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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    Camille, I was going to ask for your recipe!  Glad you volunteered it.  Sounds pretty good to me, peanuts and candy corn.  I like both.

    Guess we're gonna have to dispatch somebody to Colorado to check on Chevy.  Hope she's having too much fun to check in. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Hi you guys!  I miss you all too!  I've just been doing a lot of nothin'...Ha!  I post on that STFU thread, and Im amazed  at the energy, these stage 4 gals have.... I know I can't help them, other than to try and make their day a little brighter....  I am just so thankful, that they want to keep on plugging along, even though their days are filled with pain, chemo and radiation!  Damn!   So I'm just silly with them, and try and make them laugh...

    Cook books!  You guys, I have soooo many cook-books also!  I even have my own binders that I have filled with recipes I have saved from when I took cooking in high-school.... My Grandma's recipes, and even her Mothers.  I of course have my Mom's recipes.  I used to buy cook-books like Jackie, when they were on sale!    I just don't know what to do with ALL the binder note-books filled with recipes.  I made both of my Daughter's cook-books, with our favorite recipes, but I don't do as much clipping as I used to!

    But, since the Internet, it is just so EASY to look something up on there!  Besided I just don't cook like I used to, and we only eat 1/2 as much, Ha!  So the things I fix are just what we like.... unless it's a Holiday, and then I cook Waaaay too much!  Ha!

    I'll have to catch up with you guys!  I've also been trying to get my gardens ready.  I have some cucumber seedlings, along with some special Heirloom tomato seeds I have saved!   I planted some lettuce packets, and they are coming up.  Sure hope the weather gives us a break from the snow and cold!  

    Okay, I'll get back with you gals tomorrow!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Well, it's Saturday already but I am still in carry-over from Friday...(simply put, I am up late)...
    I had a wonderful day in NYC today meeting 3 BCO sisters with whom I've been online friends....what a wonderful experience.  We were like old friends and talked continuously in between eating a great lunch followed by Junior's cheesecake. 

    Tomorrow I have to go order tile because suddenly our bathroom guy says he can start work after not calling us for 2 weeks.
    Then I have to get out in the back yard where we planted shrubs last week.  We had a guy put down seed and DH has been watering.  We've had gentle rain which is washouts.  I sprayed the flowering shrub leaves with deer repellant and I have not even seen the deer around all week.  Either the repellant is working or they are eating good in the neighborhood without my buffet.

    Linda, after BC surgery, there are so many emotional and physical ups and downs.  I see the surgeon annually, the MO every six months, and the RO in between the MO visits.  When they made my radiation plan, (same as yours) I was really overwhelmed...I took xanax for the first 4 visits...then realized it took under 10 minutes, so I didn't need it.  I had a 45 minute drive each way to rads; but it was only 15 minutes past my job; so the trip was broken up if I went from work.

    The appointments and plan you have are very typical...but yes, overwhelming all at once.  You do need an MO to monitor your bloodwork and to recommend and monitor A.I. drugs if warranted.  We can only handle one day at a time, so try not to look to far ahead. 

    Good night all,

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited April 2013

    You are up late Joan. Hope everyone has a good weekend. We had a mouse commit suicide in our dryer and it took two days to track him down and hopefully we will not have the terrible odor we had. Laughing

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    pt - sorry, I know it isn't funny, but you made me smile....that has to be the worst odor!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    Pt, a few years ago we came home from a short trip to find a mouse had drowned in one of our toilets.  How disgusting!  DH had to take care of it.  Now we try to remember to put the lids down when we go away.  When we leave for the summer, we seal the toilets with saran wrap to keep the water from evaporating.  Then we don't have to have someone come in and flush them periodically. 

    Chevy, glad you checked in to assure us that you're doing well.  I'm sure those BC sisters enjoy your sense of humor.

    Joan, hope your shrubs escape being a buffet!  I need to get out into the yard and do weeding and pruning.  So far I'm totally lacking in enthusiasm for those chores.

    I have something interesting to do today.  An historic home tour in the nearby small town of Covington.  First there will be an informative talk about the architecture of the various homes.  I've been admiring some of these old houses for many years.  It will be fun to get a look inside them.  I'm always thankful that somebody has the money and interest to maintain old homes.

    Hope everyone has a good Saturday.

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited April 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    The nurse called with mom's path report. Clear margins and nodes (3, I think but forgot to ask).  That was a relief but honestly I had stopped thinking about it...until the call.  They confirmed biopsy result of ER/PR negative.  Doctor said that with a larger sample, some positive cells might have been found but no such luck.  Also, HER neg. Grade 3.

    Surgeon never mentioned needing to get an MO til now.  Going to get an opinion on treatment from Sloan-Kettering and then likely find someone local.  The first surgeon we went to (the wishy washy one) said they would never put mom through chemo but I guess we will hear from the experts at Sloan and see if we have another decision to make.  Not looking forward to what he will tell me about triple negative.

    Trying to buy a mattress for the bed I've been sleeping in at Mom's.  My last two purchases were disasters.  First one, we woke up in the middle of the night with backaches and slept on couch.  Went to chiropractor the next day (which is not typical for me).  Complained that mattress was much harder than one in store.  Sent out a new one- it was the same. Eventually got a credit and a different type of mattress.  It seemed fine but just a couple years later, it slopes down, blah, blah.  Terrible.  I loved one at a Holiday Inn.  You can purchase it for $1600 for a full size!   If it was a queen, I would consider it since I could use it on our "regular bed" but a queen won't fit in my room at mom's.  I can't make the same mistake 3 times, right?!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    I wish you humor and a twinkle in the eye.
    I wish you glory and the strength to bear its burdens.
    I wish you sunshine on your path and storms to season your journey.
    I wish you peace--in the world in which you live and in the smallest corner
       of the heart where truth is kept.
    I wish you faith--to help define your living and your life.
    More I cannot wish you--except perhaps love--to make all the rest worthwhile.

    Robert A. Ward

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited April 2013

    regbeach, you might consider ordering or buying a foam mattress topper from Costco. We ordered ours from the website. Before I was complaining about constant backaches from our mattress. We have had the topper two years and so far no complaints. Alot cheaper than a new matress.Smile

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2013

    Beautiful few days in the mountains of NC...friends joined us, but not before I was able to work in my flowerbeds and enjoy all of the beauty that spring brings.  It was all I could do not to cut the georgeous red tulips for the table, but thought it better to let all the neighbors enjoy them as they walked by!  The guys went fishing and the gals went out to look at antiques.  When we returned there were two big trout that were caught.  They were a mess to clean but we brought them home with us and I will prepare them for dinner tonight...baked with lemon and butter...yum!!

    Next week I'll be going back to Florida for about ten days to share birthday greetings with DD and DGD's.  It will be fun!  BF will stay in Greenville this time around as I will be flying and he can't because of ear problems.

    Today it's cold and rainy...will it ever get warm in this part of the country!!  I'm actually looking forward to some hot weather in!

    Hope everyone is well and happy...sending all positive energy!

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Hope everyone is doing fine. I have not been on for a while. Workingat another to help out for a while. I get home a little later than usual but I like the center. The ladies are friendly and are of different ages. Also, went to a conference for work. Ladies from all over the US were there. It was a long weekend but very interesting.

    I am trying to catch up with everyone's news. Will write more later.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Termite it's nice to hear from u, u must be really working or u would post more--So it sounds like u'r doing great.

    Kaara love u'r happy posts--so glad for u.

    Jackie u'r the first one I thought about with this warm weather today and thought Oh I hope Jackie is enjoying this.

    CaroleI knew you would appreciate my "recipe" that was written in a book. So in a way I'm a published author, so from now on everyone has to treat me like one. LOL And Chevy is a hoot with so much energy God Bless her.

    I slept at my other DD house last night with my Grandson--we had a lot of fun my cousin came over and laughing alot and talking alot so I'm wrung out today--but I wanted to pop in to say hi---Hi---cuz us "older people" (Miss Chevy) have to stick together.

    BTW Jackie never ives me credit for me being an author --all those unknown sayings---Yep I said them first I just didn't know u were supposed to put a name on them then.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Everyone....didn't write anything today as I worked this morning.  I don't mind so much about that but when I have to do a early shift....I keep waking up all night that I don't over-sleep.  So, most of the day I'm a bit wring out and strung out from not sleeping like my usual......out like a light and almost no waking up.  When I go to the bathroom....I'm back asleep so quick I barely recall that I did it. might know -- it was warm today with rain.  Does not sound like we will have too many drastic swings now.  That is what I'm hoping any way.  I'm ready for....a nice rest of Spring and on into Summer. 

    Otherwise, I had a great day.

    See you all in the morning.

    Yes....I have messed up badly.  Camille gives me all those good things to say and silly me.....I put other people's names on them.  Your too funny Camille....but thanks for them all....they are wonderful.

    Peace and love,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely,
    or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they
    can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature,
    and God.  Because only then does one feel that
    all is as it should be and that God wishes to see
    people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.
    As long as this exists, and it certainly always
    will, I know that then there will always be comfort
    for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be.
    And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.

    Anne Frank

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Good morning.  A little cloudy here which I hope will clear up.  Probably won't do a lot today.  As I worked half day yesterday.  Nice to have a whole day off.  Of course, I will be off on Wednesday as well.  Was why it was nice to get the work on Saturday....I won't lose a day's pay when I'm off. 

    Going to Marion to pick up my hearing aids  I'm looking forward to it so much.  I think I've mentioned before that though people get really annoyed at having to repeat themselves so often to me.....a lot of the time they don't actually realize how annoying it is not to hear things you always did before.  I have learned to live with it, but the cumbersome "ringing" constantly in the ears is also something that I can forget for a while, but all of a sudden I'm hearing so well....what I don't like and wish I didn't have too.  Sigh !!! 

    When I start feeling that I recall how soon after the 'return' of my hair after chemo that I begin once again to have bad hair days......and wonder, how soon after those hearing aids might I start complaining about things.  Guess it really is all relative, huh !!!

    Well, I'm going to try not too....we will see how long I last.  It is somewhat our nature I think, to always feel some improvement could be made, and is what I'm sure has fostered some pretty great advances in life.  I don't think I could make any improvements much in hair and don't expect my hearing to be any I think I'll just try and enjoy the sounds of life once more.

    Hope you all have a fantastic Sunday.

    Peace and love,


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2013

    Woke up to another rainy day but it's a good day to just be lazy...almost noon and I'm not even out of my pj's yet!  Make a nice breakfast for us of biscuits, country ham and scrambled eggs (not exactly on my and that will take us to dinner.

    It's nice to look outside and see the raindrops falling on the lake...very peaceful!  On the other hand, I need to go food shopping and hate getting wet!  BF will be watching his beloved baseball team this afternoon, so I will find other things to do...probably getting organized for my trip back to Florida on Wednesday.

    Hope everyone is having a blissful Sunday!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013

    AAAAAH, catching up on reading posts and got a cramp in my foot! Better than  the last week was. Back to feeling like a human being!

    Been a mostly beautiful day here, low 70's. Has clouded up now though. Took the rest of the plastic DH insiste on putting up on the screened porch off Spring has come. Watch , now it will snow again. 

    Got a stress test on thursday and a Senior players production again on Tuesday.

    Jackie , I know what you mean about the ringing in your ears. My hearing is OK, but I have had tinnitus for about 20 years. Sure would love some real quiet. HAving to turn up the T.V. and listen over the buzz is soooo annoying. Both my daughters were deaf, possibly from Bendectin I took for morning sicknes, anyway I told one of them about the tinnitus and she said"oh Mom, that's awful!" and she was deaf! Tried everything, but nothing helps.

    Going out for supper. You're probably all cooking up something delicious for dinner! 

  • stcharleschick
    stcharleschick Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone, we are back from our fishing trip. It rained but we didn't care!

    Linda, I am sending you hugs ((( hugs))). It sounds like your physician is a little on the poopy attitude side. That happened to my father-in-law recently and he started seeing a different doc in the group. He really likes the new one. Physicians need to remember who is paying who for all of this fun! I can tell you that my doc is NOT the one who is paying co-pays or insurance premiums. Hang in there.

    Have a great week, everyone!


  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2013

    HI ladies,

    Camillegal,  I am feeling okay lately. Just tired after working more hours and then driving home a little farther than the center I usually work at. By the time we eat, clean up the kitchen and relax or do other household chores it is time for bed.

    Kaara, your post sounds so happy. Enjoy your trip to Florida

    A little rainy here today. Sun was out this afternoon but it looks like rain again tonight. At least it was not as bad as the rains last week. We had a little water in the basement from the sump pump burning out. Had to buy a new one, but not much damage to anything in the basement. A lot of roads were closed and my regular center was closed on thursday but I was at another center so I had to work.

    Heard from my son in Philadelphia this weekend, he and dil and family are trying to come home to visit in July for a week. It will be nice. We have not had all the boys and their families together for at least 3 years. Hopefully it will all work out for them.

    My oldest sister has stopped her radiation, she was not strong enough for it. They hope to try chemo in a week or so. She was just put back in the hospital for dehydration. Doctors said the three weeks of radiation did not shring the tumor too much. the were hoping for more. We will just have to pray that things will work out. It is hard to tell someone you know what they are going through and it will get better.

    On another note, I was a size 2 when I got married 41 years ago, When the boys were around the house all the time I could watch them eat and gain their weight. Trying to loose weigt but am happy if I do not gain another pound each week. Never ending battle!!!!

    Hope everyone has a great week with sunshine

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone,  I skimed through all the posts I had missed.  We left on April 5th, went to Dr. Apts in Odessa and then left for Iowa.  Stayed with my Mom for the first week of her radiation treatments to her stage 2 cancer on her bottom lip.  Talk to every day and she seems to be doing fairly well.  She will be done on May 7th.  We went from Iowa to Milton, FL to see daugher and hubby, we brought grandaughter home with us.  Since she is home schooled she can do her work wherever.  Just got our new internet service yesterday.  The plan had been to pick her up the middle of May but decided since we were out might as well do it now and not have to make a second trip.

    We traveled 3,500 miles.  Got to see an old friend we had not seen since 1988, in Beaumont, TX.  It was nice.  Hubbys shoulder is doing pretty good, back to the Dr. in Odessa on Thursday.  Hes been going to the broom shop, but can't do much for to long. Me just fat and sassy, taking major meds at night and am not in a fog all day.

    Well who ever might be dealing with an overbearing burden with this Cancer you are in my thoughts and prayers.  Anyone who is doing well a prayer of thanksgiving for you.

    Hugs and glad to be home.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Welcome home to you glad you are back safe and sound.  Soulds like you accomplished a lot and able to see a lot of people.  Hope your Mom continues to do well. 

    I did a bit of cooking today.  Fixed a huge amt. of ham salad for lunches this week.  Also some tuna-noodle casserole for supper tonight and potatoes with sour cream, and mixed veggie's. 

    Got the kitchen clean and dishes going in the dishwasher. 

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.  I'm thinking of you all and hoping you all stay well.

    Peace and love,


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Saying hi and can't believe it's gonna be back to work in a few hours....

    time goes too fast on the week ends.

    My yard is not looking so good this week...grass hasnt germinated yet; it's cold here...and my rhodedendron have curling leaves.  the garden center said that if they don't get enough water the leaves will curl and if they get too much water the leaves will curl.  So, what do i do now?  Dh waters and he doesn't have a clue as to whether he gave too much or too little.  Wait and see...I will be so humiliated if all my bushes die...sometimes i think I was better off with the jungle back there.  This is too much work!

    Carole, the deer spray seems to have sent them away ... almost sent me too, smell was awful for a few days.

    I'll check in when I can....
    Wishing you all a good Monday.
    Mommarch, good to hear from you finally...I hope things go as well as have had quite a year.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Mommarch  welcome back we missed u--sounds like a good time.

    I didn't realiz I skipped a day here so I admit I kind of skimmed first--I go back later--we had some rain in the morning but afternoon the lawnmowers were out and they put up the badminton set. All right we all know that birdy will never touch my hands, but I can watch when I have to.

    A semi-quiet day aeound here.

    Kaara I see u'r bright posts--so happy for u.

    OH jackie ham salad is so good aven't had that for a while.

    Termite u must be exhausted--when u work, come home do the extras and it's time for bed it's tiring for anyone--wow u'r really going stron. give u'rself some time tho still.

    OK I have to line up my TV shows hahaha and clean up my room--alot harder than u may think--I need another dresser in here and it would help alot so in the mean time I use whatever I can--and I just have an area rug but I vacuum with one of those light little vacuums, but the washer and dryer are right out my door so that helps me alot. So I'll catch up later--this is the time when I have energy (coffee, no doubt) so I do things early. And I take a pain pill right when I get up so things are a little settled for now. hahaha I have to plan these things.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    The surface of the ocean changes constantly. Now it is smooth and quiet.  Again it becomes violent and tempestuous.  But in its depths, down under the storms that whip the surface into a fury, there is a zone of eternal calm which no storm ever reaches, no hurricane ever ruffles.  The surface of life is also in a state of constant flux, with good days and bad, victory and defeat.  To maintain, as the ocean does, a deep inner calm, while the storms of misfortune, reverses, fears and worries lash at the surface of life, is to discover the secret of serenity. Wilferd A. Peterson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited April 2013

    Camille...even though I know you wrote the above quote...I went ahead and put Mr. Peterson's name on it.  That is something ( eternal calm ) I'm always striving for and I get there once in a while.  With the world the way it is, it is hard to stay there for verty long....but it does feel great

    Sunny this morning here ( oh thank goodness ) and will get rather warm....high 70's today.  It is the sun that thrills me.  I'm not a fan of those gray nearly misty days like we have been having. I'm sure that sun is going to thicken up those leaves on those trees and finish up making it hard to see any of  the few houses around us. 

    Regbeach...hope you have settled your mattress issues ( I use a foam topper as well ) and are starting to get some rest.  It is difficult.  Also used for awhile one of these thinner ( made to sleep on ) feather beds for a bit, but even though made for a regular bed....I was always fighting with the fact that it slipped here and there and flattened where I didn't want it flat so gave that one up.  Always felt fairly good, but just too darn much trouble to keep in place.....and of course, much harder to make the bed. 

    Chevy....saying hi to you and mommarch, Carole, St. Chick ( hoe you doing ? ) PT, Wren, Joan, termite, Kaara and anyone reading.

    Joan...landscaping is a real pickle isn't it ????  So much depends on the weather.  I'm wondering what we will see this yr. since we had that rotten drought last yr.  Looks like we will have our pine trees and some of the big pine bushes.  Thank goodness we didn't do the trimming last yr. they acutally needed but so far we have gotten so much rain already....we can do it this yr. 

    I hope you all have a fantastic day.

    See you later.

    Peace and love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2013

    Mommarch, that was quite a trip.  3500 miles.  Sounds like you enjoyed it.  

    Kaara, it's always good to read your upbeat posts.

    Camille, you were up at 5 am?  By now your cleaning should all be done.

    I have a whole list of drs. to call today, dermatologist, eye dr., primary care dr.  I just saw my dermatologist a couple of weeks ago and she burned off a couple of pre-cancer pink spots on my face.  But another one has appeared.  All that sunbathing in my youth is catching up with me. 

    Guess I'll go for a walk this morning and then decide what else to do around the house.  If the yard isn't too wet, I may get out there and do some pruning. 

    Have a good Monday!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, 

    Gloomy and drizzle here. Got  sr's, made a pineapple easy cake I got on the web as we have lunch today.

    Reg beach, we got a new mattress a couple of months ago. Spent 2 hrs with the woman at the mattress shop, but after sleeping on it decided to get a memory foam/cool gel topper too. Had memory foam topper on the old one. It really does make a difference!

    Not looking forward to Thurs. stress test.

    Carole, DH has a dermatologist appt tomorrow. I'm busy so can't go, hope he remembers to ask about a spot on his nose. I usually go, typical man, if I don't what did the dr. say?"nothing", did you ask him....."no". Since he had a melanoma removed last year about this time these are important appts! He has had a lot of the kind you had removed, but they goofed on the melanoma, til I was concerned and sent him to a different dr in the group.

    Trees are in bloom here, love this time of year. Have a good day.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2013

    Hello again,

    It has been a Monday.  Our little daschund rosie went out around 8:00 AM this morning and came back in all tore up.  Took her to the vet, they have to sedate her and staple

    up her wounds, said they would call me when she is ready to go. Rosie has lived here for

    7 years now and the last two years she had been attacked.  We have sesonal creek in back of our house.  I am wondering if we might have a badger hole.  

    Hope everyone's day is going good

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2013


    So sorry about your doggie. They are part of our family.Jean

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited April 2013

    momarch, could be raccoons also. They are pretty vicious. Hope Rosie is okay.