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NOLA in September?



  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited July 2014

    kb33 - No I don't think you would be considered eligible if you already were diagnosed.. But, call the company to be sure.

    Aflac was at my work one day... I looked back when I got it- and I got it at 37 or 38- and used it at 40.  No breast cancer history in my family. No high risk for any ANY cancer, physically fit, picture of health b4 this mess.. I just thought I would get a different type of insurance when I saw them sitting at my work - and I was in the right place at the right time that day.  I Guess... :).



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2014

    NOLA 504 / Nicole - I added your July 30 date to the list, and your Oct Stage 2 date. Just let me know if that changes!

  • Kb33
    Kb33 Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2014

    wow.  Surgery set for NOLA.  Stage 1.  8/19.   Yikes

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2014

    Kb33, it's great to have a date!  Now you can get busy preparing instead of making tough decisions!  They will take great care of you there.  

  • eloqui
    eloqui Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2014

    congrats on setting your surgery date kb!

    I am planning my Stage 2 for bilateral SGAPs. How long did it take you guys to recover after stage 2 for GAP flaps? What kind of revisions did they do? And did you bring a travel companion with you? Thanks :)

  • ucfmom
    ucfmom Member Posts: 29
    edited July 2014

    Thanks Springtime, I sent Betsy a message and asked to be added to the Facebook page.

    Has anyone here stayed at Bourbon Orleans?  I booked three nights there for my appointment in February.  I emailed Hotel Monteleone last week to ask if they have a special rate for the Breast Center, but haven't received a reply yet.

  • mary625
    mary625 Member Posts: 154
    edited July 2014

    Hi, could I be added for September 24 with Dr. Marga in NOLA?  stage 1, here I come....

  • Gramof2boys
    Gramof2boys Member Posts: 60
    edited July 2014

    kb33- I am having my stage 1 on 8/20, SGAP flap. I guess I will see you there at some point. Hopefuly we won't feel too bad. Hope everything goes well for you.

    Eloqui-how was your Stage 1 recovery? 

  • Kb33
    Kb33 Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2014

    gram of 2 boys

    Good to know we will be able to share this time together.  I'll be looking for you.  Or you will here me getting yelled at for trying to do to much to soon.... I am sure

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2014

    KB33 and Mary625, I added your surgery dates to the listing above. You're in the best of hands!

    All, when folks mention their surgery dates here in the list, please remind them to PM the date and specifics to me. I get an email that way which helps get my attention on it. Thanks!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2014

    ucfmom... yes, the Monteleone has a discount. Just call them and ask to speak with someone who deals with that. It used to be Stephanie, but she left. The discounts are 119 and 139 for weekday/weekend, but only for a regular double room as long as there is availability and no festivals. In June all regular doubles were booked, so I got a preferred double for 139 and 169, still discounted.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited July 2014

    did anyone have insomnia after any of their surgeries?

  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2014

    stix-  I have so much trouble sleeping...part of the reason I know is that I am having to sleep on my back (I was a side sleeper pre-surgery).  Even with a wedge pillow and lots of little pillows, I just don't get solid sleep.  Seem to get an hour here or there.   It is sort of vicious cycle because I am exhausted in the evening and can't keep my eyes open at 9:00 pm.  Fall asleep until about 11 then up til 2. I spend that time thinking about any and everything even though I try to relax and focus on breathing.   Fall sleep for a bit then up again.  Have to get up at 5:30 for work so I feel like a walking zombie most of the time.  Hoping this will improve when I have the exchange.


  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited July 2014

    Hi Ally, thanks for the info. So  nice of you to respond. Who is andy?   I just had my revision yesterday. You would think with anesthesia in me and pain meds. after I would have been sleeping like a baby. I finally feel asleep at 4am till 10am

    Keep me post Ally on your exchange! We will be so glad when this is over.  Mine has been going on way too long.  for about 4.5 years- but had a year break in between.  With that year break I was getting my tattoo redone with Vinnie- then they found atypical in the other side... and had a mx with assymetrical reconstruction which let me to this revision

  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2014

    Hi Stix..."andy" is a typo.  Suppose to be "any" and everything.  I did not realize I had even typed that word.  I will keep you posted.  Sometimes I almost feel bad because I have had a relatively easy journey and it has been fairly quick.  I admire so much the ladies, including yourself, that have been through so much and continue to post to help others out and to answer questions. Take care of yourself and let your body heal.  Rest when you can...I know it is hard. 

    Take care,


  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited July 2014

    No ally... i have been going through this for so long and I did not even need chemo...alot have it harder than I...  i should of had a double mx. In the beginning even if all mt breast surgeons said it was unnecessary. .. oh well..i can now educate others.  Stix

  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2014

    Stix-  So glad you are telling people so they can consider all the options.  When I was dx, the BS gave me the option of uni or lump.  It wasn't until I was talking to a friend and she had a similar dx and asked if I had considered a bmx? It was then that I started to think about it.  Before I had that conversation, I was waffling between the two choices and just could not decide between the uni or lump.  When I put the bmx in the mix, it quickly felt right for me.  The BS was fine with it and said she understood why I chose it when I gave her all my reasons.  Just letting you know that having people tell you their experiences is SO helpful.  It provided me with an option I did not even know I had.

    Better days ahead for all of us!!


  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited July 2014

    I see what your saying. ... better days ahead. Keep me posted on your progress

  • thinkpink4ever
    thinkpink4ever Member Posts: 83
    edited July 2014

    Stix, I've had insomnia since my first DX in 2001.  Actually after my surgery in June, I really didn't have too much trouble falling asleep, but then again, I wasn't on a normal schedule.  If I didn't fall asleep until 12:00 midnight, I could sleep late in the morning to get all of my rest.  Like Ally, however, I am not a back sleeper, so that was the hardest part for me. 

    I just went back to this week on Tuesday, and I have not had much trouble falling asleep, which is wonderful!  I'm still building my stamina up and the long work days are wearing me out.  Normally, I take a variety of things to fall asleep, and I switch them up so that I don't become dependant on any one of them to fall asleep.  I use Ambiem, Ibuprofen PM, Melatonin, Generic Sleep Aid pills from Wal Mart, and sometimes I use soothing sounds on a sleep app on my phione.  This week, I've needed NOTHING!  Lol

    One love,



  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited July 2014

    Thanks thinkpink. I may go get melatonin in the next couple of days.. :)...

  • mary625
    mary625 Member Posts: 154
    edited July 2014

    Hi, all.  I'm having my procedure on 9/24/14 in NOLA.  I would really like to know more from you about what the hospital was like.  How about the food?  About how long did your surgery take?  How did you feel when you woke up?  How long before you could get up or eat?  What was the Hope Lodge like?  Any hotels that you'd recommend?  Thanks.  

  • Kb33
    Kb33 Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2014

    Good questions Mary 625.    I am the week before you.  Also at hope lodge and curious about that to expect with hospital and after.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2014

    Mary and kb. The hospital is awesome. Not like a hospital. More like a spa. And the food is fantastic. The chef comes in to tell you the specials. 

    Surgery length and how one feels varies case to case based on what is being done. 

    I really liked homewood suites post stage 1. Lots of room and very comfortable. Hope lodge is free though. 

  • Judy_63
    Judy_63 Member Posts: 129
    edited July 2014

    I agree with Betsy on the hospital and food... It was great!   I stayed at the Hope Lodge after my stage 1.  It was comfortable.  If you stay there be sure to ask about the reclining beds.  When I was there I believe there were only two rooms with them they may have more now.  I lucked out and got one and it was nice.  Also your only allowed one person staying with you.  No food or drink other than water is allowed in the rooms.  They have a big dining room and kitchen to prepare your meals if you choose to do that.

  • mary625
    mary625 Member Posts: 154
    edited July 2014

    I am getting a little concerned about staying in the Hope Lodge due to the space and no food/beverage in the rooms or walkable from the facility.  Dr. M's office has advised me to get a hotel reservation anyway because Hope Lodge won't confirm until two weeks out.  I read somewhere here that someone's stay at Homewood Suites had not been good, that the quality had deteriorated over time.  Anyone with a recent stay who can attest to the current quality?  

    I also looked at the Hotel Allegro online.  Beautiful and close, but not even a fridge.  

    The thing I'm going to miss most is my recliner for sleeping in.  When I had my BMX, that came in really handy.  Unfortunately, we've gotten a lot of use out of the damn thing subsequently when I had ooph and husband had prostate removal.  I can't imagine having gotten in/out of my bed right after BMX. What did you guys do to sleep comfortably in a hotel bed?  I guess I could buy pillows/wedges there, but am going to fly so can't bring them from home.  

    Do you think that the chef/catering at St. Charles Hospital can cater to a gluten-free diet?  I have decided to be flexible with that if necessary or if I want something special like a beignet in New Orlenas, but just wondering.  

    Am going to smuggle in my own Miralax and possibly other constipation products.  I say "smuggle" because I don't want to turn it over to them.  After 8 chemos and 3 surgeries, I know that the stool softeners just don't cut it.  

  • thinkpink4ever
    thinkpink4ever Member Posts: 83
    edited July 2014

    mary, as far as the hospital goes, you will not even feel as if you were in a hospital.  It's amazing - kinda felt like a fancy hotel with nurses and room service.  The food was also good.  The best I've ever had in any hospital I've been in.  But hey, we get a chef!!  So there you go...  

    My BMX with immediate DIEP construction started around 7:00 am and I was in recovery by noon and in my room by 2:00 pm.  So surgery itself was about 5 hours.  My daughter said that the doctors were very good about keeping her posted which allowed her to stay calm and eased her nerves.  The really wonderful part is that your family/friends get to wait in your room, not in a waiting room.  When you first check-in before surgery, you get to go straight to your room to put your belongings up.  Overall, it's a great experience in the midst of a not so good ordeal, especially if you are having surgery due to active cancer.

    I live in Louisiana, so I only stayed in NOLA the night before my surgery.  I stayed free at the Marriott Residence Inn on St Joseph St. downtown using my reward points, but I did have to pay $20 to park my car.  It's about 5 minutes from the Center, and was very comfortable and met my needs for the night.  I went straight home when discharged.  Dr. S said I lived close enough to get back there quickly, if necessary.

    kb33, what are your dates?  Maybe our paths will cross.  I will actually be back at the Center for my Stage 2 on September 18th.  Yay, I'm excited, yet nervous...isn't that crazy!!!  Lol

    One love,



  • Kb33
    Kb33 Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2014

    thinkpink4ever /Mary 

    I will actually be there in august.  19th for surgery. Then hope lodge and targeting flight home on the 26th.   I figure as long as I have internet to work, lots of outlets for all my electronics and someone to get me food....  I'm not particular where I am staying at this point.  Especially if it is free. And it's only for a few nights.... I survived camping with three tween girls in a tent... I can handle this.  Lol

    I had to go see a md for a consult for my ins company today.  He really took me for a loop.  Wondering why I was hurrying (just quit smoking). And suggesting I might need a tram instead of a diep.... Then concerned that without 6-8 weeks of no nicotine I would probably lose my nipple I am trying so hard to save.....   UGH.  I so did not need someone telling me I had clinically chosen wrong... After I finally made all these decisions and plane tickets.. Etc

  • mary625
    mary625 Member Posts: 154
    edited July 2014

    kb33--I have great faith in the doctors in NOLA thus far, and I don't think they would schedule you if they didn't think it was an appropriate time with regard to nicotine withdrawal (not sure how to say that nicely).  We look forward to hearing your successful stories in August.  I still am on the fence about hotel.  I am hearing so much bad stuff about current condition of Homewood Suites (see also Travelocity).  I called the travel desk at the Center today, and she said she knew nothing about it.  I also tried to get a reduced rate at Residence Inn,  but they said no.  I was told that I have to make a reservation because I won't get a confirmation from Hope Lodge until two weeks prior.

    I'm so glad that I've already have had BMX, have all the camis for the drains, button down shirts, etc. so I don't have to spend any time on that kind of preparation.  I just wish I could come home after the hospital rather than to a hotel or Hope Lodge, but that's the price I've got to pay to have the quality of care they offer.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited July 2014

    Mary because we last stayed at Homewood 18 mos ago, I looked at a bunch of recent reviews (Travelocity, trip advisor, etc).  The hotel was a bit run down when we stayed there.  I was pleased to see that they are currently undergoing renovations.  Perhaps you can request a renovated room?  It actually worked well for us.  I was in bed much of the time with lots of extra pillows under knees and back.  My DH could sit in the suite if he wanted.  Breakfast and dinner were good.  There were convenient take out places in the block(great pizza and pad Thai).  I didn't explore Hope Lodge because I didn't realize it was an option (where I live you must have active cancer to get priority). I was a volunteer there though and really didn't want to have to go to the dining room to eat.  We found Homewood perfect for recuperation. I am also one of Dr. Marga's patients.

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2014

    I agree. Homewood Suites was great for recuperation. It is nicely located between the warehouse district and the French quarter.  The room wasn't elegant, but it was clean and very comfortable. They are very used to patients from The Center, so just ask for extra pillows or towels if you need them.