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NOLA in September?



  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2012

    Good going, Downey! I felt SO much better after my first shower, though it is indeed quite a production. It's STILL a production, but you get more used to it in time and it's so worth it. I tried the warm prune juice too. Not exactly what I'd order on a date. Feel better!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2012

    Downey, Ask for the FLEET SUPPOSITORY!! Kaboom! Issue over! (stay near the bathroom, not that you're going far away!) Great to hear from you!

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2012

    The first shower after surgery is the BEST, except dealing with those darn drains.  :-)

    Scheduled for surgery on Tuesday in NOLA.  I need to get my holes zipped up so I can continue with my treatment plan.  :-)  I still look like the Bride of Frankenstein and moon boobs!  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Caitlin.. what are you having done?

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2012

    Caitlin - best wishes for Tuesday. 

    Does anyone know anything about a Dr. Granzow in LA? A lady considering a uni-diep has family support in LA.

    Seroma question - scheduled for ultrasound and potential aspiration of hip on Monday. They are talking IV, sedation etc. Who can share their experience? 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited March 2012

    Hi Karen,

    Dr. G assisted during my stage I in L.A. He trained with Dr. D and Dr. S in NOLA for a few months.  I've talked with him quite a bit and have met other patients of his, and he has volunteered to do DIEP for women without insurance if the need arises.  My friend and I walked with his team for the Revlon walk last year.  I think he's a really nice guy, and has a really relaxed bedside manner...very patient and caring, willing to answer any and all questions in great detail.  I have not seen any of his results, and that's something she'll want to ask about.

    Wow, an IV and sedation to aspirate a seroma.  Were you given the reason why?  My ps just stuck a needle into my numb belly and I didn't feel anything...I watched him do it.  Sorry you are dealing with that though...I know it's not fun.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    I was given a local, but told them I didn't need it... no IV.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2012

    Sandy - thank you. I know she will do her research but since I had already gone to NOLA she asked my opinion. Will share your thoughts with her. Did you not need to go to NOLA after your surgery? :)

    Aspiration - They said this is the standard protocol for their aspirations. I questioned all of it and will do what I want on Monday. Having it done in the radiology suite.  Did you guys lay low to not make it bigger? Mine is on my hip and quite painful.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2012

    I have had my breast seroma aspirated 4 times.  All done in the radiology suite.  All done with ultrasound assistance and a local anesthetic.  I tried to watch the ultrasound screen as the seroma was drained, but I couldn't quite contort myself enough.  Hopefully once you are in there they will just give you local and aspirate away.  

    Caitlin, so sorry you have to go back, but so glad there is some action to make things better.  Dr S will take good care of you.  Let us know the details and how you are doing.  Moon boobs??!  I can't quite wrap my brain around that one!  Has your chemo plan been decided?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    I only had my seroma aspriated once, and I could easily watch the US screen... was very cool... they did say that there was debris in the fluid.. I am unsure what they meant...It seems to have done the trick an dnot returned... I did put extra compression on it for a week after.

    Caitlin.. I think I missed something.. why are you going back to NOLA? 

    And Sandy.. I too thought you were unhappy with your docs in LA and that is how you ended up in NOLA.

    So.. here's another question... At 4 months post stage II, I still have a tender belly... I cannot wear pants that lay on my midsection without discomfort. And when I look at my belly, there sems to be a lump or something left of my belly button.. nothing obvious but different from the right side. Laura tells me that they only did lipo, nothing else... has anyone else had this? And my higher pants are tighter than pre-surgery. Most of my pants are low rise so this only affects me once in a while,  but my ski pants sit at my waist and were very uncomfortable...  And ab exercises are still uncomfortable, and yet I still do them.

    And no input on necrosis after stage II?

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited March 2012

    I had  a lot of problems after stage I, none of which I can attribute to Dr. Granzow.  I think he was only in attendance for a short time, just to relieve Dr. Boyd for meals.  I'll never really know, but Dr. Boyd admitted to burning my chest, causing the need for removal of burned tissue, sutures, and an ugly unnecessary scar way above the breasts.  I believe that Dr. Boyd pulled my drains too early, resulting in a seroma that finally turned into a pseudobursa.  He refused to surgically remove it saying it was "too invasive" to do,  basically abandoning me as a patient.  Of course, he conveniently told me this a couple of days past the 90 day global fee period--during which the surgeon basically has to treat surgical complications at no charge to the patient.  Stage II had been scheduled, but he told me he wouldn't do it until the seroma was gone and it was cancelled that day.   I guess he was hoping that it, or I, would magically disappear.  What's really hilarious about it is that he told me he would do plication in stage II.  I don't know how he was planning on doing that without opening the abdominal incision...which is the same incision he would have to reopen to remove the pseudobursa. 

    I saw Dr. Granzow once in the clinic, when a hole opened up in my ab incision (due to the seroma), and he was very helpful.  The truth is, I can't say anything negative about him.   Dr. Boyd is the one who made rude comments about my weight, both to my face and in a letter to my referring physician.  In my discharge papers from the hospital he wrote that I was leaving in good condition although "certainly a little overweight".  The hospital staff told me his comment was completely inappropriate and irrelevant.  The left flap had compromised circulation before being transplanted and partially died on the 7th day postop.   I got really, really lucky that I didn't lose the entire flap, but the breasts were flat like hamburger buns.  I felt that Dr. Boyd was very disrespectful and had no compassion in my case.  He forgot to order the compression cuffs for my legs after surgery, so I went 24 hours without them, despite that he kept me in bed for a full two days after my 14 hour surgery.  My sister finally demanded them for me and put them on me herself (she's a nurse).   I eventually took a long list of what I felt were unacceptable comments and potentially dangerous omissions to my breast surgeon and she told me that she would be addressing my complaints with him.  The hospital did a peer review on Dr. Boyd, but it's confidential and they cannot tell me the results.  The chief of medical staff suggested that I file a complaint with the state board.  I did, although I feel they are worthless effort on the part of the patient because the public never sees them.   It's more effective to use the various doctor review sites online, but you have to be really careful what you say.  You can write that "I had surgery with Dr. Boyd and suffered complications A, B and C" but not "I had surgery with Dr. Boyd and he caused A, B and C complications", or you risk a defamation lawsuit-- unless you have irrefutable proof.

  • lisa645
    lisa645 Member Posts: 41
    edited March 2012

    HI guys! I havent been on in a long time... but I just thought I would check in and sing at the top of my lungs:  NOLA is AWESOME! Its been 5 months since my stage 1...and my foobs look better that the real ones ever did!  Hardly any noticable scaring..and I seriously dont even need to go back for stage 2 unless I wanted to go bigger...they are perfectly formed.. Im am so pleased...

    DR Dellacroce: I wuv you!

     Thank you guys for this thread ~ which lead me to believe in NOLA... best desicion I ever made and I couldnt have done it without this wealth of information....

    Nuthin' but Love!

  • EvaM
    EvaM Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2012

    About to leave for my first post-op gig. We're opening a festival with 15 bands so fortunately we're on early and only have one set. The guys will be toting all the gear, but even so I'm kind of worn out and we haven't even left the house yet. I had to look high and low for a pretty top that would hide my drains but I found one and pinning the drains to my girdle and tucking them into my stretchy pants makes them at least a little less noticeable. I was hoping to be readier for this! Oh well, wish me luck!


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited March 2012

    Best of luck Eva!!! take it easy as much as possible!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Sandy.. you changed your name..

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited March 2012


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited March 2012

    Aspiration... IV sedation?? Truly, there is no need for that. There will be areas back there that are numb and you won't feel a thing, or maybe a pinch at most. My local PS just drained the hip ones right in her office. No need for US either. Breast seromas I would be more supportive of using US because that is such a delicate area, but the hip donor site... Well, it is pretty easy to tell where the seroma is! If your butt looks like a waterbed, well, then, you might have a seroma! I can't tell you how many times I was drained.... Let's just say a LOT.

    Caitlin, are they going to clean up and close up your wounds? That will be good. Keep us posted!

    Dr. Granzow - I met with him regarding lymphnode transfer. I agree with Sandy - he is very nice and takes a lot of time with you. I cannot attest to his reconstruction, because obviously he was not my surgeon. But, like Sandy said, he did train in New Orleans, I believe with Dr. Allen (Sandy, you correct me if I am wrong) and alongside Drs. D and S.. He is more than willing to answer any and all questions. If your friend is looking to go there, maybe she could call the office and ask for some references of women that have had their reconstruction with him. Ask to see results and talk to people. I think talking to the doctor's actual patients gives one a lot of insight. Good luck to her!

    Congrats to those on the other side of surgery this week, and those that are just starting this journey! The docs in NOLA are simply the best... Speaking of which, I had to have an ultrasound of my arm this week (just precautionary before commencing with cdt again) and I flashed the US tech. She works over in the breast imaging center a lot... She said my reconstruction is hands down the BEST she has ever seen. And I am delayed reconstruction after failed expanders! Imagine what she would say to the girls that get to do immediate reconstruction!!! Just another testament to our doctors' skills!

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited March 2012

    Second appeal ... DENIED!! Last appeal with insurance is to get an external review. Sigh ... am trusting in the Center gang to come thru!

    Everything aches. We are on a huge push to get about 8,000 squ feet of walls and woodwork painted before carpets go in on the 19th. Today laid paper on our newly done hardwood floors and started taping woodwork in the bedrooms already done. Hands and knees, major back aches and I can't tell you how many charlie horses! I thought I had gotten back in good shape!! Whoa ... Off for a hot soak in one of our claw foot tubs where I can gaze at my lovely new boob and the sadly shrinking original one. :-(Frown

    Caitlin -- sorry to hear you have some complications, but Dr. D and S and the Center will make all right!

    Betsy -- What's up with the ab sensitivity? I mean, I had a full tummy tuck and I never had issues like you are describing. Photos and call the Center. Perhaps all you will hear is the "tincture of time" but it does put the mind somewhat at rest!

    Sing on, Eva!! You go, girl!

    Now, to the tub ...

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2012

    Sandy, is that you? 

    Here's who's coming up next...

    Mar 15 - Adey - Stage 2. 

    Much luck! 

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2012

    Thanks ladies - when they called me I was saying all the same things, look at it, stick a needle in, be done! I was just overwhelmed as I was at work which is probably why I have the seromas, was leaving in 20 minutes to attend a memorial for a freind who's 18 yo son died. There were no PS doc around so I let the center schedule it with US & radiology. Sure it will be fine when he sees my big hip & butt :)

    Eva - have fun and take it easy. How exciting for you to be back doing what you love. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Maggie... Thanks for replying... I have mentioned the distended belly to Laura many times, but just now am mentioning the discomfort because up til now I expected some pain... but at 4 months out, I really don't.. I did tell her it bothered me to do ab work and was told just do what I can tolerate...

    Sorry about your denial... have faith that one way or another it will be worked out.

  • need2new
    need2new Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2012

    Nordy & Sandy - thanks for the Dr. G info. Will pass it along and be sure she talks and sees some patients of his. I cannot imagine doing anything but NOLA :) but I am sooo biased. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Me too Karen.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited March 2012

    I'm 7 months out from DIEP, no lipo after that, and I have tenderness when I do exercises that involve laying on my stomach.  I also have pain with ab exercises, like adhesions or stitches that are pulling.  After getting back to rowing and pilates in the same week my ab fascia was so inflamed and swollen I had to take the week off, which helped.  Having my second pilates session tomorrow, we'll see how the stomach does. I really want to do "swan" to get my posture straight again!

    I also have a couple of sore lumps around the belly button, especially above and to the side.  I think it's probably all scar tissue that's finally getting stretched, it has to relax eventually, right?

    I've also found that my swelling gets worse when I wear low cut jeans, where the waistband lays right on my scar.  I think the lymph pathways are a little challenged going through that scar line and tight jeans just make it that much harder.  It's not really noticeable, except to me, but it is uncomfortable.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited March 2012

    Betsy -- Over-doing it on the ab exercises perhaps. Try planks instead of crunches and see if that helps. I am at a loss unless there is a mess of scar tissue there that it will just take time to let go. Like you, patience isn't my strong suit!! Just hoping the denial doesn't mean no Stage 2b! Poor little left boobie is shrinking (I have lost 30 lbs!) and the other one is WAY COOL!!! Can't get there now, so it will be late fall before I can talk to the Center to see about what can be done and tats! I'm feeling your pain, girl. Hate it when my body lets me down, but have to work then not to punish it thru over-exercising, etc. A-Stress personalities we are!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited March 2012

    Yes, Betsy and Spring, it's me.  My former name was a bit of a joke because several times when I went to NOLA, Dr. D would ask me how life was in paradise.  Sad to say that California is not in good shape and my husband and I have always talked about leaving the state.  We even bought land in Oklahoma once, but sold it to move to a better neighborhood and better schools when our daughter was ready to start kindergarten. The main reason we haven't ever been able to leave is our climate here.  We are about a mile from the beach and we have this wonderful sea breeze in the evenings, very moderate temps, and it doesn't get too cold, rarely is hot and is never humid.  We've had a taste of some wild weather the past couple of years, but overall, it's just so pleasant here.  In fact, it's been like spring or summer most of this winter.  However, we moved our business a year ago and there have been several commercial robberies in the past few months all around our industrial area.   We've installed four outdoor security cameras, (two of them today), an iron security enclosure around our front door and windows, and a giant locking gate across our parking lot.  The business three doors down has the same enclosure around their front entrance and it was pried open with a crowbar last Sunday. Our landlord helped pay for the measures we've had to take, but it was still very costly to us and I hate not feeling safe. We have a monitor next to our home TV and my husband keeps an eye on the cameras until he goes to bed. Not feeling like it's really paradise here, which is why I changed my name today!! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Aw sorry Sandy.. Its not fun to live that way I am sure.

    Maggie.. I actually am a patient person... but I am also one who wants to understand my situation completely. I am patient when I am told to wait and watch my firm breast to see if it sofens... And I am patient about my abs too.. But I am a little concerned ther is something wrong. I really am not overdoing ab work.. just enough really... Anything (crunches, planks, ab machine) even the lightest weight, I feel pain. If I were told that in a year, it would all be good, then I wouldn't worry... But what I usually hear is that others don't have this pain... and I didn't have it before lipo, so it seems to be unrelated to the DIEP  incision and more related to a cannula.

    Brenda.. so mine is not on teh incision line at all.. that is pain free. And I had a lump above the incision before stage II and Dr D took it out... much betteer now. When you mention your lumps around your belly button, do you mean nodules? That is not what I have... I can't feel anything like a lump... it is just sore and theres an area that looks swollen or distended left of the button.

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Yes, they are going to clean things up and stitch up the open wounds.  I am looking forward to my boobs not having craters and constant soreness.  I know--Dr. S is awesome.  Such a compassionate person.  I thought it would just be an office visit and local anesthetic but they are actually doing surgery.  Not sure if I will be completely out??

    Thanks for all of the support.  I am looking forward to meeting you, Adey!  

  • CaitlinB
    CaitlinB Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2012

    Oh, we will only be in NOLA until Wednesday; our flight leaves around 5:30 p.m..  Staying at the hospital the whole time.  It will be in and out. 

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited March 2012

    Betsy - I think that way too--I want to know what's going on, even if it's not good news for the moment. Doc, tell me what it is, and tell me how you're going to fix it! By "related to a cannula" do you mean lipo from your upper abdomen? Praying you'll get answers this week and be on your way to getting it resolved! I'm watching you and want to see success!

    Caitlin - Watching and praying for you too! Making mental note: be prepared for return trips!