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NOLA in September?



  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2011

    I have a Marena question for you Marena ladies: I was almost ready to buy it and then I realized--how do you do your measurements? Cause i am still in the DOM and my measurements are 31 hip, 38 waist, 23 thigh. Now I have to have the DOM on 24/7, but I bet if I measured when I take it off my numbers might be a little higher. With these measurements they said I would be a Large! A large? Is their sizing off? What do you all think? I am 118 lbs and 5'2.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2011

    You should go by the chart and not the wizard. The wizard keys off of your largest measurement, it always put me at too big of a size.  Since you're getting a lower body garment I'd say the hip measurement is the most important one.  Base the size on that.  And yes, it sounds like large may be too big. I'm 5'7, size 12-14 and I wear XL in Marena.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    I met you and you are not a LARGE.. I am wearing a large and have ordered a medium.. the chart said I was a 2XL... then I called them and they said L or XL.. well Large is fine, but a medium may be even better.

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited December 2011

    I had a problem with the Marena sizing wizard also. I did my measurements without the DOM on (even though I was in it 24/7) and the wizard told me XL and but when I looked at the chart all of my measurements were on the low side of medium except one. I ordered a L as kind of a compromise and it has been fine and it fits well. I think I heard of others who ordered more than one and were able to return the one that didn't fit?? I'd check this out with Marena first though to make sure.

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2011

    Ok, thanks. I think I will order a med and small and see which one fits better. Hope to get the tubes out this week!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2011

    Actually, for my Marenas, I didn't even look at the chart except to scan what my "normal" measurements would mean for sizing and that worked perfectly. I didn't use my post-surgical measurements, but the approximate measurements I had prior to surgery. The Marenas were perfect and feel SO good after the DOM. I did find that I even had to change the DOM (the Center sent 2 new smaller ones) as I shrunk after surgery and the compression wasn't enough. Betsy and I were vying for the longest record for drains because I wasn't getting proper compression!! LOL!

    Hard to believe that in less than 2 weeks I will be in NOLA and have Dr. D. do his marking thing with the surgery to follow. The time seemed SO long ... and it is here. Not at all anxious about Dr. D., the outcomes, the hospital nor staff. Just generally anxious about another major surgery. But it is SO close to the end of this part of the journey!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2011

    I love reading these posts from people who have gone to NOLA and have nothing but great things to say.  I had my consult with Dr. Marga yesterday and will be joining the NOLA group in the Spring.  If it hadn't been for you people, I would never have known about the DIEP or the doctors that have the experience doing them.  I know I will be in good hands and am finally comfortable with the decisions I have made.  Keep this thread going.  I hope to meet others having procedures done when I am out there in the Spring.  Thanks for sharing!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    Victoria - maybe you are a small? When swollen maybe a medium. Give them a call like Betsy did. OR you can order both a small and a medium, and send back the one you don't use. Just be really careful and don't totally rip up the packaging. :)

    Cherrie, glad it is helpful. It was a thread like this in 2008 that helped me figure out that NOLA was an option for me, and Sandy really helped. I was so uncomfortable with the options I had locally. I would have had such regrets and been unhappy and resentful. I am so glad I found NOLA - I had an immediate sense of peace and knew it was right for me. Never a second thought or a regret. I feel so fortunate to have and threads like this. The community of women are so helpful. WE ROCK!!

  • Jerusha
    Jerusha Member Posts: 339
    edited December 2011

    OMG, I must be such a woos...I am 5'4" and a size 8-10. I got my Marenas in XL and STILL had to take them off to eat!!

    Congrats to Momma and Louis; you are troopers!!!

    Laura: They will definately take returns at Marena and Veronique. It has to be within 30 days and you have to call for an RA# and pay return shipping.

    If you have questions about sizing you can just give your measurements (current ) to the sales person and let them figure it out for you.

    KBodie -- such a lovely post. :):):)

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2011

    KBodie - I heard the interview and was more than a bit annoyed with Ann Curry and all the negative adjectives she used.  She did nothing to help the image that people have of this type of sugery, and her whole bit came off as overly dramatic. Actually the more I think of it, the more ticked off I become.  I applaud Giuliana for going public under difficult circumstances. A courageous thing to do. I actually posted something on the FB page mentioning the importance of FULLY researching her options and being aware of the fact that the best surgeons aren't always in LA or NYC, and in this case they are in New Orleans.  I wonder what type of reconstruction she is having? I hope her surgeons are as good as ours!!  

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2011

    Good luck Adey!  Fingers and toes crossed for an uneventful surgery!

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2011


    You will have a nice sleep. I am wishing you lots of luck and will come see you on wed afternoon...give u time to feel normal. However if u need something have ur hubby call me.


  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2011

    I am so glad I found NOLA too. I live in the Northeast, saw 3 famous PSs, who all offered me only their own procedures--implants (no way, not with the axillary web I have!), tug procedure (which would leave huge scars all the way around my thighs--no thank you as I'm a runner and I need clean things for the races), and one PS said she could take from the thigh, to make ONE small A cup. This board, and my trip to NOLA helped me decide. Now I will have large B or small C cup, only hidden scars, and ladies I have to tell you, I am getting excited, because my right breast feels LIKE A BREAST--WARM, SOFT, FULL, JIGGLY even! I am so delighted that I am having my girlfriends feel my breast and they can't believe it! The left is still hard and swollen (they did more work on that side). But best of all, when I hug my young kids, they feel the same mom hug they always did. That is priceless!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    About the Marena... When I ordered multiple sizes, the woman told me they would pay for return shipping since she recommended the XL, and I wanted the L as well... But now that I need to return the XL, they are saying I need to pay shipping... so get the name of the person (as I did) who made the promise to pay... I am confident it will all work out.

    NOLA is a Blessing... Having met you women and the doctors in New Orleans has meant a world of difference to me... I too researched and went to NYC and Princeton doctors who offered me procedures (lat flap and implants and Dr Allen who offered a DIEP, but I clearly didn't have enough fat for 2 C cups)... so it just goes to show that even going to the pioneer of the surgery may not produce the results you want... I am sure there are competent doctor who can move the fat, but NOLA just takes it 10 steps further, move the fat, enough fat, contours it, contours YOU and welcomes you back if you need more. I told Dr D he was on my list of this I was grateful for this Thanksgiving, and I mean it.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    Amy, What size is that black Marena I got that you are now using? A "Large"? I am 5'8" and about 155 and typically size 10 in pants. (Though I do have two in size 8! ha!) AND I got two C cups! just sayin'. :)

  • JustLaura
    JustLaura Member Posts: 213
    edited December 2011

    Thanks for the smile Springtime!

  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2011

    Spring - it is a large.  Fits nicely.  I am not as tall as you (unfortunately) and weigh a bit less, size 8 usually, but like you I have a couple pair of pants the next size down!!! yay!! thanks Dr. D!!!  Don't think I could squeeze comfortably into a medium Marena.  If it helps, I was wearing the XL in the Veronique, but then went down to the L.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    I was wearing a 2XL Veronique (but it kept slipping) and wearing a L Marena... but have ordered a Medium... (wishful thinking??)

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited December 2011

    Hi all- I can't believe that one week from today I am heading back to NOLA for stage 2. I have felt really good the last few weeks so I am glad to have had that so that I know I will someday feel good again after the next round. I fear I am underestimating the effects the hysterectomy is going to have on me, beyond the initial several days of liposuction pain (because I plan to ask for a lot!). I have tried my usual strategies to be prepared but it seems impossible to prepare for. Every doctor says something different and says everyone has a different reaction. You could have bad symptoms, you could have none, you could have some in-between. This treatment could help you or it might not. I did a pre-op with a surgeon in NOLA and after asking about my fears of prolapse after, he said he would do it through the vagina and stabilize the ligaments. Then my ad CT for the recon showed something in my uterus. I had just had an ultrasound but trucked up for another one. Both were clear and are considered the most sensitive test. But he still wants to defer to the fuzzy CT images and will not do it through the vagina in case there is in fact something there. Ugh. I am just living life normal and trying to prepare for the month of birthdays and holidays and will go straight from airport to center for pre-op. GYN cannot do a pre-op so will call on cell phone at the hotel the night before. Then I will just go through the motions because I have thought and worried and researched so much I might as well just go do it and be done with this. But I still think I will be in for a shock, from this initial pain and from the lingering menopause issues. I haven't made my list of recon requests or GYN questions yet. I just can't believe it is next week.

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2011

    I am so nervous! I was released today and already am worried that my flap is failing. First off I am the worst hypochondriac and of course worry about everything else health.

    So we got to our room and I immediately check for warmth, mind you they checked the dopplers when I left. So, one of my flaps feels a lot cooler than the other. The nurse told me that I would no for sure if it fails. No Question....will I? Maybe I am feeling this way because I have had nothing but failures this summer? Oh my I am a mess, my hubby thinks I am fine and also nuts. Ugh, thank goodness I see the doctor tomorrow again!

    Sorry to go on and on but I need you all would understand way more than my husband is is as we speak sleeping because he was up at 4am to fly in to bring me home.


  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited December 2011

    Okay, am I the only one stil wearing the same clothes as I was before I started?  I mean the fat is in different (and better places now) - no muffin top from  my hips - but I'm still the same size.  It just seems like I should have gone down a size or something.  Of course, I'm not quite 6 weeks post Stage 2b. How long did it take others?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2011

    Kathryn, I wore the same clothes too, it took a while to get into other sizes. plus I lost some weight I think.

    Momma, I am not a hypochondriac by nature, but I also worried, even when I first got home. You will most likely be fine! The odds are with you!!! 

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2011

    I have joined the ranks - my stage 1 surgery is scheduled for 1/19. The plan is NSSBMX w/ GAP flaps. Have a million questions for all of you so will ask just a few now!

    When you get released from the hospital, are you able to get yourself to the restroom, get a drink, eat etc? 

    Silly... but at what point can you raise your arms enough to put in contacts, put on make-up or do hair??

    I resolved the first 1/2 of my trip companion problem so that is a relief.



  • kaitsmom
    kaitsmom Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2011

    Michelle, Add me to the list of hypochodriac/worriers . . .  I second what Spring says, you are likely going to be fine.  But if you need a real voice to talk to, pm me and I will send you my phone number or call you.  I know it can be so frustrating when the hubbys just fall asleep and we are left to sit and worry . . .

    I am down about 2 sizes total since stage 1, actually maybe lost a bit of weight in the few months prior to stage 1, so not all of it since the surgeries . . .  But, I have also been eating a lot more carefully than I was and I had some weight to loose. I think by about 6 - 8 weeks after my stage 2 I could get comfortably into a size smaller than after my stage 1. I am now 12 weeks out from my stage 2 and heading for 2b.  I had hoped to lose 5 - 8 more pounds before that, but wishing doesn't make it so. haha  

  • kathrynla
    kathrynla Member Posts: 406
    edited December 2011

    Kbodie. It always seems to be something, doesn't it? I hope that the hysterectomy (and Stage 2) go well for you. I had an oophorectomy, so I can't speak to how it feels to have a hysterectomy - but I think other women on the board can. As for side-effects, there does seem to be some correlation as to how your mother, grandmother, sisters went through menopause. My mother and sister had limited effects, no hot flashes. I am happy to say it was the same for me.  The biggest side effect has been vaginal dryness and lack of libido (is that TMI?) but there are ways to deal with that that I am exploring now.  Good luck on your surgery and I'm hoping you have many birthdays and anniversaries to celebrate. You're definitely doing all the right things to make sure you are there to enjoy them.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2011

    Hey all-

    I meant to mention this earlier and I'm sure it would have helped someone, but better late than never...

    There's a free file-sharing service that some of you may already use. It's called Dropbox.  You upload your files into your "public" folder and it generates a unique link that you can give people to download the file.  It's great for sharing photos with your doc.  You don't have to attach huge files to email, and you don't have to reduce your photos so much that they don't have enough detail. 

    Don't worry, the photos aren't really "public" because someone needs that unique link to see them.  Just share the link with your doc via email when you upload the photos.

    I used similar solutions in the past but this one is incredibly easy to use and the docs love it.

    Hope this helps.


  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2011

    Michelle- Given what you've been through no one will fault you for being extra extra careful.   Your flaps will go through some changes as they heal, that's normal. But if anything concerns you, don't hesitate to call Dr. M or Ashley.  When you talk to Dr. M ask her specifically what changes are a bad sign, and what changes she wants to know about immediately.  As you probably know already, she makes herself very available to her patients, especially during those times when you see something concerning.  I've had cellulitis, or what seemed like cellulitis, once or twice during this journey and she picked up her phone every time I called (evenings, usually).  Be gentle with yourself and baby those flaps!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2011

    Kbodie- Your body is going to try to regulate hormones after your surgery, and the first several weeks will be a bit of a rollercoaster until it's regulated.  The trauma of surgery might exaggerate that too.

    It takes longer for testosterone to leave your body than estrogen, so you'll be imbalanced for a few weeks.  My libido surged at first from the testosterone being stronger, then my body gave up the ghost and things leveled out.  It may take a few months though, so be patient.  Any symptoms you have at first aren't necessarily ones that will stick around.  Keep an eye out for sleep disturbances... if you can take something to get through that it's worth it, lack of sleep just makes the symptoms seem worse.

    Are you going on ERT?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2011

    When you get released from the hospital, are you able to get yourself to the restroom, get a drink, eat etc? 

     I had BMX and Hip Flaps... I could go to the bathroom as soon as the catheter came out,, day 2. No problems and no pain. after a couple of days, I was walking laps around the hospital...

    Silly... but at what point can you raise your arms enough to put in contacts, put on make-up or do hair??

    I could have done all of that stuff, but while in the hospital (first 5 days) just rinsed my face and brushed my teeth... I didn't have any hair, and thought it made it easier... so that may have been an issue somewhat if I did have hair. I was doing make up day 6 though.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2011

    Brenda, I did send her a text message. I am probably over reacting. Normal after leaving the safety of the nurses.

    Kaitsmom...I might just do that. Men are so stupid sometimes. He is tired...hello..I had a freaking boob built from my ass in a 9 hour surgery no worries buddy you go and get your beauty sleep. Ugh...seriously!

    Thanks for listening to me complain!