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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • stcharleschick
    stcharleschick Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone,

    Day 1 of rads. Even though I knew there was no pain involved, I still kept waiting for something to hurt. Too weird.

    DH and I are going on one of our fly fishing trips this weekend. It is supposed to be cold but no rain....for a change.

    Hang in there everybody, we can do this!!!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    St. is odd isn't it !!!!  Even if you don't feel anything really faithful about using any creams or lotions that were recommended.  I forgot a couple of times strictly because there really wasn't any outward, feelable sign that anything was going on. 

    Glad things went well for you.  It gets boring for the most part. 

    Sometimes boring is really great.

    Peace and love,


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Chick, you beat me to it - Happy Earth Day from me too!  I hope you are doing OK with the rads routine.

    Rita, have a good trip & visit!

    Illinois contingent....send that sunshine east when you are done with it!!!
    We had drizzly rain and clouds today, and unseasonablly cool temps.
    DS told me that he was OK in the heart of Chicago, but that his colleagues who commute into the city couldn't get in due to road closures.  I hope it's drying out a bit.

    Linda, did your DS get a teaching job?  If yes, he is lucky... I have a lot of out-of-work teachers taking my courses so they can get secondary certification to have a better shot at a job. 

    About the rads - my BS told me that she would only do the lumpectomy if I agreed to rads.  I have a bad time staying still and I have to wiggle or I feel too confined.  So I took xanax before I left the house....then a half when I got to the cener...then when I went into the room and saw the machine, I popped another pill...I was loopy.  They let DH stay in the room.  It was easier than i thought.  very open.  I took the drug for the first 3 sessions then decided I could do it without.  I had my moments when I felt like I couldn't breath but I made up music and word games to get me through.  And, as i have said before, I wore my iPod the entire time and it was my lifeline.

    Camiile, you made me smile....I hope you are having a good week.

    Bonnets, I have been following your journey and I have never heard of this procedure.  I assume the stent was to allow any pieces to pass?  How do they determine it's OK to remove it?  I had 2 stones in 1980 and they both passed easily.  One felt like early labor but that was it.  I am so sorry to hear that you have residual pain.  Feel better soon!

    Carole, so glad the weather is cooperating - sounds like you are having fun with the tournament.  How is DH?  Is he feeling better? It sounds like he's keeping busy with thing he loves to do.

    Reg, I hope that wherever the rads happen, they will have an adaptation to accommodate your mom's limited range of movement.  It isn't easy to hang on even for a few minutes...but I am sure she's not the only one. I had rads face down and it was less stressful, but it really depends on the exact target site.

    Have a good up grading papers....semester over in 3 weeks. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Jackie I've always said be thankful when things are boring, that means nothing bad is happening---I told u I've said lots of things.

    Bonnet please don be afraid of geting addicted, when u'r in pain u have to take something that relieves it to break the cycle somewhat and keep taking them as prescribed, u will feel better--u'll know when the pain isn't as bad and u'll slowly stop them--so don't be concerned about addiction--- just feel better.

    Carole it sounds like u'r doing good, altho I really didn't understand 1 word u said but I still read it. Our weather, even by Jackie is rainy today and 40 degrees now--so that's the weather report coming from Illinois--kinda in the middle.LOL

    Chick see it's not so bad but like Jackie said keep the cream going even if u don't see anything.

    Reg personally I would go to the nearest place, they should completely know how to position u'r mom--It will be easier on all of u and rads are rads.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    Joan, thanks for inquiring about DH.  He went to the dr. today for a checkup and the infection is gone. 

    Chick, hope you enjoy your fishing trip.  Fly fishing looks like so much fun!  I always love to watch the fly fishermen.  Especially in Alaska when the brown bears would visit the river and the fishermen and the spectators would run for cover. 

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013

    Good morning,

    Today is startin out good, the sun is shining, though it was 29 when we got up, with frost. Supposed to get up to 72 today!Took the pain meds  once yesterday after the Aleve and things calmed down. This morning is pain free, hoping it stays that way.

    I too agree, I used to wonder at rads, "that's it? Weird don't feel anything." I didnt like the Aquaphor stuff they prescribed, used the Neosporin Eczema Cream and  an aloe lotion and did well til the boost when I got a little crispy!Our local radiologic oncologist is a wonderful down to earth man.DH had him for prostate ca. 12 years ago. First day I met with him he looked at DH and said"I remember you, I treated you! " Does a lot for his patients, we have a group he started lectures , dinners , races etc., very giving, plus good!

    Have our senior players today, don't know if Ill risk going. Have to see what eventualizes. Have a good day everyone. Jean

    Chick, we live near the fly fishing Capitol Livingston manor NY, never  fished though!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    You are a child of the universe, “fearfully and wonderfully made.” In the history of creation, there has never been anyone like you. Accept this reality about yourself—that you are a special, unique human being who has a place on this earth that no one else can fill. Acknowledge yourself as a glorious expression of your loving Creator. This healthy self-love will form the foundation of a joyful and satisfying life. Then, as you love and accept yourself, your inner light will shine outward to bless and heal your fellow human beings. Douglas Bloch

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013 good to hear that things might be easing for you.  That sounded so darn rough and rugged to have to go through. 

    It just poured and poured yesterday and all through the night.  They say sun this afternoon...hope the rain has totally stopped for now.  We are on the fairly cool side....could even see a snowflake they say but somehow I'm thinking....not here in our little pocket.

    Hoping all are going to get to enjoy some tolerable ( if not downright nice ) weather at least.  Our good stuff will be back.....but more rain will come.....this isn't the end of the Spring rains yet.

    Peace and love,


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    We've had 2 sunny days in a row! Our rain famously stops on July 5, which natives count as the beginning of summer.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    Day two of the member-member golf tournament was rained out.  We had the lunch, though. 

    Fortunately we didn't have some of the violent weather that other nearby areas experienced, with downed trees, etc.  Tomorrow is supposed to be lovely.  My mother and I are meeting two of her church friends for lunch.  She's really excited about it.  She did so much cooking during her life that eating out is luxurious.  Someone brings you the food and you don't have to clean up the dishes!

    Bonnets, here's hoping the pain is behind you and you can get back to enjoying retirement.

    Chevy, what is going on with you?  Any good meals at diners that you haven't told us about?  Wink

    And where is mommarch?  Inquiring minds want to know what's going on with all you ladies.

    Hope Rita is having a good trip.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Hi gals--

    Bonnets I'm glad u'r getting relief, wow having so much pain just exhausts u too. Hope it stays away.

    Carole sorry about u'r cancellation because of storms--what weather everyone is having--not so springy here. And I think Rita always makes trips fun, she just seems like that.

    And u'r right, all of a sudden someone disappears and u wonder how they are.

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Hi Everyone,  I had my appt today @ Pluta Cancer center.  Not at all what I expected.  I feel depressed & like crying.  First I met w/ the person who takes care of the billing/insurance, consent forms.  Then a nurse who went over my medical history.  Then the Radiologist came in & examined me for about 3 minutes; pusing on my neck, shoulders, & under my arms.  When she pushed under my left armpit, it HURT!  She seemed like she didn't know why; I said it was only three weeks today that I had the surgery.  So she says I'm not completely healed.  DUH!  I knew that!!!  Then I had to meet her in a conference room & she said I'll need radiation 5 days a wk/ for 33 visits.  But she said I can't start it until my Surgeon says I'm completely healed.  So, next week I have to have a CT Scan & also they made an appt for me to meet w/ the Medical Oncologist the following week.  I said why? I'm not doing chemo.  It's standard procedure she said.  Also, once you have a diagnoses of invasive breast cancer, you will need follow-up care for the rest of your life!  And have to have mammograms every 6mos for 2 years!  I thought the worst part was over(surgery) & I received the best possible results from the Path report!  Now I have all this shit to face! 

    I know; I'm being a big cry baby.  I guess today just overwhelmed me!  Sorry.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Linda....don't feel bad. This disease is the one that keeps on giving.  In that way it can be overwhelming.  My Dr.'s had me coming back every four months for over 4 years......each visit required a full blood panel first.  As well, I had to drive 75 miles to get there and home, through all sorts of winter weather, no matter the road conditions....and summer delays while the highways were being repaired. 

    It is a doubt about that but it is because of vigilance that we are saved.  It is in many ways because of what is not yet known.  There is such a lot of things known about cancer and its treatment, but the things that are not known are the things that keep you having to deal with it so much. 

    It's not like strep throat or pneumonia that has a beginning, middle and definite end.  We have one of "those" diseases that while we may end up NED ( no evidence of disease )  we will have to work with it for some time to get there and then be on our guard the rest of the time. 

    It should get a little easier when you have gotten a bit farther down the road.  You hopefully, like so many of us will reach a spot where you can more easily take things in stride.  I really disliked having to go for check-ups so often and in bad weather as well.  To tell you the truth....after all that time, I almost felt like I was being thrown to the wolves --- being put out on my own and told not to bother them so much anymore.  I felt protected when I was getting all that attention -- but you get a lot better, and you adjust to the routine, and then their is that part of you that is so thrilled that your life can continue at all and you feel almost as good as you always did. 

    And here's what is always says under every post I write *******

    Each day I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, dreams that turned into reality and likes that turned into love. ~~~Elizabeth Kuebler-Ross

    It takes some time to feel good about life again, to feel like you are back in the game so to speak, and that you are in control of something rather than its being in control of you.  It isn't a fun disease and it asks a lot of you, but you are rewarded by getting your life staying well and by WINNING over this rotten stuff. 

    Hang in there Linda.  We all cursed the darkness until we found our way out to the light again.  Sometimes I think our medical people could be a little more understanding and observant about how we are "taking" the news they are dishing out.  It sounds like so much to go through.....but it all goes towards doing as much as possible to help you return to a clean, happy, healthy state where you will have a strong chance of not being bothered by this ogre again.

    Much love and hugs to you.

    Sending lots of healing energies your way.

    Peace and love,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Conscience has nothing to do as law-giver or judge, but is a witness against me if I do wrong, and which approves if I do right.  To act against conscience is to act against reason and God’s law. Austin Phelps

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013

    hi Gang, hurray, no  pain, still blood in the urine, but told not to worry! That was 2 days of Hxxx!

    Linda, yes cancer is always looking over your shoulder, and will require follow-up. Part of the joy of growing old, Dr appts! I have been blessed with both medical onc, who also happens to be my primary before all this started, and radiologic onc, who are dear sweet people. All the rads crew were great too. Hope you slso find this to be true. Even my stogey surgeon laughed the day I had my smiley face stickers on my boob! Hang in there. Jean

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Jackie, I admire your courage!  How did you drive 75 miles, especially in the winter?  I know all to well that this disease is not like strep or a sinus infection that can be cured by taking antibiotics.  20+ years ago, my late husband was diagnosed w/ lung cancer.  He never even had a chance!  You're right, hopefully it will get easier for me once I accept that this is what I need to do to win this fight of my life.  I know that I have to adapt to a "cancer" routine for many months to come & then be on guard for the rest of my life. I agree w/ you; the medical professionals could be a little more compassionate; to them, this is their "job".  They are not the ones fighting this battle!  I think yesterday was just a crappy day for me; & I'm sure there will be many more days that I won't have the energy to deal w/ all of this.  Hopefully, there will be good days mixed in! 

    Love & hugs back to you.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Linda...a quick answer, just because I'm here.  I was fortunate that my hubby always went with me.  He wanted to make sure I DID everything I was supposed too.

    Then during the 7 weeks of radiation.....I went up and stayed in a motel during the week to have them and came home on the week-ends to catch up with housework, laundry...all the good stuff. 

    You do what you have to do.....but I admit, at first I was doing it more for others -- then I graduated to knowing I DEARLY loved life and needed and wanted to do it for me too.  After that, I never looked back.

    Peace and love,


  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Jean, Hope you are feeling better today!  I thought the joy of growing older was looking forward to the "Golden Years"  Ha!  They don't seem to golden to me right about now!  Hopefully once I start this process of radiation, I will be able to find some humor, like you did w/ the smiley stickers.  It was great that you had a nice team of Drs. that you really liked.  Maybe I'll discover the same thing once I start the radiation treatments! 

    Hope everyone is doing okay.  Take care,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    Bonnets, YAY on no pain! 

    Linda, one of these days you will be a cancer survivor pro, too, and will give advice and encouragement to "oldie newbies" just starting the journey.  It's all right to be angry, whiny, frightened.  Whatever emotion pops up is valid in the struggle to live.  Sometime I feel like my life has been a series of lessons in dealing with whatever comes next.

    On a less philosophical note, today was a nonstop day.  Exericise at the YMCA early this morning, lunch with my mother and two other ladies, then a dentist apptment this afternoon after I took my mother for her hair apptment.  Getting around is more and more difficult for her at age 90.

    Finally the dental lab came up with front teeth crowns that almost satisfied my dentist.  I think this was the 5th set of crowns.  He sent all the others back.  He gave me a little envelope when I was finished and said how much he appreciated my patience.  Inside the envelope was a $75 gift card for our favorite restaurant.  DH was excited when I told him.

    I stopped off at Books a Million on the way home and spent a gift card there.  Did I ever mention my cookbook addiction?  Yep, I bought another cookbook.  After a big lunch today, though, I won't be cooking tonight.  I'll make a salad for dh to eat with leftover beef stew that he cooked on Monday.  It's probably the best beef stew I've ever tasted. 

    Hi to everyone including the absentees!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    OMG...another cook book addict.  I have to admit though Carole, I got to the place where the kind I generally get now are the ones from schools, pta's, banks, or just about any other organization that makes extra money from selling cook-books. 

    They have all the best recipes....there was a time ( don't do it now ) that I was on E-bay where a guy had auctions.  He was able to get left-overs from books that had been made up etc.  Apparently some of the companies make a few extra --- now and then they are wanted I guess by those who discover sometime after a sale they wished they would have got one, or decide late to buy 5 or 6 because they realize what good gifts they would make.

    The one auction I lost out was the book I wanted most....the name on it was Hot Goosey Biscuits.  I'd venture to say that it might not have had anything much different than all of them ( although usually someone puts in a good one or two or three )  for the most part but I became so intrigued by the name.....I began to think it would be a treasure trove.  Of course, since I didn't win that auction....I'll never know. 

    Hate to admit....i had over 4,000 cook books at one time.....and most went to the auction house.  It was either that or rent a library.  Now I try hard not to "find" too many that I can't live without....though I generally carry one always to pass the time when I have to wait anywhere. 

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    OMG Jackie 4,000 cookbooks---priceless hahahaha

    Linda really and truly we all do act different thruout this whole mess and nothing is right or wrong so just say whatever u feel like cuz we do. I remember (oh yea) when I had my biopsy and my Dr. was putting needles all over the place and he said hold still this might hurt and it was right thru my nipple and wow it did and I said Well, Ive had better foreplay than this. So as he was laughing he told me to stop talking cuz this was serious business to him, And everything else I said was on that wave of a theme and one time he said stop it I'm right by u'r lung cuz I was laughing and so was he.  So all of us hve stories that u look back on and think Oh that wasn't so bad. I still see my Onc every 3 months along with other Drs. with tests and stuff and I still hate it. But it's not that bad I always have a story about each one. U'll see it does get better.

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited April 2013


    Your comment to Linda-- It takes some time to feel good about life again, to feel like you are back in the game so to speak, and that you are in control of something rather than its being in control of you.-- seems to apply to what I have gone through with my mother's stroke and caring for her, and then the seizures and then breast cancer.  I know there is so much more ahead, but since the lumpectomy and knowing her seizure med is at the therapeutic level, I am starting to feel like planning for me again.  You said in one sentence what I tried to explain to my boyfriend in 6 pages!

    I saw some guy on Dr. Oz who said he could tell alot about a person's health by looking at their face and (in essence) comparing it to a head of lettuce- shriveled or fresh.  Funny, I know.  There was more to it.  But honestly, since the lumpectomy, my mother's face looks like a fresh head of lettuce now. I really feel like her (internal) "energy" has changed as well as mine.

    Thanks for the reassurances.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh Reg that's wonderful and yes Jackie always has such interest posts to read. So levelheaded and u can tell she feels what she writes and I'm glad she did give u reassurance.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    4000 cookbooks!  Jackie, your addiction is/was MUCH worse than mine.  I buy the fundraiser cookbooks, too.

    Wishing everybody a good Friday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    So many brilliant and gifted people squander their gifts because they lack the humility of self-understanding. When we think we know it all, we miss the point. When we think we know everything about ourselves, we show our ignorance and our arrogance. The wonder of human beings is that we are constructed in such a way that we can spend our entire lives exploring our inner universe and its connection to the universe as a whole and still barely scratch the surface.    We are a wonder for us to behold. Anne Wilson Schaef

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Good morning....oh yes Carole.  My addiction was really bad.  I did win far too many of those ebay auctions for cookbooks.  Actually....I did not spend a lot of money, but I did find that after a while -- you lost track of just which book has the good recipes and even then --- eventually, nothing much is new. 

    Now I am more sensible and only take a book if I find it a REALLY bargain price -- or if it comes from a previous local fund-raising here.  There is one book from here I use all the time -- it is where my p-nut butter pie comes from along with the ever scrumptious grape salad.  If that Church published again I'd probably be first in line.

    Regbeach -- I am so glad you continue to read and can find something we say here useful.  I just write what is in me ( often falls out totally un-checked ) based on the feeling I get from what someone else has written. 

    I continue to feel that we are all in these things together and whatever can help anyone  is for the good.  I don't need praise ( though it is always nice to hear ) but really feel good if I have made things a bit easier for someone because someone was always there making it easier for me -- I think people for the most part that have gone through the "toughness" of cancer diagnosis want only to lighten the load of others. 

    Saying hi to all you wonderful gals ( where has Chevy been lately ) and hoping you have a really fantastic Friday.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Aww jackie so sweet but 4,000 cookbooks that has to be a record u beat my sister that's for sure.

    When I worked we'd have a cookbook from employees every year and it was a good one, but 1 yr. I decided to put a recipe in it never thinking it would make it cuz it was so stupid. And there it was when the cookbook came out with my name on it--OMG it shamed my whole family--everyone was putting in their best recipes and my last name was kind of well known in our area and of course we did laugh about it, but I remember my mom say I can't believe u did that. Yep mom I did.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    I just counted ours: 165. Now it doesn't seem so bad. I think it's too many because we both check the web for recipes, not usually cookbooks. After DH 5 way bypass, we bought a book of "heart healthy" recipes. One was for a peanut butter sandwich. I thought everyone who's allowed to use a knife (age 5 up) knew how to make that. My favorite recipe (for being ridiculous) is from a Russian cookbook of recipes that were made for the Czars. It's for a appetizer and begins with "Roast and bone a pheasant". Lost me right there.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Wren roast and bone a pheasant?? that would definetly loose me. I copy some easy recipes on FB for my dgtr--Like nothing more than 3 ingrediants or 4. Well my recipe was open up a can of peanuts and open up a bag of candy corn--mix together--appetizer--But peanut butter sandwich has me beat. LOL

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013

    I agree, Tired of cooking, make it easy! Used to love to bake, but DH can't eat  it with sugar and I shudn't  eat it. Tried Splenda recipes, came out yuk!