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  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited November 2013

    Jackie - Hope you are hunkered down in Illinois. Just sent a message to my sister-in-law in Paducah. Stay safe.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited November 2013

    I text but mostly to DD as she freq. does not answer her phone playing video games. Have 1-2 friends who text me occasionally. I don't think DH could text without a lot of thought. I have an old Samsung that I like OK but I really liked my old Nokia. It just finally wore out. I've never fully accessed all the features of this phone. The only instruction manual I have is on the computer. I bought it used with DD's help. I had an Android for work I think an HT. I liked it but it was A LOT of work getting used to it. It did have a very fun feature. It would take a designated # and send it straight to voicemail and I never would see it. I got many calls for the previous owner of the phone #. Bet this one would do that too if I would search the manual enough.

    Lovely day here prob. why midwest is getting the nasty weather. 88 degrees a little after 1 pm. I think I may need to go sit in the sun a while like a lizard.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    I have an old Nokia also and do not text! I keep my phone in my purse just for emergencies. The only one who ever calls me are my daughter, daughter-in-law, or brother. A few years ago my husband was driving through Hartford and got hit by a kid talking on his cell. Both cars were pretty bad but no one was hurt. He was from Vermont and trying to find a friend's house. He told my husband...and the police...that he never usually does that. He was very shook up and my husband did feel sorry for him. I am sure he has never done that again. Especially since it was his mother's car. I actually think all the anti-texting commercials are working because I hardly ever see anyone texting or talking on their cell phones any more.

    MinusTwo...I am smiling just picturing you opening one sock...and then the other sock. LOL And speaking of ribbon mother always had a fancy glass dish on the coffee table with it! I loved that stuff! Last year they had a show on the Food Channel showing how it is made...and all the wonderful flavors and colors it comes in. Think I will have to buy some this year!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    I have an iphone and it has 'face time' where you and the caller can see each other. It asks if the recipient wants to do face time before connecting. You can say no to the call or just no to face time. I text my DS because he has the kind of job where he's often in meetings. He can answer when he's available.

    We had practical presents also. God forbid you needed sox or panties before Christmas, because you had to wait for Santa to bring them. I'd forgotten about ribbon candy. I used to love it. Mom would make spritz cookies for Christmas, never any other time. And peanut brittle.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited November 2013

    Hope all of you in the Illinois area are OK. The pictures are unbelievable

    Chevy - no, we never cheated & opened early. I was (used to be) a good girl. In fact we were not allowed downstairs on Christmas morning until the whole family was awake & went together. My mother was still wrapping socks separately after I was married and living in a different state and my son was 10. Maybe I'll do that to him this year since I'll be mailing their presents instead of traveling. At 43 he's probably forgotten.

    Wren - oh the Spritz were my favorite. One of my friend's mother made them. My mom made sugar cookies that we frosted & decorated & left a plate out for Santa.

    Cami - I got around the grown up sock problem by always filling a Christmas stocking for myself with little things I needed. Mostly things like hand lotion but the kiddos thought Santa had remembered me.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    I grew up ribbon-candy deprived. I'm not familiar with ribbon candy. Maybe Chevy could post a picture.

    I always got at least one toy for Christmas, maybe two things, like a doll and a tea set, but most of the presents were practical things like a nightgown and slippers, maybe a sweater. Once we realized that our parents were Santa, my mother switched the gift opening to Christmas Eve. That way she could get up on Christmas morning and do the cooking with no mess and fuss about gifts.

    We never bought a Christmas tree. We lived in the country and there were woods all around us. My father cut down a small pine tree or a cedar tree. The latter always had spindly branches. My mother took the tree down the next day after Christmas. I'm inclined to do the same. When Christmas is over, it's OVER.

    Now I would happily skip Christmas except for having a nice meal with family gathered. I do enjoy seeing a really beautiful decorated Christmas tree. In somebody else's house or shop. Last year I bought a tall skinny lighted artificial tree because I hosted the family Christmas dinner and we have a few kids in the family. I don't know whether I'll put the tree up this year or not.

    Our wonderful cold, crisp weather went away and we had to turn the a/c back on. It was horribly humid today.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Reporting in here -- none of the super nasty weather managed to make it here in my part of southern Illinois which is a little nook of a place and often we do get missed for the really harsh weather events......which is why this part of Illinois is referred to as Little Egypt. Anyway......we had lots and lots of wind...a bit nerve-wracking once or twice but that was it. Cleared the deck about four times of huge amts. of leaves. We have so many, many trees around us and even though there didn't seem much left......that was wrong too. There really won't be much left now for sure.

    We didn't have much for X-mas at our house. Just a meal and one Aunt would buy us a pair of gloves every Christmas and wrap them..........but, for some reason I didn't mind. Actually I admired my Aunt so much as she never had kids........but really didn't have that much of a job.........but for all her sister's families.......she bought 14 pair of gloves every year and wrapped and delivered them --- having to drive an hour and a half to do it. My Mom would try to buy at least one thing for my sister and me......and that was Christmas. I still don't mind and as Dh and I are pretty much alone here......we are more for the spirit of the season and enjoy driving around and seeing the lights, and sharing a nice meal together. We have each other and that has pretty much always been enough. It is much more than a lot of people have and so I have always been ok with it all feeling we are blessed with so much.

    Peace and love


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    One year when I was a teenager, I found a wrapped gift that looked like it might contain one of those new pink princess phones I had dreamed of. I just had to open it and see. It was my pink phone!! I thought I wrapped it back exactly the way it was but obviously I didn't. Christmas came and the pink princess phone wasn't under the tree. I couldn't say anything because I was not supposed to have seen it in the first place. My mother must have seen that I had violated the rules and decided to punish me. It worked. I never tried to peak again.

    We hung up big regular socks on Christmas Eve and were delighted to find them filled with an orange, an apple, some hard candy, whole walnuts, and Brazil nuts (my favorite) the next morning. Living in Florida, we didn't have a fireplace so we just tied the socks to a door knob. Stockings are always a big deal for my kids even though they are grown up. That's the first thing they go for. I'm known for unusual and funny stocking gifts so we have fun for over an hour, just laughing at each person's bizarre little gag gifts.

    From the time they were little, their stockings always had a little brass bell in the toe. I told them the bells must have fallen off the reindeer's straps. Once they were grown, my husband took all their bells and made a wind chime for each of them. They still get bells in their stockings even though they are not kids anymore.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    We always hang up one of our own socks. My Maternal grandparents were always at the house for Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning. My Dear Grand Father I remember got on the roof and acted like Santa had arrived. He was very special to me.

    DH went into the broom shop early and got some things done. I went to church and then went to the shop and helped him. I really am enjoying not having to go to a job and being able to help at the shop.

    Hope everyone had a good day.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013 is ribbon candy:


  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013

    I loved spritz cookies....Mom would always burn a batch or two...we girls got to eat the burnt ones first because we had to save the "good" ones in case someone "might" come over

    Gobbler neck and jowls/aka face lift will happen tomorrow excited...aged so much since DX last NOV

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Di u will take a before picture right?

    Oh yea that's the ribbon candy I've forgotten about it too, it was so decorative u hated to eat it, but forced it down. I think I loved it so much cuz there was always about 35-40 people who came Christmas eve and just stayed til Christmas night staying up most of the night and even as kids u could stay up doing whatever and going to Christmas Mass at midnight and opening up the presents )which no one really cared what they got) after church then have more food and everyone just laid and napped wherever they chose, chairs floors anywhere and my Dad would make everyone breakfast and talking and laughing continued and we did the same on NY Eve to NY day only different food haha That;s probably why we all loved it so much, Oh and as we got older any friends were more than welcome to come on Christmas eve or day and NY's too.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    And do you guys remember these?

    image width="384" height="288" style="cursor: pointer; width: 386px;">

    My Grandma always used to make Sugar Cookies also! She was the best cook! And it made her soooooooooo happy! She loved setting the BIG table in the front-room, table-cloths, napkins and everything! I LOVED having holidays together....

    Then I remember all the men got drunk all over the place! WHAT was WITH that? I mean the women all had to clean up everything, and the men just drank themselves silly! And then the fighting! Oh well, at least I can choose to remember the good parts.

    Cammi and Jackie! Geez you guys! I was really worried! And listening to the news now, and seeing how so many people lost everything! I would just like to hug you all.....

    Di..... We'll be thinking of you little one..... Yes, I HATE my neck also..... just so much loose skin! But I try and wear enough make-up to make peoples eyes look at my face, instead of my neck...Ha!

    Every day I do my hair and face! If I didn't, it would not only scare ME, but even the CHICKENS! Ha, ha!

    My eyes have survived.... Still wear eye-shadow.... and liner, and I've learned to make eye-brow "hairs" where I have lost them! I have this real thin eyeliner brush, that I can draw them on.... When the eyeliner is gone, I just put more "ink" in the little tube! That way I don't have to always buy more eye-liner.

    Same with Mascara... Some of those just do not work.... So I use my favorite one with the best brush, and just take the mascara off the OTHER brush, and put it on.... And same thing.... When it gets too thick, I just thin the tube with more brown/black ink. It really looks natural too!

    So that is your make-up lesson for today. Tomorrow we will discuss how to make your own hand creams.... Winking

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Christmas candy mix — Stock Photo #2016877

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    When enough of us focus our intentions on a better world, a world of co-operation rather than competition, of compassion and forgiveness, rather than hate and avarice, it tips the scales towards a collective renaissance of the of human nature.

    Steven Farmer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Good morning so enjoying everyone's holiday memories. Cam....that everyone come and dump yourself anywhere sounded delightful. We had a small family and pretty small house ( although we for some reason, had a pretty large living room ) so we never really had much company to stay over. Sometimes my blind Aunt and Uncle, ( my Dad's brother and their daughter ( my cousin ) would come in summer so we always had a couch that made into a bed.

    I hear this morning that several towns around us....1/2 hr. or less away from us ) did get tornados. I feel badly for those people. I do think tornados' with the howling winds must be truly awful. We did get winds but in fact, I do feel where we are.....with so many trees around us, plus the fact that our land is not even at all, does offer some slight protections that others may not have. Still, if it were RIGHT here.....most of the above would not matter much. I think that is why people here are told to get in ditches/barancas -- as the wind won't really dip much but will tend to latch onto the higher portions of the land. Then I think....hmmm, would I remember that if I needed to as our house would not be too protective at all. No storm cellar.

    Just hope damages were not too extensive.

    Very quiet outside and cool. I do think we can now safely blow out our leaves and won't have to again. All the wind really did pull most of the remaining leaves down so when we clean this last will be the last of the Fall clean-up. Thank goodness. Always a big chore and Dh not able to take care of much right now.

    Hope you are all well and hope the storm has moved on well and no one else need worry.

    Peace and love


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Loved the photo of my favorite Christmas hard candy. I especially loved the filled kind...yum, the filled raspberry candy was the best.

    Glad you all weathered the storm safely. My daughter lives in Chicago and said it felt like her windows were going to blow in.

    Chevy, you are so funny. I've given up on most makeup - except for eyebrows. I MUST have eyebrows. Once in a while I put on liner and mascara, then remember why I gave it up. You can't see it anymore. I should get an eye lift I guess. Up until earlier this year I wore foundation, shadow - the whole nine yards - everyday because I was still working. After my stroke I had to quit work, so I only put it on when I had somewhere to go. When I had the bilateral mastectomy in late August, I took some makeup to the hospital but never used it for the 7 days I was there (except for a quick swish of color on my eyebrows towards the end. A week later I was back in the hospital for another surgery, so makeup was forgotten. I put on foundation to go to the doctor and my face broke out like a teenager the next day! I'm nearly 65...I can't have a bad complexion again! Not fair. So I quit wearing it. I put a dab of lipstick on if I'm going out, but otherwise at home it's just me and my eyebrows. Gotta have them!

    Cammi and Chevy, you had some wild holidays! Why can't men learn self control? And why do women have to do everything in some families? My husband does so much during the holidays including making 80% of the holiday meal. He is wonderful. As a military family we got used to small celebrations when family was far away. Can't imagine waking up to find people draped over the furniture!

    Mommarch, yesterday at my Book Club meeting I was mentioning that I wanted to go to Ft. Davis and that I had an online friend who makes brooms. One of my girlfriends jumped up and shouted, "I know who she is! I have one of her brooms!" Small world isn't it?

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2013

    Beautiful here today, in the 60's and sunny, like spring!

    Chevy, Yep done the Holter Monitor a couple of times. Also do the stress test every year. Tried laying off all caffine for a year , no difference. Yes I do take medication for the arrythmias, helps, but doesn't eliminate it. They have never mentioned a pacemaker, I just learned to live with it! Sooo, we shall see if anything different is offered by the new guy!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Okay yes Bonnets..... You are like me with my hearing aids..... If you can learn to live with something, or even take medication to help out, I guess that's all we can expect. Some things just....... are. Jackie has them too, you know!

    I mean I didn't even want to try any type of surgery to see if I could get my hearing back.... I was told even if they found out "why," there was nothing they could do..... other than hearing aids.

    When is it you go again? Do you take your questions, and a pad to write downt he answers?

    Sandra..... Get that make-up on girl! You MUST look a lot better without make-up than I do....Ha! I mean I even scare myself when I look in the mirror! I remember one time, when I had a really severe allergic reaction, I looked in the mirror, and my FACE was doubled in size, a bright red, and I could barely open my eyes! I was a scary looking sight for sure! I was sooooo scared! I thought Holy Crap, I hope this is temporary!

    The allergist had given me a sulfa-shot to "fix" an allergic reaction, but it dang near killed me! We drove to the hospital, and I laid in the back-seat, with a towel over my face, so I wouldn't scare anyone in the streets! So I got more Benadryl, and Prednisone and a shot of adrenaline.

    So what was that you were talking about? Oh..... Make-up! Ha.....! Man, I could have used a ton of make-up on my face that time, and it wouldn't have made a dent!

    Jackie, I remember pictures my Mom had of a Tornado that went through their town in Texas.... It showed the bath-tub outside of their house! She was just little, but that devastation was horrible! And the Dust Storms we used to have her in Colorado, when I was little! This was before they used up all the land for building..... Actually this was before indoor toilets.... before paved roads..... and ...... before God was created..... Ha, ha!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Sandra the windows did feel like they were blowing in out all over--It was scary--Just 1 horrible crack of lightning and our lites flickered and just a couple of blocks from here they lost electricity for a big area. I live about 35 miles W of downtown Chicago--so every area had it's own twist to the storm. Awful.

    Chevy that's wonderful to put make=up on, I never do unless I'm really going out. Then it takes forever to have the actual look of natural no make-up, It used to be easy, not anymore So even when I'm in the hospital or go to the Dr. no make-up let them see the real me. And let them suffer too.

    I've bee busy today but thought I'd drop by. Ok I'm out of here.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2013

    Chevy, I go to see the electro MD on the 25th.

    On the make-up topic, I don't go out without some on. Need it for the eyebrows, use shadow and some eyeliner, lipstick and cover stick/powder, for wrinkles and those dastardly "age Spots". Love those ads with 20 somethings to cover "fine lines" and wrinkles and brown spots. WHat wrinkles? Use older women pls! Add to that keeping the grey away! AAAh the Golden Years!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    That was the candy we got in our Santa Bag when he came to town along with some of those awful choc


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited November 2013

    Back to necks (or turkeys, which are kin to Chevy's chickens)...

    Nora Ephron wrote so many great things. Title of the relevant book is I Feel Bad About My Neck. I think the kids would say ROTFLOL. It's a must read.

    Di - hope all went well. Let us know when you can.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    I try to remember to mute the shadows under my eyes when I go out. Occasionally, I wear makeup and it does seem to look better. Most of the time I don't bother. At my last job, none of the women wore makeup so I quit too.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Morning goils! They were talking about Insurance on another thread, so I posted what we have...

    It is the United Health Care Medicare Complete, and the plan is 0$ every month!

    I don't know if it is "Obama-care" or whos-it's care, but it works for us...We have had it for at least 12? years! Hope this info helps someone....

    Minus! That was funny! Winking I think those Hens necks must look better than mine...Ha! But at leas they have pretty feathers to cover it up. I don't feel bad about my neck.... I just don't look at it.... Nor at those stupid spots on my chest? Or my toe-nails? Or how my boobs are not even or point OUT???? A bra is a magnificent creature.... It covers and camouflages all sorts of inadequacy things going on. If I EVER have to go through BC again, they are both out the window.

    I think I was just too scared to think about that the first time... of losing my breast, or both of them...My oldest Daughter said I should have them off... that terrified me. She said I would rather have my Mom than lose her ..... thinking that BC could kill me. (She said if she got breast cancer, she would have them both off.....)

    So it's been 4 years now... and Thank God it wasn't any worse.

    Okay Bonnets.... the 25th..... I go on the 26th for my annual diagnostic mammogram.... Long story...... I went YESTERDAY for the appt, but they didn't have the ORDER, even after I made the appointment last MONTH because they sent me a reMINDER! We went.... I waited.... got undressed.... came to tell me they didn't have the order..... but would call..... NOPE.... Doctor out sick... can't do it they say........ GOT dressed.... wanted to just smack them all! Went home..... called Doc..... She was out sick... WHICH I had heard before.... BUT they would fax the order for the order....

    I said "but you guys said you couldn't DO it when I was sitting there without my CLOTHES on!" She said... we made a mistake somewhere....... I called for another appointment..... SHE apologized. So everyone apologized, but nothing got DONE.

    So I'll just go on, wearing my make-up, hanging around in this somewhat forlorn body, and thanking God everyday for what we have! ThumbsUp

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited November 2013

    Hi all. I was in the hospital for a few days, so I am behind on reading posts. I hope to get caught up soon. Somehow, even though I thought I was drinking plenty of fluid after last Wednesday's surgery, I got dehydrated which threw my pulse and blood pressure into a spin. I am thinking of you all.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2013

    Chevy, your mammo experience sounds like our government!Singing Praying the mammo goes well for you.

    Problem with the $0 premium is a. a lot have dropped their Advantage policy holders(our mediblue dropped everyone in our area), and b. all practices don't accept all advantage policies! To retain all our doctors, we have had to go to a Suppliment, which, plus the part D will cost us more than $250 pp per month!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    You guys, we have a "Sally!"...... Hi Sally!

    You MUST drink water..... Lots of water..... And you are in Nevada?????? So you already KNOW how hot and dry it is, and we will lecture you endlessly if you don't drink your water! Ha! Just take care!

    My supervisor wound up IN the hospital one time, because she never drank water! She was dehydrated completely..... she turned into a prune...

    Say this 100 times.... "I WILL DRINK WATER..... I WILL DRINK WATER.... Okay.... now go drink.............

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Every human has flour endowments -- self awareness, conscience, indenpent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom.....The power to choose, to respond, to change.

    Steven R. Covey

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited November 2013

    I hate water, but OK I'm going to go drink. Then I'm going to finish my Christmas shopping before the next chemo round tomorrow. Happy daze.