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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    “The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering.”Ben Okri

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Welcome Bree, I'm glad Chevy came in and told u about her breast lump and what's going on with her, it kind of sounds like u'rs so maybe it's all right-and if they say don't worry, I really wouldn't worry--they usually know even before biopsies or any tests--they feel different to the, So please come back, u'll get used to us I'm sure.
    I was just thinking back when I started here at BCO I was done with all my major things but having lots of SE so I thought I'd get involved in finaly learning about some things--but choosing the right topis I started with very upsetting ones and sad ones and I thought how is this going to help, I felt so bad about everyone and guilty I didn't have things so bad. Then I slowly searched and popped in and after a while found my place in a handful of topics and I don't have that sadness of reality on my back and I honestly think it has helped me in so many ways. As u all know for some strange reason I was never afraid of cancer or tests or waiting--I just didn't think about it, and now I look forward sharing (if I think it helps) or saying whatever I like too it makes me not dwell on my circumstances at all and I think it's because of the people here that I got involved with and learned to trust and care so deeply for and in case u've noticed I'm not to to serious about this unless it's needed So Thank u all and I hope people lurking will come to find what they are comfortable with and most importantly learn to smile and sometime laugh--good muscle usage. So add this to another addiction for me.
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Bree, I forgot to mention, that my lump was/is a Seroma.... which means a pocket filled with fluid.

    And it won't cause any problems, just feels hard.... and you can see it on the mammograms. I guess when they do surgery, sometimes where they take the lump out, will leave a "pocket"..... Or it could have been left when they took out the Mammosite device.... It's been 4 years, and still there, but it doesn't hurt...

    Just ask your doctor...Okay?

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Bree, I also had a sermoa, It has gotten better, but I had to have another mammo to besure of what it was. I can still feel it, but it is much smaller than it was. Dr. said if it does not bother you do not worry about. So I am not. It is nothing compared to the problems with Tamoxifen. But oh well the tamoxifen is keeping the cancer at bay so I will just keep on keep on.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013


    Love is something you and I must have.We must have it because our

    spirit feeds upon it.We must have it because without it we become

    weak and faint.Without love our self-esteem weakens.Without it

    our courage fails.Without love we can no longer look confidently at the world.We turn inward and begin to feed upon our own personalities, and little by little we destroy ourselves.With it we are creative. With it we march tirelessly.With it, and with it alone,

    we are able to sacrifice for others.


    Chief Dan George

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited October 2013

    Hi gals,

    Brrr...It's cool here today even if the sun is shining! I guess it's about that time but I sure don't like to think about the cold temps and that flufffy white stuff!

    Our trees are not as colorful as usual this time of year. We haven't really had any good frosts. We are heading over to Indiana to the Indiana Bridge Festival tomorrow and hope that some of their trees are more colorful.

    Chevy, how do you keep those chickens from pecking you when you go for the eggs. I always had to go to the hen house and gather the eggs when I stayed at my grandmother's house when I was a little girl and they went after me every time. I HATED that job! Maybe they are like dogs and can sense when somebody is afraid of them, eh?

    My kids were home last weekend and we had such a great time. It is so hard when they live so far away. I won't see them at Thanksgiving this year, so I sent home Thanksgiving holiday art projects and their Christmas advent calendars. I buy the kind where they get piece of chocolate every day during the month of December and when all the cholocate is gone, it's Christmas! We will get to see them on Christmas, though, this year. They came bringing their Christmas lists and I was so excited because my oldest grandson put books on his list.

    Welcome to our site, Bree. There are many awesome ladies here who enjoy each other's company and who share info and comfort when needed. This is a good place to come.

    mommarch..What do you use choya cactus for? Do you just plant it for landscaping or in pots to enjoy in the house or is there a more practical purpose for it?

    Linda, hang in there.

    I hope everyone is having a good week. It looks like our golf is about done here, Carole with maybe a few unseasonably warm exceptions. I sure hate to see it end.


  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited October 2013

    Hi ladies,

    Haven't been on here in awhile. When I'm able to "steal" someone's wifi, the signal is so weak, it usually kicks me off right after I've typed my thoughts; very frustrating!

    I had to donate my dining room table & 8 chairs to the Salvation Army. Had it listed on Craigslist but no serious buyers.

    Also, I went to look @ a 55+ community where they base the rent on your income. It is fairly new & so far no waiting list but the apts are small; about 680 sq ft. I know for a fact that ALL of my furniture & belongings will not fit! I did take an application tho & have started filling it out. Not sure if I will actually turn it in.

    Today I would have been married 37 yrs! if my husband were still alive. Bittersweet day.

    I know I've said this before; but I never thought @ my age, I'd have to worry about a place to live & how to afford it.

    I hope everyone has been doing okay & I'm sorry I can't contribute to this thread like you all do; I just want to send this before I lose it.

    Have a good week, Linda

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,122
    edited October 2013

    Welcome, Bree. And it's good to hear from you, Linda.

    My younger sister, age 53, had partial knee replacement yesterday and she's having a rough time of it. I spent much of the day at the hospital yesterday and went by today to see her. She's getting morphine shots for the pain.

    Tomorrow DH has us signed up for an AARP course on defensive driving. We get a discount on our auto insurance for taking the course. I had to change my mother's hair apptment to 2:30.

    On Friday I have nothing scheduled. What a good feeling. I may get out into the yard and do some weeding.

    Hi to everyone.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2013

    Linda, good to hear from you. Sorry it's such a sad day. And in the middle of such a rough patch. You might check to see if the senior center has wifi, ours does.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Breathe a sigh of relief. Our country is back in business.

    Linda, could you store some things at your Mom's or perhaps with a reduced rate for an apt. maybe you could afford a carefully packed storage unit.

    Linda.....I hope you say those things you said before, often enough to remove the sting that they are still carrying for you. I think we all make positive scenarios' for ourselves and then get twisted in knots when they end up far afield of our ideal. I'm not sure how much of that we get over or when, but I think ( just supposing by the way things have turned out in my life ) that when the sting fades enough we can let it go far enough away from us to be able to make a good life in the one we are living now. It is when you are comfortable that there are room for wonderful things to turn up.

    Been a long day so I'm ready to turn my computer down to rest mode and do the same myself.

    See you all after work tomorrow.

    Peace and love


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Hi everyone, Well Rita and Carole maybe u'll get a couple more golf days so keep up the good thoughts.

    Rita I'm glad u will all be together for the holiday it'll be here before u know it.

    Carole that knne thing really hurts, I hope u'r sister get it feeling better soon.

    Jackie I like that quote/

    Linda a lot of us are in positions we didn't think we'd be in, but what can we do. And if this works out for u take it--so what if u can't use all u;r furn....... U'll be aloneand that's what u need now.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Cammers! Not that you usually don't use spell check, but WTH is a "knne" thing that really hurts? I KNOW what you mean, that is the scary part!

    Carole, I had never heard of a "partial" knee replacement! Must be something new?

    Linda, thinking of you..... Something will happen, to help you out of all of this stuff....I just know it. My MIL DID find a place, that her rent was based on her income! Something will come through....Good idea!

    Yes Jackie.... Damn politicians! I'm just glad I can watch the baby panda live Cam at the Washington Zoo again! They had the NERVE to shut that down, along with everything else! THAT was important.... mainly because I don't understand WHAT happened, or WHY, or WHOSE fault it was. Just made me mad.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    f you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.

    Rabindranath Tagore

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.

    Rabindranath Tagore

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013


    After 9/11, Ft. Sam became a closed post. Civilians can no longer drive through it and you can't walk to Brackenridge Park anymore. The old hospital is still there but is an office building now. A new hospital was built about 15 years ago on a piece of land on the far edge of Ft. Sam, just off Interstate 35. It was Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) until last year when a large new addition was built and all the military medical facilities were untied under the Joint Base-San Antonio name. The hospital is now SAMMC, San Antonio Military Medical Center, and has the only in-patient care in town now except for the VA. The other military facilities in town do out-patient clinic work. The medical schools on Ft. Sam have expanded a lot over the years but are full and busy as usual. Now you see uniforms from all branches of service on post.

    You had a terrible time with thyroid disease. So glad to hear they finally cracked the code and got you on the right medicine. Sounds like you've made an excellent recovery from your stroke as well. Good for you!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013


    No, we've never been to Ft. Davis. Haven't been to Big Bend, El Paso...the list goes on and on. We've lived here 27 years but Texas is BIG! When you are in the panhandle, you are closer to Canada than you are to Brownsville, TX down south. It can easily take 2 days to drive out of Texas. We lived in Del Rio (150 miles west of San Antonio on the Mexican border) and used to drive to San Antonio to buy a Christmas tree. You get used to driving long distances. Two of my children worked in Austin (70 miles north) and drove back and forth each day. My mother in Florida wouldn't drive across town to Walmart because it was "10 miles away!"

    We drive down to Galveston (4 1/2 hrs) when we go on a cruise, but pretty much stick to Hill Country destinations that we can visit on a day trip now. Once in awhile we find a cute little bed and breakfast in one of those tiny towns and enjoy the country for a weekend. We also try to check in to a downtown San Antonio hotel at least once a year. We have such a beautiful downtown and so many events going on. It's fun to play tourist, ride the barges on the Riverwalk, go to one of the restored 1910 theaters, and eat at some of our favorite places downtown.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Sandra thank you so much for filling me in about the Brooke Army Hospital now SAMMC. I loved the time I spent there. I was only there for school, but it would have been a wonderful permanent assignment. Hard to imagine the old hospital being offices but after all, I was stationed there in 1964 and 65. That would be a long time ( 48 yrs. to be exact ) not to have some major changes happening.

    When I joined the Wacs in 1964, the only place women ( of the Army ) were trained was Anniston, Alabama. Basic training and it was directly from there that I went to Texas. It is a huge state and the few times we have gone across country and went through Texas....we always picked a route where we could pretty much go right along the top which is the smallest part but that is still a long drive.

    I'm on a mini-vacation. Do not have to work on Saturday which is nice. I did not mind at all but I will not go to work again until Tuesday.

    It rained yesterday, and was fairly cloudy today. Cool too. I'm not really looking forward to all the work Fall brings, or any of the cooler seasons just now.

    Sounds like Colorado could have gotten some snow today. Wow !!!!! Seems way too soon, but I can't keep up well with what happens locally so maybe it gets snow this time of year routinely.

    I hope you all had a good day. I'm going to have a quiet night.

    Peace and love


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013

    Just finished catching up on all the rest of the posts I missed in the last ten days. The more I read, the more I get to know you "girls."

    The whole discussion about chickens made me laugh. Just after I got married in 1970, my husband and I moved to his father's farm in southern Michigan. (20 miles north of South Bend, Ind.) We had just gotten out of college and Mike was waiting for his reporting date for the Air Force. I'm from Florida, had never seen snow, and certainly didn't know a thing about farms or living in the country. I could tell you a hundred stories about all the things I did wrong but I learned a thing or two along the way in the six months before Mike left. It started to snow as I was driving back from Indianapolis where I had taken Mike to the AF induction center. He had told me would teach me to drive on snow before he left, but snow was late that year. I learned the hard way. His parents always took a month long trip in January and had several guys who would drive up from So. Bend each day to tend the cattle. My job was to collect the eggs. The chickens could wander around anywhere in the five barns so you never knew where they would lay their eggs. There were huge stacks of hay in one barn and the chickens loved to find tiny spaces between the bales to lay their eggs. I had to climb up and hold onto the ceiling beams while sticking my hand way down in a hole looking for eggs. Sometimes I got pecked because a chicken was still in there. Often my hand got attacked by roosters who shuffled along the beam, pecked, and went back quickly so I never knew which one of the little devils had done it. I had a water pistol in my pocket and would have zapped one if I'd ever been able to figure out who was the culprit. I gathered eggs twice a day, candled them, sorted them by size, put them into the right carton and answered the door when people came to buy them. I learned to hate chickens very quickly.

    Things were going along ok until we had one of those awful lake effect blizzards and the roads from So. Bend were closed for nearly 2 weeks. I was 21 years old, alone, and now in charge of all the animals. Had to drag hay from one barn to all the others, muck out the shelters where the cows were and spread new straw every day. Just as I'd come back in from one chore and get warmed up, I'd hear one of those damned chickens. Another egg...and I had to high tail it out to the barns and try to find it before it froze. Boy, I hated those chickens!

    I was considering not coming back to this website (had nothing to do with you wonderful ladies) because things were said on another thread that really upset me. Then I decided, to hell with them. They don't know me, haven't seen my records. How could they dare tell me my oncologist was wrong and I should believe some anonymous women on a discussion board about my prognosis. What was I supposed to do? Change doctors? Worry the rest of my life? I decided to tell them how they had upset me and they came back with even more drivel about how it was almost a duty for them to repeat everything they'd ever heard others say and pass along details of studies they'd read about. They said knowledge couldn't hurt. Well it hurt me. was info posted in the past by some other anonymous person and a "study" by...who? conducted when?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013


    I so glad you decided to come back on our thread here. I know it won't help much but many of us have had a trial by fire on these boards. I really am not for sure why someone would want to set themselves up as more of an authority than your Dr. and all the other medical personnel you have likely experienced along this journey.

    I don't know a lot, but I do know your own gut instincts and consideration of what your Dr. has shared with you will likely give you enough information to help you make decisions beneficial to you. There is a wealth of information these days ( Internets and computers are wonderful ) so you can find plenty to help yourself.

    Just speculating here, but I have heard that a number of people might have encountered someone sounding just like you describe.

    When I had my issues, it didn't have much to do with cancer or its treatments. It just seemed that this person needed great drama and seemed to pick out ( usually one at a time ) someone to bully and rile up, and try to draw into verbal battling behavior with her.

    The end result was that she was banned from using these boards. Sad because she did have cancer and no one REALLY likes to see someone barred from what they can have here, but if you make your mission one of causing disturbance to others, rather than the sharing and caring and understanding we all come here for, then matters have to result with your not being allowed to come back.

    All in all, I personally have basically only had "rough" times with just this one person. I think when there is such a large, large group like there is here, you do find so many "personalities" of all kinds and I think in time they will either straighten up, drift onto some other blog ( perhaps where they get more results ) or get themselves banned.

    I am really sorry this happened to you and just glad that you are moving on and not depriving yourself of people who have no interest in replacing your medical team, but only want to lighten the load of anything by giving you a place that is just for you.

    We do talk about many other things and try to offer suggestions or commiserate with each other because this is not an easy disease process to undergo.

    I guess I will go dump myself in my recliner ( chairs that actually aren't that good for you ) and get quiet for the night.

    Glad you came back.

    Peace and love



  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Sandy, be brave and come to the big bend country. You will not regret it if you want quiet and solitude. We had never been here until our DD decided to go to school at Sul Ross State University in Alpine in 1997. We fell in love with the area and Mountains. People used to tell me when we lived in BCS that the Mt's in west texas were wonderful, and I thought no way does Texas have any real Mt's. Well here we are.

    We to love the hill country, and the coast. We went to Goose Island at Fulton in May and spent 12 days camping with our DGD. I was not feeling very well. Hope to go back again.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Last night I decided I was going to change my tamoxifen back to mornings. I think it has been better today. Still hurt, but since I am moving all day I think that helps. We had a broom order come in today for a gift shop down by Galveston, so I sent in and sewed brooms for DH. I think most of the time I am better off going in to the shop and not staying home and feeling sorry for myself.

    I was raised on a farm in Iowa. I remember all the chicken chores. I rode in the back of the planter one spring for my DGF and poured in the seed as he drove the tractor and planter or whatever it was called. He gave me a baby rooster for my help. Well that rooster became the meanest thing ever. He would trap us on our swing set and my Mom would have to come with a broom and chase him away. Well that winter he died in the cold. No grief lost there.

    When I was pregnant with our DD in 1978 I went to my sisters and cleaned chickens. That was the last time I ever did that. Since I have had chemo I have a very delicate stomach. That is not like me, even cleaning out the frig just about makes me loose my cookies.

    Well I had better get to bed, have to help DH at the broom shop tomorrow.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2013

    We went camping in Big Bend when we lived in Houston. On the way back we had a headwind and it seemed to take hours to get anywhere. We were driving a VW bus (with curtains) and probably going about 40mph. About every half hour DH would pull over and we would get out of the bus and jump up and down and scream. The kids thought we were nuts, but they were trapped there with us. We did love the Big Bend area and the kids still remember it fondly.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Sandra I'm glad u'r here and I hope it wasn't me that gave u advice cuz it would be all wrong--I never paid any attention to anyone and just did what I was told.

    I'm laughing about the chickens--someone here takes care of the chickens next door to her--I won't mention any names but her name rhymes with levy, bevy, mevy and it's the name of a car. How horrible for u to be alone doing all that stuff wow I wouldn't do it, I know---but I did notice u said u candled the eggs which the person on here just eats them immediately- And yes I went thru TX one time and I really thought it would never end--it's bigger than some countries.

    Well Jackie is the best spokeperson for all of us--she is a doll--and I hope u enjoy this thread. There are wonderful caring women on here, and a lot of fun too. Which we all need a lot of.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2013

    Hi, thanks for your kind words of support for my job decision. I truly realize how good I have it, even though I have to drive a half hour each way. But right now, driving is not an issue for me.

    I enjoyed the information about Brooke AMC...DH trained there before going to Fitzsimons AMC in Denver. After he got out, he joined the AF reserves right in our home town. We would go to the AMSUS conference and it was often in San Antonio. I loved those trips! One year on the Riverwalk, Perry Como was filming his Christmas show in early November. We got to watch taping, and the Riverwalk had its Christmas decor a month early. We enjoyed driving a little ways out of town for the San Francisco Steak House where the pianos would play and the girl swings until she touches a bell with her toe. I had friend ice cream for the first time on the Riverwalk. We drove to the Hill country and found a cave with a big fake dinosaur in front...lots to do there.

    Yes, there are some issues when a large group of women get together...wish it were not so, but we have to take what works here on BCO and leave the rest.

    Ritajean, so glad you got to spend time with the kids...sometimes it is nicer without the stress of holiday time.

    My DD who moved sold her house in August, and the closing is tomorrow. One more step in closure for all of us as they move on in their lives. I miss them a lot! We have my GD's birthday on Sunday in CT...was hoping they would come from MA but it doesn't sound like it. My life has changed since they left.

    Today I went and bought some fun Halloween trinkets and decor to mail to my grandkids. We are really feeling the emptiness of the nest.

    Gotta get up for work....

    Thinking of you all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Joan it's wonderful to have such fun memories--I have Las Vegas where I got married for the second time and then I got divorced so my travel memories are yukky. But Joan I can't imagine how u feel when u'r kids move away --that would be so hard for me too. I truly am sorry. It's funny we bring our kids up to live the their own lives but when they actually do we 're not so crazy about their choices.LOL

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013


    Ah HAH! Jackie, I loved this picture, so I tried to see if I.... namely ME could post it! Yep! I am a genius! And it IS snowing out here now.... (Well, I guess it WOULD be "out"...certainly not IN my house!)

    Now CAMMI you little Dickens! For THAT you must go up to your room, and leave the DOOR open, and STAY there, till I say you can come down!

    SANDRA! Just pay no attention to this Cammiknowitallperson! She does not like my chickens! Actually I don't really LIKE them, even if they ARE neighbors! Ha! They ARE kind of pretty though! And THESE girls don't peck me.... If one is laying in her nesting area, I just quietly shut the little door, and leave her doing what she does best. Then I go back when all 6 of them are in their coop! I have to remember to COUNT first, before I open "their" door.

    I laughed when I read what you did on the farm! Ha! They peck at my crocs though... But the little girl that lives there, just picks them up like Puppies! And holds them in her lap!

    Maybe you should have "trained" them? That's a joke.

    And don't go paying any attention to gals who try and think they know more than your TEAM does! I mean this whole cancer thing is scary, without someone telling you that what you did, might not be right! I remember when I first started here, a few gals said that they would ONLY have a BREAST SURGEON do the surgery! Well, here I was, surgery scheduled with "just a surgeon!" I thought "OH NO, now what?" Came out perfect! No probs!

    We might tell you what WE did, but that doesn't mean YOU have to DO it.... Oh well, wait.... maybe it does. You have to mind...Ha! :)

    Mommarch! Another Chicken gal? That Rooster was mean? Man, that doesn't surprise me either! I remember these geese at our Sitters house.... Well every time I had to go to the out-house, those damn geese would be WAITING for me! I had to RUN.... Yelling all the way! They chased me and my brother every time! Then I had to hold my breath and RUN back in the house!

    shut up cammi!

    Joan.... I remember! I remember when DD and her family moved to Orlando.... I just cried. I knew it was coming, but we had been such a big part of my Grand-Sons lives ever since they were born... "My boys!".... But life goes on.... I couldn't hold on to them forever... just in my heart. They moved when they were 12 and 15... didn't matter... I STILL just want to hold them just like I did when they were tiny little boys.... So now the youngest is 25, (yesterday) and the oldest is 27. Still "our" boys.... and we talk to them every week! My heart drops every time I hear their voices!

    Love you guys!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013

    Thanks for the support and no, it wasn't anyone on this thread, it was an entirely different thread. I had just come from seeing my oncologist who told me in her opinion, everything looked great & I could stop holding my breath.

    I had DCIS in one side and LCIS in the other. They were found early, were small, intermediate grade and were not invasive yet. Both were removed in the double mastectomy and a sentinel node biopsy on both sides showed no lymph node involvement. The oncologist said I could not develop those two kinds of breast cancer again because I no longer had ducts and lobules and that's where it starts. She said I could (1 - 2% chance) get some new kind of cancer in the tiny amount of breast tissue that might still be there, but since it didn't contain ducts and lobules, DCIS or LCIS could not reoccur so I didn't need any chemo or hormone therapy. I was so happy and shared the news.

    The first post I read said there were other women on this board in the past who had my diagnosis and their cancer DID come back. She said other studies said I COULD get DCIS or LCIS again and it could spread to other places in my body so I shouldn't believe my oncologist. I know I should have just ignored the comments, but as the day went on I couldn't shake the worry. I spoke to my oncologist and asked if there was any way that reply could be right and she said absolutely not. She expressed her anger at internet experts who did not have the medical background or access to patient records and had no right to scare people like that.

    I posted a reply on the other thread saying the comments had upset me, were in no way helpful, and my oncologist said they were wrong. I suggested that perhaps we should stick with trying to support one another instead of planting seeds of doubt. People started posting about how it was their mission to relay ALL the information available to other women, I shouldn't be afraid of knowledge, and they couldn't understand why my oncologist would be angry.

    I stopped reading after a few posts, and vowed not to come back to BCO again. Later I admitted I needed the contact with other women my age and it wasn't fair to judge an entire website because of the comments of some. So I came back here with you and have deleted the other thread from my favorites so I don't have to be upset by even seeing the name of the thread anymore. Thanks again for your warm and wonderful welcome back.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    When we recognize that nothing has to go right for us to be happy, that people do not have to behave for us to love them, our walk home can be surprisingly simple. We have enormous power not to manipulate the world, but to be happy and know inner peace.

    Huge Prather

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Wow !!!!! That is a pretty picture isn't it Chevy. Now all we have to do is teach you to re-size then and your in business. Actually......that was the hardest part for me to learn, but I think in reality its easier then placing your picture in the entry area of the blog.

    Sandra we do 'discuss' our treatments here at times, but not in a way that criticizes what you may have done in your own personal case with your medical team. Since I had everything done at the V.A., while I had final choice, to some degree they have an SOP ( standard operating procedure ) and so a great deal of my care was more or less dictated to me. As the V.A. wasn't doing the surgery needed and farmed me out to a wonderful place, I was able to hook up with the Avon Patient Navigator in that office and she went over every thing in minute detail with me........including what the V.A. had planned. I later found out that she too, 7 yrs. previous had her own br. cancer diagnosis and her treatment matched mine almost perfectly so she could walk me through all the aspects. It made it much easier for me to accept the "strangeness" of it all and to this date I think of her with great feeling for bringing me through and keeping me sane and reasonably comfortable.

    Most of us just want to get along as this I think is one of the few diseases ( I've had a severe thyroid blow-out and a brain-stem stroke with each taking at least three or four years to recover from ) that send you in a gigantic tail-spin. So many emotions and often the whole thing is confusing and frightening. So, we come here to be with other people who have shared those emotions, are still going through them. Often we don't get much help from friends or family because you'll never know what it REALLY feels like until it happens to you. I know they want to help but time after time, it usually just doesn't work very well.

    You know you best and I'm glad that you were able to receive ample reassurance from your Dr. We 'd all like to know everything, but caution has a huge place here. We are all different and your care is based on you.....some people do well, some recur, and no one actually knows why. That is why your Dr. presents you with the choices ( based on yrs. of study and medical/oncology practice ) that he or she does.........because it best seems to answer your particular case.

    Have to run....I'm running late. See all you wonderful gals later.

    Peace and love
