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NOLA in September?



  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Magazine Street on Wednesday!!!  We fly in Tuesday. All day shopping then head over to the Center. I have an appt with Dr. S at 2:45 then I want to visit Anniese and Beth.  And then get fitted for a bra!  Wooooohoooooo!!!! 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    I received word a few days ago that EnCourage won't be a multi-city meeting this month, so Trishia, you'll have to tell us all about it.  It was mentioned at the November meeting that it would be about bra fitting, and the "Bra Genie" would be present.    So, instead of an EnCourage meeting, our Los Angeles group is going to get together for dinner in the next week or two before the holiday craziness is upon us.

    When I was talking with my oncologist yesterday, I was informed that there is another woman who started off her DIEP with my original surgeon, and she's having the exact same problem that I had with him.   Persistent seroma (probably a pseudobursa by now), and he's telling her it's "suture reactions".  His staff is going to have her call me later this week---maybe she'll end up in NOLA as well.  Now that there are at least two of us, I'm going to go ahead and file a complaint with the state medical board. 

    I just heard that it's really cold in NOLA right now, highs in the 40s and 50s, predicting up to 5" of rain tomorrow.  For those of you who haven't left yet, pack some warm clothing!

    Can't wait to hear from Spring!

  • Teel
    Teel Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2009

    I arrive the afternoon of the 7th - hang out for 24 hours and then go for pre ops the afternoon of the 8th.  Surgery Weds the 9th.  I'll be in patient till at least the 13th.

     Does that fit with anyone's schedule?  I could use some sisters who have walked the path before me to keep me from diving off the path and over the cliff.  I mean who finds out about some surgeon  on an internet chat group and signs up to fly off and have 12 hour surgery at some kinda sorta hospital surgical facility???

    That would apparently be me.  Clearly I was smoking crack during that time.

     Of course I"m only a teeny tiny bit serious.  I have never smoked crack and I'm feeling great about things  and confident in the surgeons and my choice.  Let's just say I'm not totally in the Zen place about being wheeled in for this surgery and I'd be totally up for a gathering with some sisters and some good food.

     If not, I'll draw confort in the knowledge that so many of you are nearby in NOLA, and catch up through updates here.

    Best to all of you who are have surgery this week.


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009


    LOL! You remind me of myself as I was flying to New Orleans for my first surgery. "Am I nuts?! What the F!" (I don't really ever say that F word). Hey, I made the decision before I even got on any of these chat groups! I found them AFTER stage 1! I based my decision on their internet site - the docs authored lots of publication, they got a mention in Susan Love's book, and the author of the Breast Recon Handbook thanked them - so I figured if the lady who wrote the book liked them, they had to be pretty good. Also, they were the only ones who could stack my abdomen to make me a breast! Just wait 'til you're being driven in the limo to your first appt, if you think you're nervous now! But as the limo driver said to me, "Don't worry. All the ladies are nervous at first, but once you meet the doctors, you'll feel a lot better." And he was totally right! Within like 5 seconds of meeting Dr. D, I knew I'd made the right choice - and you will too! You did! Absolutely! Leap of faith! These guys are the best in the world - seriously. You chose very, very well!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Teel, you crack me up!!!  I found them 10 freaking years ago!!!  Be glad you didn't wait 10 years to go!  Yes, it does take a leap of faith, but doesn't everything in this cancer journey take that?  I spent nearly all of my 20's in the hospital between my cancers and my son's cancer.   In all of that time and all those hours and month, there has NEVER been a facility and staff that will make you feel more at ease, do more for you or treat you as well as the NOLA docs and staff did and does. I don't say that lightly.  There is a reason we fly from all of the county..hell..even the go to them.  You know how some people are just doing what they are meant to do and it shows?  That's the way these docs are.  They are truly living in their truth, and we are just lucky enough that their truth happens to be healing and restoring women, not just building breasts, but truly healing them.  You chose well.

    Did you PM me your number?  Did you copy mine down?  I fly in the 8th and would love to see you!!!  

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Teel, my biggest fear was that the complication I had from my stage I in California was going to put me in the ER once I got to NOLA and I wouldn't get to have my surgery with Dr. D after so many weeks of waiting to get there.    When I met him, stood before him and he started drawing on me with his famous blue marking pen, I realized that I was finally in this magical place that I'd read a zillion testimonails about, waited so long for, and was probably really going to get to have my surgery the next day.  I suddenly felt like I was going to pass out!  

    I think it's more of a leap of faith to have this surgery with less-experienced doctors at home than to go to the best in the world---have you ever seen such an outpouring of compliments and gratitude to any other doctors?   If there aren't enough posts here to comfort you, you can also search for their names on the FORCE board at and read more.

    St. Charles Surgical Hospital is a fully-accredited facility and you will not find better care anywhere else.   You will be in the very best of hands, in a spotlessly clean new hospital with all of the latest technology and a soothing, healing environment.   You'll see that so much love and care went into the design of their hospital.   It just doesn't get any better than NOLA, and once you experience it, you'll be back here to testify to your wonderful experience as well!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    Teel - I found NOLA the same way..........felt totally crazy.  In fact I thought that I would just sit up in the staging area just prior to being wheeled into surgery and SCREAM....WAIT ....HOLD IT!  I AM LOOSING IT!  I CANNOT DO THIS!  Just as I was gathering steam to yell STOP!, the sedative must have kicked in, cause all I remember is waking up with cleavage and the most warm sensation on my chest...........was totally wonderful after having been skin and bones for more than a year!  Trust yourself, be courageous, DO SOMETHING FOR YOU! xxxoo Mel

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009


    You have my number....can I take you to lunch... or coffee.... or ...valium tomorrow?  LOL!  I can meet you at eatzzi's?  is that close to you?  Bring your husband, your mom, your kids?  And I'll take you in the girls room and show you my chest and problem.  But I know you've plenty to do too...but serious I am more than willing to do anything to let you know you have made the BEST leap of faith EVER!

    YES, I DO know what you're saying and my own BS was sort of like, "I've never heard of anyone scheduling a surgery w/o first seeing the pt"......and to be perfectly honest she was a bit frosty to start w/ but has since come around, but I did give her a come to jesus too and just said you know...."I AM THE ONE WHO HAS TO LIVE IN THIS BODY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE". And w/ that I got the:  "If you need ANYTHING at all, please let me know."   I had no active ca, when I went, but plenty of women do....and had I known and done all the research and been ready wish I could have done when diagnosed...instead went thru some other stuff...BUT it's OK, because all is and will be well and EVEN better!

    OK I got an e-mail last pm at 1030(we all know I was fast asleep) from beverly(Spring's friend) cut and pasted:

    Hi everyone -- Beverly went into surgery at 1pm today and was done by 5:30 tonight. They weren't able to get a network connection at the hospital, so they asked me to send word to everyone. I talked to Beverly -- she's doing great and is up and walking around already! She said she feels great! They check out of the hospital Weds and will be back online. Yay! So glad this is behind them now!

    And the daylight came this am I have the most beautiful snowing going on in my backyard!  But I think we're in the 40's...guess I better get....TX drivers and overpasses(eeks I'm a native!)

    Oh ...talked w/ nordy last pm...she sounds ok, but I hope Sandy, Marcia or anyone else who has been thru this will call and check up on her...I promised we'd call her next week...even if it has to be from my room.

    Teel....I'm flying SW Tues.....Trishia...we have the same scehdule almpst preop is 3pm w/ Dr. D on Wednesday.  teel Trishia and I will ask how your doing/if your out and maybe meet your family?  You'll probably be sleeping when you do get out wed pm...enjoy it!  I was so exhausted by the time I finally jumped thru alll the hoops...I was ready to just lay there and trust them...because they ARE THE BEST and will treat you better than you've ever been treated before.

    Have great wednesday ladies!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009


    Thanks for sharing PJ.

  • Teel
    Teel Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2009

    Ya'll are the best.  Yes, please check on me.  That is very kind of you.  How strange is it that I am drawing comfort from complete internet strangers - strangerfriends -coming to check on me and say hi to my family.  But I really am - so thank you!  Yes it's a whacked out world this cancer.

     Hoo boy, Wednesday I say bye bye to my breasts and wake up with . . . my other breasts.  Like repurposed recycled.  Ew, this procedure is "Green."  I never thought of that before.

    Trishia - i pm'd you my cell. 

    Plainjane - I may call you for that valium but I think I'll be busy running around trying to get everything together.

    Thank you all again for your support.

    See you,


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Ive got some crack teel.  JUST KIDDING!  (Bunny Tail & all Crack)

    Good Luck- Will be thinking of all of you!


  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2009

    Teel - I found NOLA the exact same way - through these boards while searching out what to do about recon.  I felt the same way right before - "am I crazy".  Funny, when the day came for surgery and I was laying in the pre-op room waiting to get wheeled in, it never crossed my mind to say 'stop'.  Guess the drugs were good!!  LOL!  I will be in a hospital room the late afternoon of the 8th following my Stage 2.  You can come stop by if you want after your pre-op.

    Warrior - looks like I will just miss you.  I have my post-op the afternoon of the 10th and then fly home early on the 11th.

    Trish, Iamc & Plainjane - I don't know if I'll be able to make it to the Encourage meeting (although I am going to try) but just in case, please stop by on the afternoon of the 8th or before I get released on the 9th so that I can meet you guys.  I think, based on AnneW's release time, that I will probably be out of the hospital by around noon or 1 on the 9th.

    Less than a week now.  Are all of you getting excited or still aprehensive like me?  I talked to Danny yesterday and she is doing GREAT!  Course, both her and Anne probably had less lipo than I will have to have......

    NORDY - thinkiing of you!!!!!

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2009
    SPRING - so glad to hear things are going well.  Can't wait to hear directly from you!
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009


    Greetings from Saint Charles Surgical Hospital!  

    First of all, I had a lot of work done in Stage 2, and I can confirm, this is sore, but nothing like the "getting hit by a mack truck" feeling of stage 1! More like you were bumped by a smart car. :)

    Dr. D came in this morning and he explained everything he did, and said he was able to lower the abdominal incision a half inch lower than his most optimistic estimate of the day prior, lower than the lowest mark! I have not seen it yet, but was THRILLED to hear this. I had to have the navel area redone, but apparently, I even have a waist now! He said, "You are going to be BLOWN AWAY".   :) 

    I had work on both sides, front and back, including butt lifted and plumped up, apparently, quite perky (I haven't seen it yet!). He also opened up the front, removed flesh, and lowered the abdominal incision (can't wait to see this!). While open, he stitched up the belly muscles from navel area down, said I didn't need it above the navel. He pulled down all lose skin above the navel, and stitched up the old navel hole (I anticipate a small vertical incision between the new navel and pubic area) and made a new navel opening. He removed flesh from sides of me (hip area) so that the scar in the back and the scar in the front now "meet" (said this allowed him to really lower the abdominal incision). Liposuction from under breasts, back, sides, hips inner and outer thighs and down to inner knees!! Oh, and he built a new nipple on one side!! No stone left unturned! ha! So this was extensive work -  4.5 hours in surgery.

    AND this was yesterday, and today, yes I am sore, but I am up and around, getting in and out of bed, no problem, walking the halls, going to bathroom. SO MUCH BETTER than Stage 1. I can't say this enough!!!  What Trisha said! What Danny said!

    Danny, you have my cell, we are going back to the Homewood today, and will probably eat dinner downstairs (you know, the "light supper" - the limo picks us up at 2PM today). I am sore but anticipate we can do dinner out on Wednesday night! You are still in town right?

    Pam, my Pam! Welcome to this list! I will add your specs above. Pam - he didn't reopen the breast incisions - and I don't feel that "screaming nerve pain" I did after phase 1!!! Yay!!!

    BCDiva is having her surgery (phase 1) this afternoon, just started at 12noon local time here. We had dinner at Emeril's Monday night, and we just chatted with he husband, sister and Mom in her room. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers!

    IT IS OVER OVER OVER!! I am DONE DONE DONE, except for a small bit of tattoo that I need to round out the areola that is left, but sort of skinnier than it should be b/c of the new nipple.

    SO MUCH BETTER than Stage 1.

    SO MUCH BETTER than Stage 1.

    SO MUCH BETTER than Stage 1.
    SO MUCH BETTER than Stage 1.
    SO MUCH BETTER than Stage 1.
    SO MUCH BETTER than Stage 1. 

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2009
    Spring.. wow you had a lot done!! happy to hear that is was so much better than Stage 1... but that just makes Stage 1 sound worse for us newbies who haven't had Stage 1 yet.. .LOL Just kidding.... very very nice to read posts from everyone accomplishing any stage... keep 'em coming....  toasting you in Indiana, Spring... yay!!
  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Yayayayayay!  Isn't it amazing the difference?

    And's not's your energy level.  Your pain will be controlled VERY well.  But your body will have been put through the wringer and will react accordingly! 

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009


    I am so excited that you have this OVER!  What a positive post, now I am really excited about my state 2..........15 more days! 

    Do you have the drains that you expected?

    How is the pain control going, pill form, onque ball, pain pump....inquiring minds want to know?

  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited December 2009


    Wow you sound fabulous. My Stage 2 is a week from tomorrow. I was eager before, but after hearing from you I want to go now. We are the same in that I had hip and stacked diep. BUTT LIFT? Oh yeah! And lipo to the knees? Yes please!!! My mid sction is pretty small. I'm the classic pear. Small upper body (not as small as it was, ty to Dr S lol) and large hips and thighs.

    I agree with the others....Stage One is really not bad considering the scope of what they do. Your pain in NOLA will be VERY controlled. It's their primary concern and they don't want you to hurt. Just don't try to be a hero and skip using pain meds/pump. Stay ahead of the pain and you'll do very well. I'm nine weeks post op myself.

    Hope to see some of you ladies soon!! I have preop Tues afternoon and surgery Wed morning. I'll be alone until the night of my surgery...DH will come in around 10pm, a few hours after I'm all done.

    Carolynn  xoxo

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Wow Spring I am with everyone else...SO good to hear how well it went & how much 'easier' it is then stage 1.  I can handle a small car better then a mack truck.  LOL

    You are going to Look Fabulous!


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009

    Oh my gosh, Springtime and every one of you!

    I'm sitting here with tears running down my face - so proud to know all of you - even across cyber space. What an incredible bunch of women you all are - so brave, so stong - and after coming thru all this cancer (expletive deleted)! How lucky have we all been to have somehow ended up in New Orleans? It's not like I ever did anything extra special good in my life to have deserved to have landed there, but yet I did - and you guys did (or will)!  Soooo happy for all of us!

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009 sweet !! YOU are so right...we land our feet even in the most difficult of situations...a great group of Warriors here!!

    SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU rock!!! What a great post. I was going to call your cell and talk to Richard but it looks like I just may be able to talk to YOU since you sound SO GOOD!! I LOVE your post so much better than Stage 1 in BOLD!!! lol   You brough PEACE to many of us right behind you!! 

    Teel- I should be able to visit, too! I will be there Dec 11 and discharged on will be there still?? What about you IAMC???

    Sorry I am going to miss some of you by HOURS...this is why we need to plan a GIRLS weekend REUNION next year!!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited December 2009

    How did you find out who your second surgeon was if you had bilaterial ??  I am just curious and I didn't want to call the center to find out. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    I called the center and found out, another time I asked during my pre-op appt. The first time I didn't even ask, and I still don't know! ha. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Oh, I almost forgot, there is something I wanted to tell you all.

    Those of you who've been here before might remember a driver named Glenn? The nice gent who drives you by the houses of the movie stars? I was delighted to see it was Glenn who would ferry us back to the hotel today. I asked after his daughter, Belinda, and he said she was doing great, that she'd had several surgeries, chemo, and just finished radiation. (She had Uterine cancer 5 years ago, and then found out more recently it was in her bones and lung. She had a lung removed, has a steel rod in her leg, etc. ) Ginnie, you were the one who filled us in on this, I was so sorry to hear this (she's an only child too!)

    Anyway, I told Glenn that he was our favorite driver, that all the ladies loved Glenn, which is true! He shared with us that getting to know us "ladies", seeing everything we go through, and how strong we are, how we're happy and smile even after surgery, etc., gave him strength when his daughter was going through all her treatments and surgeries. He choked up and shed tears!! So then I started up! He gave us so much credit...

    I was struck by this somehow, the cycle of things. How  here we are, having surgery and feeling all puny, but we push on, and as part of our journey a limo driver is taking it all in, and it helps him later on....  Oh gee, I am all gushy tonight!!! 

    Anyway... just wanted to share that if you are a spiritual type, pls keep Belinda, Glenn's daughter in your thoughts, prayers, whatever you offer up.... He is such a dear man. He said, "She is doing Great!!" :)

  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2009

    Spring - thanks for the update on Glenn!  He has crossed my thoughts a couple times in the past couple months.  He is such a nice, kind and gentle soul!  I hope that I will get to see him next week!  I'll definitely be keeping Belinda in my prayers.

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    I didn't know about Glenn's daughter.  He has been my favorite driver for sure.  Sending Belinda and Glenn lots of positive and healing energy. 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    I will keep Belinda in my Prayers.

    We never had the Pleasure of having Glenn Drive us.


  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited December 2009

    Jennifer and Warrior, I hope to be able to see you both....are you going to be in the St Chargles Surgical Center? You may not remember my visit, but I could probably stop in! LOL


  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited December 2009

    Spring, what type of garment are you in? With the lipo. do you have something to the knee?

    So happy for you!


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Carolynn hope to see you too.  And yes, I'm at St. Charles.

    OK, got a text message from Nordy.  She said she 'made it thru'  BUt is pretty nauseaus.  I was working so told her I'd be sure to update....this was maybe around 5 pm-ish central.....She was planning on staying overnight at the same hospital her husband works at and apparently he is there in house tonight....Her SIL is at her house w/ her kids as well as Nordy's girls so glad she's staying in tonight.

    Teel, no worries.....I kept thinking you need to have this factoid -esp when you are worried people will accuse you of 'trolling' on the internet..................The Book...not sure if your've read it "The Breast Reconstruction Guidebook"  written by Kathy Steligo....It is "The bible" of breast recon.  My first copy was provided by my PS at UTSW......It was truly the first piece of info that lead me to NOLA.......I've since referred to the book numerous times BUT didn't figure out until later(when I read the forward-written by Dr. DELLACROCE) that she is a NOLA grad too.  BUT...she writes very unbiased and interviewed hundreds of patients physicians, etc from all over the US......She references our Nola docs center for numerous reasons.  If you haven't read it you need to...It is very informative and upbeat.  I e-mailed her later thanking her for the book and did clarify she was in fact a DellaCroce/Sullivan GAP pt. 

    Very tired!  tty later.  Spring sounds GREAT!  so happy for you!