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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Di! This is the first year my "Fire-bushes" have turned red! Usually they just drop the leaves.... But that tree in the next block, looked so beautiful, in contrast with the red! It is a Cotton-wood, and really looks beautiful this year.

    We are supposed to get snow tonight, but it has been a BEAUTIFUL year for the trees! The leaves will be completely GONE after this storm.

    Kaara, how is the "boy?" Ha! We went for the device check today, and it is good for another 7 years.... she says! She said they continue to imporove those battieries all the time.... This one is almost 3 years old.

    I made a Quinoa salad! Soooooooooo good.... I cooked red Quinoa, then mixed it with olive oil, lemon juice, diced artichokes, black olives, fresh Italian Parsley and Sea-salt. I had tried a little bit from a salad-bar at our store, so I bought the stuff and made my own. Along with fried, simmered pork steaks, that is Dinner! Loopy

    Sorry Mgster about the Ice-cream! Don't you just hate it, when you love something, and then buy it, and it can be screwed up so bad, you don't even know what it is? Just come over for Dinner.... I'll set a plate for you! Ha!

    Snow tonight.... that's okay.... I'll just stay in and stay warm....

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    Beautiful view, Chevy! I would enjoy looking at it.

    Alarm clock jarred me awake at 6:15 am. Dh and I were at the hospital at 7:15 for his upper G.I. The gastro dr. brought me some photos of dh's innards! Everything checked out ok except for a hernia circling the esophagus and making swallowing difficult. So Ole One-eye (that's the dr.! He wears an eye patch.) stretched the esophagus. We were back home by 9:30. DH was starving so I cooked grits and boiled eggs for his breakfast. I had eaten some breakfast in the cafeteria.

    Then I went to the supermarket and bought beef and barley to make a big pot of beef vegetable barley soup. And it IS a big pot of soup. We'll have soup and salad for dinner and there will be leftovers to warm up for lunches.

    Chevy, I have some cooked quinoa in the refrigerator. And some artichoke hearts. I think I'll make a salad similar to yours!

    22 cats???? Jackie, you would get along great with my sister Linda. Goodness knows how many dogs and cats share the house with her and her dh. It's a big old drafty farmhouse with high ceilings. Their dogs go outside, too, but the yard is huge and fenced. Linda also has 3 horses, all adopted, and various other outdoor animals including peacocks. Their property is 7 acres. She will doctor baby birds that fall out of nests. She has raised several wild animal orphans and released them into the woods.

    Hello to everyone.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013


    your Quinoa salad sounds yummy.....(never tried red quinoa) I want to make it or my version of Tabouleh, using quinoa instead of bulgar, since I still have fresh mint in my herb garden.


    Glad you hubby is okay....and had an appetite....a good SIGN!

    Hubby and I are soup fans, even in the summer....I made a big pot of chicken "noodle" soup this morning, for lunches for a few days this week, using ZERO calorie Miracle Noodles, white kidney beans, green beans, carrots and onions,& precooked chicken (sorry Chevy) strips, cubed. It was yummy. I had just soup and hubby had soup and left-over pizza (I don't do pizza) for lunch.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013


    DD will have 6 weeks of chemo twice a week, she had two down as of today. Then there will be 8 internal radiations 2 a day for four days. Down the line probably a hysterectomy. I told them if they need us we will be there. So far so good. I do not want to do like my MIL would have done and march in and take over. I think DG is having a problem getting her feelings around all of this. She wants to act like the parent and take over her mothers life. I told her today, that when her Mom felt the need to lay down she would. You know they have you on all those steriods, etc and it is awhile before you crash.

    It has been cool here. had a little rain yesterday.

    Glad to see you here Mgster, wish it was under different circumstances, but we are all in it together, that is the power of Women.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    Sounds like we are a bunch of soup lovers! Halloween night I made Taco Soup for all the family while we enjoyed the little trick-or-treaters. Tonight I cooked chicken on the was dark (except for the deck motion light) and so cold I could see my breath! Inside, my husband made the first fire of the season in our wood stove. Yup, guess those nice warm days are going, going, gone!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013

    Mommarch....thinking of you and your Daughter....hope her treatment time flies by for her.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Holy Chit--I've missed so much==where have I been. (shut up Chevy)

    Welcome Mgster so glad to meet u ad u sound comfortable here already.

    Mommarch u'r DD sounds as if she's getting good care and we all know if she needs u--u will be there in a NY minute. She's in my prayers.

    Jackie 22 cats???? U have u'r own Kitty land. How wonderful u are.

    Kaara if u have a gut feeling try to get u;r DB to call the Dr. --why are they so difficult to deal with sometimes. He's so lucky to have u as u are to have him.

    Carole I don't cook anymore but I made lotsa Italian food learning ffrom my Mom and Dad, I always got compliments so it was probably good--I thought so. I think I told u guys before but the last few months my mom was alive--her Doc gave her like 6 months, well she wanted to teach certain recipes that we only have at the Holiday times well she didn't teach me cuz she knew forget about it I'm done cooking so she took my 2 DDs and a couple of other Gds and taught them the specialty things she made (my dad too) Then she taught my 2 brothers what they really like and they learned their specialties--I actually knew how to make our stuffed peppers and my sister knew how to make tripe already. So everyone got recipes and they talk at the holidays who's going to make what. Oh and she gave them the pans that she used only for those things--ancient ones but clean and still good. Then the last month or so my youngest DD took care of her all day til I got home from work and she taught her a lot of everyday thing and when I have some of the things Leslie makes it really does taste just like my moms.

    OK Chevy BTW NO CHICKEN recipes at all. But fritattas were made so eggs were important. So much talk of roosters and chickens again. But u'r pic was so pretty. I didn't realize u took pics of anything but chickens, u'r neighbors must be back so u have to get up extra early so they don't see u procuring the eggs. I know u'r tricks, oops I shouldn't use that word around u, I forgot about u'r sensitivity to the word tricks. And not the ones for kids.

    If I missed anyone u know I'm not leaving u out it's that mammory brain again---Yes Chevy not memory. There getting more of us, I hate cancer so much for all of us.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Okay little Cammi.... WAIT! Let me find you! Ha, ha! How fun reading about your Mom! Yes, I remember Tripe.... I liked the soup part, but not that bubble-gum stuff tripe! I put in ham shanks to make it better... And you got her pots? THAT was good! I got my MIL's old yard long rolling pin... and learned how to make her Pizzelle's.... THOSE were always so good.... my favorite!

    Cammi, they didn't make you chicken-feet soup? I wouldn't eat that either... And yes, "THEY" are back home! Damn people! I just feel bad because they LEFT, and their cat Edith was on top of this cushion in the garage up on top by the ceiling! When WE went over the next morning, she was CRYING.... I mean LOUD! She wouldn't come down! So I finally carried this huge metal lawn chair to set under the ceiling shelves.... put a board across it, and a blanket, and when I went back later, she was DOWN! She got UP there, by jumping on their SUV.... and down the same way! But she was stuck up there, when they took their SUV!!!

    And yes, I kindly mentioned this in an email I sent them... They could at LEAST place the plastic bin/bed I gave her, WITH a blanket back in the garage! But they kicked her out once, (they didn't like cat-prints on the top of their SUV) so I put her bed under their deck... but in the WINTER she will be cold! I mean like they care. They won't let her in the house.

    Okay, that's the end of my saga.... and Edith the cat. And I haven't heard from "them."

    Mommarch..... thinking of you.... and all our other friends! Have a good Tuesday!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    Camille, good to hear from you! Love the story of your mother passing along the special recipes. Somebody should take charge of writing them down and making a special recipe collection. I've never eaten tripe but it's probably good, cooked right. My mother cooked beef brains with eggs. So did dh's mother so it wasn't just a southern food. Sounds really disgusting but tasted good when I was a kid. We were poor country people and didn't eat "healthy" by today's standards. When my father butchered a hog, they would salt the fat down in a big container and my mother would use it for seasoning in beans and vegetables. First you boil the pieces of salt meat to get some of the salt out and then fry it to render out some of the fat.

    For years my mother didn't throw out bacon fat but kept it in a container to use for seasoning. You would think her arteries were all blocked from eating all that animal fat but her cholesterol numbers are better than mine! Health is all about heredity. My sister Linda has low cholesterol and triglycerides but she inherited my father's arythmia (?).

    Mommarch, thinking about your daughter and hoping for great success from her treatment.

    DH was up early to go and have bloodwork at 7:15. From there he was going to the YMCA to work out. So I'll go to the Y by myself this morning. We usually go together on Tues. and Thurs. mornings.

    At noon I'm having lunch with some "oldie" golf friends. At age 70 I'll be the youngest. The oldest won't tell her age but she's in her 90's and was a good golfer in her time. She had to quit playing about 3 yrs. ago. It will be good to get together with them so we can all share our ailments! We're going to a new Italian restaurant that just opened.

    Happy Tuesday!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,701
    edited November 2013

    Character is the product of daily, hourly, actions, words, and thoughts: daily forgiveness, unselfishness, kindnesses, sympathies, charities, sacrifices, for the good of others. Struggles against temptation, submissiveness under trial. It is these like the blinding color in a picture, or the blending notes of music which constitute the person.

    John MacDuff

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Carol.... My Grandmother and my Mom, both had metal containers on the back of the stove, just to save bacon grease... I still like to use a little to fry pork-chops, etc. It just gives them more flavor.... AND for making gravy.... with hard boiled eggs sliced on top, over bisquits!

    I have several friends that just WON'T even talk about their age...ha! It must really bother some women, expecially. Have fun with your friends!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning all.

    Chevy u'r cat story makes me want to cry---How could they do that--Thank God u look after that furbaby cuz they should be shot. I love cats u know that. And I treat mine like a little queen as all our furbabies shuld be treated. OK I'll say it ONCE u'r a kind lady Chevy I don't care about u'r morals of u'r life when u were younger---I could let that go hahahaha

    Carole all of us remember the drippings, ours was from sausage--I don't remember if it was even refridgerated--that was considered the flavor maker of a lot of things. My dad fried a lot of things, my mom didn't so much but he ate and drank anything and everything and smoked any brand of cigs, whatever theypick for him he never cared??? He never even washed fruit from the grocery store and my mom would get so upset with him telling hime about the sprays they use and crap it never mattered to him.I know u guys can tell I miss him--It's been 7 yrs now--and this is his BD month but he had a good life for 96 yrs. and I miss him especially now--sorry.

    Oh carole have a good lunch oh I love eggplant (if it's made well) I ask for it without the cheese--the best part but I like the flavor of eggplant. So tell us when u come home what u got.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Dear New Friends,

    When I come to and scan down my favorites list for posts, I always smile when I see someone has posted here. I have decided this thread is my "dessert" so I save it 'til last. No matter what else I read, I know I'll always end with something sweet...YOU. Love to read your exploits, hear about your family (good & bad), see your beautiful photos and read the daily inspirational quote. I feel a part of your world already.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    Growing up, all the women had a grease container on the stove. It came with matching salt and pepper shakers. Ours was mostly bacon grease and was used in vegetables and any frying.

    Chevy, all you need to do is put the cats bed in your garage, give it some food, and you'll have a cat. Cats can tell a better deal when they see one. You might also check with the authorities to see if not letting a cat inside in freezing weather is considered animal cruelty. About the only cats equipped for living outside in the snow are the Maine Coons and Norwegian Forest Cats.

    Leaves are falling off our giant poplar trees. They look like big yellow snowflakes.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Sandra as soon as we saw we didn't scare u away (Chevy) u were a part of this crazy world that is ours.

    OK Wren u answered my question, but I think I kind of remember now where the grease was kept. Why in the world didn't we all get sick? Cuz there was always tiny pieces of some kind of old meat in them. LOL

    Oh Chevy that's a good idea about the cat next door, I feel so bad for him/her. But be careful u don't get them mad or u'r egg amounts might be cut off. Then what--u'll have to shlepp to the store to buy them--Oh that's an idea, they have eggs in the store too.SillyHeart

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013

    Oh Wren, I remember that now....brushed metal (silver for a while then copper) that my mom had! Grease can and matching salt and pepper shakers With a big "S" or "P" wonder my day had a massive heart attack at 42 (he survived)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Thanks gals! Yes, I have wanted her to come to our house, but she just won't! We have Lacee, and although she loves her, Edith would rather stay there! She comes over to our drive-way, but won't jump the fence to come in our yard....

    The next time they leave, I will put her bed that I gave her back in the garage... She USED to sleep in there, but they locked her cat-door, because the Raccoons were getting in there, and dumping over her bin of food! So I unlocked it, and told them "Why don't you put it in the HOUSE then?" I mean they HAD a dog, and HIS food was in the house! But he passed away a few months ago....

    But I WILL move her bed, back in where it is kind of warm.... and give her ANOTHER big blanket! At least her cat-door is open, and she can go in and out.

    Cammi, they don't take much better care of the CHICKENS than they do her! Edith's Mother finally found another "home"..... We have seen her in the next block! But when WE watch over them, I DO always take her cans of cat-food, to mix with her kibbles. She just LOVES when I pet her, and scratch her back....

    Funny thing is, I am REALLY allergic to my Daughter's cats, but not to this one!

    Sandra, that is so sweet of you to say those nice things! We aren't all about breast cancer, even though that's what brought us together, and a LOT of the gals are just starting, or going through treatment.... but maybe we can make them smile? And give them some recipes?

    And give them tips on how to be a good neighbor with the numb-nuts neighbors who don't have a CLUE! Ha!

    Di, that picture was of the "nicer" sets....Winking We had one of the brushed metal cans.... Wonder if they still sell them? I just save bacon grease in the refrigerator now...for months.... I think.... (JUST kidding!)

    Hi Wren & Jackie! It was supposed to snow here, but the sun is shining, and it's a great day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,701
    edited November 2013

    Hi everyone. I had a big day and could not write anything before work. Then after work off to the bank and then after that off to the feed store for cat food. Then home, and had to cook for Dh as he was hungry to I did out supper meal and finished filling up the dish washer.....then did the pans, cleaned all the counters and got in here.

    I do enjoy my work though. The little lady I spent time with is so delightful. Told me this afternoon " oh are you going because I'm going to miss you". Fortunately for both of us I will be back there on Thursday morning so she won't have to miss me long.

    I will be staying 10 hours a day through a 4 day holiday around Thanksgiving. It will be a sort of loooooong day/days for me, but it is only 4 days and will enable me to make a little money for Christmas. I will have the Saturday off that week so will have a nice long 3 day week-end to recover. I'm sure it will be fine.

    Sandra, I know exactly what you are saying. I am delighted when I see posts have come in here. I do post on a couple of other threads, but not as much as I post here. In fact, the quotes started on another thread. Back in 2007 when I first came onto BC. Org.....the other thread group ( because I used quotes a couple of times ) asked me way back them to find an uplifting quote and put it in everyday. Finally.....because I always came here.....I thought since I took the time to find them, maybe the ladies here would like to read them as well. That is how the quotes end up here.

    We love our little home away from is something like the Cheers bar I think, only we often are in the kitchen. We rely on each other because an awful disease put us all together and we definitely have a reluctance to leave. We stood by each other in one of the worst time periods in our respective lives and it turned out be a wonderful bond.

    Well here is the way it is gals.........bacon grease wouldn't kill you way back when, just like leaving the gallon jug of mayo out with the lid off wouldn't, nor the leaving Sunday dinner on the table for hours covered up and eaten again at dinner time. We pumped well water ( Good Lord only knows what could have been in that water ) into a metal galvanized bucket and brought it in and set it on the water stand. It also had a galvanized dipper ( something like a soup ladle ) and we and everyone who came into our house and drank water, did so from that dipper. I would stay over at my cousins' house all night and 4 or 5 of us would get in the same galvanized tub to have a bath before changing water.....just a clean wash cloth to use and towel. We ate tomatoes from the garden by just knocking off the dirt, and walked barefoot down dusty roads all over town.

    It was a great life and I think it made us mainly a little more immune to things though I must admit I had my share of ear aches and colds as a kid......but I think it was more getting my feet wet I the snow and never being warm enough etc.

    There was a lot of love back then and some of it was stuck away in the bacon grease can sitting on the back of the stove. Times were simple, love was ample and we got a really good start to being who we are now. There is little I would change. Maybe being a little warmer in winter.

    Love to all you wonderful, wonderful women.

    Peace and love


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2013

    Hello everyone!

    Got to our beach home yesterday and have been working nonstop since. This is the third time I've straightened when we purchased...once after the move....and now after paint, carpet and flooring guys were finished:( It is beginning to look beautiful.

    BF is much better...turned a corner yesterday...I think I see a real difference with this new pacemaker. He can now get up and bend over without getting dizzy, and his energy level is better. I looked at the spot where they did the implant and it's awful looking...this one is much larger than the last, but it seems to be working better. We couldn't set up the monitor because a part was missing that he was supposed to bring home from the hospital...oh well.

    Dear friend Michelle who was on another thread with me passed away after a courageous battle with this dreaded disease. She was such an inspiration to us all, and was one of the first to welcome me to the site.

    Mommarch: So sorry about your DD..she has a battle ahead of her, but hopefully will come through it as there are so many new treatments. I send you prayers and positive energy.

    Chevy: I love Quinoa salad. I buy one at our local grocer that is delicious.

    This daylight saving time is killing me. I'm up at 5:00 AM and ready for bed at 8:00 PM...ugh!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    The lunch today was loads of fun. It was great visiting with my old golf friends. The new restaurant was very pretty inside and we had a good table out of the traffic where we could talk up a storm. The food was just so-so. I had a salad with grilled chicken on top. I won't be going back there because there are better restaurants around.

    Glad to know we weren't the only famliy with a can of bacon grease on the back of the stove!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013

    This was a sunset from our house a few days ago.....ahhhhh

    Puget Sound and yes an Island right below the setting sun.


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    Mgstr, where do you live? We are in the Davis Mt's in West Texas. We used to heat with a wood stove, but became to much.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Hi everyone---

    Di that is gorgeous--such pretty scenery.

    Kaara u'r really knocking u'rself out, but u sound so good and happy. And it's great that 'r BF is feeling so well--it seemed a little rocky at first, But all is good for u.SillyHeart

    Carole Sorry about the food, but when u'r with people u care about u have such a good time it's OK, just like u said--don't go back there--Hmmm what can u possibly do to that type of salad to make it so-so. LOL

    Chevy I don't like u'r neighbors cuz they don't treat the cat properly--so I'm boycotting them from afar. (Can u do that?) Well I am. But thank God those critters and the cat have u to help them along, cuz it will be cold and snowy very soon--I think, probably, maybe. I'm looking at my furbaby now and she's all cuddled up next to me where she belongs.

    Oh this time thing is so screwing me up---well I guess that means I'm screwed by something anyway.

    Jackie u write such tender posts all the time and actually make me feel good. U'r so sweet. Oh Oh Chevy so r U) ahem cough cough. Sorry I had a tickle in my throat.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,701
    edited November 2013

    I think this is a re-run as it seemed so familiar the minute I read it.....but it says so much and I thought it was well worth a return.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,701
    edited November 2013

    Ole' rainy morning here. Dh was so disappointed. He worked very hard on the yard mulching and blowing leaves with our big driveway cleared along with our deck. The overnight rained has everything covered again. It will be harder to deal with it all after tomorrow. Dh goes to Marion ( V.A. ) for a hernia repair. It has been bigger and more discomfort....but the same place he has had it twice before. I am hoping they come up with some repair that might last a bit better. Anyway.....I think it is possible that the rest of the yard cleaning will be blowers and rakes only and 'sigh' mainly me. Oh well, like goes on. We are here to help each other.

    Another 'election' night gotten though and glad to have it behind. It takes up a lot of time on the t.v. and I almost dread the upcoming ones just for the totality of them.

    Di....that is a gorgeous picture of the Sound. Just part of the gifts is we allow our sometimes busy lives to slow down long enough to enjoy. I could look at that forever. It ought to be done in a portrait for the wall.

    Carole -- it is easy to be turned off by some restaurant meals. It doesn't sound in this one like the cook was having a bad day either. Like you, I just wouldn't go back. Camille had it right least you did have the pleasure of enjoying time spent with your friends. It wasn't a total waste and you did get valuable information about the restaurant.

    Kaara....despite the work, it sounds like your new place is just coming together really well. Glad to that your friend is "picking" up quite a bit. I hate worrying about someone else. I think we worry more about others because we "can't" feel exactly what they are feeling ( we know this easily about ourselves ) and so there are always un-answered questions and a little feeling of edginess' that keeps us on the slightly nervous side.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Peace and lots of love


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    Hi everyone,

    DD had a chemo last Friday and again on Monday, then by Tuesday she had a kidney infection. Her ONC is rethinking her treatment. She will now have one chemo a week for six weeks and the internal radiation and go from there.

    It has been cool here, put a pot stew in the crock pot. Trying to finish up laundry. I am so slow.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    That's a beautiful sunset picture. What a wonderful view!

    Camille, we'll appoint you the cat police!

    Several times I've mentioned my niece who has mental problems (and character problems) and also has three young children. She has been in a downward cycle for a few weeks, back to alcohol abuse and taking prescription painkillers. Today she checked into a drug and alcohol rehab hospital in New Orleans so once again her mother (my younger sister) has to look after the children at the same time that she's recovering from knee replacement surgery. The two older children's father is supposed to come and stay with the children at night at my niece's house but my sister will have to see that they get dressed for school in the morning and she'll have to keep them in the afternoons until he gets off his job.

    We're supposed to have a cold front coming through. Today it got pretty warm, high 70's or 80 degrees but it will be cooling off. Maybe I can put on the jeans again!

    Hi to everyone.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Hi gals! I don't like my neighbors much either Cammi! I haven't heard from them, since they came back this time! Maybe they felt a little guilty, because I sent that email explaining how Edith was STUCK in the top of their garage, yet AGAIN, and how I got her down. I left that heavy chair there, so THEY could move it. And Edith just sits by their back glass door, in the sun, when they are home.

    I am not anxious to be nice to them.... but you know how THAT goes.... I love their little girls, and that cat, AND their chickens ALL have more brains than they do...Ha!

    Carole, I had lunch with my friend last week, and we talked about how she was involved with an "Intervention".... She will never do it again. It was soooooo traumatic on all concerned. And THEN the gal, DID finally decide to go.... (just to shut them all up I think) But the day after she got there, she took off! Her Mom put up $25,000 for one month! She was just afraid she would kill herself..... But she took off, and NO-one knows where.

    It is all drugs.... for years.... And we all know what will probably happen.....

    I'm glad your niece is at least TRYing. Did you ever watch Celebrity Rehab? I have .... And it takes a lot longer than one month.... sometimes they go into Sober Living, to help transition to a drug/alcohol free life.

    It's the families that are left.... who have to pick up the pieces.... and who hurt the most! The children, and like your Sister, are the ones who have to pick up the pieces. I'm sorry.

    Mommarch.... thanks for the update.... Maybe the new chemo schedule will be easier on her?

    Jackie.... let us know how it goes with Denny..... Just be a good nurse.... ha!

    Hi Di and Kaara! Talk to y'all later! xoxoxoxo

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013 sorry to hear about your friend. I really hate this disease and wish that we could find that cure....SOON!

    I am really loving all those "good ol' time memories." I can usually relate well to them and remember those grease containers quite well. Strange how I can remember things like that and forget to buy a head of cabbage for my vegetable soup today, isn't it? So....the soup bone is boiling away and I will have to go back into town in the morning to get the cabbage before I finish the soup. Gads.....

    It's rainy and dreary here today and that affects my mood. I need sunshine. Hopefully the rain will move out of the area tomorrow and the gloom will go with it. I've ran some errands and have tried to keep busy all day. I even made apple crisp using Stevia instead of sugar so we'll see how that comes out! I am not the good cook that so many of you seem to be but I can usually follow a recipe when the urge strikes! :-)

    mommarch.....hugs to you and your daughter. It sounds like they are monitoring her carefully and that she is in good hands.

    Jackie, I'm sending good vibes to Denny tomorrow! Hope all goes well.

    I have never had quinoa salad. In fact I've never heard of it. It sounds like I may be missing something good. (and probably healthy, too)

    Chevy, I don't know why we are allergic to some cats and not to others. I have a friend who is not allergic to my cats but is terribly allergic to others. Interesting concept! Maybe that's a sign that you've been called to help this poor kitty survive the colder temps! (as if you wouldn't anyway!) :-)

    Well, I'm off to check on dinner. I have chicken and rice in the oven and don't want it to get too dry. I hope everyone is having a good week.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    Mommarch...I live in CT. The wood stove is in our family room which we added about 30 years ago. It also has electric heat, which I turn on when I am home alone. My husband loves his wood stove and I do love the warmth. I could do without the soot for sure. Today we didn't need almost reached 70 degrees here. We went to a local orchard and I didn't even need to wear a jacket. Strange weather, but I will happily take it.

    Sorry that your daughter has had this setback with the kidney infection. Good thing that they could change her treatment.

    Our yard is buried in leaves here and my husband struggles to keep up. He got quite a bit done with his blower but I'm sure the ground will be covered by this time tomorrow. He just doesn't appreciate the beauty of Fall! LOL

    Ritajean...wish you lived close to me because my son-in-law brought over a huge cabbage that he could not use. So now I have to make a stuffed cabbage type of casserole that I have a recipe for. It's one of the biggest cabbages that I have ever seen.

    Well, going to push myself to do laundry and a mile on the treadmill. Thank goodness that there is a TV in our basement because walking on that thing is not much fun. I sleep so much better when my body is exhausted. Since it's only been a week since I started on the Tamoxifen I don't really know if it is one of the reasons I am waking up so many times during the night.

    Have a great evening, ladies!