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  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Hello ladies, It's been forever since I posted. Deborah2012 here.

    Happy b-day, Eph!

    Dianarose, sorry to learn of your mets. It's especially disheartening knowing you followed through on treatments and this is your "reward". For what is worth, as we age, some of the ladies from a thread I was on when I was first dx'd have developed other cancers that may (or likely may not) be mets. Melanoma for example. There is a link between BRAF tumor gene for BC and melanoma. Hard to consider that we could develop cancers like anyone else who never had BC and are completely unrelated to our BC history because we are living longer.

    Elimar, I was dx'd with hypothyroidism with the birth of my second child 25 years ago. I've been on Synthroid daily since then. I love my Synthroid! It's a tiny little pill/tablet. You could swallow it with spit alone! I also think that it may have given me a slight boost in terms of feeling/looking more youthful. Since thyroid disease runs in the female line of my family, and onset is common with pregnancy/birth, I was told it was likely the genetic Hashimoto's hypothyroidism. Apparently, it's one of, if not the most common auto immune disorder worldwide. Synthyroid made a great positive quality of life improvement for me. However, I still have my limp-a-long thyroid glad. She just gets medicated. Good luck with your decision. You have a different case. However, I'm a walking testimonial to 25 years of Synthroid (with my thyroid intact). I love how you break your decisions into camps- the known and the unknown. Very logical and a good strategy to get through the medical decision making. I'll remember that.

    My husband got re-org'd out of his high paying high management job and I went back to teaching second grade FT at 59 years old. It was super fun! It was also extremely demanding. I literally worked 6 days a week and would only have a few hours (like 3) each weekend that I wasn't working on school items. It was creative, too. I had 24 "grand kid/students" because I haven't any grandkids yet. They were wonderful! I could barely feed myself and get sleep so that is why I dropped off of the boards. However, I still get the email alerts and have been following them this summer. I'm rested, now.

    Glad to hear there's no "carding" here on this thread as I turned 60 in May.

    Oh, I go in for a 6 mos. mammo in a couple of weeks. In January, they thought they saw something potentially different at my annual appt. from my previous mammos. I had a repeat mammo and an US. They couldn't even find anything to biopsy. But they wanted to see me in 6 mos. instead of the usual 1 year. I had zero node involvement, and an Oncotype score of the hated mid-range (21). Both first and second onc opinions for my original BC said they thought chemo was likely unnecessary- unless I wanted to throw every potential thing at a Stage 1 with zero nodes. I did AI's but my onc and I decided I should quit after 1.5 years on it, because the SE's were bad for me. I was developing new diseases and the risk of recurrence didn't warrant it in my case. Kinda the known vs. the unknown equation. SE's were bone loss, and Glaucoma. I had an IV of Reclast for the bone loss at the time and have been fine ever since. I am aware of Zometa and jaw necrosis and other SE's. I haven't heard anything about Reclast.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Deborah2012, It is great to get an update from you. Thanks for your opinion on Synthroid. I do value first hand accounts. You are right, however, that my case is different. My thyroid works just fine. Using the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" model, I would hate to lose any part of it; but there's the cancer possibility (or probability, depending who you talk to) in the equation and what to do about all that? A Dx of Hashimoto's is pretty clear. If you need some thyroid hormone, Synthroid is the place to get it and it will make you feel better. I am not feeling bad AT ALL from whatever my thyroid nodule is.

    My husband says I am giving new meaning to the term "'roid rage." This is making me so mad, so upset, so sad.

    I feel guilty that I have to drag my family thru' something AGAIN. Before you all say "don't feel guilty," just hear me when I say I don't feel to blame or anything, I just feel bad that my family also has to go through the worry. Like me, they have been thru' enough.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    El, I had half my thyroid out years ago and didn't have to go onto Synthroid. It was only when the rest of it had to come out that I had to go on it. I take about 10 prescriptions a day and it's just another colour in my cocktail....


  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Tomboy- when they did my Onco they did not know about all 17 positive nodes. Two scores were given. One on how well my cancer was to respond to chemo, scored a 6. The other was for recurrence, scored an 8. I still feel that a 6 is a 6 mo matter what. It is still the same cancer no matter if I had zero positive nodes or 17. Even the MO agreed I might be doing chemo for nothing.

    Elimar- it is almost impossible to make choices when there are still too many unanswered questions and things that they are guessing at and assuming. Makes me crazy at times.

    My MO had not seen the ct scan report so we scanned it and emailed it to him. He emailed back and said the concern is that the enlarged lymph nodes have cancer. We drove to his office today and dropped off the cd of the scan. He said he was going to review it and call the radiologist. Nothing is 100 percent clear😖. The urologist set up a date for surgery with a surgeon I have never met. That's not happening. I don't let them play on my fears anymore. I want more evidence.
  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Sheila - thanks for the info. I started a new thread. Hope someone has some info

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Great suggestion, Sheila! Why didn't I think of that?

    Dianarose, be sure and post back here what you find out. I am curious if the Zometa is the culprit.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908

    Good to see you Eph! Happy Birthday!

    Dianarose--Wow, talk about confusing and inconclusive information!From my point of view there are 2 major issues going on here.One is the blockage of the right ureter.That's the tube between the kidney and bladder.If it gets blocked urine backs up into the kidney and causes physical damage to the kidney.The usual treatment is a stent, which is a small tube placed in the ureter at the level of the blockage and keeps the tube open and lets urine pass by.These are usually put in place for a few weeks to allow whatever is going on to clear up then taken out.The second major issue is to determine what is blocking the ureter.If it's pressure from outside then what is pressing on the ureter needs to be identified so it can be properly managed.If it's a tumor then a permanent stent may be needed.If it's a cyst than surgery may be the answer.If it's blocked from within, by the foreign matter (most likely cause) than identifying that foreign matter is key to fixing/preventing the problem.Totally aside from all of this, Zometa is known to have kidney damage as a side effect.I think you need to push to identify the foreign matter, and not agree to any treatment until a definitive diagnosis is made.You are really in a tough spot.Praying for you.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    NativeMainer- I can not find any information with details on how Zometa affects the kidneys. All I have found is that it can build up in your body and cause kidney problems or failure . I did read it usually only involves one kidney and and can not always be monitored by blood work . Going back to the oncologist tomorrow. So tired. It has been a month of uncertainty. No one has posted in the new thread I started. I was really hopi g someone had some input 😖
  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    imageI am finally used to having curly hair and MO is talking about taking my hair again.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Wow! And long hair, too! Good luck, sweetie.

  • biscuits
    biscuits Member Posts: 2,158

    Dianarose, your hair is just lovely!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Dianarose, if it does come to chemo, maybe you will consider donating to Locks of Love or Pantene's Beautiful Lengths. That is some gorgeous hair!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Thanks for all the hair compliments. Took awhile to know what to do with it. My 16 year old granddaughter is visiting from California and asked me if I had any hair products when she got out of the shower. I started laughing. When I opened the cabinet door she said, oh Nana I love you😘. I have every product out there lol.

    El- I would have to research because I know some won't take hair that has been colored.

    I think dh and I are going to go fishing and get our mindsoff all this crap

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Yes Dianarose..sometimes we need a brake from all these uncertainties.

    Enjoy your fishing trip and your hair is gorgeous...

    Mine growing nicely. I missed my long hair..

    Sometimes I think if I'm gonna be able to grow my hair again.

    I know stay Positive right..I hate that expression because it's only used for the big C

    What does it mean really stay positive but have chemo..radiation ( Didn't do radiation with my second diagnosis )

    Sorry everyone I'm mumbling

    Hi E...Hi Everyone


  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Sheila- I hate that saying too. Or stay strong. How about kiss my butt! All the people who say they have not been in our shoes. Even my daughter who is a nurse said mom just have your kidney removed. You can live with one, Jow about you go first and let me know!! I have donated two boobs and two oavaries already. Seventeen lymph nodes and my hair. Over it now.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    We all dealt or still dealing with this Beast.....

    I hate to hear the most senseless remarks people say which i know they mean well.

    When i was first DX 10 years ago..someone said to me ' OH I see you decided to join the club "

    Is this a joke or am I too sensitive.

    I don't like Drama but at the same time i don't want to hear these kind of remarks

    OK I said it...Now it's dinner time


  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    This is the light house that is close to the urologist I went too. When I was a kid a family lived there but now it's all automated.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Got thrown off my horse yesterday and broke my back. I needed more issues. Most painful thing I have ever had😖.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908

    Good Lord, Diana! .I am so sorry to hear you are hurting even more.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    OMG! I hope you have pain free days ahead.............

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I grabbed my 2 littlegranddaughters so they landed on me. Thankful they are ok.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908

    Thank the Lord for the granddaughters safety.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    The ER Doctor was a sweetheart. She is hooking me up with a urologist who she said is good and will treat me like a human being👍 When they did the ct of my back my right kidney is worse so I need to deal with it

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Oh dear God Diana!!!! Are you in traction in the hospital??? I hope they can manage your pain. Gentle hugs coming your way, sweetie.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    OMG Diana - I hope they can keep you as comfortable as possible. Sending healing vibes and gentle hugs.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oh, my! Sure did not expect to be reading about a broken back this morning, Dianarose! You certainly did not need that extra helping of hurt. What is being done for your back now? (At least they could diagnose that properly!) Maybe a little good will come from it all if you end up with new, caring urologist. That must have been frightening for the granddaughters and so fortunate they were not hurt.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I came home the same night. I have Tylenol and lidocaine patches. I have never taken pain meds and vomiting was not an option. The pain is better each day. The cheeks of my butt hurt. Bruised. My stomach is bruised from the kids landing on me. Waiting for doctors to call. It's always hurry up and wait

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Dianarose, Is something actually fractured? I was thinking you would need traction or a brace or something. How long is the healing process supposed to take?


    As much as I don't like the endocrinologist I have, I do like (in inverse proportion) the surgeon I have spoken with twice now. I feel a bit calmer.

    There is no big rush to action for whatever is going on with my parathyroid/thyroid, so I figured I had time to look into my Question Mark situation a bit more. My biopsy slides are going to Mayo for a second opinion.

    Also, I hope to talk with the pathologist at my hospital who submitted the original Dx of "suspicious for papillary thyroid cancer" to find out what it was that looked suspicious, and what exactly was lacking that it did not get a definite malignant Dx. In other words, I'd like to know exactly what she saw to form the opinion. I am fairly certain to encounter some disdain that I would even be calling the path lab in the first place. (My husband says, "They don't like talking to the public, that's why they become pathologists in the first place." Haha. He's funny.) My pathologist is Ivy League, so I'll have to be ready for that level of arrogance. Wish me luck!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    If anyone can do it it's you, elimar!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908

    Way to go, El!