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  • Amica
    Amica Member Posts: 237

    Hi Miranda2060 and also...waves to moth!


    Welcome! There is an Art thread on here, on which if you wished you could post some of your photography. I for one would love to view anything you wish to share.

    thread is here

    Arts thread

    take care,


  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Member Posts: 207

    Thanks, Amica, moth and MinusTwo. I will check out the Arts thread.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,871

    Miranda--Welcome to the club no one wants to join! I'm sorry to hear you have to have surgery due to rads damage. I pray it heals up quickly and easily for you. Care to share some of your photos?

    Minus Two--Good to see you again!

    Hi, Moth!

    Hi, Amica!

  • Amica
    Amica Member Posts: 237

    Greetings NativeMainer...err, I mean SuperGal! :)

  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Member Posts: 207

    Thanks, NativeMainer! My hope is that I'll look better than ever, with fat grafting/breast reduction. I just don't like the idea of recovering from another surgery, though I have been assured it's NOTHING like the original surgery (mastectomy/lymph nodes). Still, it's surgery.

    I do street photography, i.e., candid photos generally of people on the streets of my city (Cleveland, O.). Many of them are in this gallery.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 573

    Hello all and welcome Miranda!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,871
    Hi, Amica! SuperGal?Now I really have something to live up to!

    Miranda--the photos are awesome! Thanks for sharing. Surgery is surgery, true. I do pray that your upcoming surgery recovery is easier than the original.

  • miranda2060
    miranda2060 Member Posts: 207

    Thanks, NativeMainer!

  • Ms_secgo
    Ms_secgo Member Posts: 3

    Well I made the age limit I'm a very young 60 diagnosed invasive ductal cancer , under went bilateral

    Mastectomy July 25. All I can say is WOW a earth shattering experience. I'm now waiting the 6 week

    Downtime before before having real implant surgery. Any ladies have opinions regarding

    Silicone vs saline implants

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,208

    Ms Secto - sorry you have to join these boards, but welcome. Unfortunately this thread isn't very active anymore. If you go to "active threads", you will be able to find great groups discussing surgery, chemo, radiation, implants, etc. There is such a wealth of information and it was so great for me to go through everything with other women experiencing the same thing in real time. Personally i think the tide has turned to cohesive gel silicone implants. Look for Breast Implants 101.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,871

    Ms secgo--welcome to the club no one wants to join! This is an earth shattering experience, indeed.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,208

    Checking in to admit (confess?) that I bought an 8 oz bag of Cheetos today and just finished eating 1/4 of a bag. It's probably been 6 months since I've indulged. A couple of months ago I was desperate for Cheetos, but bought 'Cheez-it' crackers instead to try and stretch out my craving. They're certainly not the same, but hey... I made it another couple of months. Interesting how hard it is to put the bag down once you start.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,871

    It is so hard to put down the bag once it's open.

    Much too hard.

  • Warrior2018
    Warrior2018 Member Posts: 212

    I say go for it once in a while. I was just thinking the other day about why it is we deny ourselves certain pleasures- I quit drinking alcohol to help keep reoccurrence at bay. But some days I’m like- what for really?! Haven’t we been through enough. We’re all aware that it’ll come back if it wants to so... I say indulge when you feel like it. Good for you minustwo!!

  • capecodgirl
    capecodgirl Member Posts: 93

    Who doesn't love cheetos?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,208

    Oh thanks ladies. I know Eli doesn't hang here anymore, but where else could I have possibly confessed this lapse except on this thread.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    and I'm the same way with Doritos.


  • Dyannah
    Dyannah Member Posts: 6

    I joined this club too. My device is not chips. It is soda. I love it very much. I have opened my last one. I will work on not drinking it. I will give myself once a week to have one while I work up to not wanting it. Does that make sense?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,871

    Makes sense to me. Good luck!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,871

    Happy Veteran's Day!

    A big Thank You for the service of any Middles who served in any capacity whatsoever to defend and protect America.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,208

    Oh no... I finally caved at the grocery store today and bought a bag of Cheetos. Luckily I had the presence of mind to pour some into a bowl and QUIT after I ate that portion. Sigh. I haven't bought any since my B-day in August. It's just too easy to eat the whole darn bag.

  • capecodgirl
    capecodgirl Member Posts: 93

    Very good self control minus two. I would have eaten them until I couldn't eat anymore. Then I would wait an hour or two and eat the rest. And then feel sick for the rest of the day.

    I bought some Lindt truffles to put in my Christmas candy dishes. My husband just asked me if I was going to leave any candy for Christmas. And. I don’t even love those as much as I love Cheetos

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,208

    Oh CapeCod - you hit the nail on the head. After my small bowl of Cheetos, I wasn't really hungry so had a large avocado with ranch dressing and a French roll for dinner. Then some See's Victoria Toffee. As I was nodding in my recliner I decided I HAD to have more Cheetos. So now I've probably eaten 2/3 of the bag. Sigh. There's no surprise why I don't buy them and avoid that aisle in the store.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,871

    Minus Two--Good job!I try to buy a single serving bag of Cheetos when I give in. Don't have the self-control to stop after one bowlful!

    Capecodgirl--Ah, Lindt truffles!The fact that a serving size is only 3 is ridiculous!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,208

    I expect a number of us still have this thread on our "favorites" and I just couldn't help posting this.

    Houston is in the middle of Rodeo season. The food judging and different categories of awards are amazing. And the winner of "Goldbuckle Award" (and I quote - really I couldn't make this up):


    Hooray for Cheetos & all of us who are addicted, but I think I'll pass on this particular invention.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 573

    MinusTwo- That is so funny

  • capecodgirl
    capecodgirl Member Posts: 93

    I think anything with cheetos may be worth a try.,...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,871

    Oh My Goodness, what a find! Would love to see one but will pass on eating one. Not crazy about hot spicy stuff. Got a bag of the hot Cheetos by accident once, thankfully the dog liked them!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,208

    NM - Oh - interesting thought. I never considered hot meaning the (spicy) variety. I was thinking of hot (heat). I can just see Sadie scarfing up fiery cheetos.

  • Jenkins00
    Jenkins00 Member Posts: 99

    I love Cheetos! Surprisingly its been one food that still tastes good during chemo. My husband has been buying me a bag every week:)

    I can't imagine Hot Cheetos Crusted Candy Apple though. Just doesn't seem that those two would go together. I could be wrong.