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  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Linda, that's not so long ago...a memory is an honor to the one who is lost.
    Thinking of you...
    Jackie, Love your quote about why we are here, and may pass it on.  I have had many "aha" moments in my life; and many of those coincidences where I'm put someplace for a reason.  But I guess we don't get to see the big picture while we're in it... It certainly is a thought to ponder.

    Good luck, Jackie, with the end of your will know when you find the right thing to fill the time.

    Carole, enjoy your quiet days.  I hope you have good weather and great adventures.

    I have  many things on my plate today and am procrastinating...but I am still getting used to being out of my work schedule.  I joined a gym but lost my "routine" over the week end.  I have been in the car-buying process and have had challenges with dealers.  I have a car in my driveway but no title yet...something strange.  More stress today...when I went there yesterday they said their computers were down.  I have a pleasant group therapy weekly with some new ladies who I really like...something I need is more contact with people with grown children.
    I need a walk on the beach...then have to go to work by 4 PM.
    Thinking of everyone here, and hoping you will enjoy this day made just for you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited June 2013

    Let us be grateful to people who make us happy: they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

    ~Marcel Proust

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2013

    Has everyones format changed, Squeezed from top to bottom,but wider and background no longer alternating white and beige? 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited June 2013

    Yes, we're being treated to the awkward format.

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited June 2013


    Hard to believe it is almost the end of June.  Mom was scheduled to end rads on July 3 but now we are going into the next week with the holiday.  We skipped two days (not consecutive) because she vomited in physical therapy.  I still don't know why.  Both times it was after about 15 minutes of doing something fairly difficult for her. I called the cardiologist but he hasn't called back.  Per the internet, there are lots of possibilities- dehydration, not eating enough before exercise, holding your breath, drop in blood sugar, spike in BP or HR.  It was been in the 90s this week but it wasn't THAT hot last week when it happened the first time.  That day she only had yogurt for breakfast though- I had to rush her.  The second time she had yogurt and cereal and banana.  She is fine afterwards.  Didn't want to eat rest of day the first time, but yesterday had 2 pcs. of pizza several hours later.  Therapy wasn't as strenuous today and she was fine.  She used to eat big breakfast but has been anti-eggs the last couple months.

    7 more treatments to go. Some redness in the crease but dr. said it looks good.  He wouldn't have seen that if I didn't ask him to look there.  I am convinced the only reason he backed her up into the changing room to have a look is so he can charge us for an office visit!  The first time the nurse looked at her skin (in the changing room) he snuck in, touched both breasts and no one even looked under her arm or in the crease!

    Mom had a seizure last week.  First time I was alone with her when one happened.  I couldn't sleep and was laying in bed when I heard her say something through the monitor.  I thought she was dreaming. Then, I heard a constant breathing that sounded unusual.  After a moment, I went upstairs and saw the seizure.  It feels like an eternity waiting for it to end- hoping that it ends quickly and that not calling 911 (per drs. instructions) was indeed the right decision.  I crawled into bed with her but needless to say didn't sleep.  In a couple hrs, it was her normal waking time and she was ready to get up and on with the day.  It took 3 phone calls to the neuro and 1 week before the message back was "make an appt!"  We are headed there tmrw. He is going to put her on a new extended release version of her med to keep the level more constant.  It's expensive and no prescription plan but I will enroll her in Part D for next year.  Was keystrokes away from doing it last year but brother convinced me not to worry about it.

    I can't tell if rads are giving her fatigue. Even before, sometimes she would take a short nap if unstimulated, or back from a busy day or therapy. 

    Stay cool everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited June 2013

    Hi regbeach....seems some of your trials continue.  Sorry to hear about the seizures.  I think they are somewhat scary to watch.  You want to do something, but there is nothing that can be done. 

    Just off the top of my head.....the extended release pill may work out well.  I do know that in many instances there is a level of sensitivity that if not covered will easily accomodate minimal levels of medication.  I would welcome that change. 

    If you can't tell if the rads are casing fatigue my general guess would be that they are not....or she is doing just enough to see it greatly minimized.  The couple of times that it happened to me ( not to make it scary at all ) I could barely get one foot in front of the other and I really had to get prone and sleep for a while.  I have never experienced that LEVEL of tiredness matter what I've done.  It was all isolated to and a part of the rads therapy.  Still, I would not feel too much concern.....the one thing about any of this is that no two people ever seem to come lup with the same exact reactions.  I had a girl-friend ( though it was rads for ovarian cancer ) who slept for hours each day and someone had to make sure and GET her up so she did not miss her appts. 

    Most of the time I did fine.  Some people jog a little, go back to work at their out a little at the gym.  So, hopefully, your mom is able to get through without much fatigue at all. 

    The humidity is horrendous here the past couple of days.  Sure be glad when it backs off.

    Peace and love


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Rge I'm so sorry this has been so hard on u and u'r Mom. I do know for the most part rads make u very fatigued for most so it could be wor se for--I also know on occasion seizures can happen, but don't know why--it's not real common. Hopefully this will be done soon so u can rest.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited June 2013

    Invest in the “process” rather than the product.  Process living neutralizes the depleting and impoverishing effects of chronically living in anticipation.  Even when impossible goals occasionally are reached, satisfactions derived from them are invariably disappointing unless the process has given ample satisfaction along the way.

    Theodore Rubin

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited June 2013

    We woke up to delightful temperature and low humidity this morning.  Turned off the a/c and opened windows in the 5th wheel camper.  Almost needed a long sleeve when we were sitting out and drinking coffee.  It's supposed to be nice weather like this through the weekend.

    DH and I played golf at a nearby course that is very pretty.  Then we came back to the rv park for lunch and are relaxing.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited June 2013

    Hi always let Dh go away and evverything just has to happen.  He left yesterday....and so went to feed the feral did not want to start when I left the first area.  Same thing ( had to hit the starter twice ) at the second aread.  Went on to work.....and when I left that late afternoon.....had to hit the starter twice again.  I drove over where Dh had left his truck parked at his brother's house ( they drove together )  pulled my car up out and took all my cats supplies -- tossed them in the front seat....locked my car and came home. 

    I'm not overly fond of driving the is very touchy so the tires squeal easy....and it seems like you nearly have to stand on the brakes to get the power level down to stop.  I just don't like it, but no choice.

    Came home this afternoon with a  7 pound bag of treat bones for our little dogs....of course, the bag had to break on me in the drive-way.  Don't know why all these things have to happen when I'm alone.  Grrrr.  I got most of them up but the two little dogs that were out had a field day.  I won't have to feed them tonight anyway. 

    Stayed over at work for a half hour, but that was ok.  I will go on Monday and help out for a couple of hours, but last day is tomorrow.  Hard to believe....had no idea when I started this job that it would end up being almost two full years.  Thinking of retirement.  I've worked so long that I'm not sure I'd know how to retire.....well, I have decided to try a life of leisure for a while. 

    Carole....would love to have some of your temps.  It is hot and humid here....we did have an ok breeze going for us this afternoon....but it was mainly luck. Doing anything meant a lot of sweat plain and simple. goes on.  Talk to ya'll later.

    Peace and love


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2013

    I worked for years , 22 in the last job . Try retirement, love it!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2013

    Hi All,

    Got home last night from our trip to Bryan- College Station.  DH had diareha when we

    left on Sunday, got him som immodium, helped some, but then by Sunday and Monday it was worse and nothing worked took him to the ER on Tues. morning.  Gastritis, we had a lot of MX food last week think it did him in.  Glad it was not a virus, the whole fam damily would have had it.  Childrens theatre last Sat. night was great, GS got the main part and he did great.  GD did a good job also.  She has been doing it since she was 4.

    Trying to get enough brooms and walking sticks made up for the July 4th blow out here, should be a good week.

    Hope all is well with each of you.


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Bonnets, along with the strange format, I did not see your post about your sister-in-law until today.  I think it may have popped in there after I was last on...

    I am so sorry to hear the outcome of the unexpected sudden illness.  It must be very difficult for your brother and son who lives home to bear this loss.  I can't imagine what the family is going through....I am sad that you are going through this very difficult time. Hugs and prayers for you and the family.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Mommarch, so glad you got to enjoy the theater.  It sounds like your Gs and Gd gave a wonderful performance.  I hope DH is feeling better.

    Jackie, what a dare DH rig up all those disasters just to keep you on your toes!!  I am glad you were so resourceful in all situations.  Enjoy your last official day of work...I know you will fill the time with things you like to do.

    The humidity arrived here, and we had thunderstorms but not enough rain.  There are more storms on the way.  I walked along the beach today in a foggy cloud -- couldn't see anything except what was right in front of me.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited June 2013

    Our lives are full of separations that shake us up, force us to attend
    to our emotional selves and to learn new ways of being in the world.
    Although many of our losses are painful, they encourage our gains.
    The lesson life is trying to teach us is that, regardless of the challenges
    and changes in the physical world, we will abide in peace by aligning
    ourselves with our inner changelessness.  The power of God in us
    is more than equal to any moment—no matter what it brings.
    We live in a loving, supportive universe that is always saying yes to us.

    Susan L. Taylor

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited June 2013

    Ah....our humidity is definitely letting up so the next few days should be good and cooler as well.  Still summer ( somewhat hotter ) temps. but ok for the most part.  More rain is coming.....they say scattered showers --  so not the major pour-downs we have had. 

    I am looking forward to some time off.  I have worked pretty much except for very short periods most of my life now and pretty much straight for the last 14 years.  For several of those was 365 days a is time to take a breather.  There are always things that need doing around the I won't get bored or at a loss for a project. 

    Looking forward to the no humidity days....hope they last a while.  I can do heat all right...but the humidity just slows me down drastically.  I also don't like the at least four showers days.  Too much for me.

    mommarch....glad Dh is going to be fine....that is no fun at our age. 

    Joan...sorry to hear you are getting "our" worst weather now.  Hope it doesn't hang on to long.  I always think others don't get that awful can tell how bad I dislike it. 

    It is amusing that so many things seem to happen just as Dh leaves......the same things happen when he is here by the way......but we get to share more of them. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic Friday.

    Peace and love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited June 2013

    Joan, how wonderful to be able to walk on the ocean.  For some people that's a treat they plan for in their vacations. 

    Bonnets, thinking of your family.

    Mommarch, I can imagine how much you enjoyed seeing your GS and GD in the children's theatre.  Glad your dh is on the mend.  I envy you that good TexMex food.  But am glad it wasn't readily available for me because the temptation would have been too much to resist.

    Jackie, I am so happy that you can get some rest from working.  Ditto to Bonnets' advice.  Try retirement and see if you like it.  Money isn't everything. 

    I know Camille will get a kick out of this.  We're sitting INSIDE this morning drinking our coffee because the wind is so chilly!  LOL.  It's actually too windy for biking so I'll go for a walk to get some exercise.  Afterwards we may cook a big breakfast.  Big means bacon and eggs! 

    I weighed this morning and have dropped a couple of the extra lbs I put on when we were eating all those good meals that were part of the golf tourn. last weekend.  My goal is NOT to gain weight this summer. 

    The plan just got changed for morning walk.  We'll drive to town and walk on the lake.  AND probably eat breakfast at the Downtown Cafe.

    Hope to check in later.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Carole u love how I wait for u'r forecasts--It's actually beautiful this morning humiday way down and sun shining, I did my walk eary and excercise, cuz this afternoon we're supposed to get rain. But I do see Jackie has had a rough time since her DH eft for a few days, so I'm sure the weather wil be perfect down her way. Oh u sound like u'r trip is wonderful.

    Mommarch I'm glad u enjoyed u'r Gs and Gd in their performance that's always fun to watch and be with them.

    Bonnets I worked since I was 16 and a couple of yrs here and there I didn't but I retired from the government after 20 yrs and happy to do that. And it's wonderful but I'm happy doing no hobbies or being active in stuff, it's probably not good for someone who likes a lot of activities to do.

    Jackie  u'r haing a goofy time without u'r DH, not having one for over 20 yrs u get used to taking care of things, but mayb that's why I like retirement.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited June 2013

    Well, we had a nice walk on the path that runs along Big Detroit Lake.  Then we had a tasty breakfast and I got the name wrong.  It's Mainstreet Cafe.  I had a breakfast sandwich which is one of my favorite breakfasts.  DH just can't pass up those hashbrown potatoes. 

    Then we did some shopping at Walmart and are back at the rv park.  Wimbledon tennis is on and later this afternoon the women's US Open golf. 

    Chevy, have you been enjoying the Nascar races?  Your garden must be thriving by now.  If the chickens didn't escape their pen and come scratch in your flowerbeds!  LOL!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Caroe just had a happy dance for u..having a good time.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Jackie, your quote about change in our lives is perfect for me right now.  DD (NJ) gave notice at her job and the family will be moving (MA) before the end of summer.  I have to remember to focus on the unchangeble gifts we have within. 

    Carole, it sounds like you had a great morning with your walk and breakfast.  The Ladies Open is happening about 20 minutes from here, and is bringing a bit of traffic and crowds.  I will watch from home...hard to believe that Saturday they will finish Friday's suspended round and start again right after-- as if being in the Open isn't stressful enough!
    The fog has been pretty bad near the coast.  The coastline was only visible for about 100 ft. or less.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited June 2013

    There is no physician like cheerful thought for dissipating the ills of the body;
    there is no comforter to compare with good will for dispersing the shadows
    of grief and sorrow.  To live continually in thoughts of ill will, cynicism, suspicion,
    and envy, is to be confined in a self-made prison hole.  But to think well of all,
    to be cheerful with all, to patiently learn to find the good in all—such unselfish
    thoughts are the very portals of happiness; and to dwell day by day in thoughts
    of peace toward every creature will bring abounding peace to their possessor.

    James Allen

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited June 2013

    Joan, that golf course the ladies are playing looks VERY difficult.  It reminds me of the links courses in Scotland and England.  The players can hit what looks like a good shot and not be rewarded.

    I hope your daughter's move works out for her. 

    Camille, thanks for the dance! 

    We went to the farmer's market this morning and bought a beautiful loaf of bread, asparagus, radishes, and new potatoes.  Also frozen lamb chops from a farm that raises the animals.  The chops are thawing out and we'll have them for dinner with some of the new potatoes and a salad. 

    Back at the rv park, we climbed on our bikes and went for a ride around Big Detroit Lake, about 12 mi.  I didn't intend to do the whole circuit but we got about halfway so turning around wouldn't have been any shorter.  Hope I don't find myself leaping out of bed with leg cramps tonight! 

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Carole, you've had another nice morning!  I am ready for a road trip with no schedule...
    You made me wonder if our farmer's market opened yet...I usually think of it when I'm checking out at the grocery store Cool
    You are right about the golf course...The match is finally back on TV here--switching off with tennis. 

    I did not sleep much after a few hours' nap last night...too much on my mind, I guess.  I did not take any sleepy meds because I had to get up at 7.  I took a photography class this morning, which was quite basic; but I learned a lot about my camera. 

    Enjoy the day, and I hope for those in the west and midwest, that the heat is not as bad today.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited June 2013

    Joan, you must live in the Hamptons since that golf course is in the Hamptons.  It costs $65,000 to join that golf club.  But when you cancel the membership, you get the money back.  That's what I heard on tv.  Too pricey for me.  WAY too pricey! 

    I had to turn on the a/c this afternoon because it was 83 degrees in the rv and 76 degrees outside.  Once the sun goes down, we'll open up again. 

    Sure enough, this afternoon I got a cramp in my left leg.  Took a couple of potassium pills and drank a large bottle of Smart Water which has electrolytes.  My father was prone to muscle cramping and I am, too.  I probably won't have any problem falling asleep tonight.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    Carole, so sorry about your leg cramps.  I hope your remedy works....sounds like it has in the past.
    Wow,  I had no idea Sebonac costs that much...I heard (rumor?) the CC in Westhampton Beach was $100K ... but the only time I was there was for my daughter's Sweet 16. My son caddied there all through HS and college...he could make $300 for 2 bags for one round.  

    When we play, I prefer the 9 hole par 3 on the north fork...I think it's still $10.  DH goes with friends to Calverton Links for his's reasonable and  well kept, but not scenic. 
    My brother lives in Dayton and retired at 51 - has played golf every day weather permitting since then (20 years now).  He got out of the NY ratrace for sure!

    Speaking of golf, have you planned some golf for the rest of the trip?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited June 2013

    Do not rail against life. [Do not complain about life.]
    Make positive contributions where you can.
    Practice gracious acceptance elsewhere.
    And express daily gratitude for all of life.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2013

    Happy Sunday everyone!

    Reg:  So sorry to hear about your mother's seizures...they are very scary indeed.  My little DGGD has them from high fevers and I pray she doesn't have one when I am looking after her as I think I would freak.  Four kids and never once did they have anything like that.

    Jackie:  Why do our challenges come in pairs...I just hate it when I have days like that, but at least we get them over with all at!

    Carole:  Sounds like you are enjoying your vacation as always.  Have fun!  Mine is but a distant memory, but it was so much fun and we have lots of photos to remember it.

    Had a large group of friends over for a low country shrimp boil last night.  Weather was perfect and everyone had a great time.  These are my BF's friends that he grew up with, and they had so many good stories to share.  I had fun listening to them!

    Next week is my dreaded eye injection..ugh!  I'm overdue this time due to my vacation, so hope nothing went wrong in the interim.  It's pretty routine by now, but I still dread the thought of it each time.  It sure beats the alternative of blindness!

    A little cooler here today so I am going to enjoy the outdoors some.  Have a great day everyone!

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited June 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Last night, my mom and I went to her two granddaughters' dance recital.  There were over 50 songs so it didn't end til after 10.  One of my niece's was in 1 song and the other in 2. Mom really enjoyed it. During the Can-Can number, the 11 yr. old was in, mom waved her hand and was saying "Yeah, yeah."  Brings another tear to my eye to type it.

    By the time, we got home and she got in bed it was almost midnight. She slept way past her normal time, til 11.  Once I got her dressed and she brushed her teeth, she had another seizure. This is the first time they have happened so close together. She started the extended release med 2 nights ago. I called the dr. on call- he said it is probably over-fatigue from being out late and possibly radiation and not from the med. change. 

    On top of all that, my boyfriend (domestic partner of 17 yrs) who recently told me that he didn't want to move from our rental in CT to NJ where I am with mom, has not called me all week.  A few months ago, we were talking about buying a house with extra room for mom.  I should've seen it coming. I was so consumed by taking care and worrying about mom, and being her advocate, etc.  I knew I wasn't taking time for myself and for him but as it was happening, I couldn't.  I was just so scared about mom.  I tried to explain that to him.  After the stroke, his mantra was 'we will figure it out' and he wanted me to come up with a plan (like, aides, etc). I told him that at the time I just didn't even know what to write as a plan.  Once things got settled and I was able to think of a future, a plan...well, I guess I exceeded the time limit of his patience.  He travels so much for work so we have hardly seen each other.  He is in CT working on his car and I still don't know if and when he is coming here this week.  Because of that, I lose my patience faster with mom plus I haven't been sleeping very well.  I don't understand how he can think that after the strain of everything with mom, his new job, all the travel and us hardly seeing other...well, that any relationship would be unaffected and not need some TLC.

    Sorry if I told you most of that before.  It is just so frustrating for someone to not answer the phone, to text they will call later and then don't, to go to a house full of our stuff in CT instead of coming here when he knows I didn't make plans to be able to leave mom.

    Sorry, I seem to never have some light-hearted thing to contribute to your friendly banter...I just feel helpless today.