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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Thanks Luv. As I said today i raced ahead like a bull. And now I am hurting. Thanks for your compliment.

    Hopefully tomorrow will be at little less pain.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Sandra.....yay for you. Good job. Well, you are likely right. Happy You finally did SOMETHING with no se's. Hope you never have any, ever. Wow !!!! Every three months. Of course, if they work and work well, I'd be more than willing to run along and get an energy infusion.

    I think now you have to be told of every little thing with the se's effects and sign all sorts of papers that you understand, and it is all on you, not them.

    Funny, when we were younger -- you know right after the caves, you went to the Dr. he gave you medicine, you took it, got well. Side effects as I recall were rarely mentioned. Somehow if you did have was not a big deal and suing over it was nearly out of the question. So, now you turn on the t.v. and listen for five minutes of everything under the sun to your hang nail getting infected. It is a wonder that a lot of people will take anything anymore. It is a bit scary to contemplate drug use so I can see why you got a little touch of the jitters.

    We do seem as well to actually turn up with more se's than we once did. Not sure why, but we now have drugs for everything.......whatever it is -- you can get help with it. I'm not sure if that is good or bad.

    Once read a book entitled ???? Your Not Sick, You Are Just Thirsty. It was written by a Dr. who had been incarcerated in the concentration camps. The men he was with knew he was a Dr. but of course, he had no medicines to prescribe being a prisoner himself.

    So, he told the men to drink water and in so many, many cases they got better and sometimes even well. My own thought about it is that it was due partly to the power of suggestion....coming from a Dr. as it did, and as well, that many things would respond well if they were diluted by water and washed totally out of the body in time.

    Anyway, glad things went so well and I hope you do begin to feel lots, lots better.

    Peace and love


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Cammi! I'm just trying to figure out what you last posted! WTH are you DOing? Are you mis-behaving? Or is that just a given?

    Luv.... don't pay no attention to Cammi.... or even me...Ha! I'M the one who occasionally has to go chicken-sit, for my neighbors, and Cammi goes nuts when I talk about it! I'm going to do it again this week-end... Their "parents" are going up to Estes Park (again).... So I will collect their eggs, and be happy! I watched their two little girls for about 1/2 hour yesterday, while "Mommy" went for an errand. It is sooo fun to be around a 4 year old, and a 2 year old! We watched Lady and the Tramp, and those little kiddles are just darling!

    Yes, Jackie keeps us in line.... or as much as she can...Ha! She is not as rowdy as we are.

    I am the oldest.... probably of anyone HERE! Probably older than anyone in the world!

    Mommarch.... It just always hurts.... EVERYwhere, when you overdue it , doesn't it?

    Sandra.... glad your infusion went smoothly! Did you sleep alright? It's always scary to do something you've never done before...

    Okay, now I'm going to try and post this, and give you all a good morning coffee picture!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    What all people need most is to believe in themselves. They need confidence in their own ability to take on the problems and opportunities of life. To "en-courage" means to put courage in. Encouragement instills into the recipient a new and fuller awareness of his or her own powers. Encouragement says you can do it.

    John Powell

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013


    Happy Peace and love


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013

    Good quote, good picture, good day ahead.

    Kept waiting for those promised side effects last night but none showed up. Had a lovely restful night and I'm sitting in the recliner with a cup of tea and my laptop. Life is good.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited October 2013

    Sandra, how wonderful that you are having none of the negative SEs of your iron infusion. Don't you love that feeling, "Life is good"?

    Judy, I had greeted you in a post I lost. You've been through a lot and the story of your health issues is anything but boring. I admire your strength of character and attitude. I certainly hope you continue to make strides in recovering your former lifestyle.

    Camille, I would love to have been there at that party! I'll bet you were highly entertaining!

    Widder, I hope you are feeling less pain today.

    Miracles do happen because I won my golf match today against a much better player. Tomorrow I get to play another opponent who also won her match today.

    Does anybody cook steelcut oatmeal? I would welcome any tips. I bought some today. According to the directions for cooking, it takes much longer to cook than the regular oatmeal, and I am wondering if I could cook it ahead of time and warm up portions in the morning. Oatmeal is supposed to be good for lowering cholesterol.

    Greetings to all my "oldies" friends.

  • Luvmaui
    Luvmaui Member Posts: 57
    edited October 2013

    It's a beautiful Indian Summer day here in Oregon. Fall is my favorite time of year and the colors this year have been fantastic! We usually have great weather out here from July through October then come the rains which are pretty much steady through April.

    Sandra, so glad to hear your iron infusion went well with no side effects. Hopefully your energy returns as it sounds like you are an active lady.

    Camille, I would have loved to see you as Maxine! Sounds like a fun party.

    Carole, Congrats on the golf win! For the past 4 years I've wanted to learn to play golf but something always interferes with my plan. Next spring, for sure, I'm going to get out there and do it! I don't know anything about oatmeal as it's one of those things I've tried to like but can't get past the texture.Sick

    Hope you're all having a wonderful day!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Carole! Yes, I know! But you can warm it up forever, I think!

    I remember my Grandma used to cook up that old-fashioned oatmeal, and warm it up every morning! She used to also keep her eggs in the drawer in the kitchen.... Not in the refrigerator.

    Congratulations on your win! How exciting! Good job! I'm back to reading the book by Nicole Ritchie, and it is finally getting better! I have run out of things to crochet! The whole house is covered in blankets I think.... and caps, and scarves, and doilies.... blah blah.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Carole -- HappyAbsolutely yes......I use steel-cut. It is a much better, healthier, and tastier ( a bit nuttier actually ) flavor oatmeal. I use it all the time. It makes about ( hmm, it has been a long time since I've made regular ) twice as much I think. I get little baggies and put it in one portion sizes and making it once can get us through most of the week.

    I also like to put in some raisins because we like them, but you can put other add-ins to it as well. Flax-seed, cranberries. Whatever you might want to try would likely be ok. I do use the Mothers Oats to make no bake chocolate cookies and for oat br. sugar toppings.....I just don't use it any more as an actual breakfast cereal. Gotten so used to steel-cut, regular oats just don't get it for me anymore.

    Also....a super WAY-TO-GO Smile on your golf. That's incredible.

    Judy your Fall sounds much likes ours here in Illinois -- although we just had our first frost a few days ago and that is when we start to get the really vivid colors. It has been mostly odd green and lots of gold up to the frost. Today it has rained most of the day and sounds like two more days. Will slow down yd. clean-up. We have two acres and that doesn't' t sound like so much till you have to start raking leaves and blowing them down into the ravines on each side of our property. We need to be here though since we have too many animals to live in town and we aren't quite ready to give up our property anyway. It does become a challenge though.

    Sandra, I do hope you are having a good day. I hope your iron kicks in for you real soon. I am thrilled that you have not had side effects to plow through and hope that continues to hold each time you need to get more. about you and oatmeal. If you ate it, what would you put in yours??? Now I know you are a cook so I bet you have great ideas. I often sweeten mine with Splenda br. sugar, and bananas will also add sweetness.

    I hope you all have a great afternoon.

    Peace and love


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Jackie, I put in dried cranberries after the oatmeal is finished! That way they don't get too mushy. It's even good with a little syrup, or caramel flavoring! I also sweeten it with Agave syrup.

    My Dad used to put 1/2 and 1/2 on all his cereal! I worried about it not being good for him, but WTH? He was in his 80's, and doing okay.... considering him keeping Jim Beam in business...ha!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited October 2013

    Jackie, thanks for the info on the steelcut oatmeal. I roasted some walnuts this afternoon and thought I would put a few pieces on the oatmeal for some healthy fat. I have some of the splenda brown sugar and some dried cranberries. But I have to be careful with dried fruit because of the sugar.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013


    In Europe they leave eggs out too. I was shocked when I first saw it but like other things, soon got used to a new way of living. We lived in a little village south of Frankfurt for 5 years and traveled extensively all over Europe. Bathrooms were the biggest shock. You can walk in but you have to pay to enter a stall to do your business. And bring your own toilet paper. It's not provided. Sometimes there is a woman - don't know exactly what her function is supposed to be - but you are supposed to tip her too.

    I remember my grandmother making oatmeal too. I still love it her way, with raisins and butter and a sprinkle of brown sugar. No milk.

    What do you all remember your grandmother making? As a kid, I loved my grandmother's coconut cake and her green jello with shredded carrots and celery in it. We lived in Florida and she was in Knoxville, Tennessee so we didn't see her often but I always knew these two things would be on the menu when we visited.

    One of the best things I ever did was ask my grandmother for her favorite recipes. She wrote them out on recipe cards and I treasure them...especially the coconut cake and green jello.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited October 2013

    Oh, I vividly remember my dad's mother making us pies whenever we visited her in Vermont. She lived on a non-working farm and had an acre of apple trees. If we wanted apple pie, off to the trees. My brother would climb and throw the apples down to me, or if we wanted a berry pie, she would point us in the direction of the berry vines and off we would go picking. I loved blackberry pies and when my three kids were younger I would make them. Boy did that take me down memory lane. At that time, I was the only one who really liked them so stopped making them. after a while Now my husband and daughters love blackberries. Not so sure about my son as he has lived in Japan for the past 14 years.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited October 2013

    Chevy - my Dad put heavy cream on his oatmeal - and so do I. I figure we've been through enough, so we're due one or two little indulgences.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2013

    We eat the steel cut oats. Sometimes DH puts flax seed and quinoa in it. I think that requires extra water for the quinoa. I use cinnamon rather than sugar. For some reason it makes it taste sweet enough for me. Sometimes we put blueberries in it. We have some bushes, but this time of year we use frozen and thaw them in the frig.

    Chevy, you might look into crocheting for the poor or newborn babies. There are groups here which make hats and scarves for the homeless. And other groups that make hats for preemies and newborns. They are given to the parents to take home.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Morning gals... Wren, I HAVE donated quite a few things that I have crochet'd.... I took a few lap-covers to the old folks that live in this Home, close to me. My German Grandmother stayed there for about a year, and I LOVED those people. I also gave some little caps and beanies to the Battered Women's Shelter. This place sells the donated goods, but when a woman or family come in and can't pay for anything, it is given to them...

    My Grandmother was German, but she was my Dad's Step-mother.... she was the hardest working women I ever knew! She would beg for old clothes to tear them apart to make school clothes for my Dad and his Sister...

    I remember her cooking the BEST pot-roast dinner EVER! She would brown the flower in a cast-iron skillet. And she used that whenever she made any kind of beef. She would flour the roast, then brown it with bacon-grease (that was kept on the back of her stove in a can) and fry it good and brown, then add water, and let it simmer for ...for a long time.... Ha! With lots of onions...... Mashed potatoes mixed with mashed parsnips! But that brown gravy was the best ever!

    Minus..... I put a little cream with milk on my cereal also! But I didn't want to say that....Winking And you are RIGHT! Why NOT! Heavy Cream? Ha, ha! He deserved it!

    My Mom made us Bisquits and Gravy every Sunday morning.... And I still make them once in awhile.... I loved when she made Noodleburgers! Just browned the hamburger, added onions and celery. Then a can of diced tomatoes, and a can of tomato sauce. Simmer while the water is heating and the noodles are cooking, then just drain and mix it all together... Our favorite.

    Kath! They ALL made home-made pies in those days, right? And they were the best... I liked the pineapple-rhubarb the best... And oh! Fresh Peach pie!

    Sandra.... THANKS for getting us started....Ha! Great memories!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    True sustained happiness has much less to do with your possessions and achievements, but rather your perception of what you have and the world and people around you.

    Colleen George

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    Both of my grandmothers has passed on long before I was old enough to "store" any memories or discover favorites of anything through them. I miss not having had some of the great experiences but do know that we don't get to pick so many circumstances of our life.

    My mother however; and so much of it was from handed down and un-written recipes, was an excellent cook. I was a VERY picky eater when little but later on I came to enjoy almost everything she put on the table. Every Sunday.....when we were older, if my mom did not make a cake, or jello or some other dessert type dish she would make a pie for each of us. There were on lots of Sunday's four pies and we could trade a piece of ours for that of another. I always asked for Lemon Pineapple Pie. It is soooo easy. Just a regular Lemon pie with the addition of a small can of crushed pineapple. I also have made it as a Lemon Pineapple Cream Pie as well.

    We had wild blackberries, some strawberries as well as Rhubarb ( my mom's favorite ) gooseberries, peaches. Quite an array.

    Sometimes life in the household had some difficulties......carrying coal buckets up to the house, and having to use paste wax on our tile floors and then buff by as a family we had some hard work to do, but there is nothing I can think of that I would trade.

    Every experience you have tends to influence ( hopefully far from the negative ) who you are and help I think to shape you into someone who is a fantastic mother, wonderful neighbor, caring wife. magnificent volunteer, great sister or brother, and an overall assent to your community, church, and the world at large.

    Everyone I talk to sure makes this place right here a marvelous place to spend some time each day.

    Peace and love


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013

    More thoughts on crocheting or knitting -

    On day one after my BMX, my friend Suzy (who had just had a hysterectomy the week before) showed up at the hospital. I was astonished! She said she had to come to bring me a prayer shawl she had made. It was the best gift EVER and one I will hold dear always. She said when things got rough, to wrap myself in it and feel the prayers of all my friends. I've kept it with me every day as I recover at home, on all the trips back to the hospital and to every appointment. I took it to the iron infusion Monday. Not only is it wonderful for when it gets cold, it is so comforting. The shawl is beautiful - white with bright pink and lime green and silver woven into it and fringe all around. I spread it across my legs or around my shoulders. It's perfect for the car too. People comment on it everywhere I take it.

    Those of you with a little time and talent could make prayer shawls for someone newly diagnosed or those going in for surgery or chemo. It would be a blessing to receive and a blessing for you to make.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2013

    Great idea Sandra!

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited October 2013

    Hello to all my old friends & welcome to the new ones! I'm behind on here; can't always get on the Internet & when I do, sometimes as I'm typing, The signal is so weak, I get kicked off!

    Judy, I had to laugh at what you wrote to me in your post! I'm trying to adjust to my "new" life; can't say I like it all that much. You are very lucky to have a wonderful husband & being able to spend your life w/ your true love. My husband died @ the age of 40 & I was only 33, w/ 2 sons, who were 5 & 8 yrs old. Of course, when I met this man 11 yrs ago, I thought, finally I had something good in my life again. Believe me, I have had many vindictive thoughts since he informed me that night back in July, that he just happened to be "helping out" a client & it turned into something more! But for right now I have to control myself; he is still paying for my health insurance, which I really need! (can't afford it on my own). If he wasn't doing that, believe me, he wouldn't be able to "perform" w/ anyone ever again!

    Chevy, where/how do you post those cute pics; like the one of the kittens? Where are the smiley faces? Just curious.

    Love to all,


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Hi all,

    It has not been a good day. Our daughter found out today that she has stage 3 cervical cancer and will start MOPP chemo on Friday. After Chemo they will do internal radiation and then a hysterectomy.

    She had Hodgkins at 19 and has been cancer free for 15 years. It just breaks our hearts. We will do all we can to help out. We were to go to a festival in east Texas next week, but bowed out. Will save our time to go to FL if and when they need us. Also today is the 33rd anniversary of our sons death.

    I have been feeling pretty awful the last couple of days, I hurt like I have the flu. I am sure it is the Tamoxifen, going to see my family Dr. tomorrow.

    Hope you all are well.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2013

    Mommarch, What awful news. And close to your son's death anniversary. And feeling bad to boot. Sending healing thoughts to all. (((((((HUGS)))))))

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited October 2013


    What horrible news! Where does your daughter live in Florida? I'm from there. My condolences on the death of your son. Even though it was so long ago, I know you mourn him every day and it hurts especially on this day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    I'm sorry Mommarch..... ! I just can't imagine something happening to my Daughter's.... I don't know anything about her diagnosis, but sounds like her team is on top of it.

    I know it's pretty common now, to treat cancers with the chemo, and radiation, and then the surgery! Our Doc had Breast Cancer, and she had the chemo, before the surgery.... This was maybe 6 years ago.... Sorry YOU aren't feeling good also. Scared

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    WinkingGood Morning all-I;, far behind, but I'm here.

    Mommarch I'm so sorry--this is a sad time for u--(((HUG)))

    OK I can't remember and I can't go back for the name, but someone is new and I would like to welcome her, cept I do say sorry u'r here. And everyone knows why, but these are a nice group u've come to so please come back AND NO CHEVY AND I ARE NOT SISTERS, altho I do talk to her like she is my sister--but she has an unusual love of chickens like know one I've ever met and she waits for the times she can spend time with them ALONE ??? But my sister is Stage IV, but is still working FT and she's almost as old as Chevy so she's my idol and we were both DX within a couple of months of each other--Tho I am younger I got it first. So haha to her--Oh what am I saying--well she's not on here at all, but she's has a bunch of GC and goes t games and all that stuff--she's actually doing well but she never complains and neither does my cousin--I'm the dramatic one--we live like 15 min. from each other and I love it but one thing she always does is if she calls and I have a cold and sound like it I always say I've never been so sick in my whole entire life and she hangs up. Then I call her back.

    OK who asked about the smileysLoopy just roll u'r eyes up and they're where they used to be.

    Halloween--never liked it that much except when I was a kid and we always had the next day off a Holy day, but now Joey is excited about it so it's fine, just fine.

    Sandra I still hope things are good for u and stay that way. I really know nothing about that, I don't look anything up otherwise I would know, but I learned from the beginning looking things up makes me nervous so I choose not to know a lot about anything. It really helps me. But not good for everyone.

    Oh I've got lots of calls to make--I've had my # changed and I have to order more meds--I wish they all came at one time---but no I've always got 3 or 4 at one time, then a week later a couple then another week and they can renew them until time---so it's a PITA

    Oh and lots of SCEEEERY movies on today , my favorite. so I really have to watch my pain meds, cuz I don't want to fall asleep rather have the pain, just won't move so much--Like I do. hahahaHappy

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    This is a very short and small quote, but despite that......I think it is HUGE.

    Faith is a passionate intuition. William Wordsworth

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    momarch....I am so sorry to hear all your news. Hope you can get some help from your family Dr. I think that will go a long way in helping you adjust and respond to the other life events you are having to endure. I will just pray for guidance and strength for you. You have such a load to bear right now. glad you could finally get back to us. I can easily see that you do have to keep a fine line going with the ex-friend for your Ins. I'm sure its is much harder that you have to keep any part of this relationship still open. It seems to me it would be very difficult to move on when there must be this door left open. Being the eternal optimist that I am though..........I still think so many of our life situations given enough time and patience will in fact, make us stronger and when we are able to finally REALLY move on the sense of freedom and love of life will have been worth the weight and turmoil.

    Saying hi to every one else. Time to get ready for work.

    Peace and love
