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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2013

    Haven't been on in a while. We got back from a trip on the American Queen paddle wheeler, on the Mississippi, from St Louis to Minneapolis. WOnderful trip, but the day after we got home we both had colds. Dh went away in 3 days but I got the one with an awful cough that is still hanging around, though better. Can't always tell if its cold or my allergies! I can Empathize Carole!

    It's beautiful here today, upper 60's and sunny. The leaves are more gold than red this year. We are past peak color , for the most part.

    Greetings Widdershins, glad to have you join us, at the club no one wants to have to belong to!

    Sandra, hoping to get to see our Texas grands in Jan or Feb, they formerly lived in Austin, now Kyle. I know the Austin area has been inundated this fall. My favorite author lately is Debbie Macomber. Enjoy light stuff, after years of reading texts for grad school!

    Not much else new here, dr appts next month. Enjoy fall. Jean

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013


    Just I thought I would share this with you, I believe she was 13 here and learning how to make a broom.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself, or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You choose.

    Wayne Dyer.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Just now getting a quote in. I spent the day running around with my cousin. She had a Dr.'s appt. to go to first in St. Louis. That is about 75 miles to the west of us here in the middle of Illinois. From there to the Red Lobster, then to the St. Clair Mall and a couple of stores inside. Then to a store I knew nothing about and the final one....Hobby Lobby.

    I'm no longer much of a reader. Sometimes I really miss it, but my life just does not seem to lend itself well to keeping a stack of books around. I keep thinking I will try to re-invigorate this part of my life, but maybe when winter is closer.

    Widdershins a big hearty welcome to you. is nice to have a little place tucked away here at BC. Org. that takes in what it is like to have this diagnosis in your 60's and beyond. Our concerns are a bit different from some of the younger ladies. Just wish no one young had to get this. We say we are well seasoned here.

    You sound like you are trying to do way too much. Although, I'm all for holding onto as much zest for life as you can, but healing does take a lot of energy so wherever you can conserve a little is probably better. If you have read much on this or other returns. Not quite like it was before which doesn't mean anything negative, but just that you learn a new normal. I hope you will come often. The door is always open.

    Peace and love


  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2013


    I am also anemic....anemia sucks and my doctor's nurse told I am not iron deficient....I'll find out what is wrong with me next Monday.....I am just so ready for a blood transfusion to get a bit of my energy back!


    Welcome! What kind of surgery did you have?.....I had bi lateral MX (2 drains) with only a little pain and was doing modified push ups a 2 weeks out but my pain came a month later when I had expanders put in....OUCH! for 3-4 weeks.....then I was okay each time I was expanded.

    Hope you feel better soon and get to go to your show.

    Get well ladies!


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Widder. I rather new here myself and so far have found the women here wonderful. Please come back soon.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Welcome Widder--so nice to meet u, I know not here but we are here. I roo used to read alot but not much anymore just happy I learned the computer.

    Carole u'r sounding good and Jackie u too. And this weather is what I like it' cooler now and it's great I have to sleep with a real blanket on and my cat loves that.

    And Di I hope they find something that cam give u some energy-it's funny cuz almost anything can be low and it drags u out. My Pot. and mag are more of my problems and I feel so glumpy and I know when it goes down.

    Well I guess no one missed me but my computer crashed with a virus UGH and it was a mess and 2 people said forget it and I person said to bring it in and didn't know how much it would cost--but it sounded like a vicious virus.  That reallyy got me mad--so I thought forever what to do--so I sat here and somehow fixed it myself--don't have a clue how I did it and my DD was shocked--no more than me==but I was glad I tok about an hr thos and I still have to put all the little things in cuz I cleaned up the whole thing to the bare minimum. So Jackie see that unknown author---well who else would say that but me years ago.

    I really never did much for Halloween even when my body was good, that's why the comfort issue is so important to me. But u had some really good  costumes going on Widder==very clever==I like some decorations we have cuz they're lights and I love little lights and Joey is all about Halloween so I enjoy it now.

    And Joan enjoy every minute of every hug like I know u will.

    And thanks guys for showing off u'r pics--sooner or later maybe I'll learn--here I can pit a compiter back together but I can;t post pictures. (shut up Chevy)


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Yes Widder! Welcome to us! Some of us have been here, since before the earth was formed! That's GOOD, right?

    I like to read also, but don't belong to any book club! Seems like I go in spurts.... and it's usually when I'm "watching" TV, sitting on the sofa, and I'm either reading or crocheting SOMEthing. I have a Nook, but it's still more fun to read from a book..... I started one I got at the Dollar Store.... by Nicole Ritchie... It's "alright" but not that interesting.... I read reviews online, and some people said "Well it's better than her FIRST one!" So don't know if I'll get through it all! Ha!

    And miss Cammipants! She DID fix her computer! I told her I was as proud of her as a Mother Hen....(she hates chickens, you know!) She will make you laugh, like she does me, because neither one of us have any sense....well, maybe we do, but we don't like for that to get around.

    And Jackie will keep us straightened out, because she loves us...

    Carole loves to golf, and travel with her DH, and she takes care of her Mom...

    And Mommarch runs a business making these neat little hand-made brooms!

    So many others of us just like to hang around and help everyone out....We aren't really Doctor's or Nurses or anything, but that never stopped us from talking about what WE would do....Ha!

    Okay, I'm going to post this, then go back a page or so, and then come back and edit.... I'm really smart doing that, you know.... :)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Okay! Me again! I forgot to say HI to you Bonnets, and Di! Have a great day everyone!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited October 2013

    Welcome, Widder. I guess you've already noticed we will shorten or mangle your name! It goes with the territory of being a "little" older.

    You'll have to learn a little patience and let the healing happen. At some point you'll reach your "new normal," which we hope will be close to your old normal, but it won't happen overnight. You're very welcome here and we hope to get to know you better. If you have a history with chickens... Just kidding!

    Good to have you check in, Bonnets. The riverboat trip sounds like great fun. Allergies are NO fun as you and I both know.

    I'm off to play golf this morning in a women's charity event at a local golf course. Afterwards we'll have lunch. No prizes and we're supposed to bring a check for the charity--I forget the name of it. The prize money goes to the charity, too.

    Cute picture, Mommarch. How about a picture of your dh or yourself making a broom. And a picture of the finished broom. The brooms sound really neat.

    Happy Tuesday! (Hope I have the right day!)

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013

    Lazy day with a cup of tea, some toast, a cat on my lap and my laptop. Later today I have an appointment with my Neuro-Opthamologist at a hospital across town. My brain stem stroke earlier in the year has affected my balance and eyesight most. They can do amazing things with prisms in your eyeglasses to trick your brain into seeing things better. My eyes have improved a lot in nearly 9 months, but the prisms might be in order now that I appear to have leveled off in my recovery. My balance is still not great, but I don't use a cane anymore, try to take "big girl" steps instead of baby steps, and learned in rehab how NOT to fall over. I still can't change direction very easily without looking awkward and cannot look up while walking, but can go to the grocery store and scan the aisles from side to side (slowly) without getting nauseated. Big progress.

    Yesterday I stayed in my recliner the entire day. My husband brought me lunch and dinner. This anemia has just zapped all my strength. Next Monday is the iron infusion. I want some energy back!

    We had another cold front hit San Antonio last night and woke up to delightful mid 60's. We've seen a few bushes and small trees changing color, but not much yet, even in the Hill Country north and west of us. Hopefully these cold fronts will jump start something. Of course we get nothing like you all do, but we appreciate what we have anyway. Come on cold weather. I want a fire in the fireplace for Thanksgiving instead of air conditioning and ceiling fans cooling us down.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Sandra.... There are several of us who have had that small infarction (stroke) in the area where the 8th cranial nerve is in the head.... In the brain-stem. Ours affected our hearing! ...the vestibulo-cochlear nerve.

    What caused your stroke, did they determine that? We were all taking Tamoxifen, which warns against strokes, but of course you never think that will happen to you..... and then to lose your hearing.... but at least we know "why" now.

    Tamoxifen also can cause cataracts.... I also read there is some correlation between a certain gene in some women, where Tamoxifen can cause this in THESE women more than others.

    Did you take any kind of drug like this, or chemo? I hope you can regain some of your old-self, and feel better!

    We've been getting cold weather HERE! Ha! But beautiful and sunny most days.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Okay, I just went back to read your diagnosis.... You didn't have any hormone therapy....

    You talk about Prizm's..... Okay, get THIS! We were driving home today, saw the flashing red lights on a Police car, and he was pulled over, so I slowed down. Well THEN he pulled ME over, because I did not change lanes! I just slowly went passed him, as he was stopped. The car ahead of me, DID move over to the other lane.

    So I pulled around the corner, thinking WTH????? He came up, all professional like, asked me for my license, insurance, and registration.... I asked WHAT DID I DO???

    He said they passed a law in this State a couple years ago, saying that when you see flashing lights on an emergency vehicle, even if it is stopped..... you have to move over to another lane when you pass it! I WANTED to say "YOU JUST MADE THAT UP!" But I didn't.... So he wrote me a ticket, NOT for that, because I said I didn't know, but I got a $30 dollar ticket for having a tiny "Prizm" hanging in back of my rear-view mirror!!!! He said he cut me a break, because that "failure to yield" ticket is $160 !!!!!

    I have had that Prizm hanging in my car since 1999!!! But I promptly removed it! Of all the nerve! $%^&*(!!!

    Oh well.... could have been worse.... so much for prizms..... :)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Don't go through life, grow through life.

    Eric Butterworth.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    It was 29 degrees this morning at 6000 feet. It has warmed up nicely, in the 60's now. Been busy today with domestic chores. Have a loaf of Italian peasant bread rising.

    Carole, I do not make brooms, I do not have the strength. I do sew them, varnish handles, etc. I call my self the quality control department, along with paying the bills.

    Here are some pics

    The pic with DH working on a broom, he is using a shaker broom machine that is 175 years old. I am so proud of him. He went through mental hell after his 16 year old son was killed back in 1980, He has came through the fire and loves what he does.

    Have a good evening. Think I will lay down for a few minutes until I have to tend to the bread.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Oh heck know what you reminded me of and that is the recent conversation I had with my friend who was going to have to take a written test and drive as well. She is in her 80's but I've driven a fair amt. with her and I think she is VERY excellent as a driver. I don't know if she got a ticket or what......why she had to do both parts of the test again.

    I keep thinking it is just a question of time for me before I have to do something out of the ordinary.....though I'm only 68. I have gotten a new license every three years for the 16 yrs. I've been back home, but have never had to drive here......only pass the written test when I first came. Anyway, my friend was so upset and allowing herself to be flustered because she felt she could not remember......even the things she had just read out of the book......nor feel like she was answering some of test questions they give you correctly ( just for practice ) and said that she would go ahead and make the attempt this time bout would likely start using the little SCAT busses we have here that will take you anywhere you need to go.......very minimal fee, and you just have to call them up in advance and arrange for it.

    Well Chevy --- they obviously sneak behind our backs and change laws on us. I guess it actually makes sense, but we were always told that if it is an EMERGENCY vehicle like fire trucks or ambulance etc. Not police cars that are off the road.

    I'm glad he was kind enough about it to give you a little less of a jolt with a cheaper ticket. But who wants a ticket on their record. I'm furiously knocking on wood as we speak.

    Hope you all have a wondrous day.

    Peace and love


    Forgot to say.....yay Cammi. So glad you figured out how to repair computer virus and send it packing. You will do fine with really will. Just glad you are back. I did notice you were gone but thought everyone else knew why......and they were just not saying anything. Makes me feel bad now. I should have been yelling for you.

    So happy you are back, my friend.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2013

    Mommarch, What do you use for the sweeping fibers? We had a broom from the philippines which was handmade. It finally wore out and can't find another one. My SIL, who's from Burma, said it's just called broom plant there.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Mommarch and Wren.... I bought a neat little straw broom from an Asian market a couple years ago.... I watched the clerk, sweeping the floor in their store with one hand, and a dust pan in the other.....

    So I had to have one.... I don't use it much, and really had to clean it out, when I bought it... It was new, but so full of dust, etc!

    Okay, I'll start using it more.... :)


    I love your brooms Mommarch, and your pictures!

    Yes Jackie! Can you beLIEVE it? A ticket for a hanging prizm? He must have felt compelled to give me a ticket for SOMEthing! I honestly didn't know, we were supposed to pull over, if a police car was stopped, even with lights flashing in the far right lane! He must have kept them on just to see if SOMEone would do what I did! I am always so careful, too!

    Me loving Nascar and all, it's a wonder I didn't crank it up to 80! Or tell him to "Flake off" and do a screeching burn-out!....Ha!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited October 2013

    That sounds like a silly reason for a ticket!

    Mommarch, I love the broom! And you and your dh look like you belong together. Such a sweet picture.

    Camille, I'm darned proud of you, girl! Fixing your own computer.

    DH went to a meeting tonight so I'm home alone enjoying the peace and quiet.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Wren, it is 100 percent broom corn, it is only grown for making brooms. It comes from Mexico, Hungry and South Africa. We get ours from RE Caddy in North Carolina. It is a very soft sweep, probably like the broom from the Phillipenes, We have a broom which was given to us from a curator of the smithsoean, his Uncle brought it back after World War II. We also have a broom that was made in the 1800's from Canada, and a broom from china made of bamboo and copa palm.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Our Son had a broom that was made by the broomsquire that taught my husband and it was 15 years old, it was getting pretty worn, he brought to his Dad and DH wanted to keep the broom and gave him a new one. Well guess what? A few weeks ago DH sold that 15 year old broom for $110.00. Guess everything has a price.

    Carole, thanks for your lovely comment about our picture, that was taken a few weeks ago by a lady from Ft. Worth, yes we do belong together, it has been 44 years this Nov.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013

    My stroke came out of the blue at the beginning of the year. I wasn't sick, not on any meds, didn't have high blood pressure, wasn't overweight, and was teaching cardio classes and Pilates every day after work plus Mike and I were teaching ballroom dance. My stroke was diagnosed as a "moderate ischemic brain stem stroke" which means it was caused by a blood clot, not a hemorrhage. It was in the Pons area which controls eyes, ears, voice, and balance. The ear involvement went away after a couple of days, the voice came back after about a month although I couldn't sing for several more months. The eyes and balance have still not come back completely but I'm about 80% better due to fabulous rehab and that may be as good as its going to get. I still cross one foot over the other a few times when I'm walking due to balance issues, touch walls & furniture for balance now and then, and I can't change direction very well. Getting up out of a chair is fine, but I can't move forward right away. Have to get my feet under me first. I don't do well with uneven downward sloping floors but can climb stairs like a pro...coming down isn't so good. This time last year we were hiking at 8,000 feet in New Mexico mountains. What a difference! But I'm functional and I've learned how NOT to fall over and walk without a cane. Major improvement. We do not know why the blood clot formed. I'm on plenty of meds now & just hope for the best. 36% of people with my kind of stroke have another one within a year.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2013

    Chevy, was the ticket because it was a prism? or because it was hanging from your rear view mirror? I have a dream catcher hanging from mine. If I didn't, I would never find my car. It's a purple Ford escort which is fond of looking navy blue and black under parking lot lights.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Sandra I'm sorry u'r feeling so glumpy, but maybe after the infusion Monday u really start to notice the difference, and all u 3 have been thru is horrendous to me and u'r all so up all the time.

    I am so far behind in all my computer stuff, I'm having a hard time catching up cuz my cat doesn't want to leave my lap???

    mommarch I love u pictures--those are the brooms u never see anymore that work the way a broom was meant to work.

    Chevy I still don't get why u got a ticket, but then again I never got one.Oh did I say something to make u feel bad , I'm sorry. Bwahahaha--I forgot about my license but I renewed it right before I had to do all the tests, but I did the eye test and they had the same letters whe I used to give it so since I had memory from that I needed o glasses. otherwise I most definetly would and I think we have to be over 75 (I forgot now( when we have to do a ride, that; bad cuz my driving sucks--

    Quiet day today, kind of chilly which I like cuz I like wearing flannel, the feeling is so comfy to me. LOL


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Sandra, just good to hear from you.... Your story is really interesting.... Especially the difference between a clot and a hemmorhage.

    When you think about it, our lives are a miracle! And we never think about things going wrong, when we are young and healthy! It's like everything has to work together in our bodies, or something happens! Sometimes we can recover, and sometimes we just have to compensate, for what happened. Man, I feel so FORTUNATE today, Ha!

    Mommarch, it's like we're learning something new, because of your broom-making! You guys just beLONG together! :)

    Wren, I think the whole thing was just CRAZY! I was stopped in the first place, because I failed to move over into another lane, when he was parked there with his flashing lights on! I just drove by him slower..... But he said the law passed a couple years ago, that I "have to move over one lane, traffic permitting, when you see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights." In other words, I should have pulled over to go by him, instead of staying in my lane.....

    But that's not why I got the ticket! He said he "cut me a break" and only gave me a ticket because of that little glass-crystal I had hanging from my rear-view mirror! It wasn't actually a prizm, just a tear-drop shaped crystal! But you can't have ANYthing hanging from your mirror! He said it WOULD have been $160 for the "failure to yield to an emergency vehicle with flashing lights!" So I guess I caught a break?

    Man, remember the booties, and those huge flocked dice we used to hang? And the Casino beads? So he must have felt compelled to give me a ticket for SOMEthing! I don't know why he left his flashing lights on anyway! He had already given someone ELSE a ticket! And they had left!

    That's it! It was a trap! And he was a jerk....! Oh well, if that's all the trouble I can get into, I guess I am lucky!

    Cammi, I don't think I have to take that written test, or the driving test, unless you get a lot of tickets! Not the make-believe one I got. I didn't even get any points! I am 76, and still only have to do the eye test..... I wonder how old I will be when I just give it up? You hear of these older people causing all kinds of problems... I'm not going to be in my 80's and still driving.... at least I hope not! Man, that's a tough one.

    Jackie, I think every State has different laws? One time I got a ticket for SPEEDING! I was going 31 mph. !!!! Which is CRAWLing for me.... But an officer was standing in the middle of the street, and waved me over..... (AGAIN! :) ) I was only supposed to be going 20! I was beside a school, THE SAME SCHOOL I WENT TO HIGH-SCHOOL IN! But their ball-field extends for another block or so, and I was over THERE.... beSIDE it! And there were no flashing lights.... EITHER!

    I am just a hazard waiting to happen. sniff........

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Good morning all--- I just started my coffe so I'm still a little blurry eyed--Chevy I'm sure every state is different but it funny, I do not remember what ILL. is-Chevy I was there for how many uears.--But I did wrk Title and registration most of those yrs--so I didn't pay attention to the other side (the driving side) much and if they changed rules I didn't keep up--I mean why should I stuff my brain with things I didnt have to know or didn't care actually. I do remember my Dad in his mid 80's giving me the keys to his car and said it's time for me to stop driving and I fet so bad cuz he was still working part time til then so he had to quit and I know he was sad, but he was going blind and he just accepted it, and never complained again for the next 10 years, I look back and think how did he do it all those years he totally took care of himself and never asked for help and never said why me and we all enjoyed just being with him all the time. We never asked him to wear dark glasses cuz he said he didn't want to, they weren't comfortablebut it's funny his eyes turned whitish, the pigmet was leaving and the little kids were a little afraid, but we told them get used to it and they did annd we all did. He didn't know or he wuld have worn dark glasses---Oh I have to tell u this is I did just roll over it----My dad always listened to the radio those days cuz he want's to keep up with the world so he could keep up with conversations, which he loved.

    so My sister and I were talking with him and he asked us who is this very popular Doctor that everyone is talking about--what does he do that's so amazing? And we didn't have a clue and he kept on saying u hear his name all the time for everything and they don't say what he does. It's probably a scam or something. So we had to askk him to think about exactly the words used to talk about him and he thought a moment and said OK they always say www DOC com anf I never heard of a Dr. com and what he does except for that., but being the intelligent people that we WERE my sister and I explained the whole thing to him.

    OK I'll bbl Love


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Cammi, FIRST of all I am proud of you! You made a paragraph! Sort of....!!! Well, actually TWO! Will wonders ever cease?

    And I love the way you talk about your Dad.... All the love you have for him really shines through! You are a beautiful Daughter!

    Maybe you could explain, (again) what your Dad meant? Are you talking about something resembling Is there really such a Doctor? Am I just being plain daft today, or what?

    Yes.... your Dad was very smart.... and a proud man! He knew he had to quit driving sooner or later, and best to do it before something happened.

    When I quit driving, I will do it after I find that stupid officer, and make a go at scaring the pants off of him! Ha, ha!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Chevy u make me laugh---he did not know anything about computers and he thought that a Doctor Com was always advertising on the radio cuz they always said any questions write www. dot. com--but he heard Doc Com--He just thought this guy gets around alot--he was a character believe me.And every so often my sister and I will get a tape out cuz we used to record our conversations (he never knew) and we can hear our parents voices well my mom would basically just say RALPH don't tell the girls that--and he would anyway we were in our 60, and 50's so...and after my mom died it was just the 3 of us and he just made us laugh--never intending to but his stories were priceless so we taped him--it's hard tho to listen sometimes but I do .

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013

    What a smart idea to tape your parents voices! Wish I'd thought of it. Why do we never think of these things until it's too late?

    We have the same kind of law in Texas. You have to move over at least one lane when you see flashing lights. It's VERY common for police officers, tow truck drivers, or good Samaritans to be hit and killed while standing on the side of the road...not even IN the road. Happens several times a month just in this area. You cannot stay in your lane, even if you slow down. As for school zones, you must slow to 20 mph. There are signs at the beginning and end of each zone telling you when the 20 mph is in effect and what times - usually 7 am - 4 pm. Very few of our schools in this big city have flashing lights so we really have to look out for the signs. Here you can hang something from your rear-view mirror UNLESS it refects and can cause an oncoming driver to be distracted. So no prisms, shiny glass or metal.

    My husband does 95% of the driving. I can drive in my neighborhood as long as my eyes are behaving themselves that day. If there is any double vision or "ghosting" I don't go. Sometimes it will be fine driving to my destination but not coming home, especially if I've been reading a magazine at the hairdressers. It's leftovers from my stroke. My eyes can get locked in close up vision so when I look up, I can't focus and see double. The neuro-opthamologist told me to pull over, sit in a parking lot with my eyes closed, and wait for my brain to re-set. If it doesn't within a half hour, I call my husband to come rescue me. Thank goodness for cell phones. Hate the thought of giving up my keys so young...I'm not even 65 yet. (It's coming in early December but I'm fighting it the whole way, haha.) I see the neuro-opthamologist every three months so as long as he says I'm ok to drive in my neighborhood, in good weather, I'm keeping those keys. :)

    Hope you all have a lovely day... with no more tickets!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    That's right Sandra! I just never even heard about that law, but you can bet, I WILL move over from now on! I'm lucky I didn't get a ticket for THAT! I won't drive in bad weather either.... We have our windows tinted pretty dark, because my arms used to blister from driving in the sun! But I can't drive at night...Ha! I will if I have to, but not very far! I didn't get a ticket today....HA!

    My DH drives HIS old car, but he scares me to death! He was always a hot-rodder, and it just is IN him to try and scare me! So he knows either I drive, or I don't go.... unless I HAVE to! Besides, he wasn't born with a lot of patience.... :)

    Cammi, wouldn't it be nice, if you always had that recording of your Parents voices? I wish I could hear my Dad's voice again....! I used to have tapes of them, but somehow I got rid of them.... My friend still has her Husband's voice on the phone message.... He was killed in a car accident, so when I call her, it just kind of gets to me, but whatever makes her feel better..... My Dad was the character in the family.... so happy go lucky, always laughing, even when he wasn't drinking..... THAT was another story..... But my Mom spent most of her time, trying to make him stop drinking.... Well you know how THAT goes..... I didn't actually even LIKE my Dad, until after my Mom passed away....

    And then somehow, we became so close! I lived here, and he was in San Francisco, but he started calling me every day.... He was just missing Mom something awful! They couldn't get along together, but they stayed anyway....! 63 years together.... But after she passed, he was lost.... He would tell me I put my arm on her pillow, and I thought she would be there......................

    So I learned to love my Dad.... He needed me, and I wanted so much to feel like he loved me. So I gave up all those memories, and bad feelings.... I would go see him every few months.... He was getting so sick.... I would rub his legs with salve, because they were so swollen, and leaking some kind of fluid.... Emergency rooms, decorating his little house for Christmas, sitting up with him laughing, and drinking that god-awful coffee he made, and kept for 2 days...:) but he would tell me what he did during WW2, and stuff we never talked about! He would tell me about things he did when he was little, and about all his girl-friends.... don't ask..... But at that point, I loved him, and he could do no wrong. He was finally "mine"..... geez, I miss him so much.

    My Brother and I were both there, when he passed away..... At least I got to "talk" to him while he laid there.... I whispered things in his ear... and he would push his shoulder up, like he was hugging me.... I don't know how I got through that....... I think it was because my Brother was with me....

    We had to clear out their home.... give all their stuff away.... put it up for sale, give his car away to his old buddy.... and leave San Francisco one last time.

    Went back once with my Daughter's once, but I don't want to go back..... Too many memories.....

    I'm glad some of you guys still have your Parents.... Take care of her Carole!