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NOLA in September?



  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited December 2009

    Ladies,  I need an opinion.  Would you consider DIEP surgery if you were 62 yrs. old?  I am thinking I am a little crazy for considering it.  I just need some input from someone who has done it. 

  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited December 2009


    Absolutely yes! I don't think there is ANY age that says you can't have, don't deserve it, or don't need it!

    I'm 100% YES!

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited December 2009


    Way to go girl, you got eveything that you wanted "perky butt "and all. So good to hear that stage 2 is sooooo much easier.

    Teel I had reservations about NOLA. What was I thinking scheduling surgery at a place I found on the boards. I flew to NOLA a month before my surgery date for two reasons. One to check out whether the place was for real and the second to figure out what kind of surgery I was going to have. I left knowing that I was truly blessed to be able to be one of the very luck women to have surgery with these drs. They are the best!!!!!

    Nordy thinking of you girl. Sending healing vibes.

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    Belinda will be in  my prayers tonight. Thank you for sharing that could of warned us to have tissues! lol

     Jaimieh- I had Dr. Massey and I requested Dr. D as my second surgeon. My scheduled surgery was switched around intially to accomodate the two drs schedule.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited December 2009

    I think that I am going to call and find out tomorrow.  I am curious and I just want to know.  Does Dr. Tranhan  do initial stage 1 surgeries ??

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    I agree at 62 I certainly would.  I think One of the Drs said they had a Patient that was 72 years old.


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited December 2009

    Hi Ladies!

    I will be getting an S-GAP Stage 1 surgery at the Breast Center in NOLA on December 15. Please add me to your list.  My situation is a bit of an emergency because rads caused my skin to open up along my scar line and now my TE is exposed and contaminated. I was going to get an implant, but now I will have to wait 2 years for it and I decided to get the s-gap flap surgery instead. Dr. Sullivan looked at my pics and said I needed to get there ASAP. I am nervous about the surgery and recovery but anxious to be rid of this uncomfortable expander that I have had to wear for 10 months now. Oh, also, Liz at the breast center is such a sweetheart and great help!!

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2009

    (((((((Spring)))))) so glad you are done, done, done!!!  Glad to hear about Glenn's daughter.  He is such a sweetie!!  If you see him again, tell him one of his "southern belles" asked about him.

    OMG, it is so exciting to see everyone going thru these "stages" and coming out the other side so beautiful!  "God Bless Us, Everyone!!"  Good luck to those yet to go. We have all been so lucky to find our way here.

  • NebrNan
    NebrNan Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2009

    Carolynn, I have my preop next Tues (3:30 I think) and surgery on Wed. My DH is not coming until Tuesday night so maybe we can meet up at The Center on Tuesday afternoon.  I am at the Hope Lodge on Monday and Tuesday night so not much for good eats around there.  I can PM you my cell phone.

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited December 2009

    iamc, Pam and Sassie,

    Thank you for your help.  I think I will just consider myself 32!!!  I feel 32 so why not!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009

    I've always liked Glenn and was happy when he was our driver. Spring, tell him he has ladies all across the country praying for his daughter.


    62 is the new 32! 


    So sorry you've gone thru all this. As you see, there's a great support system going here. Welcome.

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2009

    ccbaby.... sorry you have to rush and have your surgery... but from what I have been reading.. you are going to the right place... I am right behind you.. with a Stage 1 SGAP on February 23rd....  good luck and safe travels down to NOLA...

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009


    Trahan was the second surgeon for my DIEP in sept...I didn't find out until later....actually I had a bit of bleeding the first night post op and had to go back to OR w/ Trahan and DellaCroce.  My nurse and Trahan woke me up  at 3 am to tell me what was going on and I think it was then that I asked him so were you my second surgeon?  and he said he was as I was signing consents... then, they called in the whole team, I went back to OR and they reopened and fixed and voila! 

    Honestly, esp as a nurse I was so impressed they caught it, because the signs were VERY subtle BUT that is the beauty of Nola....this is VERY specialized stuff and they KNOW their stuff. So every step they catch problems early before they become a serious issue....I was pretty sure I was FINE!  they were wrong( and kept asking my nurse(whilst on demerol and phenergan pca) what my hemoglobin, and HR were...and she kept saying the mild bruising and very small decrease in BP were what made here concerned but when they drew blood my counts were low, so she was spot on...I apologized and thanked her profusely later!...I'm a pedi nurse( I teach american heart assn pediatric advanced life support to other healthcare pro's; physicians, nurses, paramedics, etc) and we tend to put more value in HR(BUT In KIDS!) and sort of not as much value in BP because in children decreased BP is a LATE sign...but this is not true in adults....SORRY way CURSE of the nurse!  Anyhoo, they took such good care of me and YES, I am VERY critical!  The next morning Dr. D just said; "So you were trying to go for a EE last pm?"  Yes, there was a hair more swelling in the hematoma breast but it's so hard to tell initially w/ the swelling.....I was a DD before and am still(and I told him I'm ok going smaller- DellaCroce just said "Once everything gets lifted and the the swelling goes down you'll be surprised"  And I'm thrilled....and know I'll be proportional, really already am. 

    Ok, that's my'll be fine w/ whomever is the second but you can probably pick?

    Waiting to get Spring update...I'm curious too...drains? garments?  how does it all feel today?

    sooo much to do today!  tomorrow last day of work for a while...again!  I have short timer syndrome already!

    Have decided after really crummy cup a joe this am. I am bringing or shipping home a case or however they sell of Cafe du 5.33/can it will be just as good a holiday token gift as a bottle of wine and last longer  and it's 9 bucks in the grocery stores here!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Wow, its 4 weeks out for me today!

    I really cant believe it.  Im feeling great!

    Still am not getting a good nights sleep.  Maybe 2-3 hrs a night if I am lucky.

    I cant wait til 6 weeks & I can sleep on my side!!

    one week before xmas maybe I will get some sleep- LOL

    Look at next weeks schedule.  A Busy Week for sure.


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    ccbaby I pm you.

    Nordy, Spring, BreastCancerDiva, Jill & Danny.

     Hope you are all doing good!


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Pam.....My turning the corner was 6 weeks not 4...BUT...I just bet every day will get a bit better! I took 8 weeks off work(w/o any guilt whatsoever)......I SOOOoo know it's hard but just kick back-you're coming up on turning the's the swelling by the way?

    CCbaby-I'd trade dates w/ you...but we have different surgeons and I think I need my abd  issue to 'go away', so honestly my stage 2 has 2 purposes...stage 2 and address the hole.  nonetheless....NO REGRETS!  Ccbaby,  YOU ARE IN THE BEST OF HANDS...let them know if you need help before 12/15, and they'll make things happen.

    BettyE..............go for it!  There is no discrimination, age or otherwise.  You want/need this...Do IT and trust it will be done WELL!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    The swelling is going down very good Jennifer (thanks for asking)   My Cleavage is looking much better!  And I almost match now side to side.

    I do have an area that needs debriding...Interested?  Just kidding : )

    I think I am at my turning point for most- except the sleep.

    I re-opened my Online store 2 weeks ago & that is going pretty good...As long as I can remember to take care of orders!

    When does the brain fog lift??  LOL


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Pam, it was around 4 weeks to a month when I really turned the corner. Any day now!

    Ccbaby, I will add you to the list. You are very lucky to have Dr. S. and the center on your case. You are going to the right place, and are in the best of hands. Nobody would be better. You are making the right decision!! Wait until you see your outcome, even after phase 1, you will be amazed. 

    BettyeE, it is a big surgery, but you are worth it! 62 is young these days. Don't you deserve the best? Why yes you do! What Minnesota said! 62 is the new 32! (Love that Minn!!! ) 

    My update: I went to bed with pain killer and muscle relaxer at 8:30PM last night (my back was having spasms - ouch!), By 6AM everything had "worn off" and I tell you, I was one hurting puppy!!! Getting out of bed was excruciating, and sitting on toilet! OUCH!! (backs of legs, very sore!). I took meds and feel better now. But this may be one sore day - somebody here mentioned being very very sore after lipo - it hurts to raise and lower my yoga pants! May want to keep this in mind!! NEED MEDS in the first couple of days !  (At least this is my experience!) Don't let them ware out! 

    NebrNan - I think I was in your old room this time at St. Charles - I thought of you... .:)

    I will not see Glenn again this time, he told me he's driving around a Doc that's in town (there is a huge "hemotology" convention here right now). But I did tell him we would pray for his daughter Belinda.  Ginnie, he remembered you? Are you from TN? Why yes you are! And he remembered that!! He remembered us from last December too!

    Warrior - sorry I missed the tissue warning!! 

    Carolynn, I am in the same black binder we had for stage 1. It goes from knees to just under breasts. For stage 2, you stay in this for 2 weeks after the last drain comes out. (I think b/c of the lipo, they want you to be compressed).  This is for Dr. D and Dr. S anyway, Dr. M may have something different. One of you Dr. M ladies will have to let us know. I think they prefer spanx. I tell you though, right now i am too sore for the up and down of tight Spanx. I am glad to have the crotchless "dominatrix outfit" (as Nordy calls it). 

    Our LOVE to NORDY!!!  

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited December 2009

    January 27, 2010 Stacked DIEP, Dr. Sullivan, NOLA

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    THANX spring!  Ya just had some MAJOR as my daddy -Jack used to say...."Take it easy my friend!  and by all means USE the meds!  I am SO happy you are DONE!

    BUT.........whatever!  You know in a few weeks you and Marcia will so be in bikinis on the beach!LOL!

    Nordy DID ask about you...AND was happy to know all was well! 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Spring keep those Pain meds on Schedule!


    Ok...So I did not realize how wonderful the Grill Cheese Sandwiches were at the Hospital Until It was almost time for me to check out!

    I missed my Last Sandwich as We left 5 minutes before Lunch was served....I still want that sandwich.

    I know it had 3 kinds of cheese on it...Was it Cheddar, Provalone & Havarti?  Will someone please check the Menu so I can make myself one!

    I know- its the perfect food for Constipation :o  Not.



  • Teel
    Teel Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2009

    NebrNan,  we're on the same schedule starting Tuesday so I'll do like a secret wink or something if I think I see you, lol.



  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009


    I am sitting here with my cup of Cafe du Monde coffee! It makes me feel good every morning - a great touch of NOLA caring right in my own house! I didn't know you could buy it at the grocery store, tho - I hope they sell it here! I think if you hand carry it from New Orleans, tho, it tastes better!


    I'm stacked DIEP, too! One side or two?


    I think some of us are jealous (at least I am) that Dr. D likes you sooooooo much! Lots of lagniappe for you!


    Havarti cheese?! Danish - my heritage! Now I want one of those sandwiches, too! Someone who's there - quick get the recipe and post it! 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Doing much better taking the pain meds every 5 hours (yes Pam and JenniferJane, you are both so right!). Apparently, I still need them! Just hoping to keep the constipation under control - the narcotics do me in as far as constipation goes, or doesn't go, as the case may be!!!

    Teel, glad you are hooking up with some ladies. It makes it so much nicer and less scary and lonely to know others down here at the same time you are... 

    I looked under my black binder (dominatrix outfit, as Nordy calls it, ha!) because I had to paint the drain exit points with that iodine stuff, and ......  I have a waist!! I can't tell yet, but that bikini may be possible. (Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!) :)

    PAM - I had the grilled cheese sandwich, last time I was here, and dunked it in tomato soup! YUMMO. Wasn't in the hospital very long this time, so didn't have it. Stage 2, you are in and out of there so fast!  But you are right, all that cheese can't be good for "moving things along"!!! I swear by the fleet suppository. REALLY HELPS.  (Why is everything with me constipation, good grief!)

    Swastew (my Facebook pal!) - I added you above in the list! From what you told me before, I put you as a stacked DIEP/Lumber, but can correct it if that is not right (I think you are having the same procedure as Stephanie and me).

    Minn, remind me what lagniappe is? (extra benefits, like a 13th item in a bakers dozen?) I think the docs like all of us. I can't believe they can do these things for us. It is really almost like a miracle, isn't it? 

    Spring. (who is not too spring-ie today... ) 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009


    Just kidding. Of course they like us all! What's not to like?! We're sooo cool!

    Yes, about the lagniappe. And yes, we all get it!

    I agree that the lipo stuff hurts big time! Like a really bad bruise - which it is!

  • iamc
    iamc Member Posts: 87
    edited December 2009

    Nancy, your pre-op is just a couple hours before mine. I am sending you a PM now!  :)

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Minnesota I am jealous of your coffee.  I have seen it at Kroger.  But just looked online at CDM website and you can get a case of 24 cans plus shipping for roughly 6 dollars a can...and they have all sorts of deals where you have 3 to 8 cans shipped every few mos...

    Yes, the grilled cheese was yummy.  While I was there I bonded w/ the nutrition services lady named Glynice or Glenese?  Anyhoo...the first day post op when I was 'loaded' on demerol and phenergan....she knocked on my door......knock knock knock.....and I could have sworn I heard "Clint Eastwood w/ nutrition services".....I remember saying 'come in' and then apparently I said......" Do you know it sounded just like you said Clint Eastwood!".....when I wasn't as loaded the next day I told her the same thing w/ no recollection of what I'd said while I was doped up and she just said " Yes maam, that's what you said yesterday too!"  And I just started laughing and apologizing....the rest of the week I was there I'm pretty sure I tried everything on the menu....and when my friend couldn't come and I had to keep staying for yet a NOTHER meal I just looked at her and said Glenice...just  bring me whatever is easiest or you pick!  She was a sweetheart and is a Dallas Cowboys fan...I almost feel guilty bringing her cowboy fan stuff but she knows I'm going to...and I found some cute stuff...but hey!  I'll be buying saints stuff for me while I'm there so...wth!  I'm loyal to my local team but Jerry Jones is slimy-I'll probably root for the Saints on dec14th.

    Nordy texted me...Spring she said she is thinking of you.....she can't do this board from an Iphone- she is feeling some better but not happy about waiting 3 hours for gas ex....

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited December 2009

    Beverly - when I had my hysterectomy in August - the constipation was THE WORST! I finally called my Dr., and they recommended Milk of flavor - it worked like a charm!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Yes, I have MOM at home, LouAnn, and MiraLAX and suppositories and stool softeners with me!!! The arsenal! 

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited December 2009

    Wow, this thread has grown since I last posted!!  Congrats to Spring and all the Stage 2 girls!  All the best wishes for a speedy recovery.  It will all be worth it!!

    Spring, I am still battling the insurance company, so my date of January 5 will change (most likely to Feb or March)...we'll see.  I'm still hopeful.  We are sending in the big guns for the appeal.  BTW, I just want to mention how unbelievably helpful Lanita has been to me with the insurance stuff.  She is really great!

    Okay, well, I'll be reading along with everyone's progress!  Take care...
