Donate to when you checkout at Walgreens in October. Learn more about our Walgreens collaboration.
Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Mommarch This isan order---Today is u'r day--do whatever u want. Just for you and enjoy.
    I can't believe u guys didn't laugh at my suggestion about 2 Presidents. well I wasn't kidding but I usually get looks--u know the kind. But I thought that when the Presidency started look how small this country was and no one really asked much of us, they wanted to come here to work and build the country. So one man was fine with his staff, but it's a different time, to many people to much overseas stuff going on-to much everything going on, Ok said my stuff.
    I stil am not trying this new picture stuff, I just learned about a month ago how to do pictures--chit. All I could do before that was take them from fB--not I can't even do that.
    I'm starting to feel better, but not much--a little at a time is good at least I'm not getting worse. But I hope everyone is having a good Sunday-weather is cool here around 50--feels great to me.
    OK gonna rest a while---
  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Thanks Cami, I have not done much of anything. Did go out and chop down some tumble weeds that are encroching on the ramp to the back stoop. I think tomorrow I am going to go buy a sprayer and some round up. I hate to use chemicals but they are overtaking us. When we get a good freeze and they die they will take off like baloons in a good wind. When I went to the Grocery Store on Friday I found packages of spiral ham pieces all in a pack from KY, it was $1.29 a pound so I picked up two pkgs and brought them home and put them in four smaller bags. I am going to fix a ham and potatoe casserole using boxed augratin potatoes. First need to get in the shower. Itchy after messing with the weeds.

    Our DD & SIL were married a year as of yesterday. They spent the evening at Pensacola Beach watching the storm brewing.

    Have a good evening.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,122
    edited October 2013

    Camille, I hope you get to feeling better. Feeling bad is no fun at all. It must have been interesting working for politicians. You got an inside view. I suspect that many of our favorite oldies singers and musicians performed when they were high on drugs.

    Mommarch, I confess to using Roundup to battle the weeds.

    Joan, at some point (maybe it was when I started taking Effexor to alleviate the symptoms from taking arimidex) I stopped letting all the things that need to be done rule my life. I look around and make a mental note, like "Hmm, I need to clean the windows." "I need to give the stove a good cleaning." But I don't let it bother me that I don't get around to those chores immediately. BC really brought it home to me that all we have is NOW and I might not want to use NOW doing chores that aren't all that much fun.

    Saturday morning when I got up, I decided it was time to wash my car. So washing my car became no. 1 priority. I enlisted DH's help by suggesting we wash both vehicles. I even hauled out the mini vac and cleaned the interiors. The windows and the stove are still waiting their turn!

    But the BIG news! Fall has arrived at least temporarily. Yesterday afternoon we turned off the A/C and opened windows and doors to the cool dry air. Last night we slept with windows open.

    Happy Monday to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013
    "Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored."

    -- Earl Nightingale
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,122
    edited October 2013

    I gave my stove an "extreme" cleaning today, so mark one job off the list!

    Today was a very nice day as far as the weather was concerned. My patience was tried when I went to Walmart's to pick up a prescription I'd requested 5 days ago, and it wasn't ready. It was a transfer from a MN Walmart. I finally got the prescription. Then when I checked out with the items I'd loaded into my cart, the total amt. was larger than I was expecting. I looked at the sales slip and a bottle of olive oil had been entered twice. So I had to go to Customer Service and wait in line to get a refund. It wasn't a good Walmart shopping experience.

    I may start getting my prescriptions at Sam's Club, which is closer and doesn't seem nearly as busy in the pharmacy.

    Camille, are you feeling any better today?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Hi everyone. I had a fairly good day. Had my V.A. appt. in Marion and when I finish my last two weeks or so of Anastrozole......I will be officially off my cancer meds. Was not sure just how things would go, but rather than huge discussions or pros and cons of anything......I just decided if she even came close to say....enough, I would go along with it.

    I have had the occasional pain, and some achy joints, etc. So, figured at my age.....I would never know if I kept taking those pills. When she said I could go without I pretty much answered done.

    That also means that the rather constant check-ups will now stop and turn into once a yr. Mammogram comes up in November, but at that will likely be a year for anything other than a more routine check-up at the satellite clinic which is much, much closer to where I live. Hooray-Hooray.

    So to all ---- have a great night.


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2013

    Been gone for more than a week. We took a trip from St. Louis to Minneapolis on the steam boat American Queen. We went last year from Louisville to Memphis, and on to Vicksburg and New Orleans. Glad we didn't do that this time , with the flooding in Louisville. She is a very authentic steam boat, good food and friendly passengers.It was supposed to be a Fall Foliage trip, but little foliage on the river. When we got back home it was really colorful. More fall here than there!

    Jackie, happy for you to be able to get off the Arimidex. I sure look forward to the day, with all the associated aches and pains I've had.

    DH has a wicked cough, tired sleep all the time, cold now. Hoping I dont get it too, but think I may be.

    Had some wicked rain and wind around here. It was a scary drive home from my senior meeting. Our players group put on our skit program, I'm currently Mae West. We have a lot of fun and got a lot of good laughs!

    Sounds like everyone is doing well. Take care , Jean

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Let learning, sharing and loving ignite your passion for life and self-transformation. ~ Rosalie Moscoe

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,535
    edited October 2013

    Excuse me breaking in here, but we are looking to show your faces, names and quotes at our fundraising event in October (, and would love your help. This event is one of our largest fundraisers of the year and we'll be joined by hundreds of generous donors.

    Specifically, we will have two projector screens up during the event, and want to show the people attending the event YOUR faces--- the women of our community, the women who use and rely on BCO ! Having the opportunity to share your photos and quotes that night will reinforce to our donors, in a meaningful and personal way, just how vitally important their contributions are to our community.

    For this, we are looking for people willing to share a photo of themselves (either alone or with family, friends, pets, other BCO members, etc.), allow us to use your first name, say where you are from (it can be from anywhere in the world!), and give us a quote on how important BCO is to you. We are looking to have at least 40 people and have (only) a few weeks to work on this.

    If you are interested, could you please email Melissa at, with your photo, first name, where you live, and your quote? Also, PM us if you have any questions!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us!!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,122
    edited October 2013

    Jackie, lucky you to be finished taking arimidex. My "finish" date will be next Sept. I don't think anybody could talk me into taking it longer than 5 years. I'm hoping my issues with high bp and cholesterol will lessen. Not to mention weight control.

    Today was a gorgeous day. I played golf in a women's event. Our foursome came out next to last but it was still enjoyable and the lunch afterwards tasted good.

    DH had a busy day. He had three appointments and sandwiched in making chicken salad. He even went to the supermarket and bought what he needed, including chicken. He evidently had a yen for it and decided to make it himself.

    Have a good evening.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Carole, I made chicken salad one time with celery, a diced apple, and a few chopped walnuts... with a little mayo.... How do you make yours?

    Okay, I went to Google Images, copied and pasted a picture of chicken salad on a creusant??? spelling??? (since I HAVE no spell check nor red wavy line) And when I hit preview, of course it was gone.... :(

    I give up.

    And the Mods want us to help them out with our photo, first name, etc? Well MAYbe, if I could even POST a picture it would be nice.

    Sorry, but I am just getting a little perturbed with all of the changes.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Jackie, Great to hear you are off the Armidex. I have one more effexor to take Thursday night and hopefully that will end that. I have noticed since I am not taking it every day I am not have the awful hot flashes that I was. They are milder.

    Did some things at the house this morning and then went into help DH at broom shop. A

    team of young men from Austin came in who are writing a Coffee Table Book on Texas Products. They spent all afternoon taking pictures..I slipped out as soon as I could.

    My 6 month checkup with my ONC is tomorrow. That means we have to drive 200 miles one way and put up with all the traffic, and if that is not bad enough they are working on I 20.

    Have a good evening. Carole if my husband every cooked anything I would have a stroke.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,122
    edited October 2013

    Mommarch, that's weird that Effexor makes your hot flashes worse! I take it to make mine milder. It has been shown in testing to lessen the menopause symptoms. Do you take arimidex? Forgive my bad memory.

    Chevy, my dh made the chicken salad. He put dill relish and celery in it. It tastes really good. I've made different recipes. One of my favorite is with red grapes, celery, and a little curry powder. Mayo, of course. Sometimes I mix the mayo with plain Greek yogurt or light sour cream.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Hmm, I put celery, sm. amt. of onion, chopped apples, some raisins, and a few of any kinds of nuts I have.....because a sm. handful a day of nuts is good for you. The mayo of course too. Been known to do my tuna salad almost the same way.

    I also make ham salad, left over roast beef, or turkey salad -- to me it is all good. I have lost 12 lbs. but already hit a plateau. Sort of soon.....I think it is because my life at times is not too settled......and every other day or so I end up skipping meals. One of the worst things you can do when you are doing an eating program to lose. Sigh !!! It just meals some extra work and diligence on my part.

    Carole....had forgotten how many things are made a lot tastier by a little dash of curry. I have tons of spices....just forget to use them. interesting that you get the opposite effect of your Effexer. Sure hope the hot flashes settle out completely. I took medicine for them....always wondered if they encouraged my stroke.......not sure they really had anything to do with the cancer, but who really knows. We are all so different.

    Hope you all had a marvelous day.

    Peace and love


  • sarajaneevans
    sarajaneevans Member Posts: 29
    edited October 2013

    Hi Everyone, I just finished my last of 6 chemo treatments today - so doing the happy dance-my onc is putting me on Arimidex for five years, so I am on here trying or do some research ..... my SE from chemo were minimal compared to many others I read here--It is sounding like Arimidex is not going to be an easy drug to take, is that correct? I understand that we are all indivduals and it will affect each of us differently-I have had such difficulty with the taste bud issue during chemo.. is that also going to contine with this drug? Thanks and good luck to you all as your journey continues..

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2013

    Hi sarajane, I have had a mostly good experience with the arimidex then femara for almost 2 years now. As long as I keep busy, I hardly notice the side effects. But my thumb joints were affected and as time goes on, there are things I can't do at home and at work. But I am committed to the drug. Everyone's different; but many ladies on this thread are doing well on the drugs. Best wishes to you as you continue your recovery.

    Jackie, if I could post a dancing smiley, I would do it for you. Congratulations on your 5 year "graduation" from the drugs! No more daily glad you are well and still working and giving inspiration to others. HUGS!!!

    Carole, you give excellent advice. My problem is that there are several large projects (basement, garage, attic) that entail getting rid of large quantities of things we can't use. I have raised 6 kids and each one has left a legacy of belongings. Glad you have had great weather and golf too!

    Cammi, I think we seriously thought about your 2 prez idea.

    Chevy, it doesn't matter who is prez as long as we have a chicken in every pot! (Oh no, did I say that? Don't tell the little guys next door)

    Am feeling a cold coming on over my already annoying allergies. I hope it's gone when I awake...long day tomorrow.

    Jean, glad you got away and are back safe and sound.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    "A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." ~ Albert Einstein

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    sarajaneevans..I am just getting ready to stop my Armiidex after five full years. I can hardly wait for a variety of reasons but none of them are from se's. There were times when I "knew" I was taking changes, especially wet weather, but all in all I would have to say I was fortunate that I had patience to stay committed to using the Arimidex. Worst time was when the drug went generic. I spent 3 rather lousy months where I sort of ached all over........and by the time it was begining to wear heavily. Then it ceased.

    My thought afterward....probably due to what was being used as the carrier ( non-essential part of the drug except for that ) to get it into your system properly. Always made me question....are the side effects ( se's ) from the drug totally or from what gets it to you.

    At any rate....while I would not wish difficult times on anyone, I started out with no expectations other than the drug would work fine........and the other part of it was when I got the generic version, I didn't rush into complaining about how I felt --- if I had been closer to my Oncologist....I might have, but she was a 142 mile round trip. Out of reluctance to make the trip.....I accidentally put up with it and by the time it was time to see her again ( I already had to go every three months ) things had gone basically normal.

    I wish you so well with this. If you can handle these does help and as well, it provides along the way a huge sense of comfort that you are able to do something for yourself. This is a scary journey and for most of us I would imagine ( part of my satisfaction over stopping is one less pill to pay for and have to take daily ) who really wants another PILL to have to remember. This is indeed a proven part of tx. Just sad that there is no way to tell if perchance YOU or any of us are the ones who might be able to go without and still do ok. Personally, after going through what seemed like major treatments ( 6 mos. of chemo and 7 full weeks of rads ) I no where near had the guts or confidence needed to even consider going glad it worked well for me.

    We all be rooting for you here that you can adjust smoothly with as few bumps as possible. last yr. on the drug went pretty fast though I do stay busy most of the time and stopped thinking about it for most of the year.

    Thinking of all of you and hoping you have a fantastic day.

    Peace and love


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2013

    Hi SaraJane, I've been on anastrasole (generic Arimidex) for 18mos with minimal symptoms. It made me sleepy at first till I switched to taking it at night and I had cold chills for a few months and then that went away.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,122
    edited October 2013

    Jackie, I am SO proud of you and envious. You've lost 12 lbs! Pick up a 10 lb. bag of potatoes and feel how heavy it is and you're not carrying around the weight of those potatoes plus 2 more lbs.

    I hope your success will inspire me to show more discipline.

    Let me share my bout of stupid last night. I squirted what I thought was dishwasher liquid soap into the little cup in the door of the dishwasher and got the load of dirty dishes started. Some time later I heard curses from the kitchen and dh was running for a mop and bucket. Suds all over the kitchen floor in the vicinity of the dishwasher. I examined the writing on the jug of soap and it warned not to use it in a dishwasher. It was regular dishwashing liquid to use in the sink.

    A chicken in every pot! Better not be Chevy's egg-laying chickens!

    Sara, good luck with taking arimidex. Chances are you'll do fine. I read abouI the SEs ahead of time and was dreading popping that first little pill into my mouth. I took the first one in the morning and did feel dreadful that day. Then I started taking my pill at night before bedtime and that turned out to be the best for me. Some take it in the morning and some at night. You might have to try both options.

    Camille, thinking about you and hoping you're feeling better.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Hi guys. I'm sorry I took so long off, but I'm feeling better, I would be on a post, then I'd quit. But it'sall good. Of course at this point I can't remember anything that I just read but here goes.
    Jackie Congrats on u'r 5 yrs. YYAAYYY It's got to be a good feeling.
    And carole u playing golf and enjoying it with good weather. U silly soap person u. I'd be swearing up a storm. Like we don't have enough.
    Welcome sarajane and good luck on u'r med, I hope it goes well for u. And u'r done with chemo, a good thing.
    Chicken salad a big subject right now Chevy, that means killing a chicken and u might know them personally. Joan said it very clearly. That's why u feed them so well and sneak special food to them.

    This new format thing is just not right--I want my pictures and I can't print anything damn, yes damn I said it and I'll say it again if I want to. LOL (insert a big laughing face here--yellow) Oh no I'll have to 'splain my pictures too.
    If I forgot someone it's only because I forget so much.
  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Carole, I am on Tamoxifen. Dr. said today that it was a little strange to him, but everyone reacts differently to things. I have some days that the hot flashes are debilitating and then some days that I freeze to death.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Oh, my checkup was good. Blood work pretty normal, Red blood count just a little low, but that is expected after you have chemo. He suggested that I get with my primary Dr. and talk about Cymbalta again, a lower dose and maybe every other day. I know when I took it I did not have an ache or pain at all, felt good, but it really messed with my stomach after several months. Will go back in 6 months for mamo and check up.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited October 2013

    Hi gals......Just when I finally think I'm beginning to get caught up on this thread, something else happens. What a couple of months we have had! After losing my father in early August, we lost Dave's sister last week. She had her memorial set up to go to and once the estate is settled, (which will take quite a long time since there is so much to sort through) the site should be getting a nice memorial gift.

    Congrats to all of you who have recently had good check-ups! YEA!!!!!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2013

    Rita Jean, I am sorry for your families' losses.... take care of you!


    I gave up a few tubes of blood today, did see any docs today....hope my anemia is okay now....still tired.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,122
    edited October 2013

    Hi, Di. I hope you get over that fatigue, since feeling bone-tired is no fun.

    Rita, condolences on another loss of a family member.

    Camille, it was good to read a post from you again. Yes, let's be careful discussing chicken salad. You notice that Chevy hasn't said a word. Is she pouting? LOL.

    One thing bc along with aging has done for me is give me Butt Drop Syndrome. Any time I go near my chair in the living room, I can easily sit down and fritter away the time while jobs go undone. In past years before bc, I wouldn't have thought of sitting down at 3 pm in the afternoon. Now I think, "It's too late to get started doing something." Hence my yard has weeds and my house needs cleaning. Oh, well.

    Today will be a busy Mamma day. She has a dermatologist apptment at 10 am. We'll either go to lunch or pick up something to eat at her house. Then a hair apptment at 1:30. At 3:30 I'm planning to help 8-yr-old great-niece Nova with her homework. She has learning disabilities including dyslexia and short attention span. So I won't get back home before about 5 or 5:30.

    Planning an easy dinner. Beef fajitas.

    Must go shampoo my hair. I wore a hat yesterday when I played golf to hide it!

    Have a good Thursday, everyone.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Rita I'm so sorry for yet another loss.
    Mommarch it seems like u'r doing decent for now and I'm glad to hear that.
    Di I hope all blood work comes out good and u start feeling better and better. It's a horrible feeling not a tired as dragged out and headachy, so not much gets done.
    Carole u do plenty, my stamp of approval--I remember taking my my to th Dr. and hair app't and my dad to the Dr. and I worked then (no BC) and I ws knocked out running around.And helping with u'r niece is not so easy. my youngest DD has dyslexia and that alone can be difficult let alone loosing attention U are very patient.
    And does Chevy have her head in the sand--ow she's acting like another bird. :)
  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Rita, so sorry for your loss

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Yes, I'm pouting, Ha, ha! I have to watch "the girls" starting tomorrow morning.... Actually just feed them.... I have some goodies all ready to take them! Sliced pears, ripe green grapes, and a few other morsels! They in turn will give me about 4-5 eggs a day for 3 days.... so HAH! And I'm taking "Edith" their little cat some left over sardines! I'm such a good sitter!

    Yes Cammi.... I'm so happy you are amont the posters again! Damn kid.... You just give us a scare! When are you going back to the Doc's? What are they doing this time?

    Carole, I made some "real" beans.... I don't mean the canned ones either.... those are "play" beans. I soaked the Pinto's all night, then drained and cooked them the next morning.... Fried cut up bacon, until crispy, and threw that in with a little bacon grease! Man, were THEY good!

    Went to see "Rush" that racing movie, about Formula 1 cars! Really a good movie! Ron Howard directed it.... DD and I went and had pop-corn, (of course) and it was just fun!

    Okay kids.... time to go sit down! xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    "Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. Make all your friends feel there is something special in them. Look at the sunny side of everything. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give everyone a smile. Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others. Be too big for worry and too noble for anger."

    -- Christian Larsen