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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Luvmaui
    Luvmaui Member Posts: 57
    edited October 2013

    Mommarch, I am so sorry to hear about your daughter! It sounds like the drs. are getting right on it so hoping for a good result. Yes, this came at a bad time (never really a good time) for this , with your son's passing date coming up and the physical pain you're feeling. Hope the dr. will be able to help you today.

    Linda, I hope I didn't sound flippant regarding where you and your ex are right now. I am very sorry for the loss of your husband at such a young age. We lost our oldest son 15 years ago and our DIL is just beginning to date again. She is scared to get into a serious relationship because she doesn't want to be hurt. Of course you would have every reason to believe that this guy, after all of your time together, was a keeper and would have every right to be shocked that he would deceive you like he did.

    Carole, still waiting to hear how you did in your golf tournement! Maybe you won big bucks and decided to take a vacation? Happy

    Well it's a cold, cloudy Halloween but not raining so we'll probably have lots of kids tonight. My DH is in a Bridge tournement today, but when he gets home we'll make the rounds to see our little grands before they head out in their costumes.


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Thank you all for your concern. I saw the Dr. this morning and I am going to take the cymbalta again, he said if I want I can take it every other day, I will see him in 6 weeks. I do not have any insurance so they were able to put me on their sliding scale, so I can see the Dr. when ever I need to for $40.00.

    Our DD called and her ONC called her back in this morning. After he saw her yesterday he set down and went through her file including the records from MD Anderson. The Pap was done by her family Dr. and sent to a path lab that he does not use and does trust a whole lot. He is going to put off starting treatment until he runs some further testing and is 100% sure he is doing things right. Even if it all comes out the same she knows what she is looking at.

    I am going to lay down for a bit.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited October 2013

    mommarch. Glad you are going to use the Cymbalta again. It is a 'newer' drug, but I think a lot of those types can give us issues. I hope you are able to get back to where you are able to find relief.

    Also, am glad that the Onc. is not rushing until he feels certain where things stand. I think he is wise in doing things this way.


    Peace and love


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013


    Much better news than yesterday. Here's hoping the news keeps getting better for you and your daughter.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Mommarch I really like the Dr. for going over this the way he is--he is going to take good care of u;r DD. And u'r dr. sounds like he's really nice and wants to help you---This is a little better. Hope u sleep well.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2013

    Morning ladies: Sorry I've been absent on this thread....moving from one house into another that is already full of furniture is a real challenge but I've pulled it off somehow. Carole wish I could learn to post photos like your beautiful flower. I've barely learned to do it on my facebook page.

    Jackie that was a good quote today...very!

    Mommarch: So very sorry about your DD. It seems cancer is everywhere....has to be in the environment somehow. A good friend of mine was just diagnosed with lung cancer, and now I find that my ex son in law has lymphoma and lung cancer...he's only 50, and has three young children in addition to my DGD.

    My BF is going in early this morning to have his pacemaker changed out...only supposed to be an outpatient procedure but they will keep him overnight for observation. I will take him and pick him up.

    Welcome to all the newcomers...this is a great place to come for comfort and advice.

    Have a nice weekend and enjoy this beautiful fall weather!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Karra, I took my DH with our Daughter to the hospital when his pacemaker had to be replaced.

    We were all a little afraid, just because they have to cut them open again, remove the first one, and place the new one in. They just don't have to replace the "leads", or wires! Same anesthetic and all... The thing was, after the shorter surgery, the anesthetic made him sooooooo sick, he couldn't even stand up!

    They finally gave him another shot for that, and atter about 2 hours altogether, he was feeling well enough to go homel. It's good thay they are keeping him overnight, but we all just wanted to go home. This was about 4 years ago, and he is doing great!

    Each time the pacemakers are replaced, they have new and better technology for them! We go in next week for his 6 month "Device reading."

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited November 2013

    Life is short and never enough time for gladdening the hearts of those who travel with us. Oh, be swift to love ! Make haste to be kind !

    Henri Frederic Amiel

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013

    Hi glad to see a post of you. I hope your friend does well with the pace-maker swap!

    mommarch...hugs to you! I am so sorry to hear about your daughter and know how worried and frightened you must be right now. It sounds like she is getting good care. My thoughts and prayers will be with you all as you work through this.

    I love the grandmother memories. My grandmother was a wonderful baker. She made cinnamon rolls that were the absolute well as cobblers, pies, and homemade breads. Unfortunately I was too much of a tomboy to spend time in the kitchen learning her recipes when I was younger and by the time I really became interested, I had moved farther away. How I regret that now! My cousins and I always loved iti when she made pies because she always had a little of the homemade pie crust left and she made us cinnamon and sugar pie crust. Yum!

    It was a gloomy and wet Halloween for the kids around here last night. We live down a lane in the woods and never get any trick-or-treaters but I imagine they were still out in the dampness collecting candy. The sun is finally peaking through a little bit this afternoon. I love the sun. It certainly boosts my morale.

    Yea Carole on your golf win. See? You still have that competitive spirit and ability to score! Good for you! Good luck on your next match!

    Hi to all you wonderful ladies. Have a great weekend.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Oh Rita, I remember that! Yes, she would roll out the left-over crust, then put butter on it, with cinnamon and sugar! Cut it in pieces, then stand them up and bake them! Those were the best! I can do that with either that refrigerated pic-crust or that pizza crust in a tube! Still really good.

    I am baking a couple of real big white Idaho Potatoes.... Then putting cooked bacon bits, butter, and maybe some soft cream cheese on them.... at least mine anyway. Or else some chili mix I made out of piquante sauce, and added flour and water to thicken it!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2013

    What a day! Hate...hate...hate hospitals!! Got there at 7:00 AM and they finally took him in for the surgery at 11:00, then he was in for three hours while his DD and I sat in the waiting room wondering what was going on. Finally doctor came out and said all went well but he had a problem with bleeding which they had trouble stopping and that was why it took so long. Chevy, they did have to replace a lead wire, so it was more complicated. Anyway when I left him he was demanding food and looking for the TV remote, so he must have come through it with little or no!

    I stopped at Cracker Barrel on the way home and had catfish and veggies plus some chocolate cake to reward myself since this was my one and only meal today. Glad I ate before I came home and read all these!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Kaara, if you don't mind me asking, how long was that Pacemaker in him? Dh's was in for 8 years.... but he didn't have to have any wires replaced.... Glad they kept him anyway!

    My Husband was so afraid to go in ANYway.... so I'm glad there were no complications. His is a St. Jude Pacemaker.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    I got my surgery date today. I go back for surgery #3 on Dec. 6th. (Hear me sing, "All I want for Christmas is my new foobies..."

    Kaara, glad all is well with your husband. It's never as short a procedure as they say it will be.

    Chevy, baked potatoes sounds good. I found a new recipe for them. After washing them and rubbing on olive oil and kosher salt, you make thin slices ALMOST all the way through but not completely. Put 2 thin slices of garlic between each slice, sprinkle with salt & pepper and bake. They will fan out a little as they bake. Meanwhile, cut a few slices of bacon into inch size pieces. Remove the partially done potatoes from the oven and put a piece of bacon between the slices. Bake again until the potato is done and the bacon crispy. Remove and add shredded cheese. Bake again until cheese is melted. Sound good?

  • Mr_Mosswood
    Mr_Mosswood Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2013

    Feel free to chat with me anytime! When my wife was diagnosed she was almost 50. My mom has had Breast Cancer on three separate occasions. If I can help in anyway please let me know!

    Wishing you all the best,

    Mr. Mosswood

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited November 2013

    Welcome Mr. Mosswood, I so sorry to hear that your wife has had cancer as well as your mother. Sounds horiffic to have had to have undergone breast cancer three different times I do have a friend who had BC, then a separate cancer later un-related to the BC in the bladder, and just recently had BC in the remaining breast. There was about 10 to 20 yrs. between each of these they were all primaries. She does find and does not worry about things. Says overall, her life has been good and if she has to have a bout of cancer every 20 yrs. or so, so be it. She has been fortunate that she if fairly faithful about her check-ups and Dr. appts. so seems things are always caught early.

    Seems indelicate to ask, but I wasn't sure if you wife and mother are still with you.

    Peace and love


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited November 2013

    Sandra and Chevy.....oh is always a pleasant subject here. In honor of the season ( like I really have to have an excuse ) I have been taking small Pyrex dishes ( single servers ) slicing a fresh apple in them, and sprinkle some raisins and crushed pecans. Dot with some Smart Balance butter and sprinkle Splenda brown sugar on top. Then into the microwave for 1 min. and 20 secs. Been doing it almost every night. Apples have become harder for us to eat here with all the dental sliced and soften just work a lot better.

    Kaara....glad you are back home and that you got something yummy to eat finally. I really like the Cracker Barrel. Just really enjoy looking through the "store" and seeing what neat things they have. Most are a bit higher in price than I want to pay, but it is lots of fun to drift from aisle to aisle and look at everything.

    Sandra....that must be something of a relief. I'm assuming that you have the te's right now and they just don't really quite make it as looking like the real thing from what I understand.

    Hope you all had a wonderful day.

    Peace and love


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013


    I have one implant and one tissue expander. I lost the other implant to infection two weeks after it was placed. I've had saline injected into the TE for 6 weeks and will have a new implant put in.

    We had trick or treaters last night for the first time in several years. The kids in this neighborhood grew up and some of the homeowners died so there are new families moving in now. It's nice to see the neighborhood coming back to life.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2013

    Chevy: To answer your question about the pacemaker, I believe he had it for five years and the battery was very low...lead wire also was failing due to scar tissue so it needed to be changed. This new one is very high tech and can be monitored daily from a device that was given to us. It doesn't need a land line to just need to be within 17 feet of the device. It's something new in the last two years. His is also a St. Jude pacemaker... the monitoring device is called a Merlin Home Transmitter. Tonight he's running a slight fever...I hope he doesn't get an infection...he doesn't have a very strong immune system and is very hard headed about taking things like vitamin D-3 which is what I took build up mine. What can I say...he's a guy...but a very sweet guy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Kaara It's so nice to see u-=we know u've been super busy, and I hope the fever u'r DB has will be a quick one. and It'll be gone tomorrow. But I think it's so easy to get an infection while having an operation, the door opening can give u one.

    Sandra it's good to get u'r date for surgery, then u can prepare for it, altho u sound like u know what to expect.

    Oh Grandma's memories how wonderful. Mine never spoke to me, When she died I was 11 and I remember saying something like I bet she wishes she could speak now. I told u along time ago I was always quirky. She didn't like that I didn't speak to her in Italian--I was to Americanized But my dad didn't care, my sister would a little and she was named after her so she was her princess =she did say things like u'r dumb or I showed her no respect cuz I wouldn't learn Italian, or I looked like my mom ( and she didn't like my mom---Of course she said it in Italian I understood her but I was strongly urged by my mother that it was all right to disrespect her. So she lived across the street from us and saw her all the time--I never felt bad about it tho--Italians were really crazy those days==my dad used to tell me that even and I look back and they really were the whole neighborhood was Italian and lots of goofy people--well I guess I could call them characters, but they were down right goofy. My grandfather had a mistress---- the whole neighborhood knew but she only had one good eye and he did break up with her when she wanted him to leave his wife---he said why should I leave a woman with 2 good eyes for one with only one good one. See what I mean? What a fun family I had tho it was always silly stuff going on.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Morning gals... Kaara, yes, we could have had that Merlin Home Transmiter, but DH didn't want to be monitored by something like that, ha!

    But we only go every 6 months for a reading... You mean men are hard-headed? Oh bite your tongue, Ha! image You MUST be joshing!

    And DH won't take a pill...unless he has given it the 6 month trial period with NO SE's! Tylenol PM is acceptable, but that's IT!

    So I missed a Mr. Mosswood? Jackie, what did you do with him? Maybe he was a fluke, or something? Or one of those bad guys?

    You KNOW anyone can read what we say, but they can't post, unless they join...but that's easy to do.... we just have to be careful of what we say.

    Sandra, Thanks for your recipe! I just printed another recipe, similar to yours! It's SLICED BAKED POTATOES. You just preheat oven 400 degrees.... Brush both sides of slices with butter. Place them on a cookie sheet. Bake in the hot oven for 30 to 40 min. or until lightly browned on both sides, turning once. When potatoes are ready, top with bacon, cheese, green onion, and continue baking until the cheese has melted. Add a dollop of sour cream when don, and enjoy!

    I have to try them today! And you go back Dec. 6th? We'll be thinking of you! You will be a new woman! Ha!

    Cammi, your post just cracked me up! Oh wait.... Did you see that Jackie zapped Mr. M? I THINK the Mods knew something we didn't know, and they are really on top of things, so they obliterated any trace of "him."

    So you THINK Italians are rather "goofy"..... Ha, ha! Now THAT is a "given" ! Yes, they say things in Italian, that they don't want you to know. They weren't crazy in THOSE days.... they still are! The "older" ones anyway.

    Yes, mistresses, girlfriends, just came with the territory. And the YELLING!!! Good Lord you could hear those people talk a mile away! So I figure I rescued my Husband....! Got him out of that disarray... that dysfunctional family stuff!

    I only knew his Grand-fathers.... and parents, aunts and uncles.... and YES.... that's all I can say. I can't even remember the "names" I heard them call me in whispers......(that's the only time they whispered.) I just know they weren't good...

    Just glad you survived...!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning all--I'm barely awake, I'm having coffee now. Joey brought me coffee before time UGH---Chevy I have to say u'r right, but for some strange reasons my own famiky was quiet and my Mom was the Boss over everything and my dad adored her so there was never any yelling in our house, my mom was a very quiet woman and my dad just followed her example, I never saw them argue either and we really never even got yelled at--strange for those days---that's why it was fun surrounded by crazies and yet at home it was so normal and 1950ish family.

    I see blue skies this morning first time in a long time but chilly, Oh that's fine. Oh I'm still tired chit. Oh silly Chevy that's my Joey, dressed as a Knight.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited November 2013

    Speak quietly to yourself and promise there will be better days Whisper gently to yourself and provide assurance that you really are extending your best effort. Console your bruised and tender spirit with reminders of many other successes.

    Offer comfort in practical and tangible ways -- as if you w3ere encouraging your dearest friend. Recognize that on certain days the greatest grace is that the day is over and you get to close your eyes. Tomorrow comes more brightly.

    Mary Anne Radmacher.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited November 2013

    Apparently Mr. Mosswood was a fabulous fake just waiting for a good time for the snake oil to be tossed out. Good then that he is gone. I actually sat and thought for some time ( I think next time I'll check with the mods first ) since there was little information except to feel free to get ahold of him. Hated to seem un-welcoming so thought --- I would say something DIRECTLY on the blog and see if he would answer questions.....which he obviously didn't.

    Cammmi...........did anyone ever tell you how funny and precious you are. My home town was ( at the time during my young years ) Italian, Lithuanian and Polish. In most of that I mainly recall lots of great food and lots of drinking -- none of which made any interference much. It was a little coal-mining town/village and people lived by hearing the mine whistle blow.....which was to bring the miners down below up for shift change, or to signal that it was lunch time, or quitting time which was 3 p.m. Our mothers often gave us times to come home from playmates houses by listening for the mine whistle. When the mine closed.....not only did some men have to go find work in surrounding areas.....but I think it took a couple of years ( after the long, long time it was ) to learn that the mine whistle could no longer be used to "warn" about getting home when you were expected.

    Cammi....I also noticed you have an avatar. You are getting quite outstanding here.

    Chevy --- wow !!! Every time you talk about your cooking I just want to rush right over. It's a long way though and I don't think I could make it by meal time.

    Got a long day going today.....helping Dh with some long wanted and awaited projects that need to be done.

    Hope you all have a fantastic Saturday.

    Peace and love


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    We're having strong winds today and branches are blowing off our poplar trees and hitting the house. I'm a little nervous about taking a shower with the window on that side of the house. I would like to take these trees down, but we'd have to get a 2nd mortgage.

    I'm trying to have a break between foster cats. It's really difficult. There's a black cat who needs 3 eye meds 3 times a day, who I should foster and a really nice tabby who came to the shelter when his owner died who is really tempting. I'm starting to feel like the official black cat foster parent. Out of our last 5 fosters, 4 were black. The tabby would be a nice change.

    It's DH's birthday today and I've offered to cook dinner (we take turns and Sat is his turn). Poor man, I'm not a cook. I'm hoping to find something easy in the seafood dept.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited November 2013

    Wren.....I think I'd be stuck with tuna fish fixed in some way. I think that can be used in a green salad. Ok, not too innovative but it is one way that I really enjoy tuna fish. It would not be a hot dish is all. Then for a hot dish....tuna/noodle casserole.

    I'm an all right cook........but it has to be simple, not only because I easily forget which I do, but I'm not a real patient cook either. Some people don't mind a dish that has lots of steps and takes a couple of hours of fussing.......sigh !!! It all is just confining to me. I hope your Dh. has a marvelous birthday though. Its always good to have them, you know.

    Peace and love


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Wren I hope u'r DH had a wonderful day and those are the only 2 things that Jackie said I could think of, altho I've never made either but sounds kind of good. Well If I like Tuna.But the only tuna salad I did make were with tomatos, onions, a little oil, salt and pepper and tuna with rye bread, hahaha--but whatever u make u;r DH will be happy.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited November 2013

    Hey Cammi.....I make tuna salad.....then put it on chopped up lettuce, and then drizzle a little oil and vinegar or Italian ( not the Robusto though ) salad dressing over it.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    And I make Tuna Salad with hard boiled eggs, celery, onion, and sometimes dried cranberries! A little Mayo or Salad Dressing... I LOVE the white Tuna.. the Albacore!

    Wren, you are such a good cat "Mommy"..... We just DO it, because they need us!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,683
    edited November 2013

    Oh Chevy....I put all those things in tuna along with raisins and Gr. apple in very small chunks. It is like getting a whole vitamin pill at once.....all the good stuff that goes in Tuna Salad. Now I'm hungry. Not partial to dark or white tuna...........I love it all.
