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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    So late with the quote today. Been a long day but I feel rather well. Went for a walk after work and a late lunch with Dh. We have a park here that is mainly for picnic type activities. There is a pond for fishing and some trails through the woods. Dh and I did not use the trails. We stayed on the road through the park, it is a bit hilly and we walked a good deal of it.

    Cam....I'm so glad your back. You sound like your over the hump for the most part. Glad for you, but also glad for me because I missed you.

    Di....fatigue is not a nice thing. I hope you keep improving over that. I think you feel sort of left out when your feeling you can't keep up even in small ways. Hoping it gets better and better.

    Chevy I am glad you are showing up a bit more often too. Your missed when you stay away too long.

    Joan, are you staying busy. Seems like you are pretty much always on the go in some way.

    Linda...thinking about you always.

    mommarch that was great that things were pretty much all good with the check-up. I do hope it all goes good with the Cymbalta.....that is good for pain. Seems like a lot of things that help with pain are as well hard on the tummy. I had a few issues, but I think it was mainly the chemo. Once I started using Omeprozole daily most of the stomach problems just vanished. Wish it could be that easy to get rid of a few other of my problems.

    Carole, isn't it mandatory at a certain age that you be able to forgo most anything you don't feel like doing ( always making up a good excuse first....mainly for anyone who might not agree ) and just sit. I do that myself a lot. Especially when I want to use my computer.

    Rita....I'm speechless. Sending you and Dave hugs and hoping that healing energy will help you transition through this time.

    Prayers for lots of strength for everyone

    Peace and love


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Oh chit I should just ditto Jackie's posts, she says the most perfect things in such a caring wonderful way. Then there is me. Clumpity, clump, clump.
    Chevy that's the kind of movie I like--it looks very action. And even u'r beans sounds really good. Now as far as u'r girls go push them to their limit, maybe u can get more eggs out of them and eat more of their possibly young who cares---and feed the cat, don't feed the dat chickens--just get that straight cuz it's very early that u do u'r errands. BTW Where do these people always go when they have so much responsibility--Are u sure u'r not part of a crime organization, u know u could be held accountable for assisting in crimes. Remember don't say a word without a lawyer.
  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    You are such an inspertation. Love your look on life

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    If you're only willing to do what is easy, life will be hard. If you're willing to do what is hard, life will be easy."

    Bishop Eddie L. Long

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Okay no, little miss Cammi! "He" is in the oil business.... so he says..Ha! But his folks have another place they go to a lot.... up in Estes Park... But that town got so much flooding, that the main road just opened. He said their place is up pretty high, so it didn't get flooded, but the lower parts really got hit.

    They also take the 2 little girls to Houston... a lot! His company is based there, and I think BOTH of their parents also have money...!

    They used to claim 2 cats, but the younger one gave up, and found a better home.... They both had to stay outdoors.... They don't let them in. Damnit. BUT little Edith has a cat-door going into the garage.... She now sleeps on a stored "seat or pillow" up high above the garage door.... I made her a bed once, and took it over, with a lot of blankets.... But when they locked her out of the garage, I got pissed. They said the Raccoons were going through the cat door, and getting into her cat-food. So I took her bed around back, and slid it under their back deck, out of the weather. They know I am "watching"..... I just can't stand to see anything ignored, or mistreated! Especially when it gets down to like 0 out!

    So I said.... "Okay, why don't you keep the cat-food in the house with the DOG FOOD, and then they can't spill it!" What a bunch of red-necks! I was scared to death the chickens would not make it, but they have. The dog didn't, but little Edith seems to stick around. I take her treats also, when I get to watch them. She meows and "talks" to me when I go over.... :)

    So good to see all of you posting! xoxoxoxo

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,122
    edited October 2013

    Chevy, that sounds like a movie DH and I will want to see. Why is movie theater popcorn so good? It always smells wonderful.

    We haven't heard from Linda in quite a while. I hope she's doing ok.

    Here I am sitting on my Bee-hind with lots of things that need doing. I played golf today and had a good time being outdoors and getting a little exercise in the company of a couple of women golf friends.

    Soon I'll go take a shower and shampoo my hair. We're supposed to pick up another couple at 5:45 this afternoon and go have a little supper before we attend a music program. One of the women I played golf with is in the chorus. They're doing show tunes. I'm sure DH will know all the words. He likes that kind of music because his mother used to play the songs on the piano at home and her sisters would sing along with her.

    Tomorrow DH and I both are working at the Woodworkers' Guild tent at the Wooden Boat Show in Madisonville down on the riverfront. The guys make little boat parts during the year so all the children can come through and design their own little boat, free of charge. The guild members assemble the parts according to the kids' instructions and then the children sail their boat in a large tank of water. Hundreds of kids line up at the tent. It's a lot of fun. Last year I wrote the name of the boat on the hull with a marker. Lots of times I had to help the kids think up a name.

    So who's gonna clean this house and pull the weeds in the flowerbeds?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    If you find someone Carole, send them over my way when they are done. I've been skipping a lot of the same things.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    I remember my Mom and Dad would sing "You Are My Sunshine".... They would harmonize together.... I always loved that song.... Now my oldest Daughter in Orlando has that as the ring-tone on her phone, when I call her!

    My other Daughter has a kitten meowing as her ring-tone when I call.... drives everyone around her nuts!

    When my Mom was so very sick, we were with her, talking about our lives, and our happy memories.... We were there with the Pastor and his wife.... We sang You Are My Sunshine to her.... We saw her smile.... Man, that was a hard night..... She passed away after we left..... Doesn't get any easier when you remember these things.

    DD here in Denver , just gave me a canvas-like "picture".... It has a wooden frame under the canvas.... and yes, it says..."You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine....You make me happy, when skys are gray..... You'll never know dear, how much I love you.... Please don't take my sunshine away!" I hung it right in front of our bed....

    I don't know WHY I was saying all this....

    Yes Carole.... The popcorn IS so good! Probably because it costs an arm and a leg~! I'll bet your DH would love that movie also! It is based on a true story! I learned a lot about Formula 1 cars, compared to Nascar, and Indy cars.... mostly because I looked up the difference...:) Directed by Ron Howard...... But the SOUND, was great, and I love racing of any kind.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2013

    Ritajean, I am saddened to hear of your thinking of you and Dave and family...I wish you sweet memories. What a wonderful legacy to donate to BCO.

    Jackie, love the Einstein post...didn't know he was a philosopher.

    Yes, it's been a busy week.

    I investigated a job transfer to the campus about 7 miles from my house. I spent an hour with the chairperson...I could transfer without competition and save myself an hour of commuting and gas. But the job description is so different -- all chemistry and not my beloved geology. I'd have a lot of learning, responsibility, and exposure to chemicals and hazardous waste. I'd have long hours on Fridays (my day I keep open for appointments and 3 day week ends). The opportunity for promotion is unlikely there.

    When I got home, I absolutely knew that I could not take that job. And it made me realize that I love where I am. I called the chair today and told him I would not pursue the transfer.

    Carole, you are very active and busy doing things for others. You deserve to sit down!

    I have reconnected with a former neighbor - our daughters are still friends - she has Stage 1 BC and we have gotten together several much in common. It's so nice to talk to someone my own age :-)

    Chevy, do you have snow? I think we should switch the focus from chicken salad to EGG salad.

    Cammi, you make me smile...and I too am wondering when we'll get our toolbar working again!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    I think the tool bar is going to stay the way it is. Maybe they tried to "fix" something, but it sure isn't working for me. :(

    We had a little snow, but not enough to stay on the grass.... But it got pretty cold! Enough to start the leaves falling.... Cool mornings and nice warm days, so it really is beautiful out.

    Joan, I almost "walked into" a job like that also! I mean I had been a long distance operator for the phone company in 1955 to 1958.... Quit when I was 8 months pregnant.... But I thought years later, that I would love to work part-time for them again! My girls were in school, and all I wanted was part-time.

    Took all the tests, blah, blah. Gal finally told me I would fork full time, with my own office, but I was scared to death! I didn't want full-time... afraid it would change "my family!" I couldn't! I called her back, and declined that generous offer. From then on, I never worked full time.... I know what you mean, if it don't feel right, then don't do it.

    Okay.... Got 4 eggs yesterday.... it's still dark.... must wait until it gets light..... then, slooooowly I creep.... tip-toeing through the dawn.....I hear them clucking...... they KNOW me, you see......treats in my hand.... and then I KICK THEM ALL ASIDE AND GRAB THEIR EGGS !!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding....Ha, ha!

    They are so pretty! Honest! I'm taking them this Mango I bought a few days ago.... I LOVE those things, but man, this one stays hard as a rock! So they need it more than I do.

    I wonder what happens if one of them gets sick? Do they go to the Vets like regular animals? I don't want to think about it... I know what CAMMI would do....Ha! She would run and get some celery and carrots!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Trying this quote...not sure if it will go in good.


    Year by year the complexities of this spinning world grow

    more bewildering and so each year we need all the more

    to seek peace and comfort in the joyful simplicities.


    Woman's Home Companion (1935)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Sorry, it didn't....grrrr. I too love some of the Einstein quotes. My Dh's father had spent some time with Einstein I guess. Funny how small the world sometimes becomes.

    The new tool-bar.....hmmm, I'm doing ok with some things and not so much with others. I'll keep trying and if worse comes to it will put the quotes in ( typing them in myself ) without copying and pasting. There seems to be some issues with getting pics ( I have so many there ) out of Picasa. I will likely try some of the other ways to use pictures. I'm thinking any site that has a jpg number, but I'm the farthest thing from knowledgeable on a computer and have taught myself whatever it is that I can do. Chevy helped me big time with Picasa....just about everything else I've just kept doing things till something worked. Anyone can likely do big thing was trying to recall what I did and get the steps in the right order each time. Sigh !!!

    As I mentioned on another thread.....Fall is getting here now. There are a few leaves that have fallen, more in the trees that are rapidly trying to turn the COLOR of Fall......and the countryside will be very pretty soon. I don't mind winter, but amazingly this was one of our better summers and for that reason I'm hating to see it go. I do get out all winter long.....even walking which I love to do during a good snowfall.

    Joan....sitting here as I read what you wrote and shaking my head yes. So wonderful when the Universe just helps us see something in such a definite way.

    I use to drive distances I'd have rather not have had to for work, but if your satisfied and looking forward to your work, other parts of your life seem to stay fulfilling. There is a balance to existence and when one part is not focused just starts to make other areas fall apart too. Good for you realizing what is worth your time and effort.

    Hope you will all have a really great Saturday.

    Hi to Cam and everyone else here.

    Peace and love


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013


  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2013
    Good morning ladies

    It is cloudy here and getting ready to rain. This past week was terrific weather.

    ritajean -- so sorry for your losses.

    Welcome to the new ladies.
    My sister and I were in San Antonio in July. Very nice weather and a pretty area.
    We were there for my sister's memorial. My brotherinlaw and nieces still live there and in Elgin Tx.

    Into the third week of new job. So far it is okay. I do miss the office part of it but I really enjoy the children and I do not miss the long days and drive to work.
    Had my appt. with the onc. dr. everything is okay but now I am due for a mammogram. This is one appt. I really get nervous about

    The chicken salad sounds really good.

    Have a great weekend!
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Termite I'm sorry about the circumstances that u were traveling in July. But glad to hear u'r doing OK and I'm sure every mammo is a fright to it.
    Joan I'm so glad u decided not to take that job, it didn't sound right for u. Something better will come along.
    Jackie u have figured out a lot on this computer, I have not but at least I'm here. And so what if u'r quotes have little things around them--we can read them fine.
    Chevy these people next door are the the Nitemare next door---to treat a cat like that who depends on them is deplorable, I'm glad the cat has u at least. Take all their eggs and start a business if u want that could be u'r part time job. Beside I don't believe for a minute they have all these places to go--They're probably on the lam 1/2 the time, and when things cool off they come back. I know the type. Well of course u are very familiar with that a few years ago.
    OK That opinion is not intended to insult anyone, it has not been authorized as a study or in any way a crime stopping show. It is just an opinion gathered from the writing on the wall.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    I will be generous with my love today. I will sprinkle compliments

    and uplifting words everywhere I go. I will do this knowing that

    my words are like seeds and when they fall on fertile soil, a

    reflection of those seeds will grow into something greater.

    Steve Maraboli

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Something else nice to share today:


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,122
    edited October 2013

    Joan, the interview and closer job opportunity helped clarify in your mind that you like your present work and situation despite the commute. Sounds like a worthwhile experience.

    Termite, glad your new job is working out well for you.

    I have a vivid image of Chevy creeping toward the chicken coop in the dawn light!

    I guess I didn't realize there was a new setup on this site until some of you complained. I never figured out how to post pictures. Tried again a couple of days ago and still can't figure it out. I have Picasa for all the good it does me.

    Worked all day yesterday at the wooden boat festival on the riverfront. Probably about 600 kids came to the woodworker's guild tent to build their free little wooden boat out of many different kinds of parts. All ages of kids. Many varieties of boats. The little boys put as many cannons (little dowels) on their boats as they could find space! About half the kids looks stumped when I asked brightly, "And what are you going to name your boat?" Some had their names already in their minds. It's fun observing the kids and interacting with them. Some come back year after year and have a whole collection.

    Now I must hurry and get ready to take my mother to church. We're going to eat lunch afterwards in a restaurant. The Saints game isn't until 3:30 so that frees up some time around noon.

    Have a great Sunday!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013
    I feel your pain...
    I was just Dx'd a few wks ago. I divorced my husband of 29 yrs in 2009. As hard as it was at that time, it was the best thing that I have ever done for myself. I remember my light bulb moment being when we were having another heated argument; I was sitting at my desk and I was so mad! My chest and left arm starting hurting(I am normally a very calm person) and I decided I was not going to let our relationship kill me. So, I filed a week later. It was hard for me to get my feet on the ground and find my own way at times. But, my children were very supportive, I spent a lot of time with my grandkids and now I can say I am on the other side! Stress can wreak havoc on our bodies. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself, walk, read, meditate, whatever. Don't give him the power to control your life. Don't waste the energy you need now, to make yourself well, on him. My ex and I are on speaking terms, but not friends. I told him when we divorced that I vowed to not be mad anymore-I was tired of fighting. Forgiveness is for yourself, not for the person who has hurt you. My ex has re-married, moved 1000 miles away and almost abandoned his kids and grandkids. That's when it hurts me, for my kids. I am still single and self-employed; not exactly financially secure, but making it. This BC has thrown me for a loop, but I know that I have been preparing for it through all else I have gone through in my life.
    Maybe your Mom is a good distraction for you right now:). You've got this!!! Take one day, one step at a time. It will get better~
    Love your quote, Illinoislady! So true~
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    You have choice.You can select joy over despair.You can

    select happiness over tears.You can select action over apathy. You can select growth over stagnation.You can select you. And you can select life.And it's time that people tell you you're not at the mercy of forces greater than yourself.You are, indeed, the greatest force for you.


    Leo Buscaglia

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Good morning on Columbus Day morning.

    I really do feel some things happen so that we can move on in different ways in life. Keep the probably had many un-sure, or what if times, but I think when we reach an area where we can reflect on the past ( not re-live ) but follow a line of progression some times then you are able to pick up the "good" of it and know that you moved and are moving in the right direction.

    A number of my life events were it seemed, really hard to get through. Painful, upsetting, nonsensical......mainly just fighting the negative things day after day, and often month after month. Then, when a slight release of it all came and I could look back........I could see that if those things had not taken place pretty much, just as they did, I would not have arrived at a better place ( where I am now ) and able to appreciate the relative comfort. Able to see that only plowing through the very things I came through would have set me up correctly and positively to learn and grow in ways that would enhance life rather than continuing to detract.

    I hope Linda can keep on, keeping on and hoping that her later is much, much better later than it is now.

    Hi to all the wonderful ladies here.

    Peace and love


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Not feeling to well today. I took my last Effexor on Thursday night, now 4 days out and having buzzing in my head. I did the same thing when I got off of cymbalta, except it was worse. Just want to lay down and close my eyes. DH and friend went out gathering choya cactus today. Suppose to rain but nothing yet. Hope this finds all well

  • bree2010
    bree2010 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2013

    Hi Northstar, I am 78 yrs old, had my surgery in 1983, rt. radical mastectomy, 2nd occurence in 2011 , lf breast lumpectomy, received radiation (16) days. I had swelling in my left breast, they drained fluid off several times, felt fine afterwards, but now I have a large lump, the doctor said it was scar tissue, after taking a mammogram. They also precribed Femara for 5 years. Thinking positive and taking one day at a time. Praise the Lord.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013
    Hi Bree,
    This page won't look good you because I can't make paragraphs right now. I'm experiencing some computer difficulties. I did though want to welcome you to the Older Ladies Forum. We don't hear from Northstar, but this is a great site for we older well seasoned women who often have issues that seem to relate to age.
    I hope you will come often. We talk about a little of everything, cheer each other, try in whatever way we can to commiserate and offer our ideas for help on a variety of things....not just cancer issues.
    Eventually others will come on and say hi. I think anyone who has had this disease finds it easier to take one day at a time.
    Wishing you well and hoping you come back soon.

    Love and peace

    Just to say I'm leaving space between paragraphs when I type but likely everything here will be in one long block with no spaces.
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Oh Hey Bree! I don't know where Northstar is.... but WE are all here, and we will all listen and help you!

    So you are saying you have a lump? I still have one, and it has almost been 4 years since the surgery for a Lumpectomy.... It's okay.... they say.

    It used to hurt, but not anymore.... I think if I didn't have the lump, I would REALLY be un-even! :)

    I had radiation with the Mammosite Device.... only 7 days.....

    See how the Femara goes.... I used to take Tamoxifen, but quit, because of some of the SE's.

    Hope you are feeling better little Mommarch!

    Jackie, I am sooooooooo happy! I can post pictures if I use Chrome as my browser, instead of stupid AOL! That's all it took! Thank you for your patience.... Love you! xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013
    Chevy.....good for you. My tool-bar has done a major disappearing act so I'm back to no pics, no paragraphs here, and no spell checker either I don't think. It will all come out in the wash somehow, but till it does....I'm sitting in a un-favorable seat. Hope it all comes out soon.
    I'm so glad every thing is working good for you. Such a bummer when it is all wonky.
    Hugs to you Jackie
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Oh NOOOoooooo! Not you Too! Man, I don't have a clue, as to how to help you! I don't know what it IS, that sometimes it's fine, and sometimes goes haywire!

    Talk to y'all later! xoxoxoxo

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Jackie, do you have malwarebytes on your computer? If you do run a complete scan. I had the same happen to me and I ran it last night and it removed 192 spyware etc. You may have a virus. I just spent $200 having our computer reformated. Made potato soup with ham for supper, need to go check it.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Ok Sweet Chevy .........along to all you great people here.....I'm back in the swing of things


    for now although I really don't know how. I downloaded a bunch of upgrades.....who knows, maybe this won't

    happen again.....sure hope so. I'm thinking and keeping the above in mind for all of you here.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    mommarch....I am going to run scans here in a bit. I usually do that when I download anything. I always set up used a restore I've done enough things today to call for a scan even if I hadn't had the problem. Sure to hate it when things don't work good. I do think there are bugs and more bugs....but by and by we will likely operate here same as always.

    We all got used to new formatting......if anyone was not here, what your seeing now used to go completely across the page. In order for it not to appear in a column ( which was really lousy to read ) we had to use compatibility settings then..............then it would resume and go across the whole page. Not fun at all to read a long post and have to scroll. So, this ( some of us went through a small trial of learning to adjust to it ) is really nice, easy on the eyes and has worked really well for a long time now ----even though some of us asked ( not me by the way ) more than once to return to the OLD style that we thought suited us better.

    Progress always takes a little implementation, but I think with patience becomes worth it.

    I hope you all have had a really wonderful day.
