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NOLA in September?



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    Alergic to the DOM! That's a first!  I am alergic to surgical tape, not glue, just the tape. 

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2011

    They talked about a different brand but want my skin to clear up first. The nurses here have never seen anything like it!

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2011

    Momma2four - I had that happen when I had my first reconstruction 4 years ago.  Local PS said the same thing - that he had never seen anything like it!  Many of us seem to have more allergy issues than the general population, from what I have observed .  (Note - I have no eveidence to back this up, I just keep coming across it in my reading)  Has anyone suggested something like a course of steroids like prednisone, and or some Allegra?  

  • Snobird
    Snobird Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2011

    It may be that you are allergic to the sizing that all new garments get finished with. I know I do and once I wash them and rinse them well I no longer have a problem. They put you in them right out of the box.

  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited December 2011

    Momma2Four - Hmmm. Hives from plastic tape this summer and now hives from the DOM. I don't know if the DOM has latex in it but you may want to try to find out. The combination reactions could be a latex allergy and this is improtant to know! Topical steorid cream may help wiith the discomfort and if it's really bad, oral steroids will definitely help. Ii hope that you get some relief soon!

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2011

    Momma2Four - sorry you are so uncomfortable, wish you an "unitchy" night!

     Another question for all of you: Has anyone else (a) done their consultation/pre-op the day before surgery and (b) traveled on their own for the first 5 days or so until you go to the hotel?

    I have 2 elementary aged kids, no family (except my husband) nearby, parents are aged and no siblings. So... thinking of coming myself and then have the hubby join me on the tail end to bring me home. Have many good friends but asking someone to take my kids for 10 days is too much.

    Logistically has it worked for anyone else?



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2011

    Just saw dr. M. I am going to get I've steroid which should help. She said that if it isn't better by tomorrow she will keep me another night. Luckily the nurses and staff are awesome so it wouldnt be too bad. Btw....we tried hydrocortisone and it didn't help at All. We both agreed that i must be now allergic to adhesives and the dom must have polyester in it. We check the label and there is no latex.

    Karen, I believe they will want someone to be here while you are in surgery just in case. I could be wrong though.

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited December 2011

    Karen, I think the rule is that you must have someone upon release from the hospital.  They must stay with you in the hotel to care for you and accompany you on the plane.  So, you could fly in alone, have your pre-op, surgery and then have your husband arrive in time for your release from the hospital.  It could save you a few days of childcare.  

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2011

    I had my phone consultation with Dr. Marga today.  What a wonderful lady and so easy to talk to.  She is recommending a stacked DIEP (hips and abdomen) and I will be going to New Orleans.  Looks like March or April.  BMX by Dr. Sollier (???)  and either Dr. S or Dr. D assisting her with the DIEP.  Now it is the game with my insurance company, but I believe it will happen.  Thank you so much everyone for all of your input.  It helped me so much.  I am sure I will have a lot of questions coming your way.  I have a lot to learn yet.  I have not told my own BS yet as she recommended me to a PS that did Tram Flap and one who has done 12 DIEP's.  I hope it isn't a problem because I like her and need her during my recovery. 

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2011

    Cherrie, aka Future Mermaid :)  Congrats on having a plan!  I hope insurance doesn't make you too crazy. It'll all work out somehow.  I was able to get a PPO exception for Dr. Massey based on the fact that no doctors around here did bilateral SGAP (should be even easier to claim that for your procedure).  You might want to look into that, it seems it's easier to get when it's initiated by the member rather than the doctor's office.

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited December 2011

    Michelle, sorry to hear about your hives!! I had maddening itch for couple of days being first time I have had to wear Dom too, but it comes and goes and NOTHING like what you are experiencing. I will come see you in morning after my apt but it is now brought forward to 8 am so tell me if around 8.45 too early for you ?? And Adrienne when are you at center tomorrow???

    My good news is I can really see the impact of the lipo already!!! I know you are not supposed to, but I really can?? So go figure. And i have been eating everything in sight too..Think also might need a smaller Dom already this possible? am delighted with new slimmed down torso and waist!!!! My left breast a bit of a disappointment, still noticeably smaller, but I am pleased I opted for no more intervention on natural breast.. Right decision for me.

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2011

    8.45 is perfect!!

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited December 2011

    Michelle - I am your hives buddy. But I think mine is a delayed reaction to antibiotics. I had it after stage 2A also.  I hope the steroids work for you. First time I needed two rounds of steroids and cortosome cream.

    Amy, that is an interesting theory about allergies...funny thing is I had none a year ago. Now I seem to have an allergy to vicodin and certain antibiotics. Plus, my immune system is completely shot (after 4 surgeries) and I get every cold in a 2 mile radius! I'm hoping in another year this will all go away. Also, these reactions were post stage 2 - so you're right - I had exposure at least 1x before a reaction.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2011

    jeskachi.....thank you sooo much.  I will be asking for an exemption since no doctor within 30 mines does the stacked DIEP.  Cross your fingers for me.  It am relieved that a plan is starting to come together.  I would like to stay in touch with you for further questions.  Is that okay? 

    One of my state 2 procedures may be done in Chicago.  Not the first one.  

    Feeling more peaceful here in Michigan.  Thanks again.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    I am now allergic to the anti-nausea drugs...  it's always something!

  • SurfaGrl
    SurfaGrl Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2011

    I had Stage I already but I should check into my insurance too because nobody does a stacked DIEP in Hawaii.  

    I forgot I was allergic to the antibiotics during Stage I too.  I wonder if they chart it in our records so we don't have the same thing happen during subsequent surgeries?  Do they give antibiotics for Stage 2?

    Looking forward to CHristmas.  

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2011
    OMG... I cannot even tell you... I just wrote a huge post and POOF it was gone... Cry
  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2011

    Now I am starting all over again... and it is making me insane. So now everything is going to be soooo much less wordy - which I am certain will leave you all disappointed... LOL

    Rosemary - Riding in Manhattan. OMG. You go girl. So glad to hear you are on the other side and doing well. Woohoo!

    Momma2four - You too! Congrats on your new girl! Also, I initially thought antibiotic or pain med allergy, but agree since it is just where your dom was that it is probably a contact dermatitis. I wonder if you wash it, if it would help. My husband always gets so itchy if he wears a new dress shirt without washing it. Well, when he used to do that... now we are so germ/bug phobic that everything goes in the wash prior to wearing. I hope you feel better soon!

    Joasta - My heart is aching for you. I wish I could come through the computer and give you a huge hug. My 26 year old step brother passed away in July from a seizure also. Very unexpected. I am sending you hugs and hoping that you can feel God's arms loving arms around you at this time. ((((()))))

    Brady - Footy PJ's! You are the bomb! I used to love those! Now with the hot flashes and all, I think I would not be able to get out of them fast enough!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2011

    I decided to do my post in two parts so that it wouldn't get lost in space again!

    BDavis - It is so good you had that mole removed! I had a dysplastic nevus removed (precancerous) back in 07. Now I just go in every year for a complete mole check. Anytime something itches or does not feel right, I just have my derm or PS cut it off... LOL. I figure I can live without the moles!

    OneHardRock. I live in the Portland area. There is not one surgeon here that I would ever allow to do microsurgical breast reconstruction on me. They just do not have enough of them under their belts. You can PM me and I will send you my phone #. You can call me anytime. 

    Katiejane - I am not 100% sure, but I do believe that Dr. Massey will let you know what you are expected to pay up front. The Center certainly does, but I do know that Dr. M has Ashley and I think Jenny(?) that do her insurance stuff. But I am sure some of her patients will come along and let you know!

    Marcia - Here is to 7 years!!! I am SO glad that you are still here!!!!

    Need2New - I consulted at PRMA and ultimately went to NOLA. I thought they were great at PRMA, and I met a patient that was post surgical there who was so, so happy, but the most they could offer me was "2 small A cups - maybe a B" with the amount of abdominal fat I had available for 2 breasts. They could not offer me a simultaneous hip flap or Sgap, so I kept searching. Dr. Sullivan was my surgeon and I love, love, love my breasts. He is so awesome!  You will figure it all out... the pieces sometimes fall into place. Good luck on your quest... Quest for Breasts!

    Whew! It is all still here... going to post before it disappears!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    NEED2NEW... YOu can absolutely fly in alone, be at the hospital a lone and have someone fly in for the discharge... For my second unexpected surgery, I flew to NOLA on Aug 17, had wound surgery Aug 18, DIEP Aug 23, and a week later a friend flew in to escort me home... and that is when they discharged me from the hospital... The first surgery, I flew in alone... but had a local friend with me and my husband flew in the day after post op... 

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited December 2011

    Momma24, washing the garments sounds like a really good plan...but once those hives clear up I sure wouldn't want to put the same brand back on -- even washed! Both Marena and Veronique will overnight mail stuff -- you can have the package in about 12 hours! You can order a few sizes/styles and return (within 30 days) what doesn't work. Maybe the nurses can help you figure out sizes. I think the Marena fabric is more "different" from the Flex-Support or Veronique which feel more similar to each other. My opinion. Hope the steroid gets you better quick!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    I think Flex support is heavier than both Veronique and Marena.. and Marena just is more supple and stretchy... better!!

  • nowords
    nowords Member Posts: 70
    edited December 2011

    Hi All,

    I have not been on very often lately...been busy getting Christmas shopping done before the next stage on Dec. 9th; I also just hosted our open house with 60 people last night...great is all decorated inside and out...lots of goodies made and leftover NY style italian deli-meats and cheeses, and lobster mac and cheese from Costco that you all should try!

    I also started selling antiques at a "Periodic Antique Sale" Shop in October and have done pretty well. My husband took a job in Reston VA, so we will move there next year. Lots of changes these days.

    I have not read the back posts- I will have to catch up...

    Hope all are well...I will have my husband post on the other side of surgery...AnneW is going to be at Fairway the same time as me, so we will get a chance to meet face to face....she is the person who told me about Dr. Marga working with my insurance....  ;-}...

    Today, life is good.


  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2011

    I will be staying another night for sure a the center. Dr. M doesn't want me out on the streets with the amount of steroids that are in my body...don't I just fit in perfect though? I did get in trouble his morning from her as I reached or my water cup and dr. Mommy grounded me! I didn't think my water cup weighed more than 5 pounds. Oh well better to be safe than sorry.

    Hope to see rosemary before she eaves and also Adey before her surgery tomorrow.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2011

    Momma2four--sometimes it's those small quick movements that can do the most damage. Maybe you should ask for a sling for that arm to remind you to not move it :)  (Only sort of half-kidding with that.)

  • louis13
    louis13 Member Posts: 195
    edited December 2011

    Geez, I posted and it didn't happen??! So to recap, and sorry if going to appear later... Just out of post -op, all good. Minimal bruising and swelling( on arnica for 2 weeks prior), turned the lipo pain corner yesterday- dramatic change in pain. They took me down a girdle size, dr d says if not swelling bruising anymore in next day or so, not going o happen and I got off real easy. Makes me think didn't do much except I can see results already and I don't think it is because the mirrors at homewood are to catch up again with the lovely momma of four Michelle who has an AWESOME new breast! Addrienne?! Couldn't find you! I hope all goes well for you ths week , leaving town at 6pm...

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2011

    Rosemary, you are such an amazing and beautiful lady! And your body ROCKS. Good luck on everything!

    I just saw Adey walk by my room on her tour...hope to see her today before her big day tomorrow.

    I just cannot say enough about the center and staff. For those of you who are on the fence coming is worth every penny!


  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited December 2011

    Anyone following Juliana Rancic? I heard she was on the Today Show today so I watched the clips online. She is having a double mastectomy now after having a double lumpectomy. She talked about how she saw someone's reconstructed breast and not realizing how beautiful the results could be, chose a route she once wouldn't even consider. I wonder who is doing her recon? But it was funny from our end to hear Ann Curry's dramatic questions like what made you even CONSIDER something so RADICAL? And how are you managing the decision to do something SO EXTREME? And how are you able to come to terms with such psychological loss? Etc. Anyway, hopefully these little bits of awareness will make it seem less radical, less extreme, less frightening for those facing it. Not that I mind being a rebel myself but I do get the "are you crazy?" questions and looks quite a lot which tells me they wouldn't even consider it. But maybe if they've walked in our shoes, because once you open that can of knowledge, there is no shoving it back in!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2011

    She's going to the University of Chicago hospital, so I'm guessing she's going with the highest profile PS there, David Song. I could be wrong though.

    Edited:scratch that. I don't know for sure she's being treated there. But I'm assuming she's going to be at one of the big university systems in town.  I could venture a guess about what PS she'll use, but hard to say without knowing the hospital.

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited December 2011

    BTW thanks NOLA women for showing me how beautiful reconstructed breasts can be! I had decided the mastectomy with tissue recon was the way I should go and talking to Dr. Sullivan and hearing his panel at the FORCE conference made me first consider the possibility of traveling for surgery but the show and tell room sealed the deal! It was stunning how all the most beautiful breasts were NOLA and how all the people who had the best recoveries were NOLA and how the people happiest with their results were, yep, NOLA! I worked hard to stay objective and keep researching and I even read anti-NOLA backlash posts but the facts AND the emotions remained the same. And I took my heart and breasts to NOLA. I will do all I can to be in that show and tell room next year as it is one of the best ways to help newbies out. So thank you and all your beautiful bodies for sharing with me!