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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited October 2013

    Sandra, I'm sorry you had a bad experience on one of the discussion forums. What you experienced is exactly the reason that many drs. advise their patients to stay away from the internet.

    I had a bad experience on this very forum a few years ago when it was hijacked by a negative person (I wasn't sure the person was a woman or that she/he had really had bc). My solution was to stop coming here. Then the problem went away and Chevy got in touch with me and suggested I might want to come back. I'm glad I did because I enjoy our daily conversations. Unfortunately, some of the former regulars like Jo never did return. There are two ways to deal with bad experiences. Report the situation to the moderators or just delete that discussion forum from your favorites.

    So much for my Friday at home. When I got back from my walk this morning, dh said my mother had called. I talked to her and ended up making her a dr. apptment this afternoon at 1:00 pm. She will be 91 in Dec. so if it will make her feel better to see a dr. about her current complaint, I'm happy to take her. It's a real complaint resulting from her incontinence but I don't think the dr. will have a solution. But we'll see.

    I enjoyed the chicken experiences. We had chickens when I was growing up. They lived in a very large chicken pen. I remember that my mother ordered 100 "biddies," or baby chickens and when they were delivered, some of them developed sores at their little pooper holes. My mother painted mercurecom (sp?) on them hoping that would heal the sores. Well, the other little chickens pecked the sick little chickens to death. You talk about brutal! Chickens aren't known for their compassion! I can hear Camille howling with laughter!!!!

    I will buy my yard eggs, thank you very much. Meanwhile our neighbor's beautiful rooster roams around our yard pecking at the bugs. He's nervy enough to come up on our little back porch and shout out his cockadoodledoo. I run him off and he looks highly affronted.

    I had meant to do some yard work today but maybe tomorrow.

    Oh, the partial knee replacement. The cartilage was gone from the inside of my sister's knee but the outside was fine. I suspect she damaged that knee during a horse riding accident.

    Happy Friday to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Glad to hear about your sister Carole. It is a BIG problem when something is haywire with the cartilage in the knees. My ex also had to have the surgery many years ago.

    Hope things go good with your Mom. I too think it is possible that there may little if anything that can be done about incontinence. I think it is a major senior type issue. Of the last three ladies I've sat with, all three had the same problem and resorted to Depends with Poise pads. It is one of the things I dread about advancing age. Still, I do know there are some people who seem to be able to fortunately skip that part of the senior trip and as a lot of my family have....I have some hope.

    Great afternoon here so far, sun but not hot. Lots of different colors in the leaves outside. Won't be long and they will be coming down like rain.

    Peace and love


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited October 2013

    I did it again! I had my post almost finished and evidentally pushed the wrong button and was magically gone. I am just so talented!

    First of all, Chevy, please keep that white, fluffy stuff out there with you for a while longer. I am not ready for it yet! :-)

    Sandra, I'm so glad you found us after your bad experience. It usually takes just one person to stir things up on a thread and so many are affected. Like Carole, I was on this thread when one person caused havoc, and I also quit coming around. It took me longer than Carole to resurface but I'm sure glad that I did. Come back often and chat!

    We went back to Parke County Indiana to the Covered Bridge Festival yesterday and I found several interesting Christmas presents. We also ate our way through the streets of Mansfield! Unfortunately my back did not agree with the longer car ride and I am hobbling around here today like "a VERY old, stooped over lady." I will be visiting my chiropractor/naturalist in about an hour and hopefully he will be able to get me back to moving again.

    At least I don't have to cook tonight. We are going to a friend's house for dinner, followed by a card game. We take turns hosting game night and it's always a fun night with good friends.

    I hope that everyone is having a good Friday!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Yes sweet Carole! Jackie and I stuck around here, and we know exactly what happened. Sometimes someone will just go nuts, and pick on someone, or something that was said, and they are relentless! It almost ruins it for everyone! Remember Jo5? And Spar? She was told she probably wasn't even sick! It hurt her so much, and I wanted her to come back too....

    And another one..... some gals just like to insult other women. But it hurts, and it makes them want to quit posting altogether.

    But that's how other threads are started.... ! One person will build up a following, and their "friends" will follow. That's fine too.... That person was finally banned, because of all the trouble-making and name calling.

    Oh Carole! That makes me feel bad! The poor little chickens! I WONdered what happens if one of them gets sick! Do they go to the Vets?

    My Daughter saw an injured Goose in the street one time.... It's mate, was standing by...... So SHE picked up that goose, made one of the boys hold him all wrapped up in a blanket, and took him to the Vets! She picked him up the next day....(nothing seriously wrong) and dropped him off back by the Lake where he was found! Geese mate for life, you know! So she couldn't stand to think one would be without their mate.

    I know Chickens are not friendly, like say a kitten..... but I kind of like the way the "talk" to each other, or to me! Like a soft clucking or peeping noise. No, Cammi, I WON'T train them....Ha!

    The knees.... I twisted one knee, one time, stooping down, with both legs out beside me... But one "popped".... Man, I could hardly get up! Finally had to have Arthroscopic surgery, to repair a torn medial meniscus...sp? It was okay then.

    But darned if I didn't hurt my OTHER one the next year! Same thing.... Same surgery.......But they are okay now. It was good I didn't have anymore knees!

    Jackie, your stroke caused a lot more damage than the one I had! I think it depends on WHERE it was, and how long it lasted? I think mine was the same type that caused another gal on Tamoxifen to lose HER hearing also! A neuro-otolaryngologist sait it was a small infarct (stroke) of the 8th cranial nerve in the head.... the brain stem.

    That is called the vestibulo-cochlear nerve, commonly called the auditory nerve. And from what I am reading on the Internet, there is a link between a certain gene, in SOME women, and they should be tested for that gene, before taking Tamoxifen! At least I know "why" I lost my hearing, and "how" it was caused.

    Sandra.... you just stick with us kid.... no judging, and no problems.

    SOMEtimes, maybe our Docs think we should go down a different path, than we want to.... but they usually know best.... You ARE your own advocate though... My Oncologist wanted me to stay on Tamoxifen, even though I lost my hearing, but I was just too afraid, so I quit. I will be 4 years out next month!

    Okay gals.... good to hear from all of you! xoxoxoox

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Oh Hi Rita, you were writing and losing while I was posting...Ha! Sorry about your back..... If you have a disc problem, they pretty much stay there, and will flare up when it is irritated..... Just ask Dr. Chevy...Ha!

    But I put up with back problems for 2 years! Finally the pain was just un-bearable, and I chose the surgery. Been fine ever since.... Just stiff once in awhile.... but at my age, I figure I'm doing pretty well. I would not recommend surgery for anyone, unless that was the last option.... but mine went really well.... This was about 25 years ago.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Rita.....where you went in Indiana....was that called Ripson Bridge. I'm not sure but my lady friend from Nashville, Illinois was a crafts person. In fact, she and her husband did them together, but Chuck had a regular job as well. They went somewhere every year, and it seems to me that may have been the place.

    She passed away from Mets four or five years ago. I met her when she and Chuck had a booth right here in the town where I live. So, for the whole 8 yrs. I had the gift of her friendship and the joy it always brought, we bought knew to always make the most of it

    Peace and love


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    OK I'm out of my room---wel actually I live in my room so haha Chevy u can't punish me.

    Rita I'm sorry about u'r back and hope u get relief.

    Carole that's a bad hurt for u'r sister hope she doing OK.

    And Sandra I know now it wasn't me cuz I was thinking (shut up Chevy) I announce I don't know anuthing so don't ask That's the way I wanted and want it. LOL

    OK now for this---were all of u raised with chickens and all kinds of farm animals---was I the only one raised in the city with granparents in the city across the street and down the block. I never heard of so much talking about barnyard animals in my entire life--I thought Chevy was alone in her world of chickens, but obviously u'r not so special Chevy haha-- well maybe cuz u were called back seat Chevy made u special but by no means from chickens--This is not an insult--wel maybe for Chevy but not for the rest of u.And again Chevy my room is my island I very seldom leave it--sounds sad but aha it's my choice I love being alone all the time unless Joey is with me--he's the only one I truly enjoy. Well no Halloween party for me this week, but I have one next week and I told u what my costume is==I'm so original I can't stand it and Joey loves the idea, I just hope I'm invited, if not I'm going anyway--it's only my DD1 she really doesn't care and the best part is she totally waits on me haha--I've got her fooled. I bet u can tell I just took my pain meds--cuz I'm jabbering for a while then I can't type at all anymore. OH OH my Katie-Kat gave me my massage for my arms already today I swear she knows I have LE and she knows exactly where to do it and for how long.

    I was watching this program that had a 14 yr. old hacking into NASA's computers 14--that was my big dream when I got my computer 3 yrs ago--and I can't even print a picture again. Drat foiled again, I finally learn something and they change it. Phooey OK I'm boring I know so I'll close for now, MUAH to all of u

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Ah geez little Cammi one! We love you no matter what! Katie cat will always take care of you...and so will Joey! What were you going to be on Halloween? I just don't dress up..... I gave all of my Halloween decorations to my Daughter that lives close to us...But I still have a couple. I LOVE to give the little kids their treats when they come out!

    Can you still use your Chrome to get into BC.ORG? I can post a picture with THAT one, but not when I sign on with AOL. Don't get discouraged little one....

    And it WASn't "back-seat Chevy".... It was the front seat..... silly! Oh I remember one time, when 4 of us were going to the drive-in. Well the boys said, you 2 girls get in the trunk, and it won't cost as much! So good idea, we thought! After they parked, they kindly let us out, and someone was there, and made us pay...:( ! They were probably watching these 2 "guys", going to a drive in, and KNEW they wouldn't be together! All people DID there was make out...Ha!

    After we got married, we used to take our 2 little Daughter's to the drive in, with their pajamas on, and we had so much fun! We didn't have very much money, but we had fun with the little we had.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Chevy I thought I told u--ok this is my costume-ahem--my nicest flannel long nightgown, my hair in rollers, slippers on, and an empty beer can--now I realize it is not original. but it's comfortable and with no makeup easy=peasy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    An "empty" beer can? And you actually own a long flannel night-gown? Is that what you wear every day? Does it have little roses on it?

    Holy Shamoli little Cam....stay in your room.... don't dare go to the front door with that get-up on. You will scare the kids half to death!

    One time I took our girls out, and this really old lady that lived alone, loved to hand out treats.... But the girls would not go up to her door... because they were afraid of her. But then the youngest one was also afraid to see Santa Clause...Ha!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013


    Oh WOW! I DID it Jackie!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Chevy, I knew you could do it. I learned using the picture link and re-sizing together, but only because I had a lot of sites I used that routinely had fairly large graphics.

    Now when you get used to inserting pictures AND re-sizing them, using the link insert, which is right next to the picture is almost easier.

    It is much like getting the picture jpg or however its identified inserted. Just click on it and you will know what to pick when you get the menu. Then you clink into the posting area to mark your spot. Then you click the link box and it will have you make an insertion in the box.

    After that you just hit your shift key and v on your typing pad...VIOLA.....the link pops onto your screen. You can then just start typing again to finish a sentence or start a new paragraph or whatever. Your link will be in your text.

    Ok.....I know I really sound like I know what I'm doing, and I can do the link thing most of the time, but I do have problems. Some articles I find I apparently don't know where to hit with the mouse because I don't get the right menu box.

    Just glad for you.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Chevy the beer can will be empty after I drink the beer therefore I will look amazing.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013

    Cammi, your costume sounds fetching - said no one EVER! I agree that the kids will run screaming...but then you get all the candy for yourself, so it's ok. Plus it's an easy costume and you are comfortable. Win-win. Our years in the Air Force were very social...teas, brunches, luncheons and parties at the drop of a hat. In 21 years we probably went to 21 Halloween costume parties. Some people are SO clever. One woman dressed in gray sweats, pinned a large letter P to her chest, and circles her eyes with black make-up. She was a black-eyed pea. We always tried to go as a pair (such as a Hamburger & Hotdog, Popeye & Olive Oil, pair of dice, pail & shovel) and always had homemade costumes. What costumes have you all come up with over the years?

    Chevy, your story about the drive in was funny and brought back so many memories. We had several drive-in's in St. Petersburg, Florida when I was a kid and my parents took the family to one most weekends. Yes, the kids were always in pajamas in Florida too! We would go by ourselves to the playground which was just in front of the screen and play before the movie started. We had to come back as soon as the cartoon was over. We raced to see who could snag the most coveted place in the back seat...the "shelf" under the window. Last kid in had to sit up front with Mom & Dad 'cause the other kids had stretched out on the seat & window shelf. Anyone else with drive-in stories?

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2013

    Checking in....still warm here in NY. Leaves are drying and falling - not many turning pretty.

    Cammi, Chevy, thanks for understanding how I've been feeling.

    DD called and tonight she told me she will be at the family party in CT Sunday. I plan to get my fill of hugs & kisses to last me until I see them again.

    Chevy, how did you post a photo? I had no problem at all until they changed the toolbar. Now I get the busy blue line but the photo never appears.

    I grew up chicken-free - almost. Lived in the suburbs but had a French restaurant on the next street. They had a farm behind it (very small) and it backed up onto our street so we got to see the animals...but the restaurant closed and they built three houses where the little farm used to be.

    Am falling asleep....have a full schedule of house work and homework for the week end (papers to grade)...and a birthday party for my 8 year old GD sunday. The other GDs are coming from MA and I

    have not seen them for well over a month.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited October 2013

    This afternoon I went outside and discovered it was cool enough to open up some doors and windows and turn off the a/c.

    I caught up with most of the ironing today and also made a pot of chili for noon dinner tomorrow at my mother's house. Tonight we're going to the Abita Springs Opry with another couple. The opry starts at 7 and ends at 9 so we'll have a hot dog from the concession stand and maybe a root beer.

    Joan, I'm glad you're going to see your grandkids and catch up on those missed hugs and conversations.

    Camille, I wish you'd get Joey to take a picture of you in your Halloween costume and then you could post it here for us to see! I am among those few people do not like Halloween. I hate those huge spiders that people put on the outside of their houses. The only decorations I like are the pumpkins and colored leaves and old-fashioned scarecrows. It's quite a thing around here to decorate for every holiday, including Halloween. I do have a home-made scarecrow hanging on the wall of our outside entryway. A neighbor made it and I bought it from her about 10 years ago. I may try to post a picture but I doubt it'll be successful.

    Hope everybody is having a good Saturday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance.

    Bruce Barton

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited October 2013

    No chatter here today. You've all been enjoying your Sunday.

    We had a gorgeous day. I opened the sun roof on my car and rolled down the windows to let in the cool, fresh air as I drove to my mother's house to take her to church. We had a good turnout for dinner. Two brothers with spouses, dh and I and, of course, my mother. Everybody brought food so it was a rather weird potluck. Much to my mother's delight, nobody brought up politics and we didn't have any arguments.

    Tomorrow morning I plan to have bloodwork, the kind that requires fasting, and also get a flu shot. I'll go to my PCP's office at 8 am. I hope the person who collects the blood shows up. I went last Tues. morning and she had problems that caused her to be late.

    Wishing everyone a good evening.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited October 2013


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited October 2013

    I did it! I posted a picture of a camellia I took last winter! It's too big, so I'll have to work on sizing.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Congrats are in order Carole. What a gorgeous picture and how absolutely wonderful that you can post the pictures. Resizing in actually pretty easy. Let me see if I can get the steps in here. When you open BC. Org up.....underneath your posted picture I think you should be able to see the words....edit and delete.

    Now the interesting thing here can go up there right after reading this and re-size that picture. Just hit the word edit.....your pic will disappear temporarily and then come back. When it does Rt. click on should get pale with dotted lines around it.

    Go to the far right bottom of the may have to scroll to do it, but that's ok. There will be a little box thingy. Line your mouse up with it and it will make an arrow sort of. Start dragging it up towards the left top and as you do your picture will get smaller and smaller.

    When you think it is the right size.....just hit submit again. It will come back to the size you have now made it. You can do this as often as you need to......the words edit and or delete will always be under your entry.

    Ok.......I hope I didn't leave anything out. I did this to the Life is a Gift graphic that I put in just a bit above your flower. I changed it about three times.

    Anyway, will talk to you all tomorrow.

    Peace and love


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013


    The pic above is regular size....un-changed, but I am going to resize this one.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Just read this and thought it amusing.....because, well, we don't really know do we.

    A minister dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him is a guy who's dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket, and jeans.

    Saint Peter addresses this guy: "Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven?"

    The guy replies: "I'm Joe Cohen, taxi driver, of Noo Yawk City."

    St. Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the taxi driver, "Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

    The taxi driver goes into Heaven with his robe and staff, and it's the minister's turn. He stands erect and booms out, "I am Joseph Snow, pastor of Calvary Church for the last forty-three years."

    St. Peter consults his list. He says to the minister, "Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

    "Just a minute," says the minister. "That man was a taxi driver, and he gets a silken robe and golden staff. How can this be?"

    "Up here, we work by results," says Saint Peter. "While you preached, people slept; while he drove, people prayed."

    Peace and love


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013

    It's been so beautiful in San Antonio this weekend, nice and cool...70's with no rain in a beautiful Texas-blue sky. (I know for some of you that's a normal summer day but our summer days are usually 98-102 and summer NIGHTS get down into the upper 70's.) October tends to be our rainy month if we're going to have rain that year. When it's a drought year we usually have a dry October. Last year we had nothing in October which meant our spring wildflowers were a pitiful sight. It has to rain at the right time in order for them to germinate correctly. It's rained a bunch this October so we can expect a bumper crop of wildflowers beginning in March. Bluebonnets are the first ones "up" and are just breathtaking when you see fields of them. When our Texas highway department does road work, it seeds all the medians separating each direction as well as the sides of the highways. That helps restore nature's beauty.

    I've watched a lot of football this weekend - 3 college games yesterday and Broncos/Colts tonight. Some years I have little interest, but this year, since I've been recovering from surgery, I watch it while I'm surfing on my laptop or playing Words With Friends on my Kindle with one of the cats in my lap.

    I would have loved getting out and taking a nice walk in the cool morning yesterday, but my anemia has taken a turn for the worse so I'm restricted from doing much. (Labs say iron is down to 8.2) I'll have an iron infusion a week from tomorrow. Anyone ever had one? The hematologist says it will take 8 hours. I hope to be able to get out soon after.

    Are any of you readers? My book club met this afternoon to discuss our October selection, The Light Between Oceans by M.L.Stedman. Highly recommend it. The book won several awards including one of the best of 2012. We drink lots of wine, snack on what everyone brought, catch up on everyone's lives, and discuss the book. I took apples and caramel dip today. Yum.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited October 2013

    Sandra, I made a note with the name of the book you recommend. I'll see how much it costs on Amazon. I just read an excellent mystery set in London and written by the author of the Harry Potter books. She uses another name, Robert Galbraith, and the title is The Cuckoo Calls. I'm hoping she writes another book with the same private detective as the main character.

    We've been getting some of that nice weather here in south Louisiana, too. Except for the nuisance of the dead leaves (isn't there always a nuisance any time of year?) I really enjoy our fall weather. The goldenrod has me sneezing and blowing my nose, though.

    This morning went so well I can hardly believe it. The traffic on I-12 wasn't all that bad and didn't hold me up. I was the first patient in for bloodwork at my dr.'s office and had to wait only 15 or 20 min. The parking lot at Walmart's was nearly empty. This store has a mini McDonald's. I tried the egg white mcmuffin, which is 250 cal. and it tasted pretty good. Not as good as the egg and sausage biscuit, but I'm trying to start the week off right and follow along in Jackie's path and drop some lbs. I can hardly zip my jeans and that ain't good.

    See there, Jackie, you're inspiring me!

    Now I need to update my checkbook register with all the transactions that take place automatically. I'm WAY behind.

    Happy Monday to all!

  • Widdershins3
    Widdershins3 Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2013

    How nice to find an "older person" thread! I'm 66, but (at least pre-surgery) I was very active and didn't feel anywhere near that old. Now, of course, I feel 166 as I wait for some super-tender flesh (that was mangled by a section of drainage tubing) to heal enough that I can begin to drive and do stuff around the house again without so much pain.

    My big post-surgery goal is to get to a local science-fiction convention called Convolution on November 1-3 near the San Francisco Airport. Originally, I had space reserved in the art show for my paintings and doll sculptures and a great costume designed for the Goblin King's Ball, but my diagnosis and surgery put an end to all that. Now, I'll be grateful just to get there to see the artist guests of honor, Brian and Wendy Froud (famous artists--she designed Yoda and did the characters in Dark Crystal and he's a faerie artist--Google 'em and enjoy the eye candy).

    And my interim goal is to heal enough to be able to drive a car again without so much pain (I'm 3 weeks out from surgery and wondering if this pain will ever ease). I wonder if part of the reason why I'm healing slower than most patients isn't my age. Dammit.