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  • molly52
    molly52 Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2010

    I've been on Arimidex 4+ yrs now and cholesteral started bouncing around shortly after I started AIs.  Last test, it was down slightly.  So far I have avoided Statins.  I'm willing do whatever is necessary to avoid any more drugs in my body.  I must be 90% chemicals by now.

    It seems to me that when I find a way to ease one side effect - another one pops up.  Keeps life interesting.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010

    I can only tell you what my PCP told me about cholesterol.  That as long as your triglycerides are within normal range and your HDL's are around 50 your LDL's can be as high as 130 before you take statins.

    You can get your triglycerides down and your HDL's up by exercise.  LDL can be lowered by taking appropriate amounts of Omega3

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Good AM, everyone,

    Right now my biggest complaint about Arimidex is the effect it is having on my skin! I have always had dryish skin but I am turning in to an absolute prune! I have crepey  skin everywhere and I know I look 10 years older in just the past couple months. I have reconciled myself to the hot flashes, the sore fingers, the lack of flexibility, looking like an old woman getting up from a chair... but my SKIN! Ugh! 99% of it is vanity but just hate this part the most.

    There, I feel better.  But I don't look any better :-(


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,470
    edited March 2010

    You can get your skin analyzed at a salon or at a store like Macys where they have a makeup/beauty section, and they can recommend some good heavy duty moisturizers, foundations etc. that can help.

  • cw89134
    cw89134 Member Posts: 62
    edited March 2010


    Adding my congrats on your one year mammogram results. Smile

    Holding my breath until next Wednesday.

  • Mercedes57
    Mercedes57 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2010

    Hi Just want to say I am new to this website, and Arimidex which I started one week ago.  so I will be checking back here for what you all have to say.  I do want to say a big THANK YOU for everyone who posts on this site.  There is nothing like sharing stories, pain and JOY!  God bless you all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,470
    edited March 2010

    Hi to Mercedes!

  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited March 2010

    Oh!  So, it's true that the new HCR law provides federal funds for Brazilian treatments!!!

    (Sorry.  Couldn't resist.  I keep track of the HCR thread(s), but I don't post there because, well, ... never mind.)

    Re:  hand and foot pain from AI's.  Yes, my onco said the hands and feet were most likely to be affected by Arimidex-associated pain... more so than larger joints, anyway.  My breast surgeon (surgical onco) said anywhere there was pre-existing arthritis could be more painful on an AI, so I guess that could be knees, hips, shoulders, ...

    I did develop carpal tunnel syndrome in one wrist and de Quervain's in the thumb on the other hand, about 9 months into my 5-yr adventure with Arimidex.  Both are much better now, despite very conservative treatment (an appropriate wrist brace/splint on each side, worn at night for a few weeks).

    OTOH, if I sit still too long, I'm very stiff and gimpy when I stand up and walk.  I remind myself of my great-grandmother, when she was 90.  I'm not.  The more exercise and movement, though, the less stiffness; so there's a message there.

    Speaking of the SE's of Arimidex... did anyone else read the news that came out this week about "older" (i.e. menopausal) women needing 60 minutes of exercise seven days a week, to avoid gaining weight as they age?  Sheesh.  I was having trouble with 30 minutes, 5 days a week...


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,470
    edited March 2010
    I get creaky too if I sit too long. I agree with Otter that movement is a big key to feeling good and keeping the 'creaks' away! Yes, all the exercise stuff that they say is true Cry. What I heard (from Richard Simmons) was that people need is 4 hours of aerobic/moving activities and 3 hours of toning a week. I better log off and get moving!!! Ruth
  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2010

    Hi All, Aside from my going into 5th month on Arimidex and wrist pain, hot flashes and sweating at night,  I noticed I too am getting stiff when sitting too long. I believe this comes from lack of exercise. Before my mast, and the tissue expander I was in gym constantly and going to 2 zumba classes a week. I was instructed by my PS no exercises at all with tissue expander in me. The only activity was walking.  Monday is my exchange and from there he said 6 weeks I can resume my normal activities.  My onc has me on Calcium Silver 3 x a week, Vitamin D, and Fish Oil 1200.  I am sluggish and not focusing clearly. Hopefully, resuming my exercise activities will turn this about. Can't wait for the 6 weeks to pass. However, as it has been said before, it is better than the alternative.

    For skin issues, My dermotologist recommended neutrogena moisterizer.

    Thanks to everyone for contributing answers to my questions.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Thanks, ladies, for the skin suggestions. I will try them out. And yes, the mammogram thing is anxiety producing. For many of us it was the initial introduction to breast cancer journey.

    I walk for 75-90 minutes every day. I don't know how I could do it if I worked or had young children. Right now it seems like it is the focus of my day. Everything else revolves around "my walk." If it rains I am in a funk. I think it keeps me limber. But it does consume a lot of my time and energy.

    Good wishes to everyone of us.


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2010

    Pam, like you I prefer not to wear any jewelry any more on my hands anymore.

    I am much more comfortable. Even wearing a watch annoys me.

     Everyone, have a good evening.  P.S. Don't spend a fortune on moisturizers when you can get it at Harmons or CVS. (Neutrogena).

  • C130sunshine
    C130sunshine Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2010

    Good evening,

    I am the same with sitting too long.  My main pain is my feet...especially on the bottom.  When I first get up it is slow and painful, but once I get going I am fine.  I also know how my grandmother felt at 90.

    Thanks for the inforamtion about the seem like I have many half empty lotion bottles at home...they work for a little while then all of a sudden it is like putting on water.

  • molly52
    molly52 Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2010

    I don't know if you have the Body Shop in the US, but they have a Hemp Foot Protector that has saved my life (read feet).  I have burning, red, pins and needles feet that nothing could help.

    My skin has gone saggy, so I just stopped looking in the mirror, but the feet, they would let me ignore them.

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited March 2010

    I love OLAY QUENCH.

    When my DH was alive and had horrid ulcers on his legs, the RN from the visiting nurses told me to go to CVS and buy LAC-HYDRIN. If you read the ingredients you wouldn't even want to buy it (it's made w some kind of acidic component) but it was fabulous. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Sorry Sue-61, but I need to protect your sanity, so I won't tell.  Wink

    Actually, I see today the Moderators have said they are taking it down because of the rudeeness, insults and downright meanness.  It was looking as though it might get better, but it was deleted once before because of the same problems, allowed to come back, and now may be gone forever.

    Not sure if it was taken down yet - you can search on 'Healthcare'.

    edit to add:  I seem to have been on an earlier page with this answer.

  • nmi
    nmi Member Posts: 112
    edited March 2010

    I am new to this site also, thanks to everyone for sharing your experences.  It's funny, when I started Arimedex in January, I asked my onc about SE (already knowning what they were), he said it may cause some depression the first couple weeks, put other than that, he said nothing about muscle or joint pain.  I think he did not what to predispose me to SE, but I did not like that he was not honest with me.  So far I have done well on arimedex.  As I read this thread, I realize many of the SE develop months after being on arimedex. I'll continue to be positive, exercise and hope for the best, wish everyone the same!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2010

    Hi nmi: I am basically also a newbie started Arimidex Dec. 1. First few weeks no problems, then boom. My onc initially advised me of side effects and I thought wow was he wrong in the beginning because I was fine. I am glad this site exists because I am learning how to deal with the problems that we are all experiencing. Yes, the SE's have developed about 2 months after.  They come and go. Be positive and stay focused. There are many days I do not come on this thread however, but I find it is helpful if I check in.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,470
    edited March 2010

    I found my side effects really faded over time (so far anyway, I'm knocking on wood with one hand and typing with the other) which I attribute to:1. luck, my body adjusted to the no estrogen thing pretty well  2. altering what I was doing; like getting rid of all the turtle necks, heavy sweaters etc., dressing in layers that I could put on/take off as needed 3. proactive motion; getting up a moving around alot before I start feeling creaky, which I have to do at any 'sitting for awhile event' 4. and exercise.

    On the moisturizer topic; I use face cream from a company called "Bioelements". I use 'Crucial Moisture' in the day and 'Sleepwear' at night. They are EXPENSIVE, but when I've bought something cheaper, or used a sample of anything else if I've run out and hadn't had time to get more; my face immediately shrivels up like a prune, so they are worth it to me. The price of beauty, I guess Wink! Night ladies. Ruth

  • Judy1992
    Judy1992 Member Posts: 16
    edited March 2010

    Hi All,

    Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with Arimidex and handling the SEs ... ruthbru, you mentioned Niacin ... is 500 mg the dosage you use and do you use the flush free?  I like dark chocolate and reading that 1 to 2 ounces might help keep my cholesterol in check is downright good news! 

    Notself, you mentioned Omega3 ... could you please tell me what dosage?  Thanks

    Thanks also for all the different lotions recommended... my skin matches the descriptions mentioned and the stiffness getting up after sitting for a while is also a match.  The thinning of my hair seems to have stopped and I agree that the SEs do seem to come and go. 

    Thanks again for your help! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,078
    edited March 2010

    Lowrider, I'm so sorry to hear your story and wish you the very best.  Does the 54 indicate your age?  Welcome to our thread and thank you for the post.  Those of us who whine occasionally need to be reminded that there's an outcome much worse than SEs of Arimidex.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,470
    edited March 2010

    Do NOT use the flush free because it won't be as effective!! I use a brand called 'Slo Niacin', so it is slowly released into the blood stream (Walmart). My GP and I played around with the levels for awhile; 1000 didn't do the trick, 2000 made me feel icky, 1500 was 'just right', got the cholesterol in line without SE. So, I think it is something you would want to do with your doctor. The risk of reoccurance is lowered SO MUCH by Al's, way more anything else we can do; considering the things I was dealing with a few years ago, I'm really happy that being a little creaky and hot is the worst medical complaint I have right now! 

  • lava
    lava Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2010

    Ruth, you are lucky that "creaky and hot" are your biggest complaints now  from AI's.  I envy you.  In this respect, you are very lucky.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Carolehalston - I like your last sentence about reminders when we whine.  That's as good as JO's reminder that the se's are easier to fight than BC. 

    I can top Ruth - I only have the 'creaky' and not the 'hot'.  Oh, maybe I can't top it because I also have the 'achy' in my knee and hip so 'creaky and achy' for me..

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited March 2010

    Hi, I just thought of something. Seems after I shampoo my hair there is a lot of hair in the tub. I have very thick hair so not a problem, really. ALSO, I noticed that I have less hair on my arms.

    UNFORTUNATELY, I still have my mustache......:)

    Anyone notice loss of hair in Arimidex? Thanks, Sue 

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited March 2010

    Sue, I believe thinning of hair is s/e of armidex. That is why I asked if it were ok for Brazilian Hair Straightening a little while ago on this thread. I noticed more hair coming out but not too bad.I also have a thick head of hair. I seem to notice some eye lashes falling out. Again, it is all better than the alternative.

    I wish you the best and of course the girls on this site are here for you.

    P.S. Due to the cold here this morning, my legs were "creaky" also.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2010

    Hi, I've been on arimidex for a little over 4 years and am close to start counting the days when I can stop taking it...I won't quit now because I "consider the alternative"....recurrance.

    I only hope that I  can regain at least a little of what I have lost due to the side effects of Arimidex.

    We can do this.....gentle hugs

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010

    I have 2 years 11 months to go.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,470
    edited March 2010

    I haven't had a problem with hair loss on Arimidex, but when I was doing chemo, my hair dresser told me to use Nioxin Shampoo & Conditioner. It helps promote hair growth. Yeah, I'd like to lose the facial hair too!!!

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited March 2010

    I have not noticed any hair loss on Arimidex but since starting it I feel the occasional battles with frizzy hair has become worse. Even though my hair is straight to begin with I have the Brazilian straightener done as this takes care of that problem very nicely. So far, I am doing fine with Arimidex and have been on it since December 08......... hopefully this will continue.
