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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    SallyS70 will be thinking of you tomorrow as you do your lumpectomy and SNB. Looking back and that is quite a ways for me now since mine was 2007......that was actually the easiest part of everything I did. Had two different lumps removed ( two different kinds of cancer ) one small and non-aggressive, one a lot bigger and aggressive and 3 SN's....SN's all clear.....and great margins.

    Still here and NED. Life is good.

    Peace and love


  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    Sally, good luck tomorrow! You did make me smile about the bleaching and plucking! I made sure I plucked my stray chin hairs before my surgery. The things we worry about! :)

    What do I remember about my grandmother's kitchen? Well, she made home made root beer, which I absolutely hated because it was so strong. But she always served it in this most beautiful glass pitcher with gold leaves on it. She had matching glasses. Loved it! My mother inherited the pitcher, but it broke. Don't know what happened to the glasses. Ours was a three family house. My grandmother and aunt and uncle lived on the second floor and we lived on the third. When my grandmother was making her blood sausage the whole hallways would smell just awful! There was no way I would have every tasted that stuff. My parents loved it. Disgusting! Everything else my grandmother made was wonderful...especially her baked beans. I miss her.

    So happy to know that everyone else has lots of "stuff". I will tell my husband that we really are not hoarders!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    I do not even think about things I have anymore. We have lost our home totally to fire 3 different times, 1976 Oklahoma, started at the road and burned to the house late at night, 1997 Bryan, TX Fire Ants got into the electric system, 2005 Ft. Davis, TX lightning. Someone once told me that is no way to clean house. You know every time we were so devastated but we pulled it together and don't know where all the stuff came from since 2005. The main thing is that no one died or was injured. Stuff you can replace.

    Those stretch lids can still be bought at the $ Gen. and Family $. My DD loves them.

    My Grandmother was an artist and every year she decorated her home and had open house at Christmas. I remember one year she took the turkey carcass from Thanksgiving, dried it and made Santa's sleigh. Santa in sleigh and 8 raindeer were flying in the kitchen. She also took wishbones and made tree decorations. She was very talanted. I did not inherit it.

    Temp has been in the 30's today, was hoping maybe we would get some snow, don't think so.

    Everyone have a good nite

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited November 2013

    IllinoisLad and Mgster ... thanks.

    mommarch, my heart goes out to you ... 3 fires!

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited November 2013

    I have some of my Grandmom's china. I don't have room to display it but one day going through our boxes of stuff (that never get unpacked from move to move) I pulled out a small plate. I put it on an endtable so it can be seen and use it as a coaster. I shopped and shopped for the perfect coasters once and now I am happy to use the plate! It is some famous brand with the gold trim. It is in CT so I can't go look at it.

    Chevy- my Mom had the seizure after a busy day so I don't think it keeps them "down" unfortunately. I am beginning to wonder if too much stimulation fatigues her (not necessarily physically but mentally) and that triggers one. Seizure triggers can be unique for a person but fatigue is a typical one. I am thinking back to some of her other seizures and they did follow some overstimulating activities. But, there are so many things you can guess at. Even the doctor says it is nearly impossible to figure it out and that many seizures are just random. Some people keep seizure diaries. This last time she drank a huge caffeinated root beer at lunch in a short amount of time. She usually has no caffeine. Caffeine can be a trigger for some from what I read but the nurse said they actually tell patients to drink caffeine if the meds are making them sleepy! But, she did say it can be different for each person. I'm hoping it was the caffeine so will avoid it. I usually only get her root beer when it is decaf but I was trying not to be paranoid for once. So, much for that.

    She had a seizure once after being in the car with the wipers on. So, now, I turn them on and off so the pattern is not as repetitive. Some people have sensory repetition triggers. That same day she skipped breakfast and I made her go to speech therapy. After it, I wanted to be sure she wasn't sick so I asked a nurse to take her temp. What a mistake. She called in some "code" and 15 people showed up in the lobby of rehab surrounding my mother. I told them it was too overwhelming and most of them backed away. Of course, they sent us home (before her afternoon therapies). Told me to take her to the dr. even though all her vitals were normal, asked if I wanted an ambulance. I actually had to sign to refuse it! I called the dr. and they thought I was crazy since her only symptom was not eating breakfast and not wanting to be at therapy. Took her for bloodwork as a just in case plus she needed one thing tested that week anyway. Had seizure as we were registering for it. Fatigue from therapy and not eating? Low blood sugar? Getting sick? The wipers? Overstimulation from the crowd of drs, talk of the ambulance, etc. Or random? Like, I said it can turn into a big guessing game.

    Take care.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    Sally, Good luck tomorrow. Let us know how it went.

    I remember those refrigerator dishes with the white inside and colors outside and ribbed lids. They are starting to make similar dishes now since people are getting leery of plastic.

    One Thanksgiving, DS spent over an hour setting the table for 12 with the Fiesta. He managed to arrange it so that every dish was next to a different color. It looked great.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Sharon it's so nice to see u post we miss u and u'r mom is still having quite a time and of course no one knows==But at least u stopped bh.

    Joan I figured u and I would be the nosy ones to find out what that damn BF wants. But it not what we think that's important so we might as well forget about it.

    Sally it's u right with the surgery tom. we'll be thinking about u.

    Boy everone seems to have a dish fetish, my mom gave her good dishes to my oldest DD and I gave my youngest one My dishes end of the dishes.LOL Oh I remember my mom'w kitch big time everything was always moved around the stove, fridge and new floors that she did like and my dad had to change all the work he did all she ever did was change her mind about how she liked it and my dad just did whatever, even if this was the next day. And I already told u my grandmother never liked or talked to me so I don't even remember her kitchen.

    OH OH my DD got a part time job today in a beauty salon, which she wanted --she knows that the best, she doesn't have a license but went to school so she'll work as long as she can and as soon as we see a difference or she fels different sh'll quit--So I hope she likes it and it good hrs too so that helps. Like I said the older she gets the better she gets so we keep our fingers crossed to, u do never know.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Morning gals.... My DD sold her car last night! It was on Craigslist, so FINALLY our other Daughter dropped the price from $1100 to $900, and she sold it. She emailed me, because it was late, and said "now she is sad..." Ha! That old 96 Berretta has been with her 12 years... Still didn't have even 100,00 miles on it, but it needed a lot of work. AND we all helped her get a more reliable newer car.... a 2006 Toyota Corrola.

    My Mom's kitchen.... I remember that old wooden ice-box! And the ice-man would come and deliver ice with those huge tongs! And we would have to empty out that drain tray. And we had a cupboard, with bins? inside, and Mom could measure flour out, just by putting a cup underneath that dispenser? And when our family all ate "Supper" we would listen to the radio every night...Ha! Like Innersanctum, and the Shadow!

    We didn't have a TV until later on in the early 50's.... I think. Remember that red and blue izinglass plastic thing, we used to tape over the screen to make it a "color" picture?

    You younger gals are probably thinking MAN, she really IS old....Ha! xoxoxo

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    Goodness, you are ANCIENT, Chevy!!! LOL.

    Sally, best of luck on your surgery and treatment. We've all been through some of both and are still here yakking!

    I had never heard of Social Anxiety mental disorder. I can see where it would deeply affect one's life.

    After reading about all the sets of dishes, I'm feeling dish deprived! I own two sets of dishes, both modern. A set of Pfaffgraff for 8 and a set of white Arabia for 12. The Arabia is Scandinavian and I bought it years ago on a trip to Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. I also bought Orrefors crystal in Sweden. We visited the factory there. I have three sets of tableware, all stainless steel. We passed on a set of plated silver tableware to dh's nephew. It had belonged to dh's grandfather and I had no interest in polishing silver.

    We had this same discussion on the What's for Dinner thread and people posted pictures of their china. That would be fun here.


    I bought this Pfaffgraff in a Field's store in Chicago area years ago. DH and I were on an escalator and I glimpsed the china as we ascended or descended. Was so taken with it that we went to the department and bought two 4 place setting boxes. I still love the colors--green, rose, and blue. At that time it was pricey for us to afford but sometime you just have to act on your impulse.

    Happy Wednesday to all.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013

    Thinking of you today, Sally, and hoping that all is going well! Let us know how it goes as soon as you are able!

    Sandra, I still have 2 of the refrigerator dishes from my mother's set. I don't know what happened to the others. Were there 3 or 4 in a set?

    The thing I remember most about my Grandmother's kitchen is the good smells. She was the proper Danish lady and always had homemade bread or pastries baking in the oven. I loved to help by beating the eggs with the hand mixer with the rotating handle! She was a very thrifty person. She kept a glass Alka Seltzer bottle in the cupboard and put quarters in it. We lived in a very small town and the kids ran all over the town with no fear of danger. She often sent us to the little locally owned grocery for something that she needed and sometimes we would get a quarter from the jar. My cousin and I would get some special treat for the quarter. There were certain days that we went for laundry detergent because the boxes had a dish or a towel in them as a bonus.

    I find it very interesting that some of the best times of my life involved very simple pleasures and some of my greatest memories are of times when we had very little.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Cannot believe you have had 3 fires!!! OMG, that's got to be a record. You are so strong! I don't know that I could rebuild after one fire, much less three.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    A family who lost their home in the big Oakland Hills fire lost all the photos they had of their son who had suicided 2 years before. That Christmas all their friends sent photos they had of the family in their Christmas cards.

    I'm with Sandra about having 3 fires. I'm sure we have no idea what it would cost to replace what we lost. No wonder people go back to comb thru the wreckage after a tornado.

    I was a mental health counselor. Social Anxiety Disorder is a serious problem. Hard to treat because going to treatment involves social situations.

  • Luvmaui
    Luvmaui Member Posts: 57
    edited November 2013

    Hi everyone!  I've been catching up with all of the posts I've much going on!   

    Sally, sending confident thoughts your way that all will go well today. Almost 5 yrs ago I was scared and confused going into surgery, but Im still here (still confused but I think that's just me,lol). Monarch, you are one strong woman!  Dam spell check but you know who I mean.  You have been through so much and still remain positive.  Linda, stay firm woman!  A leopard doesn't change his stripes!!

    We've spent the last two weeks shopping for, ordering and having a new furnace and air conditioning unit installed......ugh!  Not my idea of fun, but after 25 years unfortunately a necessity. 

    I've enjoyed reading about childhood memories.  I remember helping my mom make margarine.  She let me squeeze the bag after she put in ,I assume, the yellow food coloring.  I remember the excitement of our first TV that my dad had sent to the house as a surprise in 1955.  Stations would only come on certain times of the day and the rest of the time we watched the test pattern. I remember the wonderful smells of my grandma's kitchen when we visited Minn. In the wintertime......making snow houses and then coming inside for warm cinnamon rolls or sugar cookies and cocoa.  Thanks for bringing back those memories!

    Foggy,  chilly day here so think I'll hunker down with a good book and maybe some hot cocoa!  Hope you all are having a great day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    This is what dinnerware I'm using now. After dropping pieces of my old fashioned Tea Rose Phattsgraff ( I'm sure I spelled that wrong ) that I'd had for a long, long time I decided to go back to something really light and which would not tend to break as easy as stoneware. The below dishes are Corelle and it is the Buttercup pattern. I added to the set with smaller dessert/fruit sq. bowls as well as sandwich sized sq. plates. I have broken one of the coffee mugs.....I just have never held things as well since my stroke ( long time ago now ( 2002 I think ) and I'm not as nimble about 'catching' things that drop. I have however dropped any number of the other pieces and so far, so good. I think I've had this set for about 5 yrs. now.

    I do love that they are light which helps any time I use them up to and including getting them in the dishwasher. I loved that old Tea Rose pattern of the stoneware, but it is heavy and I'm just too clumsy for it now. It is stored. Thought I'd save it to give someone who didn't have any dishes but so far....they haven't turned up yet. I noticed while looking for pics of this that there are there is a new pattern in embossed white with square dishes. Another bonus that I didn't think about is that the square ones fit in my cabinets a bit better. Set for 12 only takes up two shelves total.

    Peace and love


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    So you know what I did? I just remembered, since you are talking about dishes. When my Grandma passed away, I mean right before, she had given my oldest Daughter her old set of China.... Some pieces were broken or chipped.

    So my Daughter had this idea.... She cemented all the broken pieces, on a mirror frame, and then I grouted them in, and entered it into a Coors Employee Art show! We named it "Grandma's China" and it won 1st place!!! It is STILL so beautiful, hanging in our living room!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Isn't it fun reminiscing about our early years? I've really enjoyed reading all your memories of your Mother's and Grandmother's kitchen. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Please keep them coming.

    Luvmaui, what fun to think about the early days of t.v. In the early 50's we had to have rabbit ears with tin foil on them to bring in the two VHF channels. There was a UHF channel but we didn't get it. Only for rich folks I guess with fancier televisions. I remember watching Winkie Dink, the first interactive tv show for kids. You bought a green tinged piece of plastic to put on your tv screen. Winkie Dink was a cartoon character who got into all kinds of trouble and needed YOUR help! Quick kids, take out your special Winkie Dink crayons and draw a bridge so Winkie Dink can escape the bad guy. I still remember the thrill of helping.

    Jackie, your dishes are pretty. Never thought about square ones...they would fit into the cabinet much better. It is harder to lift them after a stroke (or a mastectomy), so you are wise to go for lighter ones. Years ago my mother's favorite restaurant was going out of business so she bought some of their dishes. I always loved them (there is hardly a dish made that I don't love) and in the 70's when we were visiting, she packed them up for me to take home. They aren't pretty especially but are various sizes of oval plates and VERY durable and quite heavy. Guess that's because they were restaurant quality. I still use them every day. All my pretty dishes are in cabinets, drawers, buffets...any place I can find. I should get rid of some of the items I never use anymore. (I have 2 punch bowls with 2 dozen matching cups for each.)

    Wren, bless you for your work as a mental health counselor. So many of us here have experienced the heartbreak of it with family members. Social anxiety is a paralyzing affliction. My son wouldn't answer the phone at home or even look at someone when we were out of the house when he was young. He just wanted to go home. Going to an amusement park was torture. School was torture. He also made such poor choices. One time when he was a teenager and considering suicide, he got his Dad's 357 Magnum, loaded it, and sat downstairs in the middle of the night while we slept. As he was handling the gun, it went off and hit a cabinet. (We didn't hear it!!) It scared him so badly, he stuffed the loaded gun into his pocket, ran out of the house, and walked around the neighborhood for hours in the dark. Can you imagine if he had been stopped by a policeman? It would have been a tragedy because he wouldn't have been able to talk to the police to identify himself and explain what happened. Fortunately he can talk to people now when he wants to but still prefers to be alone. He is making pretty good choices in 2013 so we are really hopeful this lasts for awhile. He will be 29 just before Christmas.

    What a heartwarming story about the family that lost their photos. I can't imagine their joy when their friends came up with replacements.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Sandra u'r story is heartbreaking --I really feel it, but it'slooking better ans I'll bet it gets better too. (((HUGS)))

    Oh memories--well dishes never thrilled me, altho the ones I saw today were pretty, it doesn't matter what I eat on as long as I eat. And we all know I was never in my Grandmother's kitchen-she didn't like the American one-me but we did get a TV in 1949--the first one in our neighborhood and everyone came over every nite--wrestling was mostly on. My brother was about 14 at the time and called for a month free trial pretending to be my dad and they delivered it and my mom thought my dad did it and my dad thought my mom did it--till a couple of days later so my brother said well we'll just keep it for a month knowing damn well my parents wouldn't send it back so that's how we got a TV--my brother was tired of watching the radio.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    Camille, funny story about your brother ordering the tv!

    Jackie, those dishes are very pretty and happy looking.

    I hope Sally is doing ok after her surgery. Thinking about her.

    A golfing friend brought me a big bag of hand-me-down clothes for my little great-niece Olivia. The friend has a granddaughter about the same age as Olivia but a little larger in size. The clothes are all cute and have lots of wear left in them. I may take back some of the clothes I bought that still have the tags on them.

    Olivia's birthday is Sunday so we're planning a little family birthday party for her with a cake and ice cream. Plus she told me she wants party hats! As I mentioned, her mother is in a rehab hospital. Today Olivia was wearing one of the new outfits I bought her and she looked really cute. She will be four on Sunday.

    I helped 8 yr. old Nova with her homework today. She has dyslexia and ADS so it takes a lot of patience. She definitely requires one on one help with her school work. I hope she will be able to persevere and get a high school diploma. Neither parent can be relied upon to help her on a consistent basis. The school is supposed to provide extra help for her but so far nothing is being done. My sister, Nova's grandmother, is planning to go to the school tomorrow and make some inquiries.

    The 10 yr. old boy is very bright and capable of making A's and B's but he's lazy and is making some C's because of lack of application.

    We're having a "cold spell" with temperatures sinking down to freezing for two nights in a row. Then by Sat. we'll back to 80 degrees. Tonight dh and I have the fireplace going. By the weekend, we may need the a/c. That's weather in south Louisiana.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    I just got word about an hour a go from my Mom that my Great Nephew was in a car accident. He was going home on a gravel road, not sure what happened, he is 20.

    He is also mentally impaired, My Mom said he can not tolerate pain. My thoughts and prayers are with them. So far they have said he has both legs broken and one ankle. It was about 20 minutes before he was found and they had to cut him from the car.

    Does anyone remember the TV repair man coming and getting the TV tube ? We would always get behind the TV screen and put on our on shows. We were a Hoot.

    Have a good night

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

    Thich Nhat Hanh

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    mommarch.....definitely prayers for your great-nephew. His injuries do sound like there will be much pain. I hope the medical personnel caring for him can come up with something that is adequate for him in this terrible situation.

    I do recall the t.v. repair-person as he was a friend of our family. I just don't recall that he ever had to take the picture tube out to work on it.....may have, I just don't recall. I do remember thinking ( since back in "those" days people could usually repair a great deal of what they had themselves ) that he must be a really 'great' person to be able to amass the ability to repair these things which were so new in our life anyway. Times have changed so much. Be interesting what people of a generation or two ago would think of how far we have come.

    Hope you are all going to have a wonderful, wonderful day.

    Peace and love


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    My dad was our tv repairman...he would just take the tubes down to the corner store where they had a machine that would test them. Remember how BIG the TV's were then...not the screens, they were small, but the cabinets they were in were gigantic. Or maybe I was just small.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Camille, what a smart brother! I know your family was hooked on TV after a few days. It was better than "watching" the radio. I did love radio too though. I remember sitting on the floor next to the big radio cabinet with my brothers, listening to The Lone Ranger. Also remember my mother at the ironing board, listening to soap operas on the radio while she did her work. When I was 10 I wanted one of those new transistor radios so bad. My parents got one and put in into a box that an iron came in. I remember nearly crying when I saw that iron box...I really thought they'd gotten me an iron for my birthday...but putting on a happy face anyway. Then the joy of opening the box and finding my little radio - such a thrill. It had a little strap that would fit over the handlebars of my bike and I loved to ride and sing to the radio.

    Oh yes, now I remember wrestling on tv. My dad loved it but he called it "wras-lin" and even took us to the National Guard Armory to see matches.

    Mommarch, so sorry to hear about your 20 year old great nephew. It's bad enough to go through that kind of trauma when you are healthy, but mentally ill patients have it so much worse. Please let us know how he is doing. Hopefully they have him pain free.

    Carole, how nice of your friend to give you all those clothes. I never turned down a hand-me-down. Clothes are too expensive to toss out when they have plenty of wear left in them. You are such a good auntie to spend such quality time with the children. They will be so much better off in life for the start you are giving them.

    Chevy, I love the idea of the china pieces around a mirror. Will have to keep that in mind for some of my mother's china. It will be a sweet memory every time I look at it.

    Cold here again today. 34 this morning. LOVE this cold weather because it's sunny too and no wind. The sky is that crisp Texas blue with no clouds. Beautiful.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013 sorry to hear about your great nephew. I hope he improves a little each day.

    Carole, you are indeed a good aunt to help the kids. Sometimes it takes LOTS of patience to help troubled students with their homework. Dyslexia is so hard to deal with in the school environment but I have seen dyslexic students who do go on to do well in the world. Many become decent readers because as they get older, they learn to cope and make adjustments for their disability. All they need is somebody like to make a difference for them.

    I remember our first TV. Cami, we were also the first in our neighborhood to have one and the kids would come and stand by our picture window....looking in. It didn't take long before my Dad would ask them to join us and we'd all sit spell-bound on the floor in front of that magnificent screen. For some reason, I don't remember the TV man or the picture tubes.

    Sandra...just want to say that you have become a wonderful addition to this thread. I always look forward to reading your posts.

    Jackie, I love your dishes. I have some just like them except mine are the iris pattern. I just love the square shape, don't you? They are also so light-weight. I always grab these instead of some of my heavier ones.

    Well, I need to get busy. I spent the morning running errands. I needed to get my new tiral contact lenses checked so we could order my year's supply. I met a good friend for a cup of coffee (well, I actually had hot tea) and we solved some of the world's problems for about an hour and then I finished up some errands at the drug store. I guess that means that I should find something useful to do around this house for a couple of hours.

    Hugs to all of you!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    My Great Nephew has a broken ankle on one leg, a broken femur on the other, broken pelvic, broken shoulder and colar bone, broken ribs and bruised lungs. They did a Trach last night and have him a drug induced coma. It is going to be a long hard road back to recovery.

    Its windy here today so temp feels alot cooler then its. Well I need to get the kitchen cleaned up have been out running errands most of the day.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2013

    Checkling in:

    Mommarch: That's terrible...must have been a horrible accident. My son broke his femur in a motorcycle accident and said it was very painful. He has a plate and screws in his leg. I can only imagine what your nephew is going through, best that he is in a drug induced coma so he can rest and his body can begin to heal.

    Very cold here in SC...record low temps! Sweater and boot weather for sure, so I'll make the most of it while it lasts. Can't wear that stuff much in Florida. Going to the USC/Florida football game this Saturday....tailgating and then sitting in the Champion's Box...whatever that is. Supposed to be lots of food and an open bar so BF is excited. This will be a first for me, so looking forward to it as much as I can any football game. I think seeing it in the big stadium will be exciting. Obviously I want SC to win, but I do live in Florida, so....

    Having an early Thanksgiving dinner for BF's kids at the new beach house, then I'll head to Florida. BF will come after all the ballgames are done...early December. This will give me time to spend with kids and grandkids, so looking forward to the time.

    Having grilled steak, salad, and baked potatoes for dinner tonight. BF bought a huge red velvet cake...I could have killed him, but he looked so happy, I didn't have the heart to say anything. He loves to corrupt me.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    mommarch....glad about the coma, but oh my......those are a lot of injuries and all over top to bottom. I feel so as you can stay in a coma too long. Guess no one will ever know quite how it happened. sound like you barely slow down one moment. Sure glad you find time to visit us and keep us up on all that you do. That game sounds like huge excitement. I think I'll Google Champion's Box.....that sounds pretty special as well. Well, eventually we all have to take some time out and have fun --- since I'm blowing leaves and clearing my two acre yard I hope you will think of me a couple of times and then I'll have some fun too.

    Actually....just being alive is fun to me. I love to see what challenges I will meet with through the day ( for the most part none are too exciting the last few years ) and at the end of the day I sort of assess if I feel like they went well or sometimes.....wish I would have tried harder or done something totally different. Just a little habit of mine.

    It has been a beauty of a day, but we are not going to have much for warmth now. No snow yet so we can be thankful for that....but it could have a couple of times.

    Hope you all had a most wonderful day.

    Peace and love


  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited November 2013

    Hi all ... I am enjoying the "dish talk." The pattern that is bringing back memories today is Franciscan desert rose. I can picture cozy dinners in the kitchen with my parents and brother. Then the picture fans out to memory scenes from around the house. Funny ... the color of my current stucco house is desert rose. The house color is not pink like dish flowers.

    Luvmaui, I remember test patterns. My grandparents bought a TV before we had one, so watching Kukla, Fran, and Olie after Sunday family dinners at their house was an event. I think that Gram wanted the cousins to wear sun glasses. Could that be right?

    mommarch ... good thoughts for your nephew.

    My outpatient lumpectomy and SNB went well yesterday. My BS will give me the pathology reports at next week's follow-up appointment. Thanks for all the good wishes.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    Wow! Lots going on here! Can't skip a day. Smile Jackie, love the dishes...especially the mugs. have been such a good mom to your son...and it's wonderful that he is doing so well these days. This is the kind of thing that we take one day at a time for sure.

    I also remember Winkie-Dink! I remember that one time he needed to get to the top of a building to help someone and we had to draw a ladder! HAHAHA Boy, were we easily amused in those days. Kids with their video games would die laughing at Winkie-Dink! Does anyone remember Flav-R-Straws? My friends and I were recently discussing them and we all just remember drinking so much milk with them. They had chocolate and strawberry. Really dating ourselves with this! and your sister are doing such a great thing with those three kids. Poor babies! I'm sure your sister has shared the info about her daughter with the teachers. This is important information and they will know that the kids need a little extra TLC. I just retired from teaching preschool for 23 years and when we knew there was a family in crisis we kept a close eye on the child...sometimes it was just an extra hug during the day. Or just understanding why a child just didn't seem to be his/her happy self. Wonderful that family has gathered around them.

    Mommarch! Your poor great-nephew! So many injuries.

    Kaara, I am not into football, but a champion box sounds like a good place to be...especially since there is food. I'd be all over that!

    My daughter-in-law just called and she needs to bring my grandson over tomorrow for us to watch since the daycare is closed for employee training. YEAH! Jackson is one years old and so much fun. I won't get anything done but that is okay. If it isn't too cold I can put him in the stroller for a walk. I'd rather push him around than get on the treadmill.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    Mommarch, sorry to hear about your great nephew's accident. It must have been a terrible accident with all those injuries.

    Sally, glad your surgery and SNB went well.

    Hi to everyone.