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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited May 2013

    Morning everyone.  I'm sitting here waiting for the rain to stop so I can go out and feed the dogs.  It is going to rain all week-end.  Good time to get things done inside.

    regbeach -- sorry about the delay on the rads.  I think you have a window of time on them so it shouldn't be a problem medically, but it would have been nice to have the onco test considered earlier.  I do recall the first Dr.'s were somewhat "puzzled" as to how things should be --  I think I used the term wishy-washy, but surprised it wasn't mentioned at all by anyone.  I really do feel waiting a little won't be a true disadvantage so hope you get good information and good news on this test. 

    Yes...having this disease  gives quite the social life -- never mind the rest of what you do.  So much so that once it is all scaled back you can actually get a little "nervous" about still being all right. 

    Bonnets....I think often and it is just my own opinion, cops and ex-cops as well often get 'breaks' because they have or are our so-called protectors.  It is not realistic to look at them as somehow being in-capable of being a rotten egg or no-good-nic or someone un-able to have the normal range of possibilities that we all have.  Thinking of a cop in this state by the last name of Peterson.  His third wife vanished and has never been found, and his second somehow drowned in a bath-tub of water.  The case of the second wife was re-opened when wife #3 disappeared because it was then realized that the shaky determination ( there were questions at the time )  of accidental drowning was likely wrong. 

    The interesting thing is how many females become enamored of these men even when they are accused and held for some of these things.  I know there are people who feel certain things will never happen to them, but I think the last person I'd want to spend any time around is someone who has had two wives that met bad ends -- questionable ones.  I think he did divorce the first one....lucky woman. 

    Hope you are not all having icky weather.  Hows that for a great word. Yeah...Ken. Derby. 

    Peace and love,


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    G' procrastinating cleaning the is a perfectly sunny and clear day here...leaves are popping and my grasslings are growing.  But, I head to the bowels of the house...

    Bonnets, that does shed light on this travesty.  I hope her visitation is intact...I think I would lose all faith in humankind if that had happened to me. Don't know what I'd do...

    Enjoy the day...

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2013

    Morning all:  I'm back in Florida for a short time visiting with kids (or trying to anyway) and getting my app'ts all, etc.  Also have to try and arrange for my lease car to be turned in down here rather than would be more convenient for me.  I'm using this time well to get back on my gluten free diet and detox my body.  I feel better!

    Good quote Jackie...yes...regardless of the face one shows to the world, it's the one they show at home that exposes their real character.  Made me think of my ex who everyone thought was wonderful, and so charming, but the kids and I walked on eggs around him.  So glad he's been out of my life for so long and I'm free to choose those who make my life more joyful!

    Regbeach:  You definitely want the onco score for your mother...mine was sent off after my surgery, but I had already met with the OC and determined that I wanted it done even though I wasn't going to opt for chemo.  It gives you a score that determines the percent of chance that the BC will return.  Anything over 18 or 20 I believe is a higher percentage of return, so worth doing.  It does take about two weeks to get the results.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Bonnets--Now my Dander is up. I don't know any of the real or whole story--And lets face it most cops are are the up and up00but for those with the great guy around the station but goes home to be an abuser the wife is so stuck. She can call the police but chances are not much hppened so u end up taking abuse and keeping u'r mouth shut. And after all he's going to talk locker room, how crazy his wife is and they are smart enough if they hurt thrie wife u'r nit going to see ny marks, and I'm sure she stopped caling the police. Of course I don't think that most women have the mind se to to take their own pics and keep  journa--it's so tramatic and if it's verbal abuse it's just as bad. And having an attorney worthy enough to really go for it is very expensive, Out of the cops soneone knows him and what he's cpable of doing, but that's like a cardinal sin among the cops to turn on ONE OF U'R OWN. Has he had other wives, girlfriends--This kind of case can be opened again--Is she tough enought to do her own investigtiona? I know it sounds insane but I did it for a friend and her and I would even follow himn nwith picture. But chances are she would be to scared and I don't blame her--I mysef lived this type of live so the fear u have inside u back down. I'm sorry another political issue that boils my blood, and I know some cops don't like him bbut they all hve to work together. Her attorney wasn't completely prepared. There is always an Achilles heal.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited May 2013

    Introspection enables one to be free from the influence of negativity.  Introspection means the desire to be good. Introspection brings the ability to look within and see the true self in the mirror of the heart, thus enabling one to activate the inner spirituality.  Then all effort made will be towards activating this inherent goodness.  And slowly one finds that the behaviour associated with negative traits are no more expressed, as they begin to lose their hold.  When I am able to introspect and look within, I can find the goodness that is there within me.  Because of this, I naturally am free from expectations from others that they should recognise my goodness or consider me good.  Instead I find myself content with what I am and continue to bring out the best from within me. I continue to learn from all situations and experience progress.

    Brahma Kumaris

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited May 2013

    Good morning on this rainy morning.  At least we knew it was going too, so though not much, I'm less bothered than I am normally.  I am and aways will be a sun/light person.  Too many gray days in a row ( hello...time to go away now ) and I'm moody and a bit un-predictable in how I see things.

    Speaking of re-reading some of the above posts and thinking about the little person inside that warns most of us not to do something and to not be surprised at the consequences if we ignore our inner feelings.....I was thinking about all the things policemen see including all the times they must deal with situations ( like bonnet speaks about ) that don't work out well  --- I can see where some could be a little often they are seeing mankind at the worst.  Day in and day out....but I also think there are some that just don't have that little thing that is so big called a conscience. 

    You wonder how they get into positions of authority over others, but I guess some always slip through.  I don't think you can lose your conscience -- you either have it or you don't. 

    Just some interesting thoughts here that were roaming around  in my head...hope I wasn't too boring.

    See you all later.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Jackie u r never boring--I like when u or anyone in fact just writes about something that gave them thought. Why not we talk about a lot of things and one of them can certainly be how or why we think the way we do.

    Sorry bout the weather for u--it;s not raining here just some clouds but can see blue skies smilin' at me, othing but blue skies do--nevermind I think u've heard that before.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited May 2013

    Jackie, I've often wondered if the same type people become fire fighters and police officers, then their contact with the public influences what they become. Even nice people don't like getting traffic tickets, nevermind actual criminals. And who isn't grateful to the fire fighters?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited May 2013

    Jackie, some good thought-provoking questions.  It could be difficult to keep your admiration of human nature when you come in contact with the worst behavior, as policemen do.  There's a lot of evil in this world.  A lot of laziness.  A lot of dishonesty.  But there's also a lot of good.  I can see where a policeman could become very cynical about people.  Still that's no excuse for a policeman to be inconsiderate of his wife.  Just my opinion.

    On a personal note, I had a wonderful weekend.  My sister Linda was in town.  Yesterday she and I took my mother along on a shopping tour.  We went to about 5 different stores.  It was a lot of transition to a wheelchair and back into the car for my mother, but easy to manage for my sister and me with two of us.  One of us pushed the wheel chair and the other pushed a little cart for purchases.  We also had lunch at a seafood place where we ordered a seafood platter (oysters, shrimp, and catfish) with three plates.  There was so much food that we took about half of it home in a go box.

    Today we had a gathering at my mother's house for noon dinner and that was pleasant, too.  All three  of my mother's daughters were there and one son and his wife.  

    Camille, I can't believe your weather was better than Jackie's weather!  This must be a record!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Hi all, on this quiet Sunday...
    Jackie, as much as I like the sunshine, we could use some rain here.  My plantings need constant minding...we never know if too much water or too little.  The guy who sold us our spruce and fir trees came by and called me saying we need to water much much more. I don't know when it will rain here, but a natural soaking seems to be better than our watering regime.

    Carole, what a nice way to spend the week end.  I am glad to hear that you spent time with your sister and that your mom was surrounded by her children.  It is nice that you make so much time to be with your mom. 

    Am under the weather here, after two days cleaning the basement...allergies are peaking...and have an early stage UTI...feel like I'm coming down with something.  I hope it doesn't take hold...
    Grading papers tonight and fighting the urge to just go to sleep.

    I picked out tile Thursday and picked it up yesterday.  The bath will be started this week.  I can't wait until it's done...then I have 2 more baths to update.  Amazing how quickly the costs can add up.

    This week end my grandson (who we raised) came home and we went to dinner to celebrate his 23rd BD.  It was nice...and he gave me a mother's day card with a special note. (smile)

    Have a good week ahead...

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited May 2013

    Sea Food sounds so good,  when we were in Pesacola DD and I went to Joe Patties seafood shop.  Wow, never been to anything that big. It was huge and you could get everything imangible.  We got Grouper, shrimp and clams.  It was delisious.

    We can not get any decent sea food out here.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    U gals are sure busy, but I have to say Carole's business sounded like the most fun with her sister and her mom (and her brother) I love to hear those thigs and Joan u'r grandson's BD great celebration. Makes me smile.

    See Carole I told u Jackie and I live in 2 different worlds in the same state.

    Joan I hope u'r feeling better by tomorrow-it's seis de Mayo, well tht'snot as exciting as today but it's still a date.

    Well Joey (My GS) has a broken bone somewhere in his ankle so he's all wrapped on crutches.Talk about drama, I wonder who he takes after (ahem)Wink OK I can't help it. Well he'll be homebound a little bit.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited May 2013

    We spend most of our time in a kind of horizontal thinking. We move along the surface of things going from one quick base to another, often with a frenzy that wears us out. We collect data, things, people, ideas, "profound experiences," never penetrating any of them. . . But there are other times. There are times when we stop.  We sit still.  We lose ourselves in a pile of leaves or its memory.  We listen and breezes from a whole other world begin to whisper.

    James Carroll

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited May 2013

    Good morning...a couple of showers this morning, but the weatherman says we could see some sun this afternoon.  Hopefully, we will.  I am quite tired of damp and gray and being wet every time I go out.  It is time to dry out a bit.

    Carole.....that did sound like a great deal of fun.  The lady I care for is in a wheel-chair most of the time and doing things by car is something of a hassle, but hair and nails need doing all the time.  The transport wheel chairs are really neat.....just fold so nicely and are not too heavy.  I think it is a little trickier for the gals who are shorter to pick them up and get them in the trunk. 

    I really miss my mom and dad.  You are making memories and those are going to be so wonderful down the road for you.  I haven't had a "good" cry for quite some time , but when something ( like your story ) reminds me of my folks I just think of how great they were and how thrilled I am that they were my parents.  I always see the joyful times we had together and while I soooo miss them at times I know they lived a full life and I am ok with things. 

    Joan...maybe your plantings won't NEED as much water when they are firmly established.  I do know the things ( spruce and pine ) evergreen types, have roots that are a bit shorter I think, but would need to send them as far down as you can.  I was surprised that we haven't seemed to lose any of ours ( long established, of course ) from that horrid drought last year.  Good thing we are reestablishing our water table and getting plenty of Spring rain.  Just need it to stop long enough for the farmers to be able to get into their fields now. 

    Hope you get over-taken by anything ( allergies or uti's ) as we have waited so long for the winter to be over and now its time to enjoy Spring renewal. 

    Yeah for your grandson.  You did a good job and he wants you to know it.  That is a most wonderful thing.  Happy Birthday to him. 

    A little hug for Rosie here ((( Rosie  )))).

    Hi to everyone else....

    Peace and love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited May 2013

    Camille, I'm sorry to hear about Joey's broken bone.  Does he know when he got the injury?  I'm sure he'll get lots of love and attention from grandma!

    Jackie is right about the trees and shrubs requiring less watering after they have established a good root system in the soil.  We planted young trees about 10 years ago.  They were in 15 gal. pots when we got them.  That first summer I was very careful to keep them watered during dry periods.  The best way to water is a very slow flow.  I would drag a hose and turn the flow to just more than a trickle and leave the hose there until the ground around the tree was soaked.  It required some moving the hose around from tree to tree.  Now we have a forest on the back side of our property. 

    I have to add that we don't pay for our water since we have two wells, one a very deep well that we had drilled to get good water that wouldn't turn everything yellow. 

    Up early today at 6:30 am to take my 2003 Toyota Camry to the dealer to have the brakes checked.  It has over 100,000 miles on it now and we plan to drive to the Atlanta area on Thurs. to my youngest brother's house.  His daughter is graduating from the U. of Ga where I got my MA degree way back in 1969.  It will be interesting to see the changes in Athens.

    After a trip to Walmart we splurged and had breakfast out.  I had some delicious grain/nut pancakes with warm syrup and a side of bacon.  I have been wanting those pancakes.

    Now I'll have to work off the calories with yard labor. 

    Hope everybody has a good day.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2013

    Morning everyone:  Just back from my eye injection which I think I will be having on a regular basis for the rest of my life:(  Other than feeling like I got shampoo in my left eye most of the day, I tolerate it pretty well.  Now I don't have to think about it for another month or so.

    Busy weekend...dinner with DD on Saturday nite, breakfast with DS #3 on Sunday morn, and a visit from DS#1 and DGD in the afternoon.  We went swimming and had so much fun.  She then ate three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and three little mini bowls of mandarin oranges!  I don't know how someone that tiny can eat that much!  She didn't want to leave, but at least she didn't throw a fit like the last!

    Jackie that was a great post about introspection...I never had it explained quite that way, and it makes a lot of sense.

    Carole I know you enjoyed having your sister spend time with you and your mother.  That is always fun.  Both my mother and sister are gone now, and I miss them, even though I didn't spent a lot of time with them after I grew up....sad.

    The rest of this week will be taken up with maintenance issues...sprinkler repairs, car inspection and so on.  Oh well...looking forward to our long vacation in June!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Kaara U sound busy and having fun. And June will be here before u now it.

    Carole I agree with Jackie I love when u spend time with u'r mom and u'r sister too---I think of my mom and dad too. I lived in a condo right upstairs from them and my oldest Dgtr down the hall fro me and we saw my mom and dad ALL the time and it was wonderful nd I miss that so much. Even when I was like 50 urs old if I had a cold my mom and dad (who was totally blind) would take care of me--I was so spoiled and my sister would come 2x a week and my brothers on the weekend so we saw alot of each other and loved every minute of it. So keep those stories coming.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Cami, thanks for your good wishes...I guess "el seis de mayo" es un buen dia....I am feeling better.  I took Cipro because i really felt awful last night...and today, feel better.  The drugs seem to mix with all the other stuff I take and made me totally spacey today at work. I hope your grandson heals old is Joey? 
    Jackie, thanks also for your encouragement and kind words.  My grandson is special to me...and the story of his birth a multitude of miracles.  I have always felt that love conquers fear and doubt and adversity.  But we have had plenty of that with my DD (his mom).  They have a good relationship, but clearly she does not want to have the role of being his mom and he accepts it graciously. 
    Up too late again...maybe I can join the breakfast club for a little while work when it's quiet.
    Hugs for all,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Joan I'm glad u got something to take and u'r on the mend---Do u work normal days--meaning normal hours in the daytime. cuz it sounds like u work a different shift. I hope u get plenty ofsleep.

    Oh my GS is (8)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning all----Just thought I'd pop in while I'm having my coffee, still not awake yet. The weather right now is blue skies and should be in the 60's today we'll see.Did sleep to well last nite so I'll be extra lazy today. Joey will still be home so we can do some talking too. Love it when he's home, hate it cuz he's got a broken something in his ankle.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2013

    Good morning, last day of lovely weather here. Of course we are going on a little road trip and it rains!The trees in bloom have been extra verdant this year. Love this time of year!Wow actually don't have any dr appts foe more than a month. Yay!Need some of you  gardeners here. All I seem to do is pull weeds. Gave up on veggies years ago, the woodchucks and deer always won!

    Cami, too bad he's home for that reason. My grands are so scattered, Maryland and Tx, only see them about once a year!Envy those of you who have family near.Joan hope you're feeling better. Everyone else have a good day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Hi gals!  Sorry, I'm so behind in posting, but I love reading about you guys! 

    Today I've been planting a few things in the outside planters....  and just arranging things, and trying to clean a lot of gardens up!  We have that new rod-iron fence, really ornate, that the neighbor had put in, and we then had it extended across the front of our walkway..... So they are out there spraying a clear-coat, like on cars on top of the washed-off rust!  It is beautiful! 

    We also put rock along our front parking, because we could NOT keep the lawn looking nice...  And we have only 2 days a week to water now, this year!  Frown  

    We can water our plants any day, but ONLY before 10 in the morning and after 6!  I was politely reminded of that by the "water cop."  Ha!  I had bought a new sprinkler, and came home and connected it to see how much it covered.... JUST as the water gal drove by.   It was the right DAY, but 1 in the afternoon....  If you get 2 more warnings, one becomes a $250 fine!  I think they are serious! 

    Other than that, we are good!  Supposed to rain for the next few days.... I hope so anyway... 

    I still post with some gals on the other thread...(STFU) thread.... and THERE, we are just mostly crazy!   But it's amazing to me, that SOME of the gals are stage 4...and come there to post, and we try and make them laugh, and just try and make their days a little easier..... 

    I've still been reading AND doing a lot of crochet....  I made up this "pattern" for little scarves, that look "twisted" and are really pretty!  I just crochet  a strip about 30" long, then double back with  3 chain stitches, and pick up each loop.  Then I just keep going around, and somehow the whole thing "twists".....   And if you can make sense of that, that's commendable, Ha!

    Cammi!  You are here too!  But you behave, it sounds like, like I do, Ha! 

    Talk to y'all later! xoxoxoxo

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    The RO corrected himself after talking to the MO.  The onco test is not needed for my mom since she is triple negative.  Honestly, I thought I read that somewhere but, you know, he is the doctor!  So, I think the MO appt. on Thursday will be a conversation about chemo risks and side effects.  I know there is a triple negative thread.  But, are any of you triple negative and did you have chemo in your later years or forego it?

    Got the new mattress today.  Tomorrow I will know if I have made 3 bad mattress purchases in a row or if I love it!   Trying to think of a Mother's Day gift.  Mom got alot of clothes for her birthday so will keep thinking.Looking forward to 75 and sunny on Friday...we'll see!

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2013

    Hi everyone,

    The weather here in Rochester has been amazing; it's 75 right now!    Finally got my snow tires off of my car; Yay!   Hopefully won't need them for at least 6 months.  (carole, I have a 2004 Honda Civic w/ 89,000 miles on it; great little car!) 

    Today I had a Dentist appt; routine cleaning & NO cavities!  This Friday I have 3 appts @ Pluta cancer center; one w/ the MO, whom I haven't met yet, then a CT scan & then w/ the RO.  They better tell me that I'm starting radiation next week; I'm tired of waiting:(  I just want to get going w/ this & be done by the end of June. 

    Haven't been on here much lately; feeling depressed & I miss my older son terribly.  Wish I could visit him but it will have to wait until I'm finished w/ the radiation.  I read some of the recent posts about missing our deceased loved ones.  It feels like the good ole days are long gone; time doesn't just zip by us, it evaporates! & it leaves you stranded in places you never thought you'd be! 

    Hope everyone has a nice evening,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited May 2013

    Jumping for joy is good exercise. - Author Unknown

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited May 2013

    Well, I haven't done that in a month of Sundays.  Hit the PREVIEW button before I submitted my post.  Use to mess me up so bad....but since it was only the "quote" it wasn't so bad.  Use to lose those ones that were ndearly a page long.....Grrrrrrr.

    regbeach ....  glad things were cleared up for you.  I think a lot of triple negs get Herceptin but I honestly don't know.  Then again, anything that might be done is matched up with so many factors, age, health, and all of that.  I believe those things I mentioned as well as the path report, and being triple neg. will have a lot to do with how things go.  I would listen carefully, ask a lot of questions and would also want percentages on anything you/Mom might be told would be aa good thing to do. 

    I hope the appt. goes well and that you feel comfortable with the exchange of information. 

    Linda....we are sort of good/known here for getting into a subject a bit.  Just glad we are normal and CAN miss loved ones so much.  Still, I do know where mine are and that I will see them again......just have it wait for a bit. 

    I hope you can hang on....get through those rads and have that little vacation with your son that is indicating so strongly to you.  Family is a wonderful thing....makes us whole most of the time.  I'm fortunate that my daughter and her dh came to live with us.  It has had some ups and downs....and things we have had and probably still are getting used too, but it is so wondrous to me.  Maybe because I didn't even see it as a possibility until a couple of months before they came. 

    Anyway.....I ran really late today as I had to go very early and get a blood test at the V.A. today in Mt. Vernon.....about 23 miles from where I live.  Next week have a PCP appt. so I can get all my prescriptions renewed for another year.  Sort of a pain....but that is how it works and though I can't see it, I'm sure it is a good thing or they wouldn't do it that way.

    I have my new hearing aids.....not sure if I mentioned it here or not and I can't tell you how incredible it actually is to hear clearly again.  I did not realize how bad my hearing had actually been.  I guess I though somehow magically I at least heard well part of the time.  AHEM !!!  I did I suppose...when I had the t.v. up high enough....or people were tired of my asking them to reapeat to talked louder. 

    It is a dream....have not had to do anything special, but just put them  in and wear them.  In fact, some things now sound 'odd' to me because I had not heard them clearly for such a long time.  Now, I can actually turn the t.v. down from time to time which is interesting when you have spent a long time turning it up.  How great to be annoyed. 

    Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful day. 

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning all-

    Linda Im sorry u'r feeling down, and I know being with u'r son would help, but it is also normal to have down times too, not fun just facts. I don't know what meds u'r on but u can always take something to help u==I'm the drug pusher and drug that helps just do it.

    And herceptin was a HER+ drug when it started, but who know now--ohh u'r Dr. would know--they keep on changing things ll the time.

    And Chevy I am very appropriate on here just like u--u act so proper HA I don't unless it's called for it. nOh I need my coffee NOW. So I will be forced to make it--my way.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited May 2013

    Unfortunately, all is not beauty and peace.  I don't believe I've ever met
    a person who hasn't been challenged or wounded by something.  Difficulties
    present choices:  we can either waste away from our wounds or use them
    to grow our souls.  My husband, for example, is a survivor of the Second
    World War.  As a child, he suffered through six years of bombings, near-
    escapes, and concentration camps.  Part of his soul work has been the
    gradual transformation of this deep well of grief and pain.  As he heals
    himself, he also participates in healing that terrible idea of war in others.
    I have always said that no one heals alone--we heal through and for one another.

    Joan Borysenko

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited May 2013 are right that T-negs usually are treated differently -- here is a little piece:

    Triple-negative breast cancer is typically treated with a combination of therapies such as surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Many women are worried when they find out that additional treatments such as hormonal therapy and Herceptin aren’t likely to treat triple-negative breast cancer. But new treatments are being studied, and there is encouraging news about chemotherapy for triple-negative breast cancer.

    Some research has shown that hormone-receptor-negative breast cancers — which triple-negative breast cancers are — actually respond better to chemotherapy than breast cancers that are hormone-receptor-positive. If you follow the treatment plan that makes the most sense for your specific situation, while doing your best to make healthy lifestyle choices such as eating a healthy low-fat diet, exercising regularly, and limiting alcohol, you’re doing everything you can to treat the cancer.

    You also may wonder whether you should have more aggressive treatment, such as mastectomy rather than lumpectomy, or more chemotherapy treatments or higher doses of chemotherapy. It’s logical to assume that, since triple-negative breast cancer tends to be more aggressive, it should get more aggressive treatment. At this time, however, there is no standard recommendation that people with triple-negative breast cancer should have more treatment.

    In a lot of cases....the chemo when used ( along with others txs. ) does help.  They have also found that many T-negs do quite well when the chemo ( which-ever may be used ) is administered first.  That is neo-adjuvant therapy and many women, but not all, actually go  NED before they have their operations. 

    These people are the ones who will not benefit from the AL's which is specific to hormones and the blocking of them. 

    It is beautiful here and will be through the day, but rain tonight or tomorrow...Thurs. and Fri. due to be rainy and then  back to sunshine.  Will be nice and warm here as well. 

    For the most part....all our trees and shrubs are filled in now and we can no longer see the neighbors, or very little and only if we are in certain parts of our yard.  This is the time of year I dearly love....everything is the Spring green color just looking so healthy and vibrant.  All the moisture doesn't hurt a thing of course.  I do wonder what June and the rest of summer will be like and am sure hoping we don't have a super, super hot one. 

    Hope you all have a really fantastic day.

    Love and peace


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited May 2013

    Morning ladies:  Another beautiful day in S. Florida!  I've been running like crazy since arriving but getting most of what I had to do done!  The only annoyance is trying to get a clause changed in my will and trust having to do with who will make medical decisions for me should I not be able to do so, and another small change.  It's changing two paragraphs in the trust that can be done by computer...really!  The greedy attorneys wanted $750 when originally they said they would do it for nothing...beware of anything offered for free....I've been waiting for two months and still I don't have the documents:(  It looks like I'm not going to get them now at any cost, so I have to find someone else to do the work...such aggravation....if only people could treat others as they would like to be treated.

    Today I'm waiting for sprinkler repair, and then off to have lunch with my DD and DGS, two days in a row, a!  It's nice to spend time with them.  My other little 3 year old DGD came through her tooth extractions with flying colors, and ended up with a new rabbit as a reward for being so brave.  My only fear now is for the rabbit!

    Hope everyone has a great day!