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NOLA in September?



  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    Good Luck December 9 Ladies!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Are we talking Charlotte NC?? (Mel and IAMC??) I am in Raleigh. (so is Pam Gator!) 

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    I sure wish we could all meet at a Central Point come this Spring. I think we would have a blast showing all.  I would so love to meet all of you.  Cool

    Fly out in 6 days.  Tomorrow is my last day working at school until after the holidays. I have to get up at 5am so I can get to the hospital at 6 to get all the tests done (blood, EKG etc)  I am going to be late getting to class.   But I found out today if you try to get tests done at 6:00pm it is too late. So I am going tomorrow morning.  I wonder why I have to get a chest x-ray again when I had a cat scan and chest x-ray in June?  Should have done this a couple of weeks ago but with me taking off 7 days before Christmas I couldn't get anymore time off.

    Thoughts are with all the girls having surgery tomorrow.

  • WPLD
    WPLD Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2009

    Sassie, I made reservations at Mr. B.'s for 5:30 on the 15th for my fiancé and I.  Would you like to join us?

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited December 2009

    ((((((((( al))))))))))))))))

       Just look Dr D in the eyes and tell him what it is that you want. The NOLA Docs are all about making our experience one of joy and healing! NOW is the time to tell Santa what it is you want for Christmas..(and I am Jewish,go figure!)

    YOU WILL BE AMAZED, I promise!

    Please give Liz a special hug from me...and Ms Katie ,,,and Celeste....and Jeanine...oh shoot I think I just need to take a trip!


  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited December 2009

    Good luck to this weeks ladies and healing vibes to the gals from last week.

    Jill I am thinking of you and I hope all is well. Give us a post when you are up to it.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009

    Who all's on FaceBook???


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009

    Me! I'm on Facebook! So is Sandy, Macksix, Springtime, Soccermom. Am I forgetting anyone? Probably!

    So do you think we'll ever catch up with "Exchange City" on hits?!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Marcia!  you crack me up...hey we are in the Torah/Pentateuch right now in my Catholic Bible study.....It is so incredibly interesting...I've NEVER been a bible thumper but OMG!  And so cool to be taught from biblical and literary scholars.  OK enough on that!  But I might have to use you for a project of interviewing a Jewish friend...LOL!

    Ok, so yes got here safely and YES, I too now am a big fan of SW airlines.....What a cakewalk compared to the cluster of DFW!

    Nancy's appt got delayed so she had to hang at hope we couldn't do any damage together...SO I went to the quarter to walk around!  Happened in on a christmas concert at St. Louis Cathedral for a bit...OMG so dark at 530pm.....I'm hitting the hay very soon!  Tomorrow looks full..................Trishia?  call/text me?  I don't least not yet.

    OK, so yes, after some more ME time, relaxation, etc. Standing in front of the mirror naked I guess I should make a list?  Sheesh...I usually go in so prepared....somebody HELP! 

    Spring.....How did you address all?.......I know I sound pathetic but?  Listening to someone else's account of Dr. Dr. D. going to say "How do you feel about.....?"....i guess too part of me worries it's almost an insult if he doesn't see the obvious...for the love of God he's a plastic surgeon and a very AWESOME one..............Some of it is just obvious- like My butt is too freakin big!...BUT......OK, I'm sure I can do this....Just somebody tell me, PM me?......esp those of you w/ lists!  send me a copy...How detailed did you get....Part of me feels like OK, if he doesn't address the scars from partial mastectomy on each breast.................Duuuuh! I want them to disappear as much as possible.....................Should I prioritize?  And YES, I think I do want a post op seems like such a logical thing to do while I'm here?..heck if nothing else for peace of mind and a stamp of approval? that I've said all that.................THANK YOU for listening/reading!  And I will look forward to your prompt replies!  I'll be up early in the am and will see if any of you kind wise women can help me articulate....MUCH better than I have...

    Weather here....balmy, humid....thank God I'm from TX where it's acceptable to have big hair.  Trishia!  you'll know me...I'll be the one w/ big curly but almost nappy in the rain brown hair-Revlon Colorsilk medium brown....  I'll be doing my roots in the am...Those darn natural highlights-back again!-  not bad- just ran out of time at home. I don't FB but you should have my number.  the driver(I had Carlos) told me to take a taxi to Magazine?  are we going before-YES?  OK, and do you have anesthesia for yours....sorry these will be answered in person I just KNOW!  Hope your having a hot night w/ your hubby!

    It has been SOOoooo nice to have a change of scenery, walk around, not concern myself w/ work, stuff at home I need to do, etc, etc........VERY happy I came and had a bit of extra time to wind down!

    OK, off to sleep.

    Thanks girls!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    SPRING!  Pretty new picture!

  • NebrNan
    NebrNan Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2009

     ?ti diduoy dalGSpring - I need advice about the abd repair. I'm trying to decide if I should have him tuck in a little more. Tell me about your abd changes - feel really tight? 2 drains? Can you tell a difference? Have to decide before 6 am!!! Yikes!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Anniese, Snowbird Hope you are both doing good this morning.

    Snowbird it will get Better!

    Teel, NebrNan & Imac Thinking of all of you today!  

    Spring Love the new Avatar!


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Drains- Wondering.

    So my left drain came out last Thursday.  Since then my Right drain has doubled.  it is anywhere from 80-90 : (

    But besides that annoyance.  I hurt so much more on my drain side now.  Like it is sucking me dry..Dehydrating me- LOL

    It hurts to sit way more now then 3 weeks ago.  Everything back there is extremely tight.

    Hurts more to sleep then a week or more ago.

    Incisions & drains sites all look good.

    Anyone else go through this?

    Edited to add.  I am already at 70ccs for this morning!


  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    SPRING & IAMC - Yes I am speaking of Charlotte NC, I am 3 hours north at Smith Mountain Lake Virginia AND that is just south of Roanoke VA, the closest city of any size to me. 

     Yes I have a face book account, started primarily to spy on my kids, but I do use it.  It is a good way to share pics with each other, see what we look like, etc. Since the avatars are so small and cannot be enlarged for viewing.......anyway thats all

    SPRING -LOVE the new pic.

    xxoo Mel

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Mel, I am 2.5 hours from Charlotte NC!!! 

    OK - 2 women have called me today, Warrior and JennJane!!

    I am on facebook (Look for Beverly Mitchell Lovelace) - I love being hooked up with ladies on FB!

    The abdominal repair - Nancy - I PM'd back to you. Dr. Dr. said I did not need it above the navel, so he did it below the navel only. I asked for the OnQ pain ball again (remember he was also lowering my ab incision). I FELT NOTHING!!! I still feel nothing down there. I even asked Dr. D if he did it, b/c I was expecting a big ouchie. I would go with his judgement on this. He will know if it will give you a significant cosmetic result or not.

    Jenn Jane and everyone else: This is how I did my pre-surgical appt. I typed up a paper (2 pages!) with all my questions on every area of my body. Questions, desires, etc. I told Dr. D when he came in that I had a list of questions, but that I was going to wait until the end as he'd probably address many as he went along. When he was marking a particular area, and if something about that area was on my list, I would raise it then. At the end. I went through my list and asked him anything that had not been addressed.

    If you want an area addressed, make sure he marks it with blue pen!!! :)  My experience is he listened and heard everything I expressed, and he did everything he could.... very generous.

    Question for Sandy and Trisha, and anybody else who has reconstructed nipples. I have moved on from the plastic "hat" protector thing with the ointment, onto the brown protector thing. I used it yesterday for the first time. Today, the "stickiness" of the tabs is gone, so I am using the "brown tape" to hold it in place. Is this what you did???? Could use some advice here!!!

    Yes, thanks for positive comments on my new pic! I am all aglow with my new hot bod. he he he, just wait until the swelling goes down! I think a bikini is in my future! Marcia!!!! 

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    MARCIA MARCIA MARCIA!!!!!!  Thats you SPRING. 

    I think you and I are relatively close to one another.....less than 3 hours for sure......I drive thru Raliegh on my way to my son's school and he is only 3 1/2 hours away.  So that is interesting news!  Mel

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited December 2009


       Brown tape will be just doesnt hold so well on me so I used LOTS of it!

    Looking forward  to hearing from members of the "Krewe of Foobs" that are in  NOLA right now!

    Cool Marcia

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Look at that bikini!!!! :)

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    Hot Bikini!! Should I pack that for NOLA tomorrow?? lol Pack??!!?? I knew I should be working on something here!! Its been a crazy day filled with errands. We get the call tomorrow morning on hubby's job (huge layoffs) and then he drives me to the airport with my girlfriend....arrggh.

    Spring...THANKS SO MUCH for being a voice of calm and peace for so many of us!! You are the BEST!! By the way...did you hear anything yet from USA TODAY???

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009


    You are UP! Good Luck, cant wait to hear back from you.


    Its YOU tomorrow! Good Luck!


    Its all good, no matter what.  You will overcome!  and YOU are on DECK!!!!

    I am saying a special prayer for each of you.  Good Luck and heal quickly! Report back when you all can. 

    xxoo Mel

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009
    One more thing.........Rockin Hot MARCIA!Cool
  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Warrior, I did mention that, but do you think I remembered to do it myself?  NO!!    I'm waiting to hear how the EnCourage meeting was....anyone??

    Jennifer, I never would have had lipo, ever, if not for the fact that it is given generously in NOLA during breast revision surgery.   I had told myself I'd never undergo unnecessary surgery again after being the victim of malpractice ten years ago.  I've had to learn to trust doctors again, and probably wouldn't have been able to if not for cancer forcing me to have surgery, and to put my life in someone's hands.  My surgeries in NOLA have been easy and I've recovered quickly, each time going home with a much improved body.  It's been a very uplifting experience!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Hi Spring, yes, the brown tape for the nipple guards.  I usually criss-cross it so they stay put.  Once you pull it off, you have to replace the tape--it won't stick twice.   I'm still wearing mine, almost five weeks out now!  I love my nips and don't want anything to happen to them.  I'd be broken-hearted if Minnesota stopped calling me "Nip Girl"!

  • NebrNan
    NebrNan Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2009

    Spring - You are right.  Stage 2 is soooooo much better than Stage 1.  I skipped the Scop Patch that made me so dizzy the last time and had them whoa back on the Versed and I was actually coherant and functional today.  I have been up walking, eating with no nausea and not having too much pain so life is good.  And bonus - I got to meet PlainJane, Anniese and Trishia today!  Planning to see iamc tomorrow before I get dismissed.  So great to put names and people with the posts.  We have a great group of strong women here!  Thanks to you all for your support and sharing.  Looking forward to seeing some of New Orleans before we head back.

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2009

    Dejaboo - my remaining drain doubled for awhile after the 1st one came will ease off, took mine several days.

    I am on Facebook!  Don't know a lot about it, lol, How do we find each other??

    Spring, I love the new pic too!

    To the new "stage 2-er's" -  YAH!!!  It is finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009


    Just wondering why WLPD isn't listed for surgery.  I think she is up the 16th or 17th at NOLA?

    I know nothing about FACEBOOK.  What is the difference between Facebook and this form.  What can you do on it that is different than this discussion board.

    Well, I got all my tests done this morning.  Then I get the call from NOLA that I didn't need the chest XRAY after all.  Oh, well, Happy they got the vein on the first try for the blood test.

     WLPD Thank you for the invitation.  Kiss

    An early dinner sounds nice.  I do have to check out the restaurant though.  Unfortunately, I have a milk allergy which means I can't eat anything made from milk.  Some restaurants that cook exclusively French won't accommodate.  As long as they have fish with out butter and a nice glass of wine I am in.

    Today was my last day at school.  I can finally slow down tomorrow and start to get ready for NOLA.  I can also find out where your hotel is and the stats on Mr. B's.  Looking forward to meeting you.  5 more days

    Trisha, PlainJane today is your day!

    Warrior I hope everything goes well for your husband.  I will be calling you this weekend.


  • WPLD
    WPLD Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2009

    My surgery is the 18th.

    Sassie, the Hotel Monteleone is on Royal St. and is about 2 blocks from Canal.  If you go to, key in New Orleans and click on restaurants you will see people's reviews of Mr. B.'s.  I don't believe it is a french restaurant. 

    I started to pack tonight.  I hate packing. 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Can I tell you that it seriously took me an hour to catch up on 5 days of posts???? You ladies are busy!!!

    Anniese - I am SOOOOO sorry that I did not get on here sooner to wish you well for your surgery yesterday! I feel terrible. You know that I was thinking of you though, right? I did NOT forget. I hope all went well. Please tell your hubby that I said hello. I want to hear all the news when you are feeling up to it.  

    Snowbird and Teel - I hope your stage 1's went well yesterday and today! You will be moving about in no time!

    IAMC and NebrNan - I hope you are recovering well from  your surgeries tonight! Only one night in the hospital this time - woohooo!

    Jennifer!!!! - I was thinking about you at around 1:00 today... (you know, 3:00 NOLA time). I hope all went well w/your pre-op and that you and Trisha got some good shopping in! You will do just great tomorrow and come out the other side w/even better rocking hot tatas! You go girl.

    Trisha - TATS!!! You are near the end! I hope it just goes fabulous for you and I am so excited for you!

    Okay, Warrior and PamGator - you two are on deck for Friday! If I do not get back on here before then, do know that I am thinking about you! It will be great!!!

    Katie- I have lymphedema also. My stage 1 did cause a brief exacerbation. I came home with it about 1 cm bigger all over in my arm. Your doc will order lymphedema therapy in the hospital for you to kind of keep that down. I wore a sleeve in surgery that is not binding at the top and really just had to do some catching up when I got home to get my arm back to baseline. Lymphedema unfortunately will always need to be monitored - I just considered this a brief stumbling block and in my opinion - was well worth the trouble. It is actually smaller than baseline now - specifically w/the use of my Jovi pac at night and self massage. And Sandy is right, Dr. Massey does do VLNT. I have yet to commit to it as the jury is still out, but I have not discounted it completely. It may just be a matter of time until I decide to take the plunge. BUT reconstruction was definitely SO worth it.

    Okay, ladies, I am off to a mountain of bills post surgery and having company over the weekend. AND on top of that, I have bronchitis. So, I feel like *&#%. Coughing up a lung post abdominal surgery just should never have to occur...! Good night to everyone and I hope everyone just does GREAT tomorrow!!! 

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    PAMGATOR - I left you off my list yesterday.  SO SORRY!  You are on deck!  Good luck, I know you will do just GREAT!  xxoo Mel

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Trisha & PlainJane Woopie today is for you two!

    Warrior Get packing!!  Hoping for good news on your dhs Job today.  

    Happy Stage 2 for You Warrior & PamGator!  

    Thanks Gin!  This doesn't seem to be slowing down.  It was 7 days ago I lost my other drain...This one was at 45. last night it was at 175! : (     I keep hoping. 

    Nordy- Oh No- You did not need  Bronchitis.  I cracked a rib a few years back when I had it.  Be careful!  That cough S*^*^S its painful- Thinking of you.
