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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    SANDRA! and JACKIE! Very good advice for our Widder! I didn't have a clue WHAT she should expect, or experience, but thanks for posting your thoughts on that! Man, Widder, it sounds like you aren't getting any help from your surgeon! Can you ask for another opinion ??? And yes, sometimes nurses assistants know about as much as the Docs do!

    I would keep hounding them until you at least get some answers that make sense! You aren't that old to have to settle for their ignorance or lack of empathy for how they are treating you, and what you are going through.

    There IS a reason for the pain, but you shouldn't have to BEG them for an answer. They should be able to HELP you somehow? And tell them all I said so! Sheesh! I just hate when someone feels helpless and can't find anyone to really HELP them!

    Is there such a thing as going for an office call when your regular DOC is gone? Or off? I mean sometimes one of the other surgeons could take a look at you? When I saw my first oncologist, he kept answering his phone while I was sitting there! He was just hell-bent on trying to figure out why I did not WANT chemo! I told him my surgeon, nor the radiologist thought it was necessary, and I was too old, I said, and I was too afraid, and that's WHY!

    But he was just so un-concerned with all of my questions! He finally said "Well, I'm not going to even order the Onco test for you, if you won't take chemo anyway."

    When we left, I called my Doc and asked if I could have another Oncologist, that THIS one was just too far away.... :) So I then got to have a different one!

    Sometimes our "team" has someone that doesn't "fit"! See what you can do!

    Come to fine out, he DID order the Onco test anyway, and my score was 19.... a low Intermediate.... His nurse called back with the results, and SHE was nicer than HE was. She gave me the message, that I didn't NEED it if I didn't want it.

    Mommarch, that reminds me of when we used to go fishing..... and when I got bored with THAT, I would hunt for the Sage bushes, and cut pieces, tie little bunches together, dry them, and I loved burning bunches of sage either outdoors on the picnic table, or even in the house! I just lit them, and blew out the flames, and let them smolder!

    Cammi must be sick! She isn't posting ANYwhere! Cammi, if you don't post, we are coming to GET you and force-feed you some Chicken-soup! WITH Dumplings!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited October 2013

    Widder, I had very similar surgery, bilateral w/skin and nipple saving but I had immediate reconstruction with silicone implants. For the 1st three days a pain pump automatically injected numbing agent to help with the initial pain. I had to pay for it since insurance didn't cover it, but it was worth every penny. $300 as I recall, the cost of the pump to my PS. He didn't make any profit on the pumps but doesn't want his patients to feel a lot of pain.

    I can't take Vicodin or that whole class of codeine drugs. So I used Darvaset (sp?) for a day or two and then took Tylenol for arthritis. At that time I was in a discussion group here on with other women who had the same procedure. One or two of them had more pain issues than I did. So people are different with pain tolerance. I had healing issues with the left incision and left nipple. I even had to go back to surgery and have the left incision redone because of dead tissue. The left nipple was "iffy" for weeks but finally did survive.

    I was borderline diabetic but my sugar wasn't high enough for a med. Now I do take a med by mouth once a day to combat the insulin resistance. Diabetes can definitely make matters more difficult in healing. I think my healing issues were caused by the BC surgeon who told me afterward that I was very difficult because of the density of my breasts. She shaved the skin a little thin in the effort to remove all the tissue.

    Don't be apologetic that you are having pain after 4 weeks. Everyone is an individual and there must be a reason for your pain. Keep contacting your drs. and asking for answers. I was 66 at the time of my surgery but I felt much younger then. The last 4 years have taken their toll and I don't feel as young. But I did push myself with my dh's encouragement. After about a week, I started taking walks, at first only about a block, but I kept increasing the distance. It took a year at least before I stopped noticing the tightness in my chest. After 4 years I don't even think about being a bc survivor unless the subject comes up.

    Good luck with the TEs.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Life is not complex. We are complex. Life is simple, and the simple thing is the right thing.

    Oscar Wilde.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Such great advice from all of you. I know so very little about mastectomy issues and te's and all that goes along with those things. Still I just felt --- if you don't have a decent relationship with your Dr. and don't feel you can rely on his wisdom to help you get through have very little and it just seems like a very poor recipe for what is debilitating and so frightening in the first place.

    It is one of the reasons I like the quote I found this morning. I learned in a class long ago that people who seem to do the best are the ones who can break something down to its lowest common denominator. So in this case, if someone does not feel like things are well ( lets say with your Dr. ) then maybe its time to switch. You just keep going farther back with things.......get past tons of technical items which we are not likely to understand anyway, and when you have things on a simple, easy to understand will clearly and easily see what you need to do.

    Sometimes we get caught up in going with things just because it is new to us --- but your own INNER guide ( and we all have them ) will usually allow you to start sensing discomforts and things that are out-point hindrances and other upsets and so we know to start looking ( go back to simple ) for answers that WILL work for us.

    Beauty of a Fall day here so far. We so enjoyed the big Halloween parade last night. Many of the county and school "queens" must ride in convertibles with their 'finery' on which means when we have a very chilly October, they are shivering through the whole parade. I feel for them, but they are young and seem to find some sort of tolerance. I felt for them anyway.

    My SIL was amazed at the big deal that is made for our very small town. We do several things that are common to much bigger municipalities but he was just blown away.

    I hope you all have a fantastic day today. Yard cleaning ( falling leaves ) is on the agenda here. Dh has done fairly well as he has mulched so many with the tractor before they got too deep. One of these days they will likely start coming off much faster and then the hand held blowers will have to come out.

    Peace and love


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited October 2013

    We've been in the yard cleaning everything up today, too, Jackie. I guess that's just comes with living in the woods. We blew most of the leaves yesterday and emptied pots and cleaned off the flower beds today. Only about a fourth of our leaves have fallen so we will have more to do within the next couple of weeks.

    Widder...everyone has given you great advice. It sounds like it's time to check it out a little better with your PS and see what's causing the lingering pain. There may be inflammation that doesn't show on the surface. Hugs to you

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

  • ritagz
    ritagz Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2013

    I didn't quite realize that I moved into the "older " generation, but I guess age doesn't lie, no matter how you feel.

    Just having turned 60, this was not the birthdaty present I was hoping for, but then who ever hopes for this.

    I am just diagnosed and haven't even seen a surgeon yet, so right now all I am doing is reading and absorbing how different people cope and recover. All the information sometimes makes me nervous, especially when I see a similiar diagnosis, but a more radical treatment, and intellectually I know that no 2 cases are the same.

    My logic is sometimes superceded by my emotion - I know it is normal, I know I should go one step at a time, I know that my case is not as bad as many others that have survived, I know it in my mind, and sometimes my logical mind forgets to tell my emotional mind so stay calm, focused and positive.

    these forums help alot, and I hope that time will help the rest.

    thanks for the ear

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Welcome another-rita! Ha! Glad you found us.... I think I'm about the same grade and stage as you are... So you haven't even been to see a surgeon? Will your Primary Care recommend one? Mine did, and I loved my team! I'm just about 4 years out now, and doing REALLY good! Of course I'm 16 years older than you! I thought I was too old to get breast cancer! Nope! Guess not!

    Just hang on..... don't be afraid..... and just feel free to ask us anything. It's only natural to be afraid, but you will soon get over that, when the surgery is all DONE with! You might get radiation, etc. But you have to wait until you see a Doc, and see what the plans are.

    I actually didn't know what grade, or stage, until the surgery was over..... THEN the final patholigical report tells you exactly what was going on. Then you will hear what they plan to do with you!

    I just had a general surgeon, not a breast surgeon, and she was good! I also had the Mammo-Site device for the radiation.... You might ask about that.

    Most of us hear have been here awhile, and we talk about EVERYthing.... so just don't go frettin' none, cause we're all here to help. Take good care!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Welcome ritagz, we are so glad you found us. Let me tell you.....I doubt there is anyone alive who doesn't get "nerves" in huge amts. over this diagnosis. It is un-like others I have had ( hyper-active thyroid and stroke ) and is the ONE that literally took over my whole life. It was, like many of us, totally un-expected. While my other diagnosed problems certainly took a great deal of recovery time, it did not scare the starch totally out of me like the cancer diagnosis.

    Many, many, many of us go onto whatever treatments we need --- I had 6 mos. of chemo and 7 weeks. of radiation and 5 yrs. of Arimidex....switched later to the generic version called Anastrozole. I am taking the last few pills of the Anastrozole and have been told by my Oncologist that I do not have to refill that prescription anymore, not switch to anything else.

    In any case, we learn to co-exist with this diagnosis and find a NEW normal way of being, that at first is filled with lots of checking to see that you hopefully stay NED - short for no evidence of disease. We are apt in fact, to get a little un-easy when we don't have to receive quite so much attention. But it does take time to take it all in.....this un-wanted frightening thing that has happened and to learn to be able to NOT focus on it all the time.

    Hopefully you will get to a time where you can just share and not do TOO much reading as we are all a bit different, as you've found and some of it can be off-putting and scary.....maybe even confusing. So much of it depends on what your Oncologist and medical team see as the right approach geared to all the faucets of your disease process. Of course, you need to know enough to feel comfortable with what they recommend and to ask questions so that you feel everything has been covered thoroughly.

    You will learn this new language and will be a top notch assistant to your medical team and Oncologist and you will find ways of making that dark cloud on your shoulder get lighter and lighter as time goes on. There may be times when you are angry, disturbed, sad to the point of tears breaking out when you least expect it, and times when you feel confident that you are doing all you can to get well and stay well.

    All of us ( some a ways out now ) continue to share the friendship we have made with each other, but also stay here to lend a hand and a sympathetic ear to those just beginning the trip you never wanted to take, because way back when, someone was there to help us. To point us to good answers and be a willing ear and shoulder, a rock for us to lean on, and our desire to not leave anyone else as alone as we once felt is very strong. Hope you will come often to our little home here. The door is always open.

    Love and peace



    ETA: so sorry to the wording below. I was attempting a picture I found but it would not go in.


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013


    WONDERFUL post. So glad you are a part of US.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2013

    hi friends

    Jackie I love the open door. Thanks.

    I have been reading but have been traveling.

    For those still dealing with surgery issues and treatment, thinking of you. Keep looking forward. Healing hugs fir you.

    Welcome new friends.

    I am so grateful to be able to do what I can for now. Who knows about tomorrow?

    I am at a geology conference and took a 3 day field trip. Its a beautiful world!

    Chevy i answered you.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited October 2013

    Welcome to the new Rita who is new to bc. So sorry you had to find us this way, but I hope you find a great medical team who will guide you on your journey to bc survivor.

    You yard workers are making me feel guilty. My weeds in the flower beds are thriving as the leaves fall and clutter up the patio and carport.

    I must share my popcorn discovery. In recent months I read on Facebook about a simple method of popping popcorn. Pour kernals into a glass pyrex bowl. Cover with a plate and place in the microwave. Turn the microwave on high and wait for your bowl of fluffy popped corn. Hmm, I thought. Worth a try. Well, it really works! And is much less expensive than buying the microwave popcorn. Instead of a plate I use a plastic cover designed for the microwave.

    If there are any unpopped kernals, you can scoop off the popped corn and put the glass bowl back in the microwave. I just enjoyed a big bowl of popcorn for my evening meal. I use butter spray to give the popcorn a buttery taste. You can sprinkle salt if you wish.

    So there's my cooking hint for the day!

    Here's the report on noon dinner at my mother's house with my niece and her three kids, aged 10, 8, and almost 4. Remember that I made meat sauce and spaghetti especially for them with a side dish of cream style corn straight out of a can and warmed up. My niece had told me that corn was one of the few veggies they eat. WELL. The 10-yr-old boy passed on the corn. He only likes regular corn not cream style. He ate a small portion of spaghetti. The 8-yr-old said she wasn't hungry and didn't want any spaghetti. She ate a small portion of corn and retired to the living room where she proceeded to eat candy she had gotten at a Halloween event yesterday. The almost 4-yr-old ate a little corn but didn't touch her spaghetti. She went to the living room and begged her sister to share the candy, without success.

    My niece and my mother and I ate generous portions and seconds of the spaghetti and enjoyed it. My mother and niece also ate the corn. The lesson in this meal planning was not to plan a meal that the children will eat. My husband has been telling me this forever.

    I got out the Halloween oreos and the little girl (almost 4) separated her cookie, ate the filling and wouldn't eat the cookie halves!

    When it was halftime of the Saints game against the Buffalo Bills, my niece took the kids home and my mother and I breathed a big sigh and sat back to enjoy the rest of the game in peace. And enjoy our cups of coffee with oreos!

    Camille, we're all waiting for a report on the Halloween party!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2013

    hi friends

    Jackie I love the open door. Thanks.

    I have been reading but have been traveling.

    For those still dealing with surgery issues and treatment, thinking of you. Keep looking forward. Healing hugs fir you.

    Welcome new friends.

    I am so grateful to be able to do what I can for now. Who knows about tomorrow?

    I am at a geology conference and took a 3 day field trip. Its a beautiful world!

    Chevy i answered you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Carole, I thought I was going to fall out of my chair laughing. It is so typical of kids. Probably much more so TYPICAL if there is candy or some sweet involved. Like you and Mom, I am sure I would just say a couple of whew's when the young'un's exited the premises. Probably went to McDonalds or Burger King's.

    I am going to try your version of popcorn. For one thing, we do like white popcorn and Dh always keeps some on hand. While my thyroid was so bad I could ( with great care meaning very, very slow ) manage to get down if fortunate a whole small carton of yogurt per day. The other thing that we ate almost every night was popcorn. For some reason that and the yogurt was all I could eat w/o getting sick. Funny......even with yogurt it took all day to get that one little carton down, but I could wolf down the popcorn in record time. Anyway, Dh does buy it in the bags you pop and I'd like to try your method. I think you could check on it easily ( unlike being in a bag where you see nothing ) and easy enough to find the un-popped kernels.

    Fantastic day here.

    Peace and love


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Carole, have you seen the eggo commercial with the little boy who is a picky eater and comes to the table and says I won't eat this and then dances away. I thought if that was one of mine I would snatch him bald.

    Our DGS was awfull, so finally I just said you know where the peanut butter and jelly and bread are, you fix yourself a SW. As he grew older it is better, he will be 13 in Nov. I think he got tired of PBJ. One time we had some leftover spegtti sauce so I made sort of a goulosh out of it. He said he would not eat it. His sister got her plate and then he jumped up and said oh I like that it is hamburger helper. We had a good laugh.

    Did not get much done today, got out the sewing machine for the first time in years and am repairing a dress to wear at the heritage festival. Felt good to sew. I used to sew alot.

    A big Howdy to Rita, sorry you had to find us, but you will find this is a great group. Hang in there. I also had mammosite rads.


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013

    Quiet day today spent watching football and researching iron infusions on the laptop. I'm going to have one tomorrow and thought I'd better find out what to expect. I know it will take more than an 8 hour procedure to reverse this damn anemia but have my fingers crossed that my pitiful iron level of 8 jumps to a healthy 18 after tomorrow. (Foolish dreams but a girl can hope, can't she?) I've had this for over a year but it's gotten worse since the BMX two months ago in spite of a blood transfusion of 2 units of A+ right after surgery. Having the second surgery 2 weeks later didn't help, I guess. Anyway, I'm tired of being tired so I'm looking forward to any help the iron infusion will give me.

    Oh yeah...I read about all the possible side effects and decided I just won't have any. How's that for positive thinking?

  • Widdershins3
    Widdershins3 Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2013

    Such amazing excellent advice here! Thank you for making a pain-addled newbie feel much better just from knowing I'm being *heard* when my doctor's been such a ditz.

    Now I have even more severe pain and a fluid build-up too, so I'll take your advice to contact an RN at the breast center and not my plastic surgeon. I have an appointment with him on Tuesday, so I think I can just keep taking the Vicodin and putting up with the pain it's not controlling until then. Fingers are crossed that, when he drains the fluid, the pain levels will finally go down a lot.

    I'm really concerned about still taking so many drugs--I've never had to do this before in my life! So I'm going to really be assertive at my appointment and make it clear that whatever's causing the pain has got to be treated NOW so that I can begin to get my life back. Thanks again for all the input--I really, really appreciate it and it's brightened a couple of very painful days this weekend when I was feeling hopeless.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    The sun is new each day.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013 adorable that is and Widdershins.......good for you. I think I found this quote this morning not knowing just how apropos it would be. It is a new day, and you DO have a lot of people who care what and how you are doing. This really isn't a walk in the park and it would be so kind of those in CHARGE of taking care of us would LISTEN and ADDRESS the actual ISSUES we have.

    Okay, I do know there are some that just don't seem to develop much of a bedside manner, but I am hopeful those Dr.'s will have a good staff who can see the need to FILL in just a bit and pick up the pieces.

    Sandra.....sure hoping your iron infusion does the job you are hoping it does. I can't imagine being drained and tired all the time. During my rads ( and it is the closest thing in my imagination ) a couple of times I had a bout or two of fatigue just hit me and I had to physically go to bed and nap......something very foreign to me, as I felt it was going to be impossible to get my brain to get the message to assist my body in all the normal, taken for granted everyday walking. And.....I REALLY and TOTALLY didn't want to do anything. Just go to bed.

    I so hope it works out and you know what.......instilling a positive attitude is a huge help. We can become what we conceive and believe. It can't do much by itself.....but it can give a real boost up when you are looking for the positive side of an event. It is not denial......we generally only deny what is already in front of us, so putting up a good picture gives you and your spirit something to shoot for. You know that quote that goes something like: "Shoot for the moon. If you don't make it you'll land among the stars".

    Here's to the moon and stars for you.

    image unselectable="on">

    Peace and love


    When I hit edit.....the picture I put in shows up. When I hit submit, it only shows as a little black box. Here's hoping.


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Managed to get out of bed at 6:30 this morning. I have cleaned up the kitchen from last night, put med's together for the week, made egg salad and tuna salad, cleaned bath, washed two loads of clothes, now I am going to put lunch together for DH and I and go to the broom shop and varnish handles. I have been hurting pretty bad today, just raging through things like a bull.

    Have a great day

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013

    I'm writing from the chemotherapy unit at San Antonio Military Medical Center (SAMMC) where I'm getting my iron infusion. Looking around at the other cubicles where my fellow "passengers" are, I'm profoundly grateful to my breast cancer team (who pulled off a "win" with me 2 months ago) that I am only here for iron.

    Been here since 7 a.m. (it's now 11L30) and it looks like 3 hours more unless I can bribe the nurse into making the IV drip faster. It's been totally side effect free and I get to lounge here in a nice recliner with a view of downtown San Antonio if I stretch my neck just so. Otherwise all I see is Ft. Sam Houston and I-35. My ever-present husband Mike is here to fetch whatever I want when he's not out on one of his walkabouts around the hospital. I'm sooner did he come back from the last one, I sent him back downstairs for a Diet Pepsi. After his next one, I think I'll feel the need for some lunch from the cafeteria.

    Hope you are having a good day too.

  • Luvmaui
    Luvmaui Member Posts: 57
    edited October 2013

    Hi Everyone!

    I haven't been on this website for awhile, but I am 4 mos. away from my 5 yr. mark and thought I would check back to see what ladies are deciding on continuing Arimidex. As I was looking through various forums I came across this one and immediately felt at home! I have spent the weekend getting to "know" you girls so I should let you get to know me.

    I am 68 yrs. old, married for almost 48 yrs. to the love of my life, mother of 3 living sons (40, 38 and 35) and mother to our precious oldest son who passed away in 1999 at the age of 30, from a VERY rare cancer of the aorta. He was our oldest, the married father of our oldest GS who was 2 at the time. I still miss him every day! We have 7 grandchildren, ranging in ages 18 yrs. down to our littlest GS who turned 1 last Wed., and they all live close to us.

    I have lived in Oregon all of my life except 3 yrs. in So. Calif. but have been fortunate to be able to travel the U.S., the Carribean, and our favorite place on earth...Maui! Never been to Europe but it's on my "list". My DH is a retired Consulting Engineer who has traveled the world in his work so not very excited about alot of travel now......grrr!

    I have always been extremely healthy and very active UNTIL my mid 60's! I was diagnosed at 64 I went for my yearly mammo. I was even thinking of delaying this one as, except for 2 benign cysts years ago, I had never had any problem, no family history etc. Well this time they found a tiny suspicious calcification which after biopsy showed a very tiny IDC (7mm). I had a lumpectomy and sentinal node removal which was clear.....whew! I then dad 6 wks of external radiation which I got through with limited fatigue and no skin problems plus the regional cancer center is only a mile from our house so it was a quick daily in-and-out. I recovered quickly physically but mentally I still get anxious at the 6 mos. checkups!

    Then on March 29, 2012 I got up from a chair in our family room and fell to the floor! My DH got me to the ER and after 2 days and a barrage of every test in the hospital, including a spinal tap, I was diagnosed with a severe case of Guillane-Barre' Syndrome.....a very rare (1/100,000) disease of the nervous system. I was paralyzed from the chest down since I had entered the hospital and unconscious in ICU for the first 8 days. For the next week I was awake but still unable to move, except my fingers. At the end of 2 wks I was transferred by stretcher to a rehab center and began a month of intense PT.....relearning feeding myself, standing, and walking. I went home in a wheelchair and more PT, able to switch to a cane in July and more PT. I've been able to lose the cane and no more PT but I go to the gym 3-4 times a week to continue working out. My feet are still numb, easily fatigued and I have severe nerve pain that could go on for years, but other than that I'm back to another new "normal". On the upside I lost 30lbs after rehab. :)

    Sorry for my very long manuscript. Hope I haven't bored you to tears!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Warm welcome Judy and your story is anything but boring. Smile So glad you decided to jump into our little group. Your diagnostic story had a familiar ring to it. I think a lot of us had Mammo's and some US's for quite a time before we tumbled into our abyss. Thought it would never happen because we all know it is other people who get 'stuff' like this cancer thingy. Glad to hear you are nearly at the 5 yr. mark and will soon make the decision to Arimidex a bit longer or not as the case may turn out between you and your Oncologist.

    The rest of your story---all I can say is WOW in a big way. I guess if I could pick out a good thing it is that you had a large spate of time between your txs for cancer dx. and the Giulian-Barre' Syndrome. I can't imagine anyone having to do them together.

    Certainly hope you will continue to make progress and that those nerves will get tired of hurting so much and ease up considerably. You have quite a spirit and while I would envision times of frustration, exasperation, and just plain being tired of the burden you carry, I do feel that when the little voice inside just won't let us cave into something -- we learn adjustments that help us hold on to not so great situations for as long as it takes to get past them. I have faith that we all get to where we need to be.

    mommarch, I am thinking of you. Wouldn't it be nice if those who were willing to, could take someone's pain for a while. We can do anything for awhile.

    Peace and love



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    DANG! I was writing to you Judy, and lost the post! So ANYway, welcome to our little coffee-table! So glad to see you here.... Man, you have been through hell and back! I don't know if I could be as strong as you. Just think of how far you have come! I admire you.... AND your Husband!

    Just have to say, you have a great attitude, that will really help you..... From your diagnosis, it looks like you will have an easy time with the BC.... Not so easy with the GB syndrome... But sounds like you have really come a long way! Congratulations young lady! Glad to see you here! Take good care!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Singing OMG! We NOW have smiley faces! Yowsers! Thank you MODS!!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Loopy Look how CUTE!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Hi all---WELCOME RITA AND JUDY---no one wants to be here but it's a good place to be.

    Rita Jackie (who is the speaker of the house) has said it all so appropriately for u and we're here and hope u come back.

    Judy OMG is all I can say--What a story cancer sounds like nothing compared to all u've been thru bless u and u'r attitude and work to get better. I know that's not tru but again WOW

    Well I kinds partied for a long time and now I'm exhausted these old bones and body can't so what I used to do. I went as MAXINE with all the sarcastic moments I could muster and I was perfectly content in saying whatever I wanted. The costumes were unbelievably great and a lot of thought went into them, with loads of food and likker I just screwed up one time (that's all) Now remember all these people are around 50, so no one is young and the kids were all in their own space and one MAN came as a gladiator, worthy of a great posed picture and his legs had that short pants look well Of course I was cheering eye candy and someone else said take u'r shirt off and I was going Oh yeah, then I remember he was my GF's son and I felt pediphilic cuz Ive known him forever, but she was sick so didn't come or I would have remembered and not yelled like I was in a strip club. But basicall that's all I did that was really off, the rest was just off color and it was fun. Now I'm still tired. Chit.

    I hope everyone has a great week this week and keep us up on things.

  • Luvmaui
    Luvmaui Member Posts: 57
    edited October 2013

    Thanks for the great Welcome! I feel like I know some of you already since I spent part of the weekend reading this forum starting from the 1st week in June.

    Cammi & Chevy: At first I thought you were sisters as you have the same sense of humor and love chickens, lol

    Jackie: You are the caring "older sister" of the group. I love your poems and wise words to start the day. You also seem to know just what to say whether it's welcoming a newcomer, encouraging someone having a bad day, or patting someone on the back for a job well done!

    Carole: I loved reading about your travel adventures and imagine my surprise when you went to Barnesville MN. for Potato Days since both of my parents were born and raised in Barnesville! For many years my aunt and uncle were co-chairs for Potato Days! My parents moved west after they married but we spent weeks every summer or around Christmas in Barnesville. Although my parents and most of the older generation have passed, I still have cousins who live there. It is indeed a small, small world!!

    Joan: I've never been to New York but you have inspired me to put it at the top of my list of places I need to visit.

    Linda: I hope your life is moving closer to positive changes. When I see stories like yours, I am more convinced than ever that I would not live with another man if something were to happen to my DH. I'm also very vindictive so I'm afraid the guy you were with would have had to live the rest of his life, let's say unable to "perform"....... if he'd pulled that on me!

    Rita: I'm so sorry for your recent losses. It doesn't matter how old they are, it's always difficult losing your parents and I lost my SIL last Nov. so I know how painful that is.

    Mommarch: You and your DH are such a cute couple and I love that your DH is a broom maker.

    Thanks again for the welcome messages and I gotta tell ya I really don't rattle on like this all the time! LOL

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    OMGBawling Sandra. I hope things are going ok for you. Meant to say something above but I got side-tracked apparently and forgot. So me !!! I'm you think you might have to have more than one infusion or will just the one be enough. Does it take a couple of days for you to really GET an energy boost or is it just there ( however much ) immediately pretty much after the infusion is done. I just really know nothing about it all.

    Anyway....I'm hoping one will do it and really pick you up and get you going.

    Peace and love

    Jackie glad we got our emoticons back but after today I'll probably forget they are there and not use them.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013


    This was the first iron infusion I've had. When I was reading on the internet last night, people were complaining left and right about the side effects so I was a little apprehensive this morning even though I promised myself I wouldn't be. It's one thing to say I WON'T have side effects, but when I had to sign a consent form that had half a page of potential side effects, my resolve got tested.

    It was easy, painless, and relaxing with no side effects whatsoever. The hematologist said I'll have them every 3 months the rest of my life unless my anemia decides to go away on its own. The next ones will go faster because now that I've had one with no problems, they don't have to do a test dose or infuse steroids before the actual infusion starts.

    I wondered why some people say they have to have it four days in a row but mine was "one and done." The doc said the kind I had has the most side effects. The other two kinds are given a little at a time over several days and people report fewer problems. Apparently many people get hot flashes, chills, feel like they have the flu, and have a nasty headache and stomach cramps. Unless something jumps on me tonight, looks like I will fall into the "no side effects" group. Yay. 'Bout time something went my way. Bonus: I don't have to take elemental iron several times a day anymore. It didn't work anyway. Bonus #2: I got my PICC line out after 2 months! I have to wait til tomorrow afternoon (24 hrs) to take the dressing off but then I can shower with no plastic shower sleeve and go in the pool. Yay.(Hope it's not too cold.)

    Welcome to all the newcomers and welcome back to those who've decided to come "home."