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NOLA in September?



  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    Cascader- We will be thinking of you tomorrow and before you know it, it will be behind you.

    Chelle- Glad to hear you are doing well and know our thoughts are with your soon. Hang in there. Sounds like he has some great teachers too!

    Tamara- Thank you for taking with me about Stage 2. That was very helpful and nice of you!

    I don't know if I'm as anxious as I was about Stage 1 but it just seems like there is so many things to take care before we leave. I love the holidays and want to enjoy all of it and not feel as though I am just rushing through the decorating, shopping, and other fun that goes although with it. I hope I will be well enough to enjoy Christmas Eve and Day with my family.

    Ann Alive- How have you been feeling?

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited December 2012

    KerryA -- Thanks for asking. I'm doing better, have the last of the Z-pak today which must be strong stuff -- still have fatigue, minor cough. I know what you mean about rushing through shopping -- I've done most of it online. I skipped decorating since we don't have family in the area. It will be a quiet recovery Christmas (after stage 2) with DH.

    Cascader -- praying for you that the anesthesiologist will decide wisely, and I hope it's that you can go ahead with surgery.

  • New-girl
    New-girl Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2012

    Kerry A and Ann,  I am going in for Stage 2b.  Have they told you about how how recovery will be?  I hope to have all my decorating done this weekend before I leave next Wednesday.  I am thinking this will be a very quiet Christmas but hope my 3 college kids coming home understand.  Thank goodness for online shopping.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    Okay ....question. How long did you use dry dressing on incisions? I only betadine my hip where the drain is. It is a constant source of irritation and even stopped walking which is so good for me. My last 3 days have been 32, 30, and 28. Let's hope this downward progression continues and it can come out next week. Arggggg!!!!!

    Thinking of you Cascader. Hopefully, you are in surgery as we speak. The doctors will do what is right.

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited December 2012

    I have so many questions about NOLA!    I hope you don't mind answering a few questions?

    Do I have to travel there before surgery for appointments or is it a one shot deal?

    I am assuming I would fly there, stay at hospital and then fly home?  Is this okay after surgery?

    So, they would perform the surgery on my breats to cut the cancer out as well or is this just for cosmetic reconstruction?  thanks so much!

    Also, do you think there is a lobng wait to get in?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    Do I have to travel there before surgery for appointments or is it a one shot deal? You do not need to travel there prior for a consultation - they can do that by photographs. One shot deal? Well.. there are usually 2 surgeries 3 months apart. One for the surgery and one for revisions. I haven't heard of anyone who just goes once. And these are treated as separate surgeries, with separate fees.

    I am assuming I would fly there, stay at hospital and then fly home?  Is this okay after surgery? You would fly in 2 days ahead, stay at a hotel or Hope Lodge, have pre-op testing, then surgery, then hospital for 4-5 nights, then hotel again until post op (two days later) then fly home. You would need someone with you on the flight home as well.

    So, they would perform the surgery on my breats to cut the cancer out as well or is this just for cosmetic reconstruction?  thanks so much! The Breast Surgeon performs the MX and the Plastic surgeon perfoms the DIEP - all one surgery.

    Also, do you think there is a lobng wait to get in? If you have active cancer, they reserve Tuesdays for that, so the wait is usually not long. You would need to call and ask Liz.

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited December 2012

    Happy to answer Joellelee.  I just had my first stage done on October 24th.

    Do I have to travel there before surgery for appointments or is it a one shot deal?

    No, you email photographs and have pre-op testing/consults a day or two before surgery.  It's an all day affair.  I was at the Center from 9:-5:30 on my preop testing/consult day.

    I am assuming I would fly there, stay at hospital and then fly home?  Is this okay after surgery?

    You need to arrive a day or two before surgery, depending on when your pre-op visit is.  You will stay in the hospital for 3 nights, be released to a hotel, then return to the center for a post-op visit one week after your surgery.  It is fine to fly-travel after your post-op visit.  You will be provided ted hose to wear and given instructions to walk every hour.

    So, they would perform the surgery on my breats to cut the cancer out as well or is this just for cosmetic reconstruction?  thanks so much!

    It can be done either way.  You can have your mastectomy first, then do reconstruction later, or you can have them done simultaneously.  I understand that the cosmetic outcome is better if done simulatenously and that most people ARE a candidate to have it done simulatenously.  If done at the same tie, your breast surgeon removes the breast tissue, and at the same time the plastic surgeons are working your diep donor site.  Once the breast surgeon is finished, the reconstruction work begins.  

    Also, do you think there is a lobng wait to get in?

    There is room left on the schedule for active cancer patients.  I was an active cancer patient and was able to get scheduled within a month.  The Dr.s were out of town for a conference for one of those weeks, so I think had that not been the case, I would have had an appointment within 3 weeks.  This wasn't any longer than any of my local options.

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie - I am still dry dressing my breast incisions because I've still got scabbing.  I plan to dry dress until the scabs are gone.  I'm a week ahead of you.   I am also putting large bandaids over my drain sites because both sides are so tender if something rubs or touches it.  

    Cascader - hope all goes well for you today!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie - I am painting with betadine daily.  I am now wearing a bali crop top bra (I call it my training bra) 24 hrs a day.  After the drains were out, I switched to a wacoal panty girdle with tons of abdominal support called "hope on a hanger".  It is great and I wear it 24 hrs per day (per Dr. M).  I still have one drain site that is irritated and put neosporin on it then cover with a 4x4 (my panty girdle holds it in place-fear the tape).  I still have scabs and glue, but it is slowly releasing as it heals.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2012

    Betsy, thanks I updated TTay to Dec 11. 

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    Marty, I no longer do anything with the breast incisions. They look great. I just wear the genie Miracle Bra which is working great for me. I betadine abdominal incision and drain site every other day when I take my shower.

    Is it okay to put any kind of ointment on scars to lessen them or is it too early?

    My drain output is lessening. 28 yesterday and looks to be about the same today. I want to switch to different compression when drain is out. Marty is your new garment split in the crotch area?? I am tired of compression down to knees. I am ready for some freedom.

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited December 2012

    Thanks for the info!  What do you mean by 'revisions'?  My visit at Penn hospital in Philly didn't mention a post op revision...I was going to go with Penn medicine, but now am intrigued by Nola...worried about cost, though...

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    joellelee... The first surgery moves the tissue. The second surgery neatens it up , makes them more symmetrical, and gives them better shape. Also, the donor site will need revisions. NOLA is great at contouring your body so that it looks normal after the transplant. I saw other doctors who are less interested in the final product.. and this is one reason I chose NOLA. About cost, don't assume it will be too pricey til you look into it. Hope Lodge is free. And air is about $250-300 from our area.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    The way it was explained to me is that in stage 1 they use the fat in the abdomen to stuff the breasts like a pillow. The goal is flap survival at this stage. In 2A they can then bring symmetry to the breast through fat graphing or lypo. Some people even reduce their size here. There may also be scar revisions done. The final stage if you need it would be final symmetry and nipple work if you didn't have nipple sparring surgery.

    I think it is wonderful that it isn't one surgery. They take their time and take pride in making you look wonderful. They are perfectionists.

    You can get on the Center for breast restoration website and email them directly. You can also google any of the doctors there. Dr. Marga Massey has her own website also. They will call you.

    Good luck. You must be very overwhelmed right now.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie - I initially bought a Merena with the open crotch.  The legs were shorter than the dom, but kept rolling up.  It was too tight around the rib cage, even though I called them to talk about what size they recommended. I think we were off by one size.  I also considered purchasing from Veronique (manuf of the dom) and would have if I had it to do over.  The Wacoal I am wearing does not have an open crotch.  I think you can only have an open crotch or hook & eye open if the garment has legs.  Once that drain goes, you may not need the open crotch as much.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2012

    Marena has a garment without legs that has a hook and eye crotch.  The placement of the hooks looked uncomfortable to me though.  Also with my arthritis it looked like a pain to do and undo.  

    All of the post-surgical compression garment makers have similar styles.  e.g., Marena carries a version that looks like the garment you get from the docs (zippered, "first stage").  Veronique carries a version that looks like a "second-stage" Marena garment, i.e., no zippers. The only real difference is the fabric.  All have crotch openings of some sort, usually a hole.  

    With non post-surgical garments, i.e., fashion shapers, most are pull-up, most have no crotch opening (some might be split).  The fabric is the real difference there as well--it's not intended to be worn for an extended period of time and the elasticity wears out faster.  I found them to be tighter too, but maybe that's just me.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie, I kept dry 4X4's on until all scabs and glue were gone.  In addition, I felt better to have the abdominal incision "protected" against the pants fabric, even yoga pants.  I also wanted to protect my belly button.  I ended up discarding them by about 3 1/2 weeks. I still have a tiny scab or two but they are not a problem.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    Ok, I will keep it on abdominal incision and hip drain. I still have glue and such sloughing off too. I have had 3 days now under 30 cc. Hoping it stays that way and can get this d..n thing out. My breasts are doing great. I am getting sensation in them. It doesn't always feel so great, but thankful.

    Compression stays on for 2 weeks after drains come out so I might stick it out with the Dom. It isn't as binding on me as it used to be. If I do, does it have to go over the rib cage or can it be like Spanx? I don't want to spend a fortune for 2-3 weeks.

    I am wearing my old clothes. They are slightly big even with the binder on. Yay! I did come home 8 lbs less. Probably because I had so little to eat and drink the first 3 weeks. I switched antibiotic and I am now eating, but food still taste different. I still can't have coffee which I couldn't live without before surgery. My vision is no better. So blurry I can't drive. WIERD!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited December 2012

    hello ladies

    my belly scar is giving me some trouble.  The other day when I went for the hyperbaric tx I saw the wound care doc.  I noticed when I used the toilet that there was slight oozing from the belly scar.  The doc looked at it and had the nurse put a bandage back on along with something to soften up the scabs.  today i took the bandage off and it looks like it has opened up a gross looking.  I sent pix to Dr M and hopefully she will call soon.  It is not red, inflamed, or painful at all just looks bad.  I put another bandage of on it with some neosporin.  It was the only spot on the belly scar that still had scabs on it  so maybe it is just cause the scabs came off. 


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2012

    Maggie, sounds like the scabs came off and it looked gross. Hopefully, it's nothing more! 

    About garments. I found the Veronique material very rough on my skin, and wearing it 24/7 was hard. The Marena material is softer next to the skin, but still has compression. I found it much easier to wear. The material it's made out of seems superior to me.

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited December 2012

    My nerves are starting to kick back in about my Stage 2. I have enjoyed getting back into my routine and exercising. I keep telling myself it will be easier the 2nd time around, however I am having a hard time thinking about going through everything all over again- with the drains, IV, meds, etc and all over the holidays. I am working up to the day we leave which I recall some of you ladies mentioning that you had done the same.

    I feel ready in some ways. I have noticed some fluid increasing around both hip drain sites. After emailing back and forth with Laura she said to just wait since my Stage 2 was around the corner. I don't know how/what revisions they do with the breasts at Stage 2? I am still very full/wide, more than I was before and what I would like I hope to have this addressed and resolved. My hip incisions feel thick so I presume that will be looked at too. 

    I remember feeling very overwhelmed with emotion the week before Stage 1 and while I feel less anxious this time around, I feel very emotional again. Wish I could get a handle on them...sometimes I do really good and feel upbeat and ready to go and then other times my mind goes into overtime thinking about everything again.

    Wishing those well with upcoming surgeries this week. Ann hope you are continuing to feel better. I am almost done Christmas shopping but finishing up all the other odds and ends this upcoming week. I love this time of year and want to enjoy all of it. I hope I feel well enough after we get home to celebrate Christmas with our family.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    I know it has been kicked around a lot, people asking if clothes fit differently after stage II, how long does it take etc. I was wearing size 10 pants before surgery, and after stage II my pants fit differently. Pants that sit at the waist I find tight in the waist, still (and I am a year out), but most of my pants are low rise, and I find they are falling down. So on Cyber Monday I ordered a pair of size 10 regular jeans from Banana Republic... knowing I could return them if they didn't fit. They were too long and too big in the waist so I went into BR and ended up with size 6 Petite. Now I was thinking really?? I thought that BR must just oversize their clothes. Then a day later I was at Dick's Sporting Goods and trying on pants and ended up with a size 4, and they are slipping down also.  I cannot really explain because I could clearly lose about 35 pounds to get to my best weight. So I think that with all the surgery, from teh belly button down, I am definitely thinner, but my middle is still "thick" ... something perhaps Dr D can address at stage IIb in January. Of course food portions and exercise also play a role here... So for those who have wondered how can it change your pant size and how long does it take.. I would say it can change pant sizes a lot, and it can take a long time...  a year perhaps. But also, if your pants don't feel looser, then perhaps try a low rise that will stay away from that bloated area. I find the low rise WAY more comfortable than those that sit at the waistline.

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2012

    DRAIN FREE!!!! Yes! And in time for my first day back at work which promises to be a long one. And could I sleep well last night? Pffftt!

    Like Betsy, I have found that my clothing fits differently. Where I was edging in to 16-18/women's 14 before Stage 1, I am now easily fitting into size 12 and some less, depending on the cut. All those clothes that we store in the back of the closet for the time when we will lose weight have all come back out and many of my go-to-business suits literally hang on me. I have to wear suspenders to keep my pants up! True, I did lose weight overall, but the size of the butt and thighs is what is making the difference. No one with a waist this thick should be wearing this size! It really varies so much. I did not have a DIEP but hip flaps.

    I agree on the Veronique material, Spring. It was so bad on my skin that the Center staff told me to get into a Marena as soon as I could. Skin was rubbed raw -- told my husband he could use it to sand dry wall mud as it felt about like the material they use for that! LOL! Plus, hiked it up a bit one day when using the toilet to make sure there were no accidents and put my fingernails right through it. The words "get out of this DOM ASAP" were like heaven to me!

    Best to all those "in process", those healing, and those looking in the eyes of the next step.


  • Lesleyanne67
    Lesleyanne67 Member Posts: 66
    edited December 2012

    Sheesh. Thanks as always for all the posts and now I am sad...I was so hoping stage 2 would change my thick waist, but based on posts I am not very encouraged... : (. Getting thrown in to immediate menopause at 41 as a result of this lovely breast cancer has permanently hanged my shape and I hate it. I could take a little but honestly my waist is 8 inches minimum larger.

    I am sure that 8+ surgeries has not helped because it has been 2 years since I can have any sort of normal exercise routine because I am always recovering. This will be my FOURTH surgery this year alone - this Friday.

    I am getting nervous mostly because I am afraid I may have unrealistic expectations....oh well. I trust Dr D totally. I just hope everything goes well. I love your attitude Betsy if there is. 2b or 2c so be it. I wish I felt that way, but I am just so tired or surgery....on the other hand I am too vain to just live in this disaster I have become. : )

    I feel that overall things went great for me, but I have had ongoing challenges with the side where the drain fell out early. I have had to have several aspirations even 2 weeks ago, but they will fix this when I go back in.

    Happy holidays to all of you. This is the first year I just gave myself permission to skip decorating! I am the Grinch : ). No tree. Thanks again for sharing all you do, it would be so much scarier without all of your sharing, as a matter of fact I probably would have never made it to NOLA and been sitting here with a huge hole in my chest whining every day : )

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2012

    Maggie-2, I have a tiny spot on my hip that has opened up and is oozing a bit.  It is about an inch from where the drain came out of the skin.  Near it was a tiny suture that came out, but I was using my handy magnifying mirror as I was painting this morning and noticed there is a tiny suture end sticking out that is irritating the skin on the opposite side of the opening.  I tried to use tweezers and pull it, but no luck.  I have petroleum jelly and a 4x4 over it under my girdle.  After 4 weeks, I am getting a bit concerened about using neosporin so much as neomycin in it is known to cause skin reactions (my dermatologist always tells me to use bacitracin or plain petro, not neosporin).  I am hoping that if I lay low today (no walks) it might be easier to pull tomorrow - if not, I will email Dr. M.

    I went to our block party last night.  Wow, I felt as if my middle was growing as I stood there.  Lots of bloat making it tough to get dressed (especially late in the day).  Something that fits at noon is way to small by 6 pm.  Aarrrrgh! From what I read here, it is not going to go away any time soon, huh?  Would going back to the dom help?

  • RunningforSanity
    RunningforSanity Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2012

    Hi MartyJ - I also had a spot in my hip incision that opened up right after I removed the drain on that side and it did drain for quite awhile.  I was told that it needed to heal from the inside out, so it was kept open by my ob/gyn with a sterile cloth tape (changed daily) to allow drainage.  I was super careful to keep it clean to prevent infection, and kept ABD pads over it till it healed up.  I was also using Neosporin and subsequently developed an allergic skin reaction.  My dermatologist friend told me that Neosporin is a notorious allergen and he recommended using a plain ointment with just antibiotics, not a cream like Neosporin, which has a lot of things in it to make it creamy.  Sounds like your dermatologist and mine agree completely about this.  Good luck - it was an annoyance but did heal up slowly without any real issues.

    Spring, can you please add me for March 1 for Stage 2?  I am finally getting around to it.  It will have been nearly 18 months after Stage 1.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited December 2012

    I was told to keep the drain site dry after the drain was pulled, no ointment.. so I would check with the doctor.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited December 2012

    Kerry, I had the same nervous feeling before stage 2. It's totally normal, but I am sure adding the holidays in makes things a little more uneasy.  You are going to great and you will be on the road to recovery soon!! You will be able to spend the holidays relaxing and having others take care of you :)
    I worked up until the day I left for NOLA and then did work from home while I was out.
    Dr. D is amazing (as you know) and he will address everything and take excellent care of you!!

    If you need someone to talk to please feel free to contact me!!



  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited December 2012

    Great news! I AM DRAIN FREE!!!!!!!

    I was told to keep it dry, and not to add ointment. I have a sore hip area and will take it easy for a couple of days as it closes up. I will continue to wear Dom, but Dr. M said I could wear Shapewear, like Spanx, for a couple of holiday gatherings. Yay!

    Marty, are you just now starting to bloat or has it been a problem all along? I am 4 weeks out and haven't noticed this. Maybe because I have never been without my compression. Also, was the spot that opened up a place that wasn't healing right or did it just appear after drain came out?? Take it easy.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2012

    Cherrie - great news!  I know how happy you must be.  So exciting not to have to make a fashion statement of your drains.

    The bloating is a recent problem.  Definitely more pronounced this week.  I may go back to the dom for a few days to see how it goes.  Maybe wear the dom during the day and the panty girdle at night.  If it helps, I will be very happy.  

    The spot that opened up was not the drain site, but about an inch or two towards the center.  I have been keeping the drain sites dry, but was using neo on the place that was irritated.  Just switching to petro jelly helped a bit and I have stayed quiet today (no walk).  Chuck brought me some bacitracin which is one of the 3 antibiotics in Neosporin, but not the one that causes the allergies.  I have had a few areas where a suture popped up and wasn't ready to let go or dissolve.  When it did let go, the area was much happier.