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NOLA in September?



  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2012

    Thank you for the laugh!! I needed that as I sit by the phone and wait

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2012

    The antibiotics really messed up my stomach the last time around. I didn't just lose my appetite, pretty much everything I ate made me feel sick, gave me painful cramps, etc. (and that was after I got past the phase where I was throwing up and/or had diarrhea every day).  

    I ended up living on non-dairy smoothies and potatos (baked, french fries, tots, etc.).  For some reason starchy, greasy food was okay.  Anything acidic made me feel sick for hours.  Fiber hurt.  I regret that I couldn't eat healthy food, I think my body needed it.  But junk food is better than no food.

    Organic instant oatmeal also filled up my stomach pretty well.  Didn't taste like anything but it was a good filler.  White rice was also okay.  Chicken soup sometimes.

    One day I had a chocolate mint chip sundae for lunch.  It was not good for me, and my stomach did not like the full cream, but it tasted great going down :)

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie - taste problem is absolutely the antibiotic.  Dr. M confirmed when I saw her on Thursday.  It began resolving for me about 48 hours after I stopped taking it.  You might want to consider putting an extra layer of padding at the drain site, between skin and the compression garment.  ABD pads and washcloths work well.  I had one area about an inch from the actual drain site that kept oozing.  I added padding in that area (4x4 and washcloths) and after 4 days it finally closed.  The padding enhances the compression.

    I had a test drive yesterday and drove my DH back from his spinal injection today.  Big adventure!  He drove the 45 min over to the hospital.  By the time we got home, we were so exhausted we slept the afternoon away.  Y'all are right.  You can do it at 3 weeks, but driving may be more taxing than it seems.  Not going to do it again til Wednesday.

    Cascader - hope the drugs kick in and that you are allowed to have your surgery this week. 

  • Esmerelda
    Esmerelda Member Posts: 156
    edited December 2012

    Hi ladies... I just wanted to ask for a little good wishes/prayers/support... I've been a little silent lately, and in part it's been because I've been dealing with some anxiety and fear. I think being at the end of "active treatment" (except for Tamoxifen) has stirred in me a groundless... what-the-hell-just-happened feeling and my anxiety about cancer has been palpable. I have my regularly scheduled onco appointment tomorrow (no wonder I'm anxious!), and since my second stage surgery, about 5 weeks ago, I've had some discomfort in my ribs... and it is sending me over the edge!!! I'll be talking to my onco about it tomorrow... and I'm just sort of trying to keep breathing tonight... I can't stand how it seems my biggest battle now in life is fear. Sigh. So weird. At any rate - if you think of it - prayers, good thoughts, etc. Thank you, dear friends. 

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    Cascader -- I'm cheering for you, that you'll get better fast and go on with your surgery. It would be $5K more if I wait until the new insurance year, so that is an issue with me, besides just wanting to get on with having stage 2 done to get on with life. Smile Praying things will work out for the best for you!

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    Jen -- praying for you that you settle into a more peaceful existence, although I understand where you are, and I'm struggling at times. I also have my 3-month checkup with my MO tomorrow. I don't have any known symptoms, but I feel on the edge, thinking one of the labs will be suspicious and I won't get to stage 2 surgery. Not rational to think that, but the mind works overtime on the possibilities. God bless, praying for you.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    I am doing the extra padding at drain site. This helps but walking still irritates this.

    The food issue is the downer. I am nibbling, but nothing tastes good. I am bummed because I will have this drain for a while yet. So I have no choice to stay on antibiotic. Dr. M said I will just need patience with this.

    I am healing well and everything looks really good. I feel blessed in this way. I know many people have had much worse complications.

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2012

    AnnAlive, just got the word, that if I am 100% better at my pre-op on Thursday then they will go ahead with surgery, but no gurantees. so off to seattle 4hr drive to overnight and hop on a plane tomorrow. i was so worried as they said that rescheduling in December was probably not going to happen and I too need to get this in this years deductible. So, lots of water, positive thinking, and vit c. so I am off!

    Esmerelda, Ive often thought the hardest part of all of this is the mental battle. Recognize the fear that you have and spend time with the way you are feeling, knowing that it is completely normal. Then let it go. I find meditation really helps me. Hang in there and keep checking in.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    Jen, sending positive thoughts and hugs your way. (((((((Hugs))))))) Cascader said it best and will try to use her philosophy for getting myself over tHe hump.

    Hope everyone feels well for their upcoming surgeries.

  • New-girl
    New-girl Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2012

    Called Vickie today and she sent a note to Celeste to verify I might be able to get in before the 31st.  Will save me over 10k deductible to do my stage 2b this year.  Hoping I will get in but reading everything on this board and not having any date makes me think I am dreaming.  Dr. T seemed to think they could squeeze me in but how quick will I have to book a plane and get a hotel?  And what about Christmas?  Wish money was not such a big issue when dealing with this whole situation.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    AnnAlive- That is the same Rx I was put on! I just went in for my pre-op today and still have drainage issues. I was told that that was why this Rx is good to be 5 days after ending it so it keeps working for us :)  I hope you feel better soon. I am focusing on eating protein rich foods and lots of water. I enjoy coconut water after I exercise and I remember the Center advising that it was really good to drink post surgery, so I have been trying to intake a lot of it.

    Cherrie- Hang in there.Those drains stink sometimes. I recall one evening after showering where my husband was trying to pad one of my hip drains and it happened to be that time of the month...and everything just felt more sensitive. He was trying so hard to be gentle but as he hooked up my garment it did not settle over my hip drain well and I thought I was going to go through the roof. At first I was upset and then the tears started to flow.... those sites can be darn sensitive! He felt bad and I felt bad for reacting that way initially. At least you know you are on the decline knowing they will come up soon. I enjoyed a tasty beverage to celebrate the night those babies came out!!

  • New-girl
    New-girl Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2012

    I am in shock.  Celeste just called and I am in on the 14th!!!!!  Like this month!!! Like how in the world can I do this?  Like I am running a month behind and Christmas is this month not to mention my son's bday.  Pros...I get out of doing Christmas dinner for the extended family.  I can rest and enjoy the holidays while recuperating.  I will be there on the weekend so my family can come with me.  Cons....Can I really get this done this quick?  Where do I stay?  Should we drive from DFW or fly?  Can I really afford to do this?  I am saying yes and worrying about everything else later.  Wow I go to my old PS next week?  He doesn't have a clue what I am about to do. He still thinks I just got tattooed in November.  I feel like a wild woman.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    You will make it work... Ask Katie to help set up a hotel or Hope Lodge. Just call her tomorrow... and look at for cheap flights... American Airlines $368 12th-22nd. Or drive... but I would fly the hour and a half.


  • New-girl
    New-girl Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2012

    Have you stayed in Hope Lodge?  I need to fly in on the 12th and can leave the 17th.  I am thinking while I am doing preop I should just come by myself and save my caregivers for the weekend.  I do not want to inconvenience people while I am capable to doing the early stuff by myself. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2012

    grt42btexan  go for it! It will all work out, and then it will be behind you....  If you give me a few details, (see examples above in the list) I can add you to the list. Let me know!

    Hang in there Jen! 

  • New-girl
    New-girl Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2012

    Stage II b.  Fixing the yucky scars and flap paddle indentions. Getting both sides hopefully even.Making the brisket side more rounded.  Fat graphing and scar revisions.  New nipples if possible.  Dr. T at NOLA.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    well.. actually, you probably don't even need a caregiver. They told me I didn't need anyone for stage IIb... And yes, I have stayed at the Hope Lodge. Personally, I prefer the Homewood Suites, but the Hope Lodge is free if you need to save money.

    I would ask them about coming, staying and leaving alone. I can't see why that would be a problem...

    And with those dates, its American Airlines nonstop $260, or Delta with a connection $225. Bargain. I would fly nonstop. So, fly in the 12th. Pre-op the 13th, Surgery the 14th... spend 1-2 night in the hospital, and then fly out the 17th... Have Katie get you a room at Homewood Suites perhaps for 12th, 13th, 16th.. maybe about $160 per night? Or the Hope Lodge. But the HL is further away and its hard to get around.

  • Marcie47
    Marcie47 Member Posts: 163
    edited December 2012

    Bdavis-What a fantastic help you are to grt42b in a time like this!! That information you provided is invaluable and I am sure she didn't have time to do it on her plate.

    Good luck grt42b, will send good thoughts your way.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie, I did that once too!

  • New-girl
    New-girl Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2012

    Thanks so much Bdavis!  That really helps.  I wondered why I would need a caregiver especially during preop.  It is not the best time of year to ask people to stay.  My hubby would do it but staying home and working would be less stressful to both of us.  I am thinking of just getting my sister to come for the weekend.  I read that HL provides transportation to and from the hospital for appointments.  Does this not work well?  I am trying to stay as economical as possible as my out of pocket will be over 6K already.  And I have two kids college tuition bills due this next week.  Tis the season!  But so grateful and happy this is all working out.  I feel it is a sign to proceed ahead.  Cannot ever thank everyone on this site enough for all the encouragement and support to not just settle with what cancer took from me.  I am so excited.  Perky round boobs for Christmas!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited December 2012

    grt42btexan, I am so happy for you!! Way to go after what you want and getting perky round boobs sounds like the perfect Christmas gift to me!!

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie:  I can empathize with your drain issues.  I had a hip drain that stuck around for 4 weeks.  Jeanine and Laura both said that I had to remove it at the 4 week mark, no matter what it was producing.  I was still well into the 30's when it was pulled.  I was beyond thrilled to get that sucker out and the extended use of antibitotics was taking its toll.  Hang in there!  You're not far out from relief.

    grt42btexan:  Good Luck!  That is huge that you get to get this in on this year's deductible.  

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2012

    Ann - I do not know if the EmergenC will make that big of a difference when you are already taking a lot of Vit C. I will have to take a peak at the ingredients and see if there is something else in there that will really make a difference. I agree that antibiotics are of no help when something is viral, but I also agree that maybe your MD is hoping to avoid a secondary bacterial infection while your immune system is working so hard to fight the virus. I am sending positive vibes and hoping that you are turning the corner soon!

    Jen... You are SO not alone in your fears for recurrence! Sometimes the aftermath of cancer is harder than the actual treatment. During that time you are in fight mode and you have something to focus all of your energy on. Once that is over, sometimes it feels like just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I have had countless tests over the years for aches/pains that did not seem to go away. So far, so good. The anxiety will lessen in time - but I think that there will always be that lingering fear of recurrence. I think it just comes with the territory. But over time it will not always be your first thought of the day... there may even be some days that you won't think about it at all! But it really does take time. Hang in there. You have been through soooo much. All the treatment, the fear, the worry... it takes a toll. Sending you huge hugs right now.

    grt - Congrats to you on having your surgery in this calendar year! What a great Christmas present!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited December 2012

    grt42btexan, I haven't heard of any shuttle service with Hope Lodge.  I used the Center's shuttle, but maybe I'm missing something.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    grt42btexan.. When I stayed at HL, I had a friend with a car, but the Center will indeed drive you back and forth for appts... and I believe there is also a HL shuttle to the grocery store, but can't say for sure. I would call and ask them. My one concern about staying at HL alone, is a) not sure they allow you to be alone b) how would you get meals? You can't lift anything... so perhaps you could take a taxi to a restaurant?? I would call HL and ask them some detailed questions about their policies and how to get around (other than doctor appts and airport transportation which the Center provides). Do keep in mind that Homewood Suites provides breakfast (7 days a week) AND a light dinner during the week (Sun-Thur)... so the price difference kind of dwindles when you add in those perks.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2012

    Betsy,  Thank you for being so helpful and available.  Smile

    Cherrie, I agree with everything said by Jeskatchi re: what tasted good.  Interesting how many of us seem to have similar tastes post op.  I would add Greek yogurt with frozen blueberries, avocado with lemon and salt & pepper smashed on whole wheat toast, V-8, and protein rich smoothies (instant breakfast drink mix, etc.) to the list of good for you foods to try.  Hope you feel better soon.

    Jen, I am sorry you are struggling with anxiety.  That is such an awful feeling that seems to come from out of nowhere.  Very tough on go-get-em people. Maybe "knowledge is power" will hold true for you?  Just keep going and tomorrow's appt will be here before you know it.  Be easy on yourself, treat yourself to something special.   Praying for you.   Love, Tamara 

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited December 2012

    Jen, I am so sorry you are struggling right now!! You are a brave and strong woman and will handle whatever is put in front of you. As Tamara says be kind to yourself and take things one day at a time. Hugs to you sweet lady!!

    Just a quick question to some of the veterans on this page or whoever may know the answer. Do you know if the center will do a stage 2b on just the donor sites?

    I was able to get the MRI and EEG scheduled for my son on December 20th. He had another horrible headache last night, which just tears me up. Hoping and praying for answers soon!! Meanwhile, I have all his teachers looking out for him during the day.

    Hope everyone gets better soon and is able to proceed with their upcoming surgeries!! I know so many people who are sick right now!!



  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    Well I broke down and called in. My nausea has gotten worse and I was sick. Dr. M has called in a new antibiotic for me. I hope this helps.

    My drain produced 63 cc's yesterday. The 'little stinker'. Gee I must be at 3 weeks. I know it is all uphill from here. I really am healing well and have a lot be thankful for.

    Thanks for letting me vent. 😄

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie- Try a probiotic called Align.  I went to an internist when I was having problems with the antibiotics, and along with some gastro pain relieving pills (anti-cramp, anti-nausea, anti-gas, etc.) they recommended that probiotic.  It has ingredients that are not the standard acidophilus-like organisms.  It really helped balance my system.  It's expensive but worth it.  Look for it on the top shelf at your drugstore (it's like $32 for a one month supply).

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie, I am so sorry you are so sick. I hope the new antibiotic helps. I second the probiotic. I have been on one the whole time. I tried to take it at mid-day between antibiotic doses. I do think it helped. Big hugs!