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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    Jenifer.. that is so thoughtful... I don' know what others will say, but that is very sad for her.. I can't even imagine... And if someone took the time to send me a small gift, to help ease my pain, I would appreciate it.. Maybe not flowers, as where will she put them, but a gift card to Target or for food would be very nice.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Ugh! I was wondering where Celeste was and I'm kicking myself for not asking! I did talk to Trish and other nurses in SCSH about Isaac but didn't hear anything about Celeste. It really was so busy both days I was at the Center. I think I'm going to send her something, too. Thank you SO much for letting us know.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited September 2012

    What a great Idea, Jen. Jeanine tol me she was the only one really impacted, but I had no idea. And I can tell you that FEMA falls WAY short of what we would think -- my sister got horribly flooded in northern NYS, and they barely settled for paying off her mortgate , forget reconstruction or taxes or interim housing or anything. I know I can get Visa or AmEx cards at Wal-Mart, so will try to send a little something. For all that they all do for us (and they don't have to do it so nicely and with such grace and style!), it seems little enough to do! I will get a card and a gift card and send'em on as I will be therein November.


  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited September 2012

    I completely agree with Betsy. If someone took the time to think of me and send me a gift during hard times, it would mean so much.  I am going to pick up a gift card too and take it to the center next week for her. I know they have Target stores there, but what major grocery stores do they have? It always helps sometimes to have cards to the same place.

    Surgery, 1 week from today. I got all sick to my stomach this morning when I looked in the mirror though :( My right breast is getting considerably smaller than my left. I do want to be smaller which would be fine if I didn't have SO many hard areas in both breasts. I can't do another surgery after this (at least not for a long time), so should I call and speak with Jeanine and voice my concerns before pre-op? If he needs a baby flap, I would need him to do it now, but since it's stage 2, I am not having CTA scan.  I'm just not sure how this all works. Has anyone gone in for stage 2 and during pre-op found out they would need a flap? Can they send me for a scan before surgery if needed?

    Cider, you are in my thoughts and prayers and all the ladies coming up a few days before me!!! ((HUGS))

    Michelle (Chelle) :)

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited September 2012

    Michelle --

    Actually, I didn't have a CTA for any of my surgeries and, even if I have a baby flap in IIB, Dr. D. will simply use the doppler he used for my Stage 1. I had so may strong sites that he was wreathed in smiles, saying, " I love it when I have a choice. You are making it so easy for me!" I know that isn't true for everyone. We are talking about what needs to be done as I, too, have one breast much smaller than the other (the natural one) and I haven't heard what the final thoughts are. I know it won't be an implant as that is the reason I went to NOLA in the first place -- didn't want foreign matter in the body (plus leaking and contracture and problems and more surgery in the future for implants!). Jeanine will be talking it over with Dr. D. and they will have options for me at pre-op. Much depends on what the insurance is willing to pay for (sigh) and what he ascertains as the need when he gets a good look in person. I am mentally and physically preparing for the larger surgery (I do want symmetry and there is a small issue with the original donor site), but have complete trust in Dr. D.'s recommendations.


  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited September 2012

    Chellehump, I was thinking Target because of the wide range of things available. I don't know if they're staying with friends/family, in a hotel, or if there's temporary housing. But I imagine the family is in need of everything including toiletries, underwear, clothing, plus Targets (at least the ones in our area) do have groceries. But then again Visa gift cards would allow her the flexibility to pay for anything. Good idea, Celtic Antique.

    How was Jeanine affected?

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited September 2012

    Thanks, Jen. I got onto the Visa cards because I had friends moving and this even allowed them to make utility payments and the like ...


  • harmonysun
    harmonysun Member Posts: 62
    edited September 2012

    .....hello lovely ladies..:))

    ...thanks for thinking of me runningforsanity...went for the aspiration yesterday and although i had been apprehensive before, it  really was not a big deal.(like everyone said, thanks).........i was a little surprised tho, because i didnt really think i was numb, but when he said, you'll feel a lil poke and then he said sorry and i didnt feel a thing! it was kind of funny, cuz again they were saying they hadnt received any imaging, like they are questioning how i knew there was fluid there....funny, cuz with the fluid, looked like a regular 50 ml out of one side....and...drum roll.....400 ml out of other side! i get the record?....any one with more at one shot? now this is interesting...rear doesnt look at all as small as it did, i have gained a lil weight with this maybe am putting on a lil fat there again?.this could be good, maybe not need as much repair.....anyone else notice this too as time went on? did you keep yours compressed? long til you were running....i am going to start working out again monday....cant wait....been 11 weeks.....

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited September 2012
    I think you are the seroma queen, Harmonysun!!!  Laughing   340 ml is my personal record.  I'm glad it went smoothly!
  • Sydgrace
    Sydgrace Member Posts: 29
    edited September 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Heading home today - I am 1 week post op bilateral hip flap/stage 1 and been feeling really good - very minimal discomfort until yesterday. I've started to get a pretty intense pain/tenderness/tightness in my lower back/hip incision area. I called the center & they are recommending Ibuprofen or a muscle relaxer (taking them up on the relaxer). Just wondered if any of you had similar issues & what might have helped for you?

    Thanks so much :)

  • Sydgrace
    Sydgrace Member Posts: 29
    edited September 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Heading home today - I am 1 week post op bilateral hip flap/stage 1 and been feeling really good - very minimal discomfort until yesterday. I've started to get a pretty intense pain/tenderness/tightness in my lower back/hip incision area. I called the center & they are recommending Ibuprofen or a muscle relaxer (taking them up on the relaxer). Just wondered if any of you had similar issues & what might have helped for you?

    Thanks so much :)

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited September 2012

    Sydgrace, I'm glad your first week went so well!  I hurt all over and didn't let my pain meds lapse very often during week 2.  My chest usually hurt more than my hips, but I remember a short period where my hips hurt more.  It's all a blur!

    Hoping to get a good report from Rawlins and wishing Patience62, Cheryl, and DsnyDawn the best!

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited September 2012

    Harmonysun, I was thinking of you and looking for you to post! So glad to hear that it went well and that you're more comfortable now.

    Sending healing thoughts and hugs to those currently recovering and those with surgeries coming up soon!

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited September 2012

    Hi Harmony Sun - I compressed my seroma site (along under the hip incision on one side) by wearing the DOM or Marena (I broke down and bought one after I realized I would be in a for awhile - I had a total of four months of compression.  Uck!).  I also made a pad to go under the DOM by cutting an oval about 3 1/2 by 6 inches out of an old towel, and then cutting about five or six more ovals, each one a little bigger than the previous one, and sewing them together.  It only took about 15-20 minutes to make it, and I think it really helped squash down the seroma pocket to reduce the rate of refilling.  I make two or three pads during the six weeks of seroma aspirating.  They get grubby being worn all the time, and one came to an unhappy and accidental end in the toilet.  I don't think you need to work quite as hard at it if you are planning a Stage Two soon.  They can deal with a moderate amount of fluid and the likely bursa during surgery.  And 400 ccs has me beat!  I think it was in the upper 160s the first time, and declined in volume slowly but steadily.  Re running, they told me to wait until the seroma resolved, because running makes more fluid.  So I had to wait until the aspirations were over, which was about four months after surgery.  I am now back in better shape than I was in before (at least running faster), so the four months off was hard but the effects don't last.  Good luck!  And be smarter than I was and don't wast a lot of energy fretting over what is generally a pretty benign problem.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    So.. I got a call today that Dr D can't see me Oct 8... hmmm.. I have a plane ticket so not sure what the plan is.

  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited September 2012

    Sorry to hear that Bdavis. : (. Did they mention a re-schedule date???

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    Jeanine is going to look at his Oct 5 schedule... If not then, then who knows??

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2012

    Betsy, they should pay you for your change fees and changing airline flights and all that. Make sure you talk to Katie. They wanted me to come a day earlier, and I had already booked. So they reimbursed for the difference. FYI...

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2012

    Good to know... Thanks-

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited September 2012

    Betsy, was the change due to hurricane reschedules? Sounds like they will reimburse. They flew u back when u had troubles in past. Very kind of him.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited September 2012

    I know I have Dr. D tied up the morning of Oct 5, so expect an afternoon appointment, Betsy!  I'm just glad to hear that he will be there.  

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited September 2012

    Re: Stage 2, did most of you discuss what you want/need with someone at the center before going there. In other words, should I make sure that they know that I want abdominal scar revision, a lift, nipples. Still thinking about the lipo and underarm fat -- is that all considered cosmetic? My abdominal and breast incisions are healing so nicely, it's sort of a shame to open them up again, but my abdominal incision is fairly high up on my hips, not hidden as much as I've seen in others' photos. He did a great job on my breasts, but they're a little low. Not sure if it's worth the aggravation to have them tweaked. Just don't want any regrets that I didn't have something addressed!

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited September 2012

    Jenifer, I asked Jeanine that very question, as my stage 2 is on oct. 24th, and she said no. All the things you listed are possibilities for stage 2 and it sounds like they don't need to consider any of these in advance. I even asked Jeanine if I should send down photos and she said no again. So different from stage 1! (Which is also sort of relieving!)

    I'm a little worried about the fat grafting - whether it will "take" or not. On Dr. D's "ask the doctor" he told one person that they expect about 50% of the fat grafting to last and not be absorbed. Soooo... If he does quite a bit of this (which I want, to increase fullness and shape) and 50% goes away, will my breasts look worse? Misshapen, etc.? Hmmm... :-/

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    Just make you own wish list for Stage 2. Dr S asked if I wanted to start off the marking with what I wanted or when he saw he could do. I had him start and had nothing to add! I really didn't know what he could do for me. He went beyond what I had ideas about and I was ok with it all. For 2B he just started marking me and I pointed out things along the way. Even though I could use thinner thighs he liked the shape of them and did no lipo them. I much prefer not to fix what isn't broken and keep the good shape and get the thinner thighs by losing another 25lbs.

    I kind of like this 2b recovery with only an abdominal binder. Just over 1 week post op and I'm back to preop weight---and I still feel a bit bloated. I'm so thrilled with my shape even with some bloat! I can't wait to drop my 25lbs and see those results. I'm only 41 but I feel so much younger! I was in that mom funk, 40 lbs overweight and neglecting my physical self when I got diagnosed. Finding the Center has been a Godsend.

  • cider8
    cider8 Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    With the fat graphting: I didn't have it at stage 2, but just had it for 2b. I do feel a little too plumped, or at least more plumped that I'm used to. So I think I won't be disappointed if some doesn't take. I was told not to sleep on my belly for a good 6 weeks to protect the graphting. Sleep on sides, OK, once it's ok post op. No massaging any areas of graphting either.

  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2012

    Hi Ladies.....Spring didn't want to bother you but seeing as my date is approaching...I am scheduled for the 21st (moved it months ago) for my stage 2...looks like Michelle will be there with me...

    question re: nipple....those of you that had it done ( I only need one) how different than the other or the original does is look and does it stand up or flat??  I still have one nipple and it still "works" but I have no feeling like I used to ...maybe dumb question but I was wondering  thanks

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited September 2012

    I am SO surprised how nervous I am. My husband asked me last night if I was getting my tummy fixed from my messed up hysterectomy. I told him I hasn't made up my mind yet, but I am thinking I will. My thighs and hips are a BIG concern for me and the skin is loose right about my knees. I won't even wear shorts because I can't stand the way they look.  I am hoping Dr. D will help me out with this part. Even when I workout and loose weight my thighs don't get smaller :(

    I haven't called the center about my "baby flap" concerns. I may try and call Jeanine today.

    Dsnydawn, I'd love to meet you. I am flying out Tuesday with my pre-op on Wednesday. Surgery is scheduled for 8 am Thursday morning. Since it's stage 2, I am sure I will be in my room much earlier than stage

    Ttay will be there too for stage 1.

    Lots to get done this weekend as I am working on Monday :)

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited September 2012

    Cider --

    Had Dr. D. do a nipple for Stage 2 and have to admit when I woke up I thought "What WAS he thinking!!??" Not only was I in a Madonna-esque nipple protector, but it seemed HUGE!!! I should trust the experience and genius and artistry of the man because now, 9 months later, it is EXACTLY the right size and looks like the other one, minus the aerola (that's a tat in the future). I too only needed one as I had a unilateral, but I am very happy with the one I have!


  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2012

    Michelle...we fly in wed 19th pre op on 20th....

    Maggie.... you made me crack up...madonna (what I'm thinking) guess I better bring some loose clothes haha

  • dsnydawn
    dsnydawn Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2012

    Oh forgot to ask....Betsy...were should I take my mom to eat??  I remember a place with a courtyard?