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NOLA in September?



  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    Springtime...two C cups??? You made my day :) I can only aspire to be a C. I was a "loose" B at best with the originals. No idea what these implants are, because they are more wide than anything else. Do you mind my asking what type of flap procedure you had? I am just under 5'6" and 125#. I know I can grab a handful from my hips...I am hoping Dr. M can work with it.

    Cherrie - I submitted my insurance info to Becky. She told me once they had what they needed and contacted my insurance, they would set up my consult with Dr. M. I am assuming all is good since I have the consult. I that Dr. M, as well as the doctors in NOLA and St. Charles Surgical Hospital, are all "in-network" on my current insurance plan. That should hopefully make things easier.

    Zenful, MartyJ, and Russell1 - thank you for the feedback and encouraging words!

  • KaseyAnne
    KaseyAnne Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2013

    I think I have been reading non stop for two weeks lol!  I have my surgery date confirmed for Nov. 15th at NOLA with Dr. Trahan.  I have waited 6 years for this and am beyond excited!

    Thank you to everyone here who has shared your very personal experiences!! 

  • jcoutee
    jcoutee Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2013
    there is ALOT of info to read! i am leaving for nola tomorrow morning for pre op appts with dr trahan and surgery is friday @7am. i am having DIEP II. i am super nervous and im wondering how long before i can walk good or take care of my kids...3 yr and 6 yr. i have help for the next few weeks but i am just curious about recovery.
  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2013

    jcoutee, I am almost four weeks out from my stacked flap, or "body lift" procedure at NOLA. They used fat from my stomach and hips and were able to construct two D to DD breasts, and I would consider myself thin. I was also very nervous due to how extensive the surgery seemed. Everyone is a little different, but I had very little pain with my surgery. They will have you walking on Saturday. It is uncomfortable because things have been pulled tight, so it is difficult to stand up straight, which causes some stress on the back. Honestly, I had more pain in my back than anywhere else, but more of a fatigue type of pain due to the strange posture. I am walking upright now, but things still tighten up after sitting for a while. I hear it takes a while. The doctors and staff will take such good care of you, and they really are the best. I will be thinking of you in Friday, and sending positive and healing energy your way.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited October 2013

    jcoutee..I had hip flaps and done with stage 2. You will most likely feel good at about 3-4 weeks. Don't worry !! It will be just fine. Hugs!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited October 2013

    Kaseyanne.. So excited for you to be getting this after 6 years! What flap are you doing?

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited October 2013

    Mom, I'm glad you found this forum board! I'd like to add my two cents. First, I believe you are doing all the right things. I was told by the docs at University of Michigan that I was too thin for DIEP. From what I'd read about implants I knew I didn't like that option but that was the only option they were willing to go with. Thanks to the ladies on this forum I contacted Becky for an appointment with Dr. Massey. Dr. M spent two hours on the phone with me (and my husband) on a Saturday. I absolutely loved her but she wasn't going to be back to NOLA for another two months and I had active cancer in both breasts that needed to come out ASAP. So I still went to NOLA but Dr. Sullivan was my surgeon. He was fantastic, too, but none of the guy docs are as personable as Dr. M. (I can't see any of them calling me at home on a Saturday!) Once I made the decision and worked out a payment plan (out of network for me) I had the surgery in under two weeks.

    At the time of my surgery I was 5'6" and around 123 pounds. Dr. S did what he called an extended DIEP... although maybe it could be called something else? I have stacked flaps - I had a little bit of fat in my abdomen and some small love handles that he transplanted. I had my BMX at the same time and was able to keep my skin/nipples. Initially I was swollen so I was larger than my "before" self, but once things settled down I was about the same - about a 34B. The first couple days after surgery were bad for me - I won't sugarcoat that - but I had to have a blood transfusion and that slowed down my healing. Because I was so thin I was pulled together extremely tightly and I didn't think I'd EVER be able to stand up straight again. (I think it ended up taking me 6-8 weeks to be upright.) It took me almost a week before I could do a lap in the hospital hall. The lower back pain from being hunched over was the worst. Looking back, knowing what I know now, I'd still do it all over again and at the same place. You will feel like royalty. The care is excellent. And if you need a free place for lodging you can stay at the Hope Lodge which is what we did. They will provide transportation if you need it.

    I had stage 2 four months later. My stage 2 operative report states that I am very, very lean. I didn't give Dr. S much to work with as I've dropped to about 113 pounds because of some eating restrictions/food allergies that we've uncovered. My surgery was pretty minor as Dr. S just did a little tweaking and a little lipo in my outer thighs and lower back. That lipo bruising is very painful!

    It's hard for me to believe but I'm 6 months out now from my 12 hour stage 1 surgery. I have scars. Lots of scars - the "smiley face" on my abdomen wraps around my sides and I joke that I was sawed in half. I have to look in a mirror to see the scars on my breasts and they seem to be fading faster. Where I had surgery I'm either numb or sore or both. I'm hoping that someday that soreness/numbness will go away. I'm numb/sore in my breast, underarms (maybe from my sentinal node biopsies) and around my waist.

    You are in good hands! I almost posted several days ago on the DIEP board to share my experience but then you said you weren't willing to travel. I'm glad that you've changed your mind. Oh, and for stage 1 my parents went with me so my husband could keep things "normal" at home. He did join me for the shorter stage 2 and we actually got to see some of the city which was nice. Love that trolley! Sorry for the novel, but I'm passionate about letting "too thin" ladies know that if I can do it, you can do it! But not with just any doc. Dr. Massey firmly believed that the results are better on thin women with her or the NOLA guys.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited October 2013

    Kristin - L I K E !!! Well said.

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    klanders - Thank you so much for all that information. I had a tummy tuck about 8 years ago. At that time there was not much fat, just loose skin thanks to 5 kids. So, I know I am relying on my hips/butt...not so much in the butt area, however I have what I think is plenty in the hip area. I am really excited to talk to Dr. Massey, and hear if I am a candidate. From what I read, I am thinking I am, but part of me is afraid to get my hopes up.

    As far as scars, I have the TT scar (horizontal) that faded very nicely...but in July I had a large tumor (they thought it was ovarian cancer!) removed and the gyn onc had to make a 9" vertical incision!! She knotted it so tight on top, that it looks like I have two belly buttons :( So, one more scar will not big a big deal at this point. My grand plan is to compose an organic design that can be tattooed around and then up my middle. If I have to have scars, I may as well make them pretty :)

    Aside from my kids and DH, I have no family around to help. Luckily my sons seemed up to helping out. Worst case, I will fly down for preop and surgery and have my husband meet me before I am discharged. I am hoping my chest will not be too sore, since it seems pretty numb from the BMX I had in February. I wonder how bad the hip flaps will be, as far as mobility and sleeping.

    Everyone has been so helpful...I am always amazed when I get a PM from a perfect stranger offering advice and support. I am a bit of an introvert, so for me it always a pleasant, and welcome surprise.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2013

    Mom, I had hip flap reconstruction and was very surprised how little it hurt. Sleeping on my back and sitting were not a problem. I was even up walking around the quarter, albeit slowly, 5 days after stage 1. The area was very numb and feeling didn't return for a few months. It's still numb around the incision a year later. I had my stage 1 with BMX at about the same time that two other women in my town had their stage 1 surgery after removing tissue expanders. They recovered a few weeks faster than me, even though they are 12 years older, because they didn't have the BMX at the same time. Having your BMX behind you might give you a faster recovery than some. The first few weeks are rough, but I've never heard a single woman on this discussion thread say she regretted it. I had a BMX and woke up with breasts, and I forget sometimes that I even had a mastectomy! By the end if stage 2, you should have a lovely scar collection and a beautiful pair of natural soft warm breasts. Best wishes!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited October 2013

    Well said Klanders and LaStar!!! Momof5..I think the pain will be better than the tummy tuck pain you had. I had no pain in my breasts after Stage 1 hip flaps surgery. Just hurt when I got up to walk at first but doable. I also walked a good couple of miles the day before we left! The lipo is what hurts.

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2013

    momof5, I don't think the hip flaps will cause you too much discomfort. The abdominal incision is what causes the most discomfort because it is pulled so tight. I have been laying on my back to sleep for four weeks and the hip/gluteal incisions don't cause me any pain. You will have drains in hour hips at first, but maybe you will be lucky enough to lose them before you leave for home. I still have two hip drains (originally had 6), but honestly I don't know if they are draining my hips or my abdomen, but I would guess they are from my abdomen since that was the largest area of tissue removal. Everyone is a little different on how long their bodies require the drains, but once they are draining 20 ml or less of fluid for two consecutive days, they can be removed. I am so happy for you to have chosen these docs, and to quote LAStar, you will have "a beautiful pair of soft warm breasts"

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited October 2013

    Kristin- I agree with Marty. Well said.

    Momof-You will be in the best of hands and can do this. I so wish I lived nearby to help.

    I am 1 month out of my 2c and doing great. I will admit that compression 24/7 gets to me. I am not one who loves it, but tolerates it. I have seen no difference in the size of my thighs at all, but I had bruising to prove i had lipo there. Ha ha ha! When will I see a difference?

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited October 2013

    Cherrie ..I'm over three months out and I finally see a slight difference in my thighs. They say it can take up to 6 months. Did I miss your results from tests? I know you were waiting on them.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited October 2013

    thanks Melanie! I didn't know it took that long. How long did you wear compression 24/7? I am not being very patient. The only compression that fits me well is my old DOM's that go up to below my breasts. I ordered one Veronique that goes from waist, but it is just too tight. That band at the top squeezes the beezeeus out of me. I don't want to invest in more. They are seriously expensive!!!!

    My results were fine, but I told that doc he shouldn't have told me about the connection to dementia and I did not feel I needed a hearing aid evaluation. My hubby says he has never noticed hearing loss at all with me. Just not ready for that.

  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited October 2013

    What everyone said is right on! Klanders, we had similar experiences - thanks for writing ("our"!) post op story succinctly.

    Mom5, I am happy you did your research and found NOLA. I was told no way by local doctors re: flap surgery, I am 5'2 and an athletic/mesomorph 115#, but ended up super satisfied.

    I am one of the testimonial women on the Center's web site and just got back yesterday from helping out with their BRA day premiere showing of the movie "Decoding Annie Parker". I loved the movie, here is the trailer link: The movie director announced that the more views they get, the number of theaters showing this film will increase (his sister very recently passed from ovarian cancer and he is donating all money made from this movie to cancer charities/non profits).

    I am incredibly grateful that I chose NOLA. Please pm me if you want to chat. My recovery was not a walk in the park by any means but the outcome was well worth it to me. Peace, Tamara

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited October 2013

    Cherrie.. I wore my compression for only about 3-4 weeks. That's what Dr. Sullivan said. I just used the 2 garments that were given to me from the hospital. I'm so glad that your results were good! I just researched lipo and how long results take. Hugs!!!!!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited October 2013

    Melanie - thanks for reminding me to google lipo results and compression again. It really helped remind me why I am wearing compression for life - just kidding, til next June - 6 months after last procedure.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited October 2013

    I don't look like I had massive lipo a year ago, which is disappointing. It's probably because I spent the 6 months after chained to my desk trying to catch up on all the work I missed after 4 surgeries last year. Went for a run today...slowly....

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited October 2013

    woo hoo, final drain pulled from hip.

    Hubby did a good job....well except for when he was "digging around" looking for the stitch to cut.ouch!

    Now started compression!

    Any words of wisdom as to how it should or shouldn't feel?

    Also found out I will be traveling to Vegas to celebrate friends 50th next Sunday...I still have my compression hose from when I returned from NOLA to NY...any advice for this trip?



  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2013

    Hooray Patty. Happy for you to be liberated. I'm still waiting on two hip drains and my surgery was Sept 19, so I'm feeling like an underachiever here (started with 6). Not sure if they go to the abdomen or butt area, but they sure are taking their time. I am doing the happy dance for you.

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited October 2013

    aw I feel bad. I hope they come out soon...real soon. Have you been "doing nothing" like you are supposed to be?


  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2013

    No, not really. I am walking every day and I find myself doing more around the house as I begin to feel better. Do you think they will slow down if I do nothing? Not sure I can do that...

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited October 2013

    Zenful, from reading people's experiences here...doing less =less draining...why not try a few days of doing nothing and see what happens!

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited October 2013

    Zenful., hit send before I could say...what does your doctor say?

    Mine expected the drains out by this time...I wonder what they would say if my output were still high.


  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited October 2013

    pattysmiles..hooray for no drains ! I am confused though because you said you are just starting compression. I had to wear compression garment from the start. Holes were cut so the drain tubes could come out. Also I believe it is good to walk everyday, but don't over do it. The output will slow down when it's time. Believe me you want that fluid out:) Zenful:) that was for you. Had my hip drains in about 6 weeks!

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited October 2013

    Russell, I guess all the docs are different.

    For me Dr. Sullivan said no compression until final hip drain is out. If I remember correctly he said the drain was to rid excess fluid. When the levels were low enough it was time to remove drain and use compression so the body could re absorb the smaller amount of fluid on a regular basis.


  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited October 2013

    Oh ok...I had Dr. Sullivan too. Maybe it goes by each patient. I woke up from surgery in my compression garment. But I had hip flaps not diep. That's probably why:)

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited October 2013

    Russell, I believe you are correct,it depends on the flap.

    Anyone do a stage 2 can perhaps let me know what to expect "stay wise"?

    Someone at the center said it could be an overnight admittance....mine should be mostly lipo according to dr.Sullivan. How soon after do you think I would be to be able to get on a plane and go home?

    I'm trying to make plans with some girlfriends to go enjoy ourselves first, then do the stage2...but I need more info before I book flights/hotel. (Yes, I just finished stage 1, but when you try to plan with 4 people's schedules you need to plan ahead! Lol)

    Thank you for any assistance.


  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2013

    When I left, they told me it could take weeks before the drains were ready to come out. Russell, you make me think my hip drains must be from my hip flaps and not the DIEP. I wasn't sure which ones were still remaining, but since your hip flaps took six weeks, I'm going to guess that it is the hip flaps being so stubborn for me.

    Patty, my Stage 2 is scheduled in February. It is about a 5-day stay. I am flying in on a Tuesday for a Wednesday preop, Thursday surgery, overnight stay in the hospital, then they said I could fly out on Sunday, unless I wanted to stay for a Monday postoperative, which is optional. I decided to have the postoperative appointment, just so I know everything appears as it should.