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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    Spring... Pamela's surgery is the 30th

  • New-girl
    New-girl Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2012

    How long does it normally take before they schedule you for surgery?  I went on November 20th and got called on the 21st but am still waiting to hear when the surgery might get on the books.  Just wondering.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited November 2012

    I had a date from my first call... I would call back.

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited November 2012

    Texan....definitely call back.  I had to call back to get my 2nd stage scheduled.  When I did, I got a date on the spot.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2012

    Texan -- All I had to wait for was for Vicky & Co. to make sure the insurance company was OK with the procedures. Once they got the OK, I got the date, not less than 2 weeks after I said "Let's boogie!"


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2012

    Betsy, sounds like we have the same numb spots.

    also I updated Pamela's surgery to 30th. 

    Texan, keep calling. Be nice, but persistent. Also, I would email and call once you get an email. and keep at it until you get through...

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited December 2012


    Thanks for sharing and honesty about side effects such as the numbness.  I have most of same spots, too.  I'm an SGAPer.  Some days the numbness bugs me - others not.  Have Stage 2 in two weeks, so may end up with more numb spots.  Was just shocked that I was numb on ONE side of my thighs - not just at incision site.

    Take care!

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    PinkHeart -- is your stage 2 in NOLA? Do you want to be on Spring's list at the top? What day? I am headed for Dec 18 stage 2 with Dr. S.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited December 2012

    Hi Ann~

    My Stage 2 Bilat SGAP & Lymph Node Transfer on December 14 is with Dr. Kline is posted on Charleston Thread.  I read both threads to learn about tips and experiences of other BC survivors with their breast recons.  DIEP seems to be more popular than SGAP.   

    I see you're up for Stage 2 just after me - came up fast didn't it?  Even though my doc had me wait longer between stages (18 weeks) to have me go for HBOT for optimal healing because of all my nasty radiation damage to internal chest wall/tissue and severe scarring, I'm glad he did now.

    I'm already packed, had pre-op local tests and Rx fills done, and finished Christmas shopping and decorating and making my annual boxwood and holly wreaths.  I'll be gone (traveling alone but staying with friend who lives there) from Dec 7 - 17.  So been taking advantage of feeling great now to get ready to coming home to not able to move so fast again.  Based on what most others say, Stage Two won't be as bad, but I'm wondering with the Lymph Node Transfer (which nodes will be moved within a tiny flap to my axilla) will add much pain or recovery time.  I know it will make surgery 2-3 hours longer. 

    Many warm wishes for an easier, faster recovery with your Stage 2!  I see you are from Tampa Bay so am envious you have nice warm weather to go for walks versus up here in the icy cold north.  One of several colleges my daughter is considering is Eckerd College in St. Petersburg for Biochemistry undergrad before going on to PhD.   I love that area and sure wouldn't mind going to visit her there in winter of course! 

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2012

    Pink, I am impressed! I leave for Seattle on Monday for Tues flt to CHS. Haven't packed, haven't decorated, and what xmas shopping has been done will have to be enough. Actually I am sitting here on my couch in front of fire, headache, chills, sore throat. Surgery not till Friday , but I am starting to be a little worried. Wondering if I should start my antibiotic now instead of day before?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2012

    Pink, I can add you to the list here too, but only if you want. Let me know. 

  • jenlee
    jenlee Member Posts: 204
    edited December 2012

    Speaking of numb spots, i think someone else mentioned this... Sometimes I'm on the verge of a wardrobe malfunction and since my breasts are numb, I have no idea that they're practically showing.  I think he overfilled with fat in stage 2, assuming some of the fat would dissipate.  My breasts seem very wide now, can hardly fit into my dresses in the top.  We're still getting warm afternoons here where I can wear sundresses.  I might go back for a 2b and have the size reduced.  I probably need to anyway, my bellybutton was too large after stage 1 and practically nonexistent after stage 2.  Did anyone else hate their belly button?

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    PinkHeart -- it seemed like a longer wait for me, 5 months since my stage 1 last July. Charleston for you -- that's good. How soon until you experience results from the lymph node transfer? I remember mentioning it to my RO, and he was clueless about it, talked like it was impossible. I'm high risk with 19 nodes out and then radiated, but no lymphedema yet. I wore my sleeve and glove when flying two round trips.

    You are more ready than I am, but your stage 2 is a few days sooner than mine. My pre-ops are this Monday, followed by 3-month MO visit on Tuesday.

    OK, how am I going to get rid of this flu faster? I am miserable and want to be well ASAP. I can't take just any medication 2 weeks before surgery, and unsure what will work anyway. Maybe I should call the Center or my PCP on Monday for a remedy. Isn't the usual for flu just symptomatic relief and it has to run its course?

    Cascader -- you are on the one-week countdown. I hope you get over your flu symptoms quickly.

    Jenlee -- my belly button is too far to the right and has odd scarring from healed necrosis, innie on one side, outie on the other! Supposed to get fixed at stage 2.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    AnnAlive- I am having my Stage 2 one day after yours. I thought I was starting to get a sinus infection and called the Center to get the ok about getting on a prescription. They were fine with that. I spoke with Laura. My local dr called in a prescription for me. I wanted to start something ASAP so I was on it and off it quickly. Good luck! Hope you feel better soon and maybe we'll see each other in the hospital.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    KerryA -- Are you on an antibiotic? Good for sinus infection, but probably useless for my flu. I think I'd better call my PCP in the morning to get feedback, then call the Center as needed to see if it's OK. I did start Delsym an hour ago to quell the cough--had to do something! Yes we'll have to try to see each other in the hospital! Also, I have a post-op with Laura @ 10:30 on Dec 21. Will you be around then? Of course that's the day the Mayan calendar said the world will end Surprised but if we believed that we wouldn't be having surgery, would we. Wink

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    Hi AnnAlive, I am on an antibiotic. Hope you get some relief with the flu. That is no fun!

    I will be leaving be leaving on Dec 22 so hopefully we can see each other. That reminds me- my surgery was moved up a day so I was not going to be able to have a post op. Now maybe I can get in on the 21st.

    I can't believe it is only a few weeks away. How quickly time flies. It will be great to be home for Christmas and celebrate with our families.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    Question for the Stage 2 ladies-

    Did many of you go smaller? If so were you happy you did? If I remember right Bdavis and LaStar said they did. For my Stage 1 I wanted to stay my same size but I know as Jeanine said, its easier to go bigger than smaller for them, so I guess they went bigger.

    I feel "busty" kind of like I had a breast enhancement surgery...well I guess i kind of did right LOL. They are very full on the sides and my shirts are tight on the top. I have been wearing sports bras after the surgical bras so I am not sure what size I really even am.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited December 2012

    Kerry, I went smaller and I am so glad I did. They could even be a little smaller, but I'm enjoying my new smaller breasts!! Jeanine told me the same thing. Its easier for them to go bigger first and the reduce at stage 2. Good luck to you and it is crazy on how time flies by.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    Kerry... I was overstuffed (too wide) after stage I and Dr D addressed that... I ended up a little smaller than my natural size, and I am ok with it. I had asked to be the same as I was, but my originals were different due to many lumpectomies, so Dr D aimed for the smaller side. He took it upon himself to make me smaller saying it was more proportional to the rest of me. He's the expert, so I trust him.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2012

    Nature Girl-- so sorry to hear your news. Sending huge hugs to you.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2012

    AnnAlive - My hubby and I swear by EmergenC. Just doule check with the center since you are so close to surgery, but they let me take it just before my stage 2.

    Ttay -- so glad to hear your test results came back okay! Hurray!

    Chelle-- thinking of you and your family. I am hoping they find answers for your son soon.

  • teddybear71
    teddybear71 Member Posts: 38
    edited December 2012

    After stage 1 I was quite large and had a lot of side boobage. I am now about 10 weeks after stage 2 and I am smaller and the side boob is pretty much gone. I too was told they tend to go bigger in stage one so that they have more to work with in stage 2. I am very happy with my results.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2012
    Zandy! I realize that technically breast reconstruction is not a life saving surgery (although many of us will argue that it really IS), but I am so irritated that you are getting resistance about this fromyour oncologist.... And I think you said she was female? I do not know if there is anyway you can persuade her to sign the form, but it is exactly this kind of thinking that led to a law having to be put in place for reconstruction in the first place. I would seriously be considering a new oncologist.

    NEESD2NEW-- I am thinking about you and hoping that your new treatments are not too difficult. Hugs to you.

    TAMARA -- i am hoping that you are feeling better after your stage 2. Hugs to you and your beautiful family.

    ESMERELDA -- so happy I could be one of those that helped way back when you started this journey!

    <br /I LOVE catching up with you all. I am not on here so much anymore as my life has gone crazy since school started for my kids -- but I am always here in spirit! Many hugs to everyone!
  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2012

    You guys, I am sorry that my post above is a rambling mess! I do not know why the spacing disappears sometimes when I am posting on here!

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2012

    Thanks for the post Nordy.  I miss "seeing" you!  We hug you and yours right back!

    My rash is finally starting to decrease.  I got fed up and pulled the Dermabond off and pulled out the stitches that were not doing anything other than irritating my skin.  They just were not dissolving like they should.  Within 24 hours the rash stopped firing and my breast swelling has gone down. I also stopped the Dom since I am 4 weeks out so no more itchy feeling from that either.  Relief!

    You are going to be great, Kerry!  You are in expert hands.  Once you and your husband talk with Dr. D you will feel assured about size and everything!   

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    After a long hiatus from surgeries, I cannot believe that I will be back under the knife in less than 2 months. Seemed like forever ago when I had my date added to the list above. I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel Smile

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    Kerry & Nordy -- Still trying to get rid of this flu, but a little better today, after taking Delsym cough syrup yesterday. I saw my PCP this morning and asked what I can do to get well before surgery in 2 weeks, and she put me on Z-Pak (Azithromycin antibiotic) and Benzonatate for cough. I took a dose of both and wrote to Celeste in Dr. S' office to ask if these drugs will be OK. I didn't think antibiotics were helpful for virus??? Maybe to prevent secondary infection in the lungs. Nordy, does EmergenC make any difference if I am already taking 2Gm Vitamin C and many other vitamins/minerals daily?

    A note about Zicam: Remember how the nasal swabs/sprays were banned a few years ago because people were losing their sense of smell/taste, even permanently? I was taking the Zicam rapidmelt lozenges over a period of 2 weeks, sometimes infrequent dosing getting ready to fly, but more frequent in the past week when I started to get symptoms. Yesterday noon, I realized that I couldn't taste a bit of my lunch or smell anything either. Panic! There is some info online about this happening with the oral form, but not much. I have a little bit of improvement in that now, but still not right. I don't think it's the flu -- not that stuffed up -- but the Zicam.

    Kerry -- I inadvertently went smaller. I came out of stage 1 with one side HUGE compared to the other. At post-op appointment, there was also necrosis on that flap's skin (I had thought it was just bad bruising) so Dr. S offerered to remove the necrosis and reduce the flap size the next morning, which I did as an outpatient (walked from recovery room to car to hotel). It turned out a nice size at about 2-3 weeks after some swelling went down, but it kept shrinking! It is now smaller than the other side, and I hope it all gets worked out at stage 2! You have a good scenario going from large to smaller at your stage 2.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited December 2012

    Thank you all for the continued prayers!!! Hope everyone who has surgery coming up gets well and everything goes smoothly.

    With everything going on with my son, I have just decided to put all this on the back burner and see what happens over the next year or so. But, I have a quick question. Will they do a stage 2b if the breasts aren't involved and it's the donor site that's messed up?

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2012

    AnnAlive, Hope you are feeling better, that Zpac should do the trick.  I am taking lots of EmergnC, approved by doc.....but here I am ready to drive to Seattle for my 7a flight out tomorrow morn and am worried that my surgery will be cancelled. Just talked to the nurse at Dr Klines and altho I am feeling better today, they worry about depressed immune system and pneumononia during surgery. Waiting for call back from the Doctor............cannot believe this is happening!!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    Cascader my fingers are crossed for you. We all know what we have done to prepare for this. It is important that you are healthy.

    Remember those posts about going commando or putting underwear over compression garments. For the most part I go commando, but put underwear over today for a doctors appointment. Well, I forgot about them and literally peed my panties. I needed a good laugh.

    I continue to heal well but still have a drain that is pumping out. Walking irritates the drain site so I stopped. That has helped. My worst problem is that food just doesn't taste good to me. I am 3 weeks out. Hopefully, it is the antibiotic. However I will stay on this until 2 days after drain is out. I am feeling down. Nothing, I mean nothing, tastes good to me. 😢

    Any ideas!!