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NOLA in September?



  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    Teel~so glad you found us over here.  As you can tell, we are a chatty active bunch! 

    Spring, BCDiva and Danny...sending you nothing but good wishes for safe travels, successful outcomes and speedy healing! 

    Okay...I am way too lazy to PM everyone who will be in NOLA the same time as me, so here goes...five oh nine nine four seven four two nine zero.....for anyone who wants to program me in and hook up. 

    I promised my hubby a romantic dinner when we down for stage 3, so I am thinking we are going to do that Tuesday.  So I can not be on a time schedule Wednesday after the Encourage meeting.  Does that work for you ladies?  I really want to spend some time face to face with the women I've met here online.  It was so cool when I got to do that before.  I can switch to Wednesday if you think Tuesday would be a better night for all of us to go to dinner.  

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Trishia that sounds perfect....I'm going to go out and have a torrid affair Tuesday w/ a complete stranger in Nola since i'm on my own................Not, but I guess after all this I'll have a body that would be worthy huh?  I am so kidding...except about having the body of Barbie afterward.  I'll be sure to let you all in on it when I' ve met a new Mr. Wonderful....sigh!......woes of the barren spinster!  Truly all this breast stuff, is total date repellant...and I've met plenty of people who've been 'interested' and NO I don't start talking about Bc, just invariably the topic of "so tell me again why you're going to NOla" comes up and just honestly....any guy who can't handle this...when I have to splain.... isn't the right one there!

    OK, so Teel.................I am NOT a stalker ...however I read your 'recent posts'.......AND  do we live in the same DFW area?  how cool is that?  Thanks to early detection.....I'll spare you BUT...I did NOT have chemo.....BUT!!!!!!!  I know someone actually she is the donor of the UTSW library/psychoscial support for women w/ BC....she is 70 something years old and had BC whaen she was 43 or 45?  anyhoo.....Apparently, her DIL lives near Seattle and there is a man who lives there from vienna who makes wigs from YOUR own hair.  This woman wanted to fly him here BUt no go....SO her DIL lets anyone stay w/ go there right before chemo begins.  he cuts off all your hair and makes you a wig styled in your style from your own hair.  IF you ...or ANYONE is interested I will happily get in contact w/ this woman thru my BS at UTSW....and BTW...My BS and PS at UTSW were VERY willing to see me following my Nola stuff...I know they'd happily do the same for anyone I sent them.  You may have since sorted this all out BUT just know I'm happy to do whatever....gosh especially if we live in the same city girlfriend!  LET me know, I certainluy do not want to invade your privacy or butt in ok?

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited November 2009


    I hear your frustration. Who saw you for all your hospital and post-op visits? Were you ever told that you wouldn't be seeing your primary surgeon again?

    I did not have any phone conversations with Dr. Massey after my Stage 1, but I sent her pics every two weeks for a while, then another set a few weeks before Stage 2. We emailed frequently, and she (and Jenny) answered any questions that I had. I saw her for about a half hour or less the evening before my surgery, and she said she'd be studying my photos that she took later that night. I never felt neglected.

    But you feel neglected, and that's not a comfortable place to be. This is not "factory" surgery. You are paying a lot of money, and it's not just for the OR time.

    You may not NEED a Stage 2, and wouldn't that be marvelous! But if you have questions about that, you need to e-mail your doc some pics and have a conversation. I agree. That's just basic standard of care, to me.


  • BreastCancerDiva
    BreastCancerDiva Member Posts: 29
    edited November 2009

    Teel and Trishia -- I would love to see both of you while we're in NOLA!    I am leaving, though, on Wednesday, 12/9.    I will be staying at the Homewood after I'm discharged from the hospital on Saturday, 12/5.    I'll PM you each with my cell phone (Trishia, I've got yours!!!).   Can't wait to see everyone!   

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited November 2009

    Sassie- I understand what you are saying about the consult. I had Dr.Massey and Dr. D do my surgery in September. One of the reasons I choose Dr.Massey was specifically because she spent an hour consult with me on a Sunday night. I had asked to meet Dr.D prior to surgery because I just wanted to meet who would be cutting  I was able to meet him after for a few minutes post op.  As for Stage 2, I felt like I was going in so uneducated going in so I was able to have a phone consult with Dr. Massey a couple weeks ago. She was able to answer many questions. Stage 2 is so individualized so its not so cut and dry.  I do think its important to feel comfortable and confident before you head into surgery. Good luck and we both know you will be in great hands!!!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    Stephanie, you crack me up!  But I can totally relate.  I was single for 8 years after my dx.  I can tell you horror stories of how I felt about my body and things I did to purposely sabotage any chance of dating.  Of course, I didn't have the killer boobs that I have now!!  I had the horror show of all horror shows on my chest instead.  Still, having your breasts removed is a mind f*ck for sure (pardon my french...but that is how I feel about it).  Logically we know that we are more than our body parts, but it is damn hard.  I can honestly say that for the FIRST time since my first mastectomy in 1992, I feel whole again.  And I feel okay with my body. 

    On another note...if my hubby doesn't make good on his promise to stop smoking, I just may go man chasing with you!  Woohoo!!!  Bring on the NOLA babes! 

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2009

    Thank you Trishia and Warrior,

    You hit the nail on the head.  I am not sure at this point what I need to have done if anything at all.  I was surprised when my husband said he was happy with the results and didn't need anything further.

    Thank you for understanding.  And thank you for your thoughts and encouragements.

    Yes, you're right I have had very little time with Dr. D.

    I will try and email tomorrow.



  • Teel
    Teel Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2009

    Oh I love ya'll already.  I am sure my blood pressure dropped ten points after reading your responses.  I'm not completely nuts if all you are on stage 2 and here to talk about it, right?

    Spring - thank you for adding me.  Best on your surgery.

    Plainjane -  yes, very cool.  We're neighbors.  I'd love to talk with you about your local experiences.  I seem to be getting a bit of a frosty reception from "the team."

    BCDiva - I pm'd you my schedule, you're going out of the hospital when I'm going in but I would love to have some face time with you and any others on an earlier schedule before I check into the hosp. if it works with your schedules.  If not, I'm always up for an in room soiree.     

    Trishia - We like chatty.  I am guessing tattoo'ing is outpatient.  I pm'd BCDiva my cell.   I'll be inpatient starting the 8th and arrive the afternoon of the 6th.

    I see there are lots of Stage 2's that week.  You guys are on a different schedule, I'm sure but still in-patient at bit? 

    May I bombard you with Questions?

    1.   Is there one place that experienced NOLA patients prefer to stay? I just picked the chain I know from business travel, but I really have ZERO idea what I am looking at post op. Is there someplace that has the best set up?

    2.   I'm gathering from reading this site that I should do a Target run and get the following:

          - some cotton button front shirts a size or two bigger than my normal size

          - pull on yoga type pants in a size too big

          - slip on comfy shoes

          - Mens' button front pajama tops and women's loose soft stretchy pajama bottoms?

          - Magazines

          - What else?

    Thanks again.  Talk to you soon,


    Diagnosis: 10/2009, IDC, Grade 3, ER-/PR-, HER2+

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009


    The tattoos are done in the clinic by Donn. He's an actual tattoo artist and his wife is a nurse - I believe that may have been how the docs got hooked up with him. He wears scrubs and he is a perfectionist, not unlike the docs. He's great! My husband I and I love talking to him during the procedure. I remember the first time, my husband asked me if it hurt (the tattooing). Donn replied, "No, it feels like a thousand little angel kisses!" LOL! Actually, most of the time I felt nothing because the area is numb (not from anesthetic, which they don't use - I'm told because it interferes with the skin uptake of the dye). There was a small area where the sensation had returned (I had my tattoo a year out from stage 1) and that did hurt!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2009

    Yes, 24 hours later and there is yet another novel to read! Busy, busy, busy!!!

    Danny, Spring, Jill and BCDiva - My thoughts and prayers are with the four of you this week. You will all do FABULOUS... Remember - it is all about the rocking hot tatas!!!! 

    I am SO going to miss the party. Jennifer- I think you ought to do a conference call with to me with everyone there! SO SAD that I will miss everyone!

    Wow.... my cursor just disappeared... not that you needed to know that... but, what the heck?

    Anyway, Jenn - I was dying when you talked about self-debriding - I would TOTALLY do that! I would not be able to leave it alone and I would have gotten in trouble too! Good thing my incision has stayed closed!

    So... I am starting my pre-op diet - Sandy probably knows this, but I didn't - I have to be on clear liquids for 2 days before surgery AND do Miralax on Tuesday. Too bad milkshakes aren't clear... Actually, come to think of it, this would not be a bad idea to do for any of our surgeries since we all seem to get so bound up afterward! Maybe I will try it again for my stage 2 - even though I know the reasoning for this stage is totally different from why I would do it at stage 2! 

    Mel - Yes, I agree w/everyone that you could still entertain, but you should not do all the cooking! Definitely divi that up! 

    Teel - Welcome to this site! You will do great!

    Sassie - Yes email them... I agree on whether I would even want a stage 2 also, but I do really want dr. s to fix my butt/bunny tail, so it looks like I will do stage 2. Maybe if my insurance would cover I might also try to do lymph node transfer... but we shall see. My arm has been swelling the past couple days more than normal, so don't know if it is because my lymph system has been fighting a virus and is just overwhelmed, or if I have done something to exacerbate my condition. Either way, I am not loving it! 

    Alright ladies - remember, this is a great week for all of you! ((((Hugs))))

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2009

    Hi Nordy, yes, that routine is all too familiar, but I had to drink a different solution the afternoon before surgery.   I'd had a colonoscopy a few months prior to my hysterectomy, so the procedure was fresh in my memory.  I would not do it for revision surgeries, although Sally suggested that I use a laxative prior to my nip re-do earlier this month because she thought I'd feel better after surgery.  I actually had a tougher time re-establishing my normal routine so it didn't help me, but like everything else, your mileage may vary.

    I agree about the debriding!  Back when my ab incision opened up after stage I, my surgeon packed it and told me to remove the packing in 48 hours.   Having a hole in my abdomen was freaking me out, and then to pull, and pull, and pull.....that stuff was a mile long and I just about passed out when it just kept coming out of me.    Then I went to NOLA and pulled my own drains without a second thought....not sure why, but maybe it was because I was so upset over my complications after the first surgery, but had great confidence in my healing after going to NOLA. 

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited November 2009

    Teel, I stayed at the Avenue Plaza Resort which is only about 4 blocks up the street from the Center.  My mom wanted to be close to the hospital while I was there.  They had a mini-suite, which had a separate bedroom and a kitchenette and it was perfect for us.  There were also lots of places within walking distance for meals and and for my mom to get out of the room once in awhile.

    Lots of patients stay at the Homewood Suites for the same reason.  They are in the Quarter I think.  But I really do recommend getting some kind of room with a separate sleeping facility for you.  You are going to be really worn out and napping a lot after stage 1.  Seriously, taking a shower will wear you out!!!  So it's nice to be able to shut the door and go to sleep and whoever is going down with you doesn't have to worry about making too much noise. 

    Your list looks pretty good to me!  I would add a long shoelace for looping your drains through for showering, chapstick, and a water bottle.  Those were a must have for me in the hospital.  Oh...and if you can get some Smooth Move tea it will help with constipation from the pain meds.  

    Nordy~thinking of you girlie!! 

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Nordy...we are so calling you.....And I will need to check in w/ you before wednesday too......You know I may be right behind you on that whole deal.....but for now just know you're in many thoughts and can you please hurry and get over all so I can come ski in april?Wink  You know I'm kidding...or am I?  hee hee...

    YES, Teel...... I forgot to say in my diatribe PM.....the one thing almost all of us said.....wherever you or near the quarter to make your life and your caregivers life can walk and see stuff both before and after surgery...just MUCH more convenient. 

    AND if you do forget something....don't worry about it...they'll hook you up or one of us will ok?  Honestly don't worry too much about pj's,'ll be in hospital stuff.  I did want to get dressed because I'm that way and I stayed 3 extra days due to caregiver flake out who didn't show up-  but you need to be able to whip that top/pants off when they come in and empty drains etc.  Re the nurses used a tourniquet...eeks that almost sounds like a safety hazard   'tourniquet around the neck' is very long tho and doesn't matter if it gets wet.  they'll take care of all that sort of stuff and show you how.....seriously.

    better run....first 12 hour shift today...repeat on wednesday and fri...pre op labs tomorrow

    Have a wonderful monday ladies!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2009

    Im so excited for all of you stage 2ers!

    For those that have not had stage 1 yet...I have added some pictures to TimTams Picture forum (you need to get approved to join-pm timtam)

    The pictures are Hip drains & Yoga pants...So you can kind of see how you can dress.


  • liz2253
    liz2253 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2009

    I have just joined!  lucky me... I had a DIEP recon on 8/31, and am still struggling to recover. I have two wounds under each breast that are still healing, but my main issue is my stomach, which is very tight, swollen and uncomfortable.  My PS did not recommend a binder.  I read here to cut out salt, and that exercise makes it worse. I need advice and encouragement. My PS just says over and over again that all is well!!

  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2009

    You  ladies make me smile. I just go to sleep for the night and come back to find three pages of posts LOL!!

    Wow, tomorrow is Dec. 1. I leave a week from tomorrow. I am so looking forward to Stage 2 surgery! I will be ten weeks post-op from stage 1 for the next round. There is no doubt I need revision, so I am just eager to move forward and see what the new me will be. Even though I am asymmetrical now, I still feel great about the boobs, so I know that means I'm going to end up being really happy. And when Dr. S makes his "wish list" for me, I'm fairly certain I'll go for it all. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. 

    Pam, thanks for posting more pics!

    You ladies traveling now, my prayers are with you. Spring, I think you have been appointed our "fearless leader", so march on, my friend!

    Love to you's only HERE that we really get true understanding. Unless you've walked the road, regardless of how much someone loves and supports us, they don't know what it's like.

    Carolynn :)

  • Jill_45
    Jill_45 Member Posts: 8
    edited November 2009

    Good luck to all of you that are having reconstruction done this week. I have to be at the hospital at 6am tomorrow and surgery is at 7:50. I guess I will be in for 5-6 days ...that's what I was told. I am really nervous though as it seems a bigger surgery than the mastectomy. I will try to update as soon as I can.


  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2009
    Good luck Jill... also good luck Danny, Spring and Diva!! Laughing
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2009

    Hi Ladies! 

    I called and left Danny a message earlier and she called back when I was having the appt with Sally in the hospital... anyway, I just listened to the msg - she reports that her stage 2 is going to be so much easier than stage 1! I will call her in a bit...  Her surgery was done at Southern Surgical in Slidel I think ( Not at St Charles, if it was St. Charles I would have stopped in to see her!)

    So I had my Dr. D pre-surgical appt, and it was just like Trisha said, out came the blue marker and -- I am like a blue woman! Marks everywhere! Bottom line is he is addressing everything I could think of. I think my stage 2 will be a bit more involved than most of you, given I will have surgery on front and back ( and lipo on all the areas in-between !sides, and hips, legs, everywhere!). Plus - do you remember me really wanting my abdominal incision lowered? Well, Dr. D said there was so much "play" above the navel, that it was up to me, but he could lower it a lot more if he redid the navel (I will have a small vertical incision mark where the current navel it, that will be down below the next navel. ha). So I said go for it, I will be uncomfortable for a few weeks, but then for the rest of my life I'll have that incision inside my underwear, where I really wanted it! (at least, this is my hope!). I asked about the abdominal muscle repair (diastis repair, I think Sandy called it) and he said I really didn't need it, maybe just a bit below the navel. So it will be a "lighter" version than the whole stitch up process it sounds like. He said I will be an OnQ pain ball there.

    He thought no breast drains, 2 belly drains, no butt drains! I was shocked! I assumed I would have 6 drains! and he said they will not produce like Stage 1, and all should be gone within 2 weeks. (I am not one juicy broad like our Ginnie or our Nordy! Though I hope I am not an old dried up broad!) ha! 

    My surgery was changed from 7AM until Noon, so that means the driver picks us up at 10:45AM rather than 5:45AM!! My surgery will take 5 hours according to Dr. D, so it will be after dinner by the time I get back to my room! (I better eat good tonight!).

    Having dinner with BCDiva and her husband tonight. BCDiva made reservations for us at Emeril's Delmonico - 6PM!  We hear the rack of lamb is good! :)  I need my strength, no guilt about red meat tonight..

    I hope to meet Danny Weds night - I hope I am up to it.  She's staying at the LaPavillion, which is a very posh upscale hotel next to the Hilton Homewood Suites. Rumor on the streets is people are getting rooms at LaPavillion for $66.00 a night! I've heard this from 2 people now! (, hotels,com, etc)

    The city is crazy because the Saints are playing a game tonight and they are like 10 and 0 for the season! (according to Sally). People are already setting up their "tail gates" on the streets at 3PM!!!  


  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2009

    Danny - thinking of you today!

    Spring, Jill & Diva - keeping you all in my thoughts!  Good luck!

    Nordy - I don't know if I'm still 'juicy' or not.  I've been ignoring that area.  I think there might still be a little fluid back there but since my stage 2 is supposed to be next week I guess they can take care of it then....?  I'll be thinking about you, too, for your surgery.

    Trisha, Teel, NebrNan, Iamc, PlainJane, Warrior - WOW!!!  It's going to be a busy week next week.  I don't know how we are going to organize meeting up - or if it's even possible, but please feel free to stop by my room if you are there while I'm there (8th afternoon following surgery, and 9th until discharge) - just ask the nurses for Laura's room.  Trisha - I'll send you a PM with my cell number.  Don't feel comfortable putting it on the thread.  Anyone that has a brilliant idea about how to get us all together, let's hear it!  I'm going to try hard to get to the Encourage meeting the night of the 9th, but don't know how I'll be feeling.

    I spent all day yesterday getting my house cleaned, putting up all my holiday decorations (including the tree) and then shopping for gifts - now all I have to do is wrap stuff (If I could just get things at work as organized before I go I would be a happy camper).  I'm a little worried about a slight cold I seem to have developing.  I've doubled up on my vitamin C and started taking zinc, but don't know if a cold would interfere with having surgery or not.

    Hope everyone has recovered by now from their turkey coma's!!!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009

    Being in New Orleans during a Saints game is a great experience! This is such a positive for the city. There was a game when Sandy and I were there, and it was like the whole city was so excited and happy - including the staff at the Center. We walked thru the Quarter on the way to dinner, and all the bars had their TV's on. When the Saints scored, it was like the whole city was cheering at once. I think it would be a fun experience just to sit in one of those bars for a while and feel the energy of those folks! We were waiting for the street car just as the game got out, and lots of people passed us on their way back from the Dome. Everyone was crazy happy! We did learn that, apparently, when one of those games has just gotten out, the streetcar shuts down, as it's not safe for them to be running with so many people out and about and probably not watching too closely where they're walking. So when we finally realized the street car wasn't coming, we took a cab. Another thing I think it would be fun to do would be to stake out a spot in one of the open air cafes and just watch the crowd descend on Bourbon! Of course this assumes they win!

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited November 2009

    We are undefeated here too (Colts).. there is nothing like a good football team to bring everyone together.. I love it!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009

    I think we've (Vikings) only had one loss so far.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2009

    And then the New Orleanians say "Who Dat?" I think it is. It's connected with the Saints. So I finally asked a vendor in the French Market what it meant. He said that it's a Cajun dialect thing and is like a put down to the opposing team - like "Who, even, is that?"

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2009

    Yes!  I grew up in Cincinnati and Cincinnatians chant Who Dey!  (for the Bengals).  The full chant is : "Who dey! Who dey! Who dey think gonna beat dem Bengals?" Then he answer is screamed in unison, "NOBODY!"....  lol  So if you say Who Dey there...people will finish it for you.  I spent 3 years in Minnesota... of course no Bret Favre then....and I could never switch from the Colts to the Vikings while I was there...but Favre is really bringing it for you guys!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009

    Well I'm originally from Wisconsin, so I feel the same way about the Packers as you do about the Colts. I cheer for the Vikings, unless they are up against the Packers, and I LOVE that the Vikings now have Brett Favre!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Spring!!  You are going to do great.  Sleep in as late as possible.  And enjoy a fab dinner and a glass of wine so you sleep REALLY good.  xoxoxo

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Dinner with BCDiva and her hubby was fab at Emeril's! We walked there and back...

    All I can say is:

    who dat 

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited December 2009

    Wow its so hard to keep up with this site.

    Homewood suites is a great place to stay. Having your own bedroom works out really well so you can take naps and go to bed early without bothering your DH in the other room. It boarders the French Quarter and there are many places to eat nearby.

    Ah yes Dr D and his marker! He just loves to play with his crayons.

    Spring looks like you are going for the "Cadillac"of surgeries. Good for you. You will be the new Queen " Beverly, Beverly, Beverly"

    To all, and so many that are having surgery this and next week, sending lots of love and healing thoughts.