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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Funny thing... Dr D replied to a post this morning... Perhaps he is reading our posts :)

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Bdavis-I always wondered about that! :)

    Whoever mentioned the Genie Bra, thank you. It is so much more comfortable. It's the little things you know.

    Has anyone had a change in how food tastes? My appetite is very back but things that I love just don't taste the same. I can't even drink a cup of coffee which is something I have loved my whole adult life. Has anyone experienced this? My go to is mashed potatoes, go figure.

    2 weeks out today with one tummy drain still working hard. Can't wait for it to slow down. I want to be done with girdles and drains. Otherwise, I am doing well both physically and mentally. I got on the treadmill today!!! Slowly

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited November 2012

    My husband asked Nurse Jeanine if they ever read these boards and she said that they don't because (1) they are so busy and (2) they wouldn't want anyone to not feel free to say what they wanted here.  I bet #1 is the biggest reason -- Jeanine works 60 hour weeks!

    Cherrie, coffee didn't taste good for a while for me either.  I lived on cheese grits.  

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited November 2012

    The antibiotics affected my appetite and taste buds.  Everything went back to normal within a few days of going off them.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    That makes sense! I am still on antibiotics and will be for a while as I am still dragging around one drain. I feel bad as friends are bringing over nice meals. I pick at them, but my husband has really enjoyed this.

    Jeskachi- my next surgery is either at Advocate Masonic in Lincolnpark or Magna surgical center in Bedford Park. This is the new one that Dr. M likes. It has reasonable hotels around it. I guess it is not far from Midway. My stage 2 will be there in February.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited November 2012

    She mentioned Magna on Facebook yesterday. I've never heard of it but it looks like an interesting concept. Saturday OR hours are key, she wouldn't get that anyplace else.  I don't know anything about Bedford Park, but with the airport I guess it would be convenient.  

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Cherrie, thanks for bringing up the taste issue.  Nothing tastes right and I am having urges for the strangest foods I gave up long ago - peanut butter & jelly on white bread, saltines.  Am a bit nauseated much of the time.  It goes away then comes back.  

    I should go off antibiotics today, but am still worried about my rightie.  She is the one that had the hematoma and needed a second operation.  The left is nice and soft, but the right is hard on the bottom side and has more pains.  I know it is adding to my general dis - ease.   I will see Dr. M on Thursday afternoon.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    I hope everything is fine Marty. It must be a little scary. I am glad you get to see Dr. M. Are you seeing her in Charleston?

    I thought I was crazy about the taste thing. I hadn't heard anyone ever mention it. Saltines, mashed potatoes are my thing right now.

    Keep me posted on your meeting with Dr. M this week. I am sure all is well. (((Hugs)))

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Thanks Cherrie. Yes I am seeing her in Charleston. It will be a relief. Besides the taste thing, my nose is flowing. Not a cold, just constant. I took a benedryl which I hope helps. Glad to here you are walking on the treadmill!

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited November 2012

    Hello ladies. I have been reading everyone's posts and keeping current.,I had some questions. I am 3 weeks post diep.

    1. I stopped painting the breast scars after one week which is what they told me at post op. still painting the bad scar, there is still a small area of scab or black glue. However today Laura said to paint anything that still has the glue or scab, so I guess I will be back to painting my breast site where the drain incisions are stabbed over. Is that what you,ve been doing?

    2. Physically doing very well but my breast skin in certain areas is super sensitive even to clothing. I can't wait until bedtime when I put on a loose pj or sleep without the top. Are u experiencing this also?

    3. I have areas of skin sensation and areas of no skin sensation, zilch. I hope the supr sensitive skin does not mean that that area will become anesthetic in the future. What has been yr experience?

    4. I have laid low, only walking but I want to get on the treadmill or do simple arm weights 2-5 pounds. Do u think it is ok now? I know 4 weeks is the time when they feel you can start getting back into things but I'm not clear on the timetable. I have been eating,noshing and putting on weight.

    5. Finally, one breast is larger then the other I had PBM, and this was the case prior. I want them to be evened up but I don't want to go smaller. I know,dr. S plans a lift stage2. I'm concerned fat grafting might be iffy and I don't want a stage 2b. What do u think?

    Thanks for yr help.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Hi Pamela.. I didn't have Dr S and sometimes the docs vary with instructions... but here goes:

    1. I stopped painting the breast scars after one week which is what they told me at post op. still painting the bad scar, there is still a small area of scab or black glue. However today Laura said to paint anything that still has the glue or scab, so I guess I will be back to painting my breast site where the drain incisions are stabbed over. Is that what you,ve been doing? I believe Dr S likes painting til the incision is fully healed. Dr D doesn't have is paint incisions
    2. Physically doing very well but my breast skin in certain areas is super sensitive even to clothing. I can't wait until bedtime when I put on a loose pj or sleep without the top. Are u experiencing this also? I didn't have this, but I have heard many do
    3. I have areas of skin sensation and areas of no skin sensation, zilch. I hope the supr sensitive skin does not mean that that area will become anesthetic in the future. What has been yr experience? If you have feeling you are not going to lose it
    4. I have laid low, only walking but I want to get on the treadmill or do simple arm weights 2-5 pounds. Do u think it is ok now? I know 4 weeks is the time when they feel you can start getting back into things but I'm not clear on the timetable. I have been eating,noshing and putting on weight. I wouldn't lift anything... just wait another week
    5. Finally, one breast is larger then the other I had PBM, and this was the case prior. I want them to be evened up but I don't want to go smaller. I know,dr. S plans a lift stage2. I'm concerned fat grafting might be iffy and I don't want a stage 2b. What do u think? Stage II is for evening up... don't worry about this now.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2012


    I had super sensitive skin on my breasts, well, under them and between mostly, and it hurt even to blow air on my skin. Dr. D told me when I went back for Stage 2 that those areas "get a lot of attention", and that's probably what caused it. But when I called to ask about this after Stage 1, it was like they never heard of it! 

    Anyway, you're not alone. It eventually goes away. For me, it took several weeks, but did get better over time. Moving into burning, etc. 

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited November 2012

    Hi Pamela!

    1. I stopped painting the breast scars after one week which is what they told me at post op. still painting the bad scar, there is still a small area of scab or black glue. However today Laura said to paint anything that still has the glue or scab, so I guess I will be back to painting my breast site where the drain incisions are stabbed over. Is that what you've been doing?

    Dr. D was my Dr. and I was instructed to paint the areas around the drains when the drains were still in and then continue for a few days after drains were removed.  I had/have a spot underneath my right breast that is having difficulty scabbing over.  When I called about this, I was told to paint this site 2-3 times a day until a scab appears.  Never did paint the breast scars.

    2. Physically doing very well but my breast skin in certain areas is super sensitive even to clothing. I can't wait until bedtime when I put on a loose pj or sleep without the top. Are u experiencing this also?

    I did not notice a change in the sensitivty of my breast skin.

    3. I have areas of skin sensation and areas of no skin sensation, zilch. I hope the supr sensitive skin does not mean that that area will become anesthetic in the future. What has been yr experience?

    You won't lose the sensation and over time, more sensation may return.  By the one year mark, you should have a good idea of what your final sensation results will be.

    4. I have laid low, only walking but I want to get on the treadmill or do simple arm weights 2-5 pounds. Do u think it is ok now? I know 4 weeks is the time when they feel you can start getting back into things but I'm not clear on the timetable. I have been eating,noshing and putting on weight.

    Agree with BDavis, hang on a little bit longer.  I'm at the 4 week mark and while I'm doing the treadmill, I'm still not ready for weightlifting.  Thinking it might be closer to the 6 week mark before I'm ready for that.

    5. Finally, one breast is larger then the other I had PBM, and this was the case prior. I want them to be evened up but I don't want to go smaller. I know,dr. S plans a lift stage2. I'm concerned fat grafting might be iffy and I don't want a stage 2b. What do u think?

    I don't know because I have some of the same questions about stage 2.  I'm a week ahead of you, so stage 2 still remains illusory to me!

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited November 2012

    Thank you all for your replies so far. I am most comforted by the fact that I won't lose any more sensation.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2012

    Pamela44 -- My breast were different sizes (Unilat right) and after losng some overall weight, like 30 lobs, the left was a shdow of the other. Stage 2B for me and now they seem to be the same siaze (had a baby paddle), but, like Marty, I am worried about the hard areas at the bottom and inside (cleavage area). Everything else seems soft like the other one was.

    Cherrie -- When I had open heart surgery at Cleveland Clinic, I really didn't want to eat at all. They finally told my husband that whatever I wanted, give it to me, even if it was McD's french fries. Important thing was to get nourishment in, regardless of the form (PB&J sounds great! -- we all grew up on them!). Still on antibiotics, so things don't taste quite the same, but my issue is that I am not hungry, so forget to eat!

    Have hit the 3 week blues, and I don't mean the music they used to have on Bourbon Street. EVERYTHING seems over-whelming, though I am healing fine. Our B&B is going along nicely, but my get up and go has gotten up and left ... and the holidays are nearly here! Still have another week before going back to work -- don't think I can give up my afternoon nap quite yet. Funny, I knew this would happen, but was not any better prepared this time than the other times. Sigh ... scars and painting and drains and DOMs I can take -- this depression is for the birds!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited November 2012

    Celtic, I was the same way at my 3 week mark of stage 2. I still needed the afternoon to rest and my work was great and let me work 1/2 days for a week or two and if I could stay longer I did. Maybe your work will be willing to work with you until you feel stronger. This whole journey is such a roller coaster ride.

    Cherrie, while I was on the antibiotics, my taste buds were different too. Once I was able to stop them, things returned to normal, so hang in there.

    I didn't do any lifting for minimum of 4 weeks after stage 2 and waited even longer after stage 1. I am still careful on the weight of things I pick up and real heavy items, I let someone else pick it up for me. My work has been great about this since we get in some really heavy items.
    I was also Dr D's patient and I painted the drain holes until the drains came out and scabbed over. The only time I painted an incision was when I had skin come off my right breast after stage 1 and I painted it until it healed up a little and then just kept it clean and covered.

    My situation has stayed the same and I have decided in my mind that I will wait a year and see how things settle out. It is what is and I have other things more important to worry about. I went out and bought some jeans cause my old ones hit too low and irriated my hips. I still bought the same size, well one pair was a size smaller, but overall I am the same size I was before stage 1.

    My sons goes to the pediatric neurologist on Thursday and this is all I can think about. I would go through all this a million times if that would make my child ok. Betsy, thank you for your kind words and support. I'm not sure what to expect with this and if I could take his fears away, I would in a heartbeat!!! Thank you for all the prayers and support. My husband and I are keeping this to ourselves and only family knows whats going on and you ladies. Please just continue to send prayers up.

    Sending gentle hugs to all those healing up and those still waiting. It's hard to believe this year is almost over. I joined this thread a year ago and here I am done and on the other side and enjoying my smaller perkier breasts :) It's crazy how time flies!! This thread is amazing and has helped me so much!! I have so much to be thankful for and that includes all of you!!



  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Chelle-I continue to think about your situation. I cannot imagine what you all are going through. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Interesting on the painting. We continue to paint after every shower which is every other day. Should I be painting drain site ore often?

    My breasts are very sensitive this week. Pin prickling and burning. Dr. M said no weight lifting for six weeks. I am on the treadmill, but going slowly and short distances. Trying to do this 2/3 times a day.

    Going to my helper doctor today for a look at all my incisions. I believe all is well. My drain is still producing over 50cc per day. Darn! I've accepted the fact it could be with me a while.😩

    Peace and hugs to all!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Cherrie - i am still painting all incisions and drain sites every day - i am pretty sure that is what is in the notebook.  When drains were in I was also swabbing with neosporin.  

    I am tender between the breasts and pad the area with a 4x4.  Not sure if it is an after effect of the surgery or if, as my DH pointed out, I haven't had a bra there for so long I may just not be used to it.  I am still most comfortable in the black, hook front training bra from after surgery.  My genie bras are nice, but feel too tight around and I am constantly adjusting.  Again, I am probably not used to a bra.  Aaaaarrrrgh.  I bought a light bra at Belk yesterday - t-shirt knit, no support.  If it doesn't work ? ?   My DH said this is going to be a process.  Love him!

    Went for a nice walk (before the rain begins).  My first in a couple of days.  

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Just got back from doctors. Everything looks good. A little puffy where drain is coming out. I will go back next Monday for another check. My PA was amazed at how well I am doing and the surgery itself. She was impressed.

    It's 33 here so am going for a second walk on my treadmill today. I do half miles at a time. My hip with drain is too sore for more than that. Trying not to overdo it. She also felt my taste issues could be from antibiotics.

    MyGenie bra is great. Marty maybe you need the next size up. Tony got me the large as I feel like I have two balloons out there right now. Hahaha

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2012

    Cherrie, After my year of surgeries, potatoes (homemade hash-browned) have been my go-to food.  They taste so good to me.  Overall, my tastes have changed, too.  I used to eat dark chocolate every day but it does not appeal to me now.  I am preferring salty foods.  My family is shocked!  Guess this is the new me in ways I had not expected...  

    Thinking of you, Chelle, your son and your husband.

    Pamela,  Do not lift!  It will be worth the wait.  I am saying this to myself right now!  I really want to go work in the garden/yard.

    Margaret, you can get through this rough spot!  Think of how far you have come.    

    The rib rash is somewhat better.  How long did dermabond stay on for you ladies?  I am 3 1/2 weeks out from stage 2 and my skin seems to be trying to absorb the stuff instead of allow it to slough off.  Same thing happens with bandages.  I have some impressive welts where those were bonded to me!  I have picked some dermabond off because it felt like a major irritation and I could not take it anymore - skin was fine underneath - but I hesitate to go for it.    Blessings to you all, Tamara

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited November 2012

    Chelle, you are certainly going through a lot. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts, especially on Thursday.

    I tentatively scheduled my Stage II today, pending insurance, for February 20th.  What is the typical routine for pre-op, hospital stay and follow-up?  Does the same testing need to be done as was done in Stage I (blood test, chest x-ray, ct scan, etc.?)  Strangely, I have so much more anxiety about Stage II than I ever did for Stage I.  I think its all the what is going to be done? Is this discussed over the phone beforehand?  I'd actually really like to send pics and then have a phone call prior to the pre-op.  I think over everything and can't imagine going in for a pre-op, discussing and deciding what is going to be done on the spot, then having the surgery the very next day.  That sort of thing might send me right over the edge!

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited November 2012

    Audrelle, I agree with needing to know..and laughed about going over the edge, can so relate. My doc is Kline in SC so of course will be different, but my Stage 2 is Dec 7. No tests necessary for me, no scans, blood, nothing. But I did send pics to discuss via email what would be done etc. and will have a detailed discussion the day before surgery at my preop. I dont want any surprises if I can help it. Glad you have it scheduled, Feb will be here before you know it.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Audrella-my stage 2 is the day before yours. I hope to have a pre-op the day before. I will send in pictures and hope to have an idea of what will be going on, but as Betsy and others have said, we need to trust our doctors on this.

    Dr. M said I will still do basic bloodwork and another EKG. That is simple enough.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited November 2012

    I stopped painting the incisions a couple of days ago...3 1/2 weeks should be good.  I am wearing the genie bra too but hate how they ride up and bunch just under the breast.  Maybe it is because I only have 1 to worry about.  The left side (failed side) burns constantly.  So annoying.  Rightie looks great.  Have not had the blues yet and am wondering when it is going to hit me.  I feel good and the incisions are looking really good.  Not much time for exercise as i have to go to my torture chamber (hyperbaric therapy) everyday from 1 to 4.  Needing some PT for my arms too but have not set that up yet.  Have had some trouble with both arms with the right one being really bad.  Major numbness and burning on the fatty part by the thumb ever since surgery.  At least now I can straighten out the arms.  May have to wait for it as there are only so many hours in a day.  Tummy is a little bloated and firm, nothing too major though.  Anxious about what comes next. 

    Cherrie..sounds like you are doing so well...way to go lady!!  Hope stage II is also kind to you.  It has been a long ride for you.


  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2012

    Thanks Maggie. I am doing well and waiting for the 3rd week blues. So far so good.

    Tired often and want that drain out but I also know its doing its job. My side is very irritated at the drain site. Can I put neosporin on it?

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Maggie-2 - the Genie is bunching on me as well, may be the way the center section is designed.  I will be trying a larger one as Cherrie suggested.  Glad to hear you sounding so perky!  Don't be anxious about what comes next. What will be will be and you will have a positive outcome, just a bit different than originally planned.  Confidence in you and great faith in Dr. M.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2012

    I only needed bloodwork and UA since all other tests were only 8 months out and I am in good health.  I had to request to not do the x-ray or EKG.  No CT needed for stage 2 as I had no new flapwork.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    I wouldn't assume you will get the blues. I never did...

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited November 2012

    Loving my girdle! I never dreamed it would provide so much support after stage 2. I have been itchy the past few days on the lipoed areas. No rash or anything. It almost feels like something moving under my skin and itches. Hoping it is an indicator that things are healing. Take care all-

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2012

    Cherrie, I put neosporin on drain sites daily after painting. Helped keep irritation down.