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  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    Mgster, you've probably read that tamoxifen and the Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) meds like arimidex can interfere with sleep. I take arimidex and haven't had any problem sleeping. Sometimes I do have a problem making myself wake up and get out of bed! I take a benedryl knockoff as a sleep aid. Not sure I need it because occasionally I forget to take my night pills and I still sleep.

    Some women take their tamoxifen or AI med in the morning and others take it at night. I tried morning and felt like I was 100 yrs. old so switched to night.

    Rita, I think you're probably a good cook. The chicken and rice sounds good.

    Instead of going to the YMCA to exercise in the morning, I've decided to bite the bullet and do some housecleaning. Not a second before it's badly needed. At this stage of life, housecleaning is exercise in itself.

    Good night all!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013


    I also take generic ZZZZZ Quil (liquid benadryl)......Kroger brand....really helps me....get those: ZZZzzzzz


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    You guys are lucky. Benedryl hypes me up - as do most sleeping pills.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    One of my friends sent me this.... So funny! A German Trapeze act...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,702
    edited November 2013

    It is but a choice each moment, each breath, to live our most powerful life.

    Shannon Rios

    E for spelling correction.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2013

    I am around, do a lot of reading and only a little posting. Gloomy and drizzly here , but I do see some blue sky peeking thru.

    Chevy, we have had a number of kitties over the years and no real allergy problems, buuuut, our son has a cat, if I get near him I'm ready to scratch my eyes out. WHen I get home, have to stand in the shower and run the water in my eyes. So yes you can be allergic to some cats and not others. We have one cat we dearly love. She is the smartest cat I've ever had. Understands so much. There's a great cat website and now I can't remember the name. They post a lot of great kitty pictures. People do love their cats.

    Thought the Arimidex was getting better, then this morning, everything hurt again. I do take it at night as someone suggested.

    Mgster, I gave my treadmill away years ago. I only used it to hold the extra pillows at night. Now Im thinking I shud have kept it. Need to get back to exercising again!

    Carole, house cleaning, I do it in bits and pieces. Just us 2 here, plus kitty Don't make much mess. Cat hair the biggest contributer. You're right, that is exercise!

    Take care everyone, ooooh, the sun is out!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Hi all,

    It's a dreary day here in formerly sunny San Antonio. We had 49 degrees this morning with a chilly wind. High should only be mid-60's. It's rained off and on but we're really pleased. Rain in October & November means plenty of wildflowers in March. I've enjoyed your photos of fall at your houses and thanks to this rain, will be able to reciprocate with plenty of pics of beautiful Texas wildflowers in about 4 months.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    mgstr. I am on Tamoxifen has been around 18 months. The worst side effect for me is muscle pain. Family Dr. put me back on cymbalta a week ago and I am feeling better. He said it would take at least 6 weeks for it to fully take affect. I got alot done today, probably will pay for it tomorrow. Glad it is done.

    The Cancer institute says that cymbalta will make the tamoxifen less effective. You know what i could not go on the way it was, I need some quality of life.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2013

    Morning ladies:

    Jackie: I love those words of wisdom...have read them many times but you can never see them too often...thanks for sharing! Hope your DH gets through his surgery with a minimum of discomfort.

    Mommarch: Sorry your DD is having difficulty with her treatment...I guess they just have to experiment with the drugs until they find a combination that works and doesn't cause SE's

    Carole: As most of you know my DS was an alcohol and drug abuser and in the end, it cost her many years of a quality of life. Nothing any of us could do would have changed her....we just had to detach from the outcome. At least she never had kids....that is the worst set of complications.

    Beach home is almost complete...have had so much fun with the redecorating project....its like therapy. BF was very involved in the decision making and choices (what was I thinking) was a real test of our relationship to see if we could make compromises, and it worked. It feels like a home to both of us.

    BF is feeling great now...back to better than before with the new pacemaker. He went up and down stairs with heavy stuff that he would never have been able to do before the surgery.

    Have a wonderful weekend's cool and windy here at the beach, but sunny skies!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,702
    edited November 2013

    Meditation is listening to the divine within.

    Edgar Cayce

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    Its already been one of those days. I left the house about 9:30 to head to Alpine to run errands I got about a quarter of a mile up our mountain road and noticed I had a low tire. I checked them and got out the portable compressor and started to fill it. Well I did not leave the car running and guess what the battery will not turn it over. So I walked home and called DH, he will come when he gets done with what he needs to at the shop.

    It is cool and misty here today, clouds are hanging down over the mountains.

    Hope everyone has a good day

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    Mommarch, Good thing it was only 1/4 mile. It would be a long long walk if you were halfway there.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Oh no Mommarch! Why is it that when things start going downhill, you end up with a landslide?

    We may be coming your way in the next couple of weeks. Our friends have been talking about seeing Big Bend and now my husband has jumped on the bandwagon. My only hesitation is that its such a long way and I feel like we will spend the whole weekend driving up and back, with little time to actually spend there. We are retired, but they're not. Of course we could stay one more day and let them go back on Sunday.

    How long do you think it will take from San Antonio? There is no way I'm going for rustic camping. The Air Force Base rents small RV's so we might look into that. I MUST have a bathroom! Do you know of any cabins for rent or maybe a B&B? I know Big Bend is huge and can be pretty desolate, but there must be towns on the perimeters to accommodate the occasional visitor who doesn't like sleeping bags. Any tips for things not to miss on our trip?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,702
    edited November 2013

    bonnets, I am thinking about you and want you to know how nice it is to hear from you. Glad you are hanging in there.

    mommarch....just hate when that happens. My day started a little addition to waiting on Dh after his hernia repair surgery yesterday I had to do all the norming work, then runt o Mt. Vernon for blood work -- upcoming PCP visit, then rush back and feed feral cats....and back home to finish ours here. Then outside to gather up a bunch of yard decorations to stow away.

    Back inside to get fresh coffee and breakfast for Dh, then back outside to clear the dog pen of leaves. Cleaned off the deck. Then put eggs onto boil for egg salad. Then too all the decorations from the deck and got vinegar water to clean the deck windows and get some mold off that had collected....then when that was all done and the tables washed down, came in and got the inside windows done.

    This afternoon things are gong easier...whew !!! Sure glad. I'm going to have my hands full for a couple of days trying to spend some time here and work on the outdoors and clean some and take care of laundry.

    Oh me something to do.

    Saying hi to Wren, Camille, Carole, Sandra, Chevy, Rita and anyone I may have missed.

    By the way...Dh is fine but oh so sore. I think that is par for the course when your 74 and this is your third time out for the same place. to go get that egg salad done. It will be his breakfast and my lunch and breakfast together.

    Some days are like that.

    Have a fantastic day.

    Peace and love


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Love you Jackie.... don't YOU overwork yourself! Be back later! xoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    I'll answer this page rhen the next,

    Mommarch I'm really sorry to hear about u'r DD having a problem, but u know that that des happenonce a week would really be easier on her anyway.

    Carole yes I should be the cat police--Now those neighbors of Chevy just aggrevate me about their cat. But u'r so busy during the day that's probably why u can sleep so well-and that's wonderful;

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Cam.... I think when Edith gets wind of this "new" little dog, she might go find her Mom and stay with her! At least I don't have to worry about the dog.... Scared

    She could stay HERE, but she won't come around Lacee.... She lets her sniff her, and be around her, but only in her yard.... She DOES have a cushion on a rocker to sleep on, on their front porch... And the bed I made her.... but when they leave again, I am going to make a place for her bed IN their damn garage, and put her bed back in there!

    Maybe the garage rafters are warmer, with that cushion, but her bed under the deck, is NOT going to be warm. Guess we solved THAT problem!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Jackie u sound exhausted just writing about what u'r doing or I am, hope u'r DH heals well quickly.

    Momarch what a way to start the day UGH

    Bonnets it's so nice to hear from you.

    Carole I wish u'r DS and her family the best.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,702
    edited November 2013

    Hey, back for short bit. I just took a cake out of the oven. It is a carrot cake and I added some white raisins to it before I cooked. SSShh, it was a store bought cake which I don't often do since I have always preferred the taste of from scratch cakes....sigh !!!! Was on sale and I sometimes buy some for making specialty cakes and I put them in the freezer in zip lock bags. For some reason when I got into the freezer today.....carrot cake just sounded so out it came.

    As a huge cat lover Chevy --- you know you got my vote. I have some outdoor cats ( I could never keep so many in the house ) but I have heat lamps for them. If they are not cold and want to sit on some of the shelve they can, but I have little blankets scrunched up under the lamps and especially at night....when I look out they are usually all curled up on the blankets sharing the heat from the lamps. And we are not as cold here as lots of places, but I wouldn't let them be out without giving them the choice to have heat when wanted.

    Peace and love


  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    Jackie...I am exhausted just reading everything you did in your day! I was busy also taking care of my 16 month old granddaughter today because her day care provider took the day off. She NEVER naps and doesn't stop moving. Tonight is poker night and my husband's turn to host it here at our house. Since my son-in-law is in the group, my daughter and I put the baby to bed and then poured ourselves a glass of wine...snuck some snacks that are for the poker guys...and watched "Message In A Bottle. I had seen it a couple times but she had not. Nice way to start the weekend.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    Sandra, See if Big Bend has a website. It should because it's a national park (I think). We went there ages ago and camped. The first night we slept in our VW bus with the door open. When we woke up in the morning there was a line of vultures sitting on the picnic table watching to see if we would move. You can bet those doors were closed fast!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2013

    Hello to friends "old" and "new"...

    I got back from Colorado 10/28 and went right to work...then Friday 11/1 made the 5 hour trip to DD's new home in Massachusetts. I volunteered to join the other grandmother in babysitting my 2-1/2 year old grandaughter. I saw my 6 year old grandaughter on her birthday then they all took off for Disneyworld leaving me with the youngest. I really enjoyed my time with her - she's funny & loving & smart, of course...but she gives her mom a real hard time. Back to work last week and now so happy it's the week end.

    I read back most of the 5 pages I much going on.

    Luvmaui - Judy - while I was in CO I spent some time with a student from OSU in Corvallis. It sounds like a beautiful place to live. I feel we have some things in common, as I have 7 grandchildren. It is sad to hear about your son. My son died as an infant and would be 35 this year. I hope you are finding joy in your grandkids as I am.

    Jackie, I hope your DH is doing certainly keep busy with all that needs to be done plus taking care of your "patient' and working too. You are inspiring...

    Mommarch, I am saddened to hear about your daughter's challenging diagnosis. You have all been through so much...and distance is difficult. I offer positive thoughts and prayers for a good outcome for your daughter.

    Chevy, I loved your kitten video clip. We are cat-free (and pet free) now, after our last kitty passed a few years ago. I miss her most on quiet fall and winter nights when she would stretch out on the sofa, being sure to divide her warmth between my lap and dh's lap. We think about adopting again, but we work & travel a lot to visit our kids and it wouldn't be fair. But most of our kitties came without a plan.

    Cammi, hope you are feeling well...I sure do enjoy your writing (no matter what Chevy says) and your memories. By the way, my grandmother always cooked the same thing for us....roast lamb with mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and mint jelly. No fond memories for me there.

    Hi to Rita and Linda & others...and to those who are recently undergoing treatment or starting medications. This is a wonderful place for support.

    Big hugs,


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Morning gals! It's going to be a beautiful day, I just KNOW it...Ha!

    Cammi, you little cup-cake, did you try using "speaker-phone" yet? I mean it really works! Just don't go calling those "hot men" numbers, in front of your Grand-son, with the speaker on! Or even with your cat.... pretty embarrasing!

    Hi Joan....! Sorry we didn't make a connection, but at least we can on here...ha! Fun reading all that you are doing. I want to hold onto Lacee for as long as I live, but I don't want to think about losing her, or another little Pet. It's just sooooooo hard.... We were with DD when the gal came out to put her cat to sleep.

    I guess in a way, at least we can "help" them that way, instead of like our family or friends, we just have to "wait" and watch things go wrong, and we can't do anything about it. Well, Sheesh, these are morbid thoughts.... sorry.

    Kaara, I meant to mention this..... Your DB must have really needed that replacement! He should not be ever out of breath, with one.... His battery must have been way low?

    You said he can go up and down stairs "now"? Make sure he knows, if he has any signs of being tired, or weak, it would sound like he needs to be seen. At least with DH's, they tell us every 6 months how much time he has with THAT pacemaker... They run the tests, to see how it is working.... by turning it up, then down, and they can see how it is "pacing" his heart. It is pacing 100% of the time now.... when he first got it, it was just between 80-90%. When the tech turns it "down", he gets really light-headed, but she has to test how it is working. So he is used to it now......

    He had "heart-block"..... that is the reason they put one in.... Was his the same diagnosis? And this problem went on for about 2 weeks before he would FINALLY give in and go see our Primary Care. By then his pulse was down to 32.... Not over 70 like it should have been.

    To me, it is still like a "miracle" that they could FIX him, and get him back to normal.

    Okay Wren, Mgster, Jackie, Sandra & Mommarch! Have a wonderful day! xoxoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Mornin all/

    Joan I got tired all over again with u'r post-u've been busy girl and working too. But u got to enjoy u'rself with u'r GD--that means so much. Lamb every time u saw u'r Grandmother, sorry but I'm not a fan at least mine was kind enough not to cook for me ever.Happy

    Chevy I am going to try the speaker phone next time I use it, just to see. I know, I know u'r never wrong.

    Jackie that is so sweet giving u'r furbabies blankets and lamps--but u are sweet.

    Joey and I fell asleep at 7PM last nite ??? we never do that and I woke up at 4am--he's still sleeping and our weather is chilly so I'm tired all over again. The kids stayed out all nite and all we did was sleep--AAA he's up now making my coffee so I'll take my shower.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    Hi to everyone. Enjoyed reading the posts I missed yesterday.

    Joan, glad you got a chance to spend time with your little granddaughter.

    Mommarch, what a morning you had, with the tire and the battery problems! Sounds like you took it in stride. Literally!

    Jackie, what an energetic woman you are! You got more done in one day that I get done in a week! Cleaning my windows is on my TO DO list. It's been on that list a couple of years.

    I cancelled on my golf game yesterday and went to Walmart's first thing to buy some warm clothes for little Olivia, who will be 4 on the 17th. Her mom is off in the mental hospital for 28 days. Then I drove to the Head Start school Olivia attends. Head Start is the BEST way our government dollars can be spent. It was Grandparents day and I volunteered to pinchhit for my sister who had to go to PT. She had knee replacement about 3 weeks ago. It was fun having lunch with Olivia and talking to a lady who sat across from me. She is 68 and is raising three small great-grandchildren because there is no one else to do it. She was a white lady and the cute little girl was African-American.

    Afterward I did some more shopping and bought the other two kids a few clothes, including some warm pjs. They have to wear uniforms to school, red, khaki, navy blue, white. Even the jackets have to be one of those colors and I COULD NOT find 8 yr. old Nova a jacket in any of the colors.

    Our weather does not stay cold more than a few days at a time but it does get cold enough that a child needs a jacket very early in the morning.

    I brought home two big garbage bags of dirty clothes from my niece's house to launder. I stopped at the dollar store and bought 3 large plastic storage bins so I can separate the children's clothes. I don't mind doing laundry and I'll get those done today.

    When I stopped by my mother's house (she lives close to my sister out in the country), she was unpacking a big box of new pots my other sister had bought from Amazon and had shipped to her. My mother was tickled with the new pots, which are very nice. It's funny, though, because my mother doesn't do a lot of cooking at age 91. Maybe this will give her some motivation.

    Kaara, post some pictures of your new beach house. It sounds lovely.

    Sandra, Big Bend is nature at its most impressive. You've never seen a sky so thick with stars. We went there with an rv. At that time there was no lodge or motel but it was a long time ago.

    Happy Saturday to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,702
    edited November 2013

    Don't expect perfection and things to go the way you want them to when it comes to people, business, your prospects, and your social life. When things don't' go according to your desires, when the weather of life is foul, be creative and consider what may be the higher reasons why this is happening. and why you must adjust.

    Peraps it is to gain forbearance, patience, inner strength, flesibility, or the ability to withoudl criticism while serviing as a loving model.

    Michael Goddart

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    Joan, consider fostering a kitty. See if your local shelter has a program. I'm looking forward to cat sitting for a fellow foster parent for a week beginning the 17th. I'm hoping he's a lap sitter. Here we can pick up a kitty with an upper respiratory infection, take him/her home for TLC, and return kitty to the shelter when well.

    I totally agree about the stars at Big Bend.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013


    Check out I think you find most of the information you need. It shows you every town in the area lodging etc. Mapquest shows it is 6 and 1/4 hours to Big Bend National Park from San Antonio via hwy 90 through Del Rio. It is 5 hours and 50 minutes to Alpine from San Antonio via I-10, Alpine is 80 miles from Big Bend National Park.

    DH was on his way home yesterday to help me with the car and he locked his keys in the shop. Was getting ready to call a neighbor to come help me and a friend came by the shop and was able to climb through a window and get his keys. The whole mess cost a new tire. Our roads out here wear out tires left and right.

    Son called this morning said they would be coming out for Thanksgiving, they live in College Station.

    Guess I will be cooking. It will be fun, it will be just him, his wife and their 5 year old GD, she is a hoot.

    Well I have wasted away most of the morning, guess I had better get busy.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    We are just back from another of our day trips. My husband rides with his "old guys" motorcycle group and knows many picturesque back roads so he likes to plan these automobile get-a-ways for me so I can enjoy them too. I don't ride a motorcycle or go with him on his adventures. It's his "thing" and he enjoys having some time away from me, I'm sure. He has his hobbies, I had mine. (My hobby now is rehab. LOL)

    We left early, stopped to get breakfast tacos (a San Antonio staple) and headed northwest to the Kerrville area and onto beautiful Hunt, Texas. The country road in and out of Hunt runs along side the Guadalupe River with late wildflowers along one side of the road and nice autumn colors on the other. We take our time on these little trips, stopping to admire a particularly pretty view, snap a few photos, and move on to the next scenic lookout. Later we drove through what I would call mountains but are probably just big hills. There are lots of switchback roads as we go up and plenty of steep downhill stretches coming down. So different from our barely hilly, mostly flat San Antonio. We stopped at Lost Maples State Park and then headed home. After nearly 7 hours, I was glad to get home. We can't do long days like we used to.

    Of course all four of the cats met us at the door demanding their missed lunch. Now I'm back in the recliner with football on t.v. and old kitty Wesley in my lap.

    It's nice to hear all of you talk about your grandchildren. I never thought I would miss having any, but hearing such nice stories makes me a little sorry. My daughters (40 & 36) are busy with their careers after having to face fertility issues that put motherhood not out of reach, but highly unlikely for both of them. My son (28) has suffered with mental illness his whole life. He's doing better the last three months than he has in 5 years, but has no interest in ever having children. Life has been too hard for him. He is living in his own apartment nearby and has been able to work for the first time in years, so that's as much as we can hope for.

    Thanks for all he hints about Big Bend. Mommarch, I think we've decided to drive to Del Rio (we lived there for five years back in the 70's so it will be fun to see how it's changed) and then drive north. We want to see the Observatory so we will spend some time in the Ft. Davis area for sure. We will be there the weekend before Thanksgiving and instead of rushing, will be adding a day before and a day after so we can take our time exploring.

    Time for a nap.