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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    I guess I can jump on board here also. I am 64 and a month before I retired I was diagnosed. Talk about lousy timing! I love this board because everyone is so helpful. I have wonderful family and friends but I don't want to burden them with every little fear or thought that goes through my mind. We did all our cancer discussion and shed tears at the time of my diagnosis and I want to enjoy things again. But this board is where I can feel free to ask questions or just read about how other women are handling things.

    One thing that I have been concerned with is since I will be going on Medicare in January have any of you found that your doctor's do not accept it? I love my team...breast surgeon, plastic surgeon and oncologist and don't want to have to leave them because they don't take Medicare patients. I guess when January rolls around I will find out.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013


    I'm right there with you girl. I'll be 65 on Dec. 4th.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Mgster..... I was referred by my Primary Care about the "team" I would be working with. I didn't know them from anywhere.... and the surgeon was not a Breast Surgeon. But didn't matter! She was an auto mechanic....... (JUST kidding!)

    I met her, and she was just great! Young, and told me exactly what she would do! She was a general surgeon.

    Then the Radiologist was just as nice! Didn't know her before either! But since this all happened, those two have changed practices, and are not working from the same hospital again! It's like I met them, they did a great job, I really liked them, and then when I was "done" with treatment, I don't think I will need them anymore.

    I didn't like the 1st Oncologist anyway.... But the 2nd one was alright. I don't even see HER anymore, because I only get a physical every year, along with a diagnostic Mammogram.

    I think if you don't like, or they won't answer your questions, you don't have to stay with someone you don't care about! Just stay here.... WE'LL fix you...Ha!

    By the way, I'm older than most of you.... I was told "You're NEVER too old...Scared

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2013

    Home from the hospital with BF...he is watching football on TV (very quietly) and that's how I know he's not 100%. Also didn't want his usual fare of sub sandwich and chips with a pizza for dinner...thank goodness. He actually asked for something healthy to eat. We were headed to the beach tomorrow, but think we're going to wait until Monday to be sure he's ok.

    Most doctors accept Medicare if you have the A & B plus a supplement. Most won't take just the A plan. I've never had a problem getting a doctor to take my medicare plans except for my naturopathic doctor who doesn't accept any insurance plans.

    Mgster: You should probably ask your doctors now if they accept Medicare and what type so you will know what to sign up for if you don't want to lose them.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,702
    edited November 2013

    Welcome Mgster. I think Kaara gave you excellent advice. Go glad you found us and how wonderful that you are concerned about sparing your loved ones who would want to help you, but would probably find more to worry about if you told them all your concerns.

    Each of us has spent I think a fair amt. of time ( choosing to stay on BC. Org to help others on their journeys ) and are comfortable with our and others diagnosis which is comparable. We will hold you up over any rough patches.

    Can't say much about your Medicare question. I have Medicare ( the standard everyone has it part ) and go to the V.A. for all my care.

    I hope you will feel free to come often and share a new normal good life with all of us.

    Peace and love


  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    Thanks so much ladies! I will definitely ask my doctors what plans they accept and go on that route. I am actually contemplating having a mastectomy on my other breast along with reconstruction. Since I need to have a revision my feeling is to do this all at once. I have so regretted not doing a BMX. There is ovarian and breast cancer in my family and I don't think I can stand the stress of waiting for a mammogram result. My surgeon said there would be no need for biopsies and MRIs since that has all been done and on file. Only my family and a couple close friends would know until it is all over.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    If I miss checking in for a couple of days, it seems that everybody else is posting! Goodness, I've been reading for 30 min. And I'm NOT a slow reader, Chevy!

    First, a response to Mommarch. I'm very sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she'll get excellent treatment.

    Kaara, it's good to have you joining us again. We missed you but figured you were having a good time.

    Linda, hang in there. Eventually your life will take a turn for the better.

    Camille and Jackie, I enjoyed getting an insight into your backgrounds. Camille, did you learn to cook Italian food? Of all the ethnic foods (aside from Cajun, of course), I like Italian.

    The outcome of the golf tournament: I did not win the 2nd match. The woman who defeated me went on to win our flight.

    I have Medicare and Blue Cross Blue Shield as a secondary insurance (not a gap) and so far I haven't encountered any drs. in our area who don't take Medicare. That may change in the future if the compensation to drs. isn't increased.

    Hi to everyone. Be sure to change those clocks tonight!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    Good Evening everyone.

    Our DD ONC did another pap yestersay and it came back the same, so she had her first chemo yesterday afternoon. My biggest concern is if her family can keep the house clean and disinfected. That was the thing my Dh was very serious about. I had no problems with any infection. DD is very afraid. As you know this is her second time.'

    Sandy, sorry to have ingnored your ?, She lives in Milton, FL 20 miles north of Pensecola.

    I am going to call the local American Cancer Society there and see what is available for her. Her DH has got to work every day, just to support them. I I'am also gong to call the ELCA Lutheran Chruch in Pensacola and see it they can help them with some help. Alice was raised in ELCA , confirmed and married there.

    Everyone take care and thank you for your concern

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    What a great day! It was gorgeous outside and I spent the morning browsing at an arts & crafts fair. People are so clever and talented these days. I don't have any disposable income anymore but I enjoyed looking. Then tonight Mike and I went to a Harvest Moon Ball. It's the first time I've tried dancing since my stroke in January. Up until then, we were ballroom dance instructors so you can imagine how hard it was to leave all that behind. But I've been feeling good since my iron infusion Monday, and really wanted to go, even if it was to watch others dance and listen to the band. We tried a few easy rumba steps and I didn't fall over so we tried a turn and I STILL didn't fall over. When the band played a waltz, Mike said, "Trust me, I won't let you fall" and we set out across the floor. My feet knew what to do and even though I was dizzy, Mike held me tight and we did it. Round and round we went. I was in tears by the end. I never thought we'd be able to waltz again. What a night!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    THAT'S beautiful Sandra! You gave me chills...Ha! Now you won't be afraid to do it again sometime!

    I love to do crafts.... I'll try and post this latest shell hanging I made... Even put a little "tree" with lights inside it... If I can post Picassa, I'll do it.

    Mommarch, yes, hope you can get her some more help... that will take a lot of stress off of you AND her!

    Carole.... Sounds like you had FUN! I am reading another book I got from the Flea Market...SillyHeart I know you've heard of him..... Steve Martini.... and it's called THE LIST!

    Mgster..... hang in there kiddo.... You have already gone through a lot... Jackie knows so much more, about overcoming a LOT of problems! Hope we can help you!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013



    The mirror hanging in the back-ground is one I covered the frame with broken ceramic dishes,

    and put them on with grout, and more long tiles around the edges. Then I put on gold-leaf in-between

    the pieces, with clear polish.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    These are some "arrangements" my Daughter made for the grand opening of her floral department, after the store re-model.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    Sandra, how wonderful that you can dance with your dh again! I would love to take ballroom dancing lessons but I haven't been able to budge my dh on his resistance to the idea. He doesn't dance at all so I haven't danced either in 40 plus years of marriage.

    Chevy, that hanging could easily be in a crafts show. You're very creative. Any chicken art in your house? HeHe! Couldn't resist! My youngest brother's wife has a huge "chicken" collection. It got so large that she had to pack some of it up and store it.

    It's a nice morning here. In the 50's and the sun is out. We're driving to Ocean Springs, MS, for an annual event, a huge art and crafts show. DH's former co-worker Larry lives in Ocean Springs and he and his wife have an open house for family and invited friends. They prepare lots of food. Larry always calls my dh and invites us. It's very casual. We usually stop at the Beau Rivage casino in Biloxi and play a little video poker after we leave Larry's house to head home.

    Yesterday I went to the Farmers' Market in Covington, a nearby town. Then I stopped at the hospital to visit a golf friend who had an emergency surgery. She's one of the healthiest people I know. Several mornings ago she got up and didn't feel well enough to go to the gym. A little while later she started to experience abdominal pain. Being a nurse she took something for the pain, still dismissing the idea that anything could be seriously wrong. The pain got so bad, she had her husband take her to the ER. On the way she had symptoms that made her certain she was having a heart attack. She said she was afraid she wouldn't make it to the ER.

    Long story shortened, she wasn't having a heart attack. Adhesions from a caesarean surgery 45 yrs. ago had fastened onto her intestine and gradually squeezed it closed. The surgeon snipped the scar tissue and the intestine popped back open but she has been on liquid diet until yesterday when she was to start eating more solid food. She won't be released until the dr. is sure her digestive tract will work properly. Her recovery will take weeks.

    You just NEVER know what's going on inside your body!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,702
    edited November 2013

    Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practise wellness and play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love, and live as if this is all their is.

    Mary Anne Radmacher

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,702
    edited November 2013

    The very wonderful and envious ( by me ) talent in the above pictures of Chevy and her daughter ( don't we love it often, when the apple really doesn't far so fall from the tree ) are so beautiful and creative. I've always wished I could do these sorts of thing. I also admire people who can go into a "junk" store and come out with the most fantastic treasures. So many people manage to see what I can't. It is certainly not because I still don't go looking -- but drat....they walk along right behind to pick up what I left behind......take it home and a perfect thought becomes a complete reality.

    Brings to mind another great quote: " Use the talents you possess, for the woods would be silenced if no birds sang, save for the best".

    Carole, what fun to go to a craft fair. I love them and go as well to the few we have around here. It is always interesting to see what cleverness will turn up and some things are absolutely wonderful. I haven't bought a "regular" dishcloth in several years. I buy the crocheted ones that are generally round. Some are pretty enough ( if not too thick ) to sit under a lamp. Of course, with a dishwasher......I can't say that I have as much need for dishcloths now, but there is one out all the time.

    You also bring up quite a point in your story about your 'nurse' friend. We really do NEVER really know what our challenges may be from one minute to the next. Even truer in this story as it was a medical malady. Also I instantly thought of how many times we make a decision that really is the right one for the circumstances we are in........and then years later, though we would or could have never made any other choice......we are given a rude awakening. So glad that it seems so fixable even if it will take some time.

    Really cool weather out today. Doesn't sound like it will warm much at all. Well, as always this time of year, the sun will really help to keep us comfortable.

    We didn't ( as seems to be our continuing habit ) set our clocks back last night. Thought about it a couple of times....but we had a rather full day here so as usual we said the heck with it. Then.......did the usual, no it's only really 6 a.m. We are not really up late.

    Hope you all have a gorgeous Sunday.

    Peace and love


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    When we bought our house the TINY kitchen had dark cabinets and avocado walls and ceiling. Ceramic roosters were lined up above the cabinets. Took 3 coats of evermore expensive paint to get the ceiling white. I'm always teasing DH about roosters because 13 years ago I told him they were the coming thing. He doesn't know I got rooster placemats at the $ store last summer. They're coming out as soon as I change the tablecloth to November.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2013

    Chevy: Those shell hangings are beautiful...would love them in my beach house!

    I love chickens! I had them all over my home in NC, and brought them with me to Greenville...even the placemats! BF has one that his ex left that is the ugliest chicken I ever saw. He had it in the trash but I'm taking it back to Florida for my White Elephant gift exchange this! We always have one item that shows up year after year in the exchange...up to now it's been a headless doll (earring holder) but I have a feeling the chicken will be taking its place.

    BF is not recovering from his pacemaker replacement as quickly as I thought. He slept all day yesterday which was probably normal, but today, he seems more groggy and a little disoriented. He wouldn't let me set up the monitor last night so have no idea if the pacemaker is operating normally. I'm getting a little frustrated as he won't listen to anything I suggest...insists he's fine, but he's not. We were supposed to leave for the beach but didn't, and I'm not even sure if tomorrow is a good idea. I don't want something to go wrong and we're miles from his doctor. If he isn't better by late today, I am going to insist he call the doctor first thing tomorrow. I don't like messing with anything to do with the heart. If it's an infection it could be serious.

    In the meantime, it's a beautiful day here with fall in full swing. The leaves have changed...colors are beautiful! Later I'm going out for a walk and enjoy it all before they start to fall.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013

    Wren, bless you for fostering the cats. I have 2 house cats now....a black one and a tiger with white face and chest. They are certainly part of the family. I know I could not work in a shelter or at the humane society because I'd want to bring them all home and be upset about those that found no home. My hat goes off to you.

    You gals are making me hungry with your good receipes and food ideas! There always seems to be something interesting on this thread!

    Kaara, glad that your friend is home and is recuperating. I think that any type of medical procedure sort of "takes it out of us" and it seems to be a bit worse the older that we get. He is lucky to have you with your high energy, great concern and lovely smile.

    Welcome mgster! You have found a great place to hang out. These women are awesome and have such positive attitudes. I get my daily dose of chuckles here with Cammi and Chevy and my inspiration from Jackie. The rest of us provide support and add our own personal touches to the lives of each other. So far all the doctors that I've seen do accept Medicare and I have had no problems. It's hard to know how that will change with all the new insurance plans and Obamacare but I have been lucky that way.

    Dave is out blowing leaves and I need to finish up some laundry but I just wanted to check in on this sunny Sunday in Illinois. I imagine that there are some who have still headed to the golf course today but we had too much to do around here. :-(

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Hi Gals! Kaara, I remember when I brought DH home after the first pacemaker surgery.... He was in THE WORST MOOD ever! I mean he was just plain MAD about everything! He yelled, etc. I was ready to smack him over the head with a broom!

    Don't know WHAT it was, but he got better eventually. Yes, have that infection checked. I had to change anti-biotics one time, when I had bronchitis... Then pneumonia...

    I think DH was afraid of that monitor, and that's why we didn't get one. I think he thought it would "do" something, remotely. So we get his read every 6 months.

    It just doesn't sound right, that he isn't feeling better.... and dis-oriented!

    Cammi is SOMEwhere..... Bet SHE doesn't even know where she is! I just think she is not feeling good.... puny kid, she is.

    Wren, we have those metal Roosters in the Ross store...Ha! They are painted really bright, but I just don't have any room for one.... I mean it doesn't fit all my butterfly hangings.... etc! Maybe if I stuck one in the girls coop, they would like him? Ha, ha! They would probably be scared to death! I would traumatize the poor things!

    Got 3 more eggs this morning!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    Rita, We find homes for most of them. Sometimes they're semi-permanent foster homes. One cat has been in foster since 2010 and we have four from 2011. We have an arrangement with the Petco close to the shelter. We have 6 cats at a time over there and they get adopted very quickly.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    We love cats and have always had at least two at a time. Years ago we had 2 dogs and 9 cats. The kids kept finding stray kittens and bringing them home. We agreed to keep them until we could find them a good home. Of course after a few days we fell in love with each of them so they did indeed find a good home...ours!

    The dogs have passed on and we are down to 4 cats now including Wesley, who is 18. He forgets where he is sometimes and stands in the middle of the room howling. The vet says he has cat Alzheimer's but we call it Wes-heimers. He and our 12 year old cat Jeffrey have lost many of their teeth so they get canned food. Wesley will eat part of his, get distracted and walk away, meowing for food. We move his partially eaten bowl in front of him and he is so excited to start gobbling again. Acts like he hasn't eaten in days. We also have Rosie who is 11 and Emily who is 8.

    As much as my husband would like to get a kitten, I've said NO MORE. I'd like to one day have a house with no litter box and without cat fur everywhere. Plus we could travel without worrying about the animals at home. I love all our senior fur babies and it's going to be hard to lose them in the coming years but I don't want to start over. BUT, if a stray kitten turned up on our doorstep, I'm sure I couldn't at least keep it until we find a good home...and we all know what that really means.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,702
    edited November 2013

    Sandra and pet lovers, we got the majority of ours that way as well. A couple we procured on our own but many found their way to our house, and into our hearts quickly and effortlessly. I had noooo intention of having multiple anything, but much to both my dismay and delight as well, it happened and we felt in many ways powerless to an extent. There are so few homes here for "lost" pets and the shelters all but give them away..............just meaning if one comes to your door......knowing it may stay in a shelter for years ( not the worst thing, but I've worked in some and not always the best either ) they tend to end up staying.

    We dearly love them all, but I'm going to be a really OLD lady by the time our nest is empty. We do not, and in fact for some time now, have any kittens. Dh always says.....when God looks down and sees a vacancy he shoves them our way --- knowing we won't let them meet a bad fate. I think it has been all too true, but I've prayed for some time that we get to amble into our older age without having to house any more.

    Sandra, your descriptions were great of those left to share your home. You are oh so right too about getting weary with the cat fur and always having to do quick repair ( lots of pet hair rollers and other items ) when someone calls to say they want to come over. Yikes....we are scurrying to get out from under the fur.

    Peace and love


  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    Okay, so excited to find this great "over 60" forum...and now I find many are cat lovers...I definitely have found my place! LOL We have two sister cats...Daphne and Daisy. They are two years old now and still cuddle and sleep together like they did as little kitties. We were gone all day to Narragansett, RI and Mohegan Sun Casino. When we got home they were right there by the front door ready to greet us.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    When DH came home from work the dog and cat would meet him at the door. He had to put his bag down and pet them at the same time before entering.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,702
    edited November 2013

    Not my favorite author ( most salesmen aren't ) but this is a marvelous quote.

    You have it easily in your power to increase the sum total of this worlds happiness now. How ? By giving a few words of sincere appreciation to someone who is lonely or discouraged. Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime.

    Dale Carnegie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,702
    edited November 2013

    Mgster, so glad you will like it here and you will indeed fit right in. I told say it often because it sounds almost like hoarding....but we have 22 cats here. The last two were left by our closest neighbors when they moved. Why !!!! Because the cats would often come to our house and because we fed them. Well, we likely shouldn't have done that, but the neighbors were often gone ( these were outdoor cats ) and the raccoons would come up and eat the food that was left out for the cats ( surprise, surprise ) and I got upset one day when I looked for the umpteenth time at how thin the cats were.

    Having them....all fairly fat and sassy in our household was hard to look at two little thin cats who were only surviving on the field mice they could catch around their property. It obviously was not enough. The owners stated purpose for the cats was to rid the area around the house of mice. So....yes, at times I did wonder if they were not fed "house" food as often as they could have been ---- but in any case, the cats were left....because they visited my house all the time 'so they might as well stay here'. We won't go into what I think of someone who 'has pets', REALLY that are viewed in that light. In hindsight....maybe they should have left them.

    Hope you all have a great day. I'll be checking in later.

    Peace and love


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013


    I looked out front, and thought this was so pretty!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013

    So mgster...did you win at the Casino? We went to the Casino in Peoria, Illinois yesterday. I play the slots and Dave plays cards and also plays the slots a little. I had a good time but didn't win. We may end up over there on Thanksgiving. They have a great buffet and we have more than enough points for free meals. I only have the one son and we have to share Thanksgiving and Christmas with my DIL's family so this is not our year for Thanksgiving. When this has happened in the past, I have cooked a small turkey for Dave and I, but the last time we went to the boat and had a great meal. With both my Mom and Dad gone, I really miss "family" at times like this so the activity is good for me. We have had friends invite us over to eat with their families but always politely decline.

    We will leave our cats at home when we go to the "kids" in Mississippi for Christmas but we will take our two girls when we go to Florida. Pearl, our youngest, travels well. Echo, the three year old, is not quite as adaptive. She'll howl for about 45 minutes before she gives us and curls up for a nap in the car.

    Well, it's supposed to get up to 60 this afternoon and if that is the case, there are a few of my crazy friends who want to go hit a golf ball around the course! That means I should get off here and get things accomplished in case it turns out to be a nice Illinois Fall day!

    Hugs to everyone on this Monday! Have a good week.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    No! We didn't even play at the Casino. The other couple we were there with do not gamble at all so we just had a quick bite and the worst ice cream sundaes at Johnny Rockets. The "hot fudge" was really chocolate syrup and the vanilla ice cream was tasteless. I mean how can a sundae be bad! LOL My husband got the strawberry sundae and it was actually strawberry syrup...very bright red. We were craving ice cream all day and then we were so disappointed. We would have been better off getting cones at the McDonalds we passed on the way. We live so close to Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun and usually go maybe once every 5 or 6 weeks. Sometimes just for dinner. I spend all of $20 on the slots and then I am done. My husband plays Black Jack and does rack up some comp points which feeds us. We love to take our adult kids for the big breakfast buffet that they have there at least twice a year. It's a fun place!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013


    Love the fall colors in your picture...beautiful!

    All the color blew away here with our wild wild wind storm on Saturday....we were lucky not to lose power.....I was hoping a few trees would have blown over to help our view, but Noooooo....never.....been hoping for did blow over 2 years ago, through the neighbor's fence and across my neighbors yard and when they had it cut, the root section tipped upright again and has grown like crazy and will block part of my water view by next spring(it is on a "wetland" next to my neighbors so it cannot be was just a vacant lot/acre when we moved in 36 years ago NOT a wetland.....but still vacant.
