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  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    El-yes the fracture is in my L1. Takes 8-10 weeks to heal. Painful little sucker. Seeing a new urologist on Thursday. I did some research and it appears anyone who has ever had BC go to the peritoneal has lobular and there have been only 151 documented cases of it going to the ureter. Unfortunately those cases were found during autopsies. Wtf. All doctors and radiologist agree it appears to be something growing on the outside of it. Not looking forward to the stent😖

    El- you sure are tenacious 👍👍👍 Sorry you have to work so hard to get a dam answer though

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Dianarose, I've had a stent and you won't even know it's in there. Just praying you get an answer soon!! Gentle hugs today.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I boughta😃cool down Matt for the dog. Poor thing, I use it more then him. Keep it on the back of my chair and when that hot flash comes I just lean against it. Works great👍

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    SHUT.THE.FRONT.DOOR!!!!! Goodness gracious, great balls of fire Dianarose! ENOUGH WOMAN!!!!! You have our sympathy. Now what in the world were you doing on horse, missy? (my kid doesn't live at home anymore! I need someone to throw words at and today- YOU ARE IT!!!!!!)

    I want a world without cancer!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Eph-just trying to live my normal life but realize normal is not realistic anymore. She really is a sweet horse. Our other horse came up behind her and she kicked as a warning to back off but we were riding bareback so off we went. Pain gets better each day. See the new urologist Tomorrow to deal with the dam kidney problem.

    Hope everyone has a great day 😎

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Dianarose, Would a rose by any other name require constant supervision? Bareback? Glad you are improving daily.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Well, I took a fall myself today. Again, walking the dog; different dog this time. Didn't get pulled down an embankment today, but rolled my left ankle, teetered and instead of tottering back into a standing position, continued the windmill effect onto my left side (broken shoulder side from last time!) Apparently while falling, I let go of the leash and the dog is no Lassie; she took off down the alley, scared shitless of the sound and motion of the falling sequoia that is her mother!! When I recovered my senses, I looked up to see her fleeing in pure panic down the alley toward the busy main drag. I called her (finally got to do the "STEL-----LLLLLLA" I've always wanted to do.) She stopped, but wouldn't return, so I had to haul my ass up off the dirt alleyway, called her and then she ran back. Limped back home (about 1/2 a football field-we hadn't gotten very far) and took assessment. My ankle is very sore; my left leg about 4 inches above and below my knee, plus the knee are ground up from the rock in the alley; my left hand has a chunk out of the palm and a slice on the outside of my pinkie finger on that hand. The most painful things are the hand and the ankle! I settled myself on the couch with an ice pack for the ankle, hydrogen peroxide for the scraps and a quart of ice cream. Have been zoning out on TV for the last 8 hrs. My body is feeling sorta like I was hit by a Mack truck; while tucking and rolling I think I tensed every butt muscle I own. I have been putting off going to be cause I sleep on my left side and not sure I will be able to handle that tonight. Anyway, that was my exciting day off!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Wow! The animals are gonna do us in! Tell me these events do not come in threes, but everyone else be careful.

    Eph, I can just see it in my mind's eye (and it makes it almost worth it since you got to finally do the dramatic turn ala Streetcar...) but I know you will be feeling some real pain from your spill today. If yesterday was your day off, will you be dragging yourself in to work today? Ow!

    Dianarose, even tho' it will take some time to recover, hope you are on the mend too.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Eph- do you think you should get an X-ray ? We have a one year old boxer who has knocked me over once. I hope the pain is better today😘

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Today's ailments include still a bit puffy ankle, palm of hand stingy sore and the SHOULDER, oh the shoulder is very, very sore today! Some bruising. Arnica oil in action. Fortunately the ground meat leg isn't a problem. Went and soaked in a friend's 78 degree pool this everying; felt fabulous once I was able to get all the way in. Went and saw "Central Intelligence" today. Pretty funny, kept my mind off of most of the aches and pains. Walking down the steps to leave though was a bit problematic-sore, stiff muscles! I shall survive. And no, I don't work again until Saturday eve 6PM my time.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Eph-glad the pool helped. Hope the soreness goes away soon.

    Met with the new urologist yesterday. Not much of a personality but seems to know his job. Going in on the 12th of August for the stent. Hate having to be knocked out. He agrees with all the other doctors that I probably have mets in the modes in my abdomen , pushing on the ureter and around one kidney. Will probably have a stent that can stay in up to a year so I can do treatment again. MO is talking about Ibrance and the other one that they prescribe with it. I am sure I will lose my hair again dam it😖. Trying to stay positive and thankful that there is something new to try to buy more time.

    El- any news??
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    awww Dianarose. Keep us posted.

    So I am very better today!!!! just twinges in ankle & shoulder; hand way bet-tah! Yayayayaya!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    (((((((((((((((((( dianarose ))))))))))))))

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Dianarose, it would be Ibrance and Letrozole (Arimidex) if I'm not mistaken. Are you sure it causes hair loss? I've moved on to a wig anyway, as my hair is thinning from Arimidex (or age!) and I want it to look more professional for work.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Barbe- yes it can cause hair loss. Doesn't happen to everyone but that's what they said when I did the CMF chemo and lost my hair 3 weeks into it. I am nervous about this stent . He said I will have pain like a UTI for several days and a feeling like I always have to urinate. Could have it in for a year😖. I hate getting put to sleep. Last time I woke up and couldn't breathand coughed up blood for over a week. It's scary to me. I guess we all have different fears.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Dianarose, make sure you tell the anesthetist your experience and (s)he will make sure it doesn't happen again. Seriously. They need to know.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908

    Eph--holy smoly, what a tumble! I am so glad that Stella stopped before hitting the busy road and eventually came back to you.I am so glad you didn't break anything.I am so sorry for the bruises, strains, sprains, scrapes and cuts.Hope you took something like tylenol or advil to keep the inflammation down and minimize the stiffness and soreness the next few days.Remember to move slowly until you get all the stiff spots loosened up.Ah, Arnica oil is great stuff!

    Dianarose--Well, a stent will make a big difference in how much pain you have from that, as in take it away completely.Sorry to hear about the mets in the nodes.Praying the Ibrance will be totally effective.Be sure you tell the anesthesia people what happened last time, tell them how scared you are, maybe there is an option other than being put out completely, or maybe they can go a bit lighter on the doses so it doesn't happen again.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    How's everyone doing? I am much better but I am very leery right now while walking the dog.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Awww, I've been thinking about you. Glad to hear you are mobile.....

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    OK, totally random (as my kid says), but scrolling through BCO a link caught my eye and I clicked. It was from the Q/A section, with the heading "Necessary to Be Strong for Mom?" Like this:

    "Question: I cry all the time 'cause my mom has cancer and she won't cry at all, so it makes it real hard. Am I supposed to be strong in front of her? I don't know what to do.Answers -David Spiegel I'd say be true to yourself. Your mom has her way of dealing with it and you have yours. I don't know why your mom is doing it but even if she is in an emotional straightjacket, you don't have to be."
    It made me kinda furious. "she won't cry at all" implies strongly that she really SHOULD. This is reinforced in the answer, which basically says: "go ahead and bawl your eyes out in front of your mother, let it all hang out, she is the one with the problem." Besides, if you are a mother and your kid is crying, you have to comfort and deal with said child's upset. That is an imposition when you are also dealing with cancer or other difficult things.
    I cried twice in connection with having cancer. Once when I got my DX, and that was in private. Once when I started chemo. Why do so many people feel that one MUST and SHOULD cry and cry with other people present in this kind of situation?
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908

    The answer was good through " Your mom has her way of dealing with it and you have yours." Simple statement of fact. The rest of the answer is judgemental and harmful, totally implying the mother is wrong in her way of dealing. Which is just wrong itself. Maybe Mom has heard the whole "be positive and everything will be rainbows and unicorns" message one too many times, or, worse yet, believes that crappy line.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I HATE how he says the mother has an "emotional straightjacket"!!!! He doesn't know if the mom cries in the shower or late at night, or even driving to work. What a crock! I was calm in front of my kids because I wanted it to be their reaction to the news and not mine that came through.

    We try to cry at an appropriate time when we are in control. Dealing with the grief or stress of one's child isn't the time to break down, but even if she did, that's okay, too

    I went to a psychologist when I was off for disability for my back. I was feeling useless at home as I wasn't working and couldn't do things around the house, either. The psychologist actually said to me "Get reconstruction and get over yourself!!" Can you believe it??? I wasn't even there for cancer issues!! I knew it was her issue and not mine so I never reacted in front of her but just told her (again) that I was very comfortable with my decision to stay flat. Unbelievable how people want us to react the way they need us to!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310

    A particularly pertinent part of Momine's post for me is that the Mother has to spend her time & energy comforting a child who is "crying her/his eyes out" and can't focus on her own treatment & needs. Imagine how it would hurt this poor Mother to have her kid just sitting around crying - when there's really nothing she can do except feel guilty. And that's a ridiculous emotion for someone who lucked out with cancer. I cried some, but very few people ever saw me cry. But then I come from a "suck it up" and "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" generation (or maybe culture?). Momine - I share your outrage.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    crying is personal. I don't like to cry in front of anyone. I am so afraid the people around me will get as sick of cancer as I am and pull away. Everyone is different and we should all respect that. I am so tired of the younger generation being offended by the least little thing. You feel like you can't be yourself anymore

  • SusanRachel
    SusanRachel Member Posts: 45

    I never cried because I hate crying. It makes me feel awful. My way of dealing with cancer is to solve the problem. Saying or implying that someone should cry is wrong.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I know this is off the topic but I just need to vent. My DH and I have only been married 2 1/2 years. His kids are all grown and married. They have been very nasty and mean to me lately. I am tired of going out of my way to be nice. I want nothing to do with them anymore. Hubby says just give it time that they are just kids. Bull, they are not children but just act like it. He can do family stuff with them but I have enough on my plate without their crap. Thanks for letting me vent

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Dianarose, take care of YOU! Remove yourself from toxic people and don't take on their shit. If you have to be around them, just smile and look at them with pity. What bitter people...who wants to be them??

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Thanks Barbe- it's all about $$$. They can't use daddy like they have in the past. Always looking for a handout! They couldn't even get my DH a card for Fathers Day. My hubby is very passive but he's starting to open his eyes.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    imageI put my back brace on and went fishing with DH. I did need his help bringing him though . He was 4 inches too short to be a keeper but I was so happy just to catch one 🤗

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310

    Dianarose - Great picture. So glad you were able go and to land the fish. Next year you can catch him (her?) again when he's bigger.