsatever they're doing.They're always so busy doing something, well I guess I was to before, but not now. This weather is so goofy, I was thinking spring just started and it's alreay 1 month old--wow fast times here.

    I hope everyone is feeling ok and doing some relaxing for Sunday.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    I wish somebody would send me a package of motivation to get out into the yard and do some yard work.  There have been plenty of day suitable for getting out.

    One of my brothers is a friend of a big commercial farmer.  This brother brought a big box of produce to my mother's house today.  Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbages.  I brought a big grocery bag of broccoli spears home and a couple of cauliflowers and a gigantic cabbage.  I blanched the broccoli and cauliflower and bagged them in quart freezer bags. 

    Rita, I'm reading an interesting book that another of my brothers passed along to me.  It's a mystery set in England in the early 1800's.  I'll tell you the title and author in another post because I can't remember either!  DH and I both read in bed at night before we go to sleep.  It's a real habit.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Carole I can't believe u don't have the motivation, u always have so much energy and do so much in one day. U'r weather is pretty good, even thos u'r not rubbing my face in it, so it can't be that. Well as long as u feel good that's OK, wait till u feel like it then.

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Kaara; I'd love to be in Florida right about now!  I need sun & warmth!

    bonnets; so sorry to hear about your son-in-law.  Prayers it's not cancer.  You can skip going to church when you don't feel well; the Lord will understand:) 

    camille; not knocked up you say?  HAHA!  Been too cold here as well.  I have an appt on Wednesday w/ a Radiologist.  They told me it would take about 2 hours.  I can feel my stress level start to rise; getting worried & nervous about going.

    Everyone have a peaceful Sunday evening.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Linda the app'tment is probably just the explanation and the staging of where the rads will be done on u'r body maybe even the tattoos--it's an easy app't, so don't worry and the rest are easier like 19 minutes maybe and u just lay and not move maybe 5 mins. it's just showing up badsically--It'll be fine really.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    To enjoy your goals, think of them as signposts, pointing you in a certain
    direction.  They give you a focus and help your energy to get moving.  The
    way you go is up to you; you can get very uptight focusing only on getting
    to your goal or you can relax and enjoy the entire journey, appreciating
    every unexpected bend and turn of the road, ever new opportunity
    for learning and feeling.

    Shakti Gawain

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Good morning everyone.  Linda....that is what rads are all about.  Once ( longer session of course ) you are measured, marked, tattooed, or however they do it where you are going, it will be a matter of showing up and will likely take more time for you to get a top off, their little gown/shirt or whatever on, get positioned on the table......and then 5 to 7 mins. or so of the rads, then up you go and back to get dressed and out till the next day. 

    It becomes quite repetitious and basically boring.  Not downplaying though its importance to making sure any stray cell is rounded up and dispensed with as soon as possible. 

    Going to have a sunny dry day here much like yesterday which was wonderful.  Boy, those weekend days go fast.  Hope you all had a wonderful one.

    Love and peace,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    t's not bad at all.Good Morning Ladies---

    Jackie for once we live in the same state--it's sunny, but chilly here--st least some sun today.

    I will be getting ready to go to the Dr. in a little while---why do I dread  every visit so much, I really never cared now it'slike leave me alone. One thing tho I just take a shower and get dresses, I never wear make-up anymore cuz according to them they'd rather see the shade of my skin hahaha--Or maybe they just tell me that cuz i complain about getting ready to go so they made up this reason to make it easier--I don't care why, just so I don't have to wear make-up anyway it doesn't help like it used to. It's kind of funny I have a very tiny little part on my cheeks of rasacia--which no one in the family has and it actually looks like blush cuz it's perfectly set in the right spot. I

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    Camille, how did your dr. apptment go? 

    We're having a pretty day here.  Sunny and cool this morning, low 60's.  Has warmed up into the 70's. 

    I went to my WW meeting this morning.  Really enjoy the leader and like the other people who come regularly.  WW Corporate has decided to do away with all meetings on Mon.  There was much disappointment expressed.  So I don't know whether it will be convenient now for me to make a weekly meeting.  I pretty much have other things scheduled for Tues. through Fri.  So maybe Sat. morning. 

    Tomorrow and Wed. I'm playing in a Member-Member golf tournament.  The weather is supposed to be good both days so nature is cooperating with my schedule! 

    This afternoon I'm supposed to be doing housework and it's almost 2:00.  Better get with it!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013

    Hi guys, 

    Had my stent removed this afternoon. Thought since I was relatively  comfortable with it , that wud be the end of everythinng, relief! Well they neglected to memtion that 50% get severe pain after removal, well Im one of the 50%! Was like passing a kidney stone again. Read Naproxene Aleve can help, so called to make sure that was OK, it has, hope  the worst is over, Grrrrrr!

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Jackie; My appt on Wednesday is suppose to last for 2 hours!  I really don't know why I even need Radiation.  The path results showed negative nodes & clear margins!  I guess I'll find out on Wednesday. 

    camille; thanks for the reassurance; I made it throught the surgery so now I have to tell myself I can get through this as well. 

    Bonnets;  I'm sure you are relieved the stent is out!  Ouch! sorry you had to experience such pain.  Hope the Aleve is helping you feel more comfortable. 

    Take care,


  • stcharleschick
    stcharleschick Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone and Happy Earth Day!

    We were in Hermann Mo this weekend. It was fun checking out wineries.

    Camille, I am having regular rads.

    Linda, my appointment was no big deal. Some scans and tattoos and no pain. I wasn't sure for a while why I needed rads either,but my surgeon said it is a preventive measure. I don't know about you, but I am willing to do anything to increase chances for continued good health.

    Have a great evening, everyone.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Linda, microscopic cancer cells can 'get away' during your operations......and if one or more possibly did....they won't die  --- they will just find someplace to attach to and start growing quite gleefully.  It is a standard -- especially for lumpectomies, clear margins, clear nodes, as opposed to mastectomy.  You would not want to go through all that you have and then neglect a huge step to your TOTAL recovery. 

    Your diagnosis line indicates that your tumor was small, low grade and low stage.  So, just look on Rads as a further insurance policy.  Your surgeon only knows about your clean margins, and clean nodes because they were analyzed.  He didn't know by sight as he removed these small parts of you.  So, you would be horrified with such a great diagnosis if a stray cell ( easy enough to have happen ) got loose during the operation and that is what that radiation is find any thing that might have and zap it out of existence.

    Some day.....oh some day, more will be known and people with a mild diagnosis, caught early, may be able to skip something but we aren't there yet.  We just don't know enough yet. 

    I hope you will be just fine.....the rads, the five yr. pills  ---  all are meant to give you the highest chance of wiping this enemy right out of your life for good. 

    Peace and love,


  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Jackie; thank you for clarifying the radiation necessity.  You're so right; I would not have gone through all the tests & then surgery & recovery just to skip this treatment!  I certainly don't want any stray cells being "gleeful" & growing somewhere else!!

    Some day, sooner rather than later, we can hope that a cure will be found & the "emeny" will be gone for good!

    Chick; Glad to hear your appt went well.  Yes, now I understand that it is a preventive measure.  I just noticed that we were diagnosed 1 day apart.  I had my Needle Biopsy on the 18th & then the Radiologist called me the next evening w/ the dreaded news. 

    Have a good night all,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good morning Older ladies----

    Chick sounds like fun for the weekend for u.

    Bonnets sorry that had to hurt, but at least it's over--Kepp on taking u'r med until u feel better.

    Linda it'sll be over soon and really it's so simple--u'll see.

    Carole it's raining here BTW, but glad the weather is going u'r way for u'r golf outings. Oh I had some tests yesterday and go for a liver scan on Friday-nice and early I like that. They just like to have me around so I get tests alot LOL I'm still at the seeing my Onc, every 3 months stage--and now I need to see more Drs. for other things happening. Carole I don't like drs. anymore.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013

    Was awake til  after 4 this morning, with my "Labor pains". Wasn't able to take another Aleve (only 3 in 24 hrs and I too 2 the first dose cuz the pain was sooo bad! Finally pain decreased and got some sleep. Hope today is better!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    Bonnets, I hope today is better for you, too.  Seems like you should have a prescription pain killer.

    Healing thoughts sent to the ladies undergoing treatment.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    You cannot fail at being yourself.  A cat doesn't try to be a tiger, and you shouldn't try to be something you aren't. You are a process, not a product.  Your job is to discover what you are and create that creature.  You still won't be perfect, but success isn't about perfection--it is about authenticity.  You are a success if you are being your real, authentic self.

    Bernie Siegel

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    ((( bonnets ))))   Golly, this is a rough part isn't it???? Sure hope you will be able to get some improvement and be able to sleep very soon.  Thank goodness we are resilient, but I do know a huge part of that is being able to heal through sleep. 

    Overcast outside and I think just a matter of time till the rain starts.  Well, we always know this time of yr. the "good" weather usually has some that won't be near as pleasant right behind it. 

    Just have to handle it.  I hope you all have a gorgeous day.

    Peace and love,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2013

    Bonnets...I'm sending healing vibes your way.  I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with this pain and hope you are doing better today.

    Carole...Good luck in the golf tourny.  I usually don't play in them anymore.  I can't get over my "intimidation" factor.  I know it's in my head but I'll do scambles/best ball events, but not individual ones.  I tense up and my swing is completely different than usual.  I guess I try too hard so now I play mainly with friends or in the regular league events and mixed scrambles.  I really would just prefer to go out and play a round of golf with some good friends instead of dealing with the competition.  I do admire those that can compete without stress!  You go get them!  Also, I'd love to have the name of the book you're reading.  I also read EVERY night and sometimes find some time during the day.

    Chick...Isn't Hermann, MO a great river town?  I love seeing it up on the bluff when you come across the river.  My son went to college in Rolla, MO and so I went through there all the time when I went for Parent's Day, etc.  They have a fall German Fest and the town is crazy.  It's fantastic but you can't get a motel room anywhere near there.  They book them a year ahead.

    Yesterday I was supposed to meet my friend, Mary Jane for our monthly shopping day but there wasn't any way that we could connect.  She lives on the other side of the Illinois River and there were no bridges open to get across.  That area around Havana and Beardstown is really terrible.  Complete houses and businesses are under water.  Schools are closed and people are being evacuated.  People who drive into Peoria to work can not make it to work.  They will have lots of rebuilding to do when the waters recede.

    Linda, you'll do fine with the rads.  Everyone has explained it well to you.  It is the unknown that is always so scary to us.  Like Jackie said, the rads are the extra insurance that we need for those stray cells that might have dislodged during our surgeries. 

    Well, we're heading out tomorrow morning to visit my son, see a Scotty McCreery concert in Tunica, and check on my Dad.  I have some packing to do yet so I'd better get our clothes together.  It will be a short trip.

    Everyone have a great day!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013

    Nothing like good news! I thought things were better this morning, by 9AM back to extreme pain. Took Aleve, no luck. Called to see if I can take Oxycontin having taken the Aleve, Didn't was to . Drs office said OK, after an hour things calmed down. I asked how long this can last, welllll, it varies, cud be up to a week. I'll be crazy by then and/or addicted. At least when we are in labor we have the baby to look forward to! Sooo, that's my sad tale.

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited April 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Do you think there is any reason to get 2 opinions for radiation?  I have a consult appt. scheduled for my mom at a local hospital radiation department.  However, the RO department at Sloan-Kettering called to make an appt. today- said the surgeon put in a referral to call.   I guess she forgot that we talked about doing it locally.  The nearest Sloan site for radiation is over an hour away.  I recall asking the surgeon if it was better to go to a top-notch cancer hospital (like, Sloan) for radiation or if it wasn't as critical as, you know, the whole surgery process.  I thought she said a local place was likely basically equal in terms of skill/expertise. 

    The problem would be if Sloan suggested something different than the local place.  I can't imagine driving over an hour each way, every day.  But, maybe the local place would take their opinion into consideration.

    The only thing I am concerned about (this minute :)  ) is that I saw a pic of someone laying on the table for radiation, with their arm up and over their head.  My mom's arm doesn't do that. She doesn't have that range of motion even when it is passively moved.  Her therapist told me her arm won't do that.  My brother and I keep saying that she can't be the only person with more than one issue.  Hopefully, the local place can deal with her limitations.  The radiologists there use to work at a large Philadelphia hospital so maybe they have "seen it all." 

    Thanks and have a great evening!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    Regbeach, under the circumstances I would be inclined to go to the local radiology facility.  An hour each way for multiple days sounds like way too much driving for you and too much riding for your mother.

    Rita, the title of the book is WHEN MAIDENS MOURN and the author is C. S. Harris.  It's a Sebastian St. Cyr mystery set in Regency England.  I'm really enjoying it.

    I think my friend who is playing in this tournament with me gets uptight in competition like you do, Rita.  Today the 1st 9 holes was Best Net Ball with each of us playing our own ball.  The 2nd 9 holes was alternate shot.  We racked up some big scores!  Tomorrow will be a Scramble for 9 holes and combined scores for the other 9 holes.  This tournament uses kind of a Ryder Cup approach to the formats.  At least tomorrow we can enjoy lunch afterward.  I played a lot of tennis competition during my tennis playing days.  Most of the time I focus better in a tournament. 

    We have the A/C on.  It's low 80's outside and rather muggy.

    DH will be going to a woodworkers' guild meeting tonight so I will be home alone for a few hours.