Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.




  • dswope
    dswope Member Posts: 10


    Trust me, I work with some people that might say that!  It's funny the number of people (and they have all known since after I left for surgery) that still look at my boobless chest more than they ever looked at my 44D's!  Oh well, what would we do without ignorance!

  • dswope
    dswope Member Posts: 10


    Trust me, I work with some people that might say that!  It's funny the number of people (and they have all known since after I left for surgery) that still look at my boobless chest more than they ever looked at my 44D's!  Oh well, what would we do without ignorance!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Deb, I have only other sales guys in my department. They say I'm more one of the guys now! I say I may have lost my breasts but I found my balls....!

    There is only one guy who teases me and it makes the others uncomfortable. The others flirt with me to make me still feel good. Laughing

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Whose got the Cheetos and wine?  I'm on my way!!!!!

    LOVE the wrinkle story. 

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Hello, everyone - may I join you? 

    I've read over the last few posts and am laughing about the cheetos and wrinkles.  So very funny!

    I'm 45 (44 at dx) and my kids are 21, 19 and 14.  I felt like I was in pretty good health, and then BAM! here comes breast cancer.  We are the "in between" group, agewise.  My husband said that the reason I liked my surgeon was that he kept saying how unusual it was for "young women like myself" to have breast cancer.  That's right, I'll take the flattery where I can get it.  Besides, he's a great surgeon - I'm very pleased with my "divot" from my lumpectomy.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154 many wrinkles do you have?  I'm still counting.........

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I only have one big just surfaces at different points! hehehehehe

  • SP2710
    SP2710 Member Posts: 2

    I'm 43, just recently been diagnosed with DCIS comedo stage 0, grade 3, am due for a breast MRI on Monday after which they will skd a lumpectomy.

     Am so confused when I meet with the surgeon/omcologist that I hve no questions to ask.  Am just tired with so much information and how some at work treat me as if I have died already!

    Is what I'm feeling normal?

  • SP2710
    SP2710 Member Posts: 2

    Me again - and I have a 4 1/2 yr old chatterbox of a doll

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    SP2710, VERY NORMAL!  I think it is quite overwhelming when the Dx is given, and there usually is quite a flood of thoughts and emotions.  If you can, take a friend or family member with you to the doctor's, and also don't be shy to whip out a list of questons you have prepared beforehand.

    You have found this website, and that is a big step toward knowing you are not alone with breast cancer.  We are happy to help and support other women as best we can.  Another good thread is "Just Diagnosed" in the pull-down menu. 

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Sharon I do not have any wrinkles at 49 yet, folds yes wrinkles no!!  Must be the wine and chocolates!!!

    SP2710-  What you are feeling is normal, try to write things down before you go, I do and none of my Docs, 4 so far seem to mind.  Sometimes we get so overloaded with worry, fears, that we go blank when we get to talk to our docs.  Hopefully you will get a little comic releif here along with good info and support as you travel this road with many pitfalls and detours.  I have said since this journey began that Cancer messes with your mind and body.  Take care and will keep you in my thoughts.

  • Katie12
    Katie12 Member Posts: 2

    Please read my story about dcis diagnoses usually occurring between ages 56-58 at the site below:  We have to become our own best advocates.  The health care system is betraying us.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    I think somebody is trying to take advantage of us !!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope I'm wrong. Maybe?????

    YellYell Sheila

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295

    Oh I hate elderly man was hit by a car.....61 year old Mr X...etc etc.....makes me so mad!

    Talking of entertaining (I don't know what half of that stuff is anyway.. Funyums? GOOD) but did everyone used to entertain when they were first married and it has really really dropped off? I would spend hours in the 80's cooking, making sure everything was perfect...and now I entertain about twice a year and its always something easy!

    Hmmmm  the fruit and vodka sounds like its worth a try!

    Hope you went ok at the Drs footprints

    Don't know if we have Cheetos here either...but I get the picture...we have lots of stuff similar..and wine??...we have a cellar under our house with a nice big supply!

    Have a nice Friday...I'm at work atm


  • I fear you might be right Sheila.  In sisterhood, xo

  • mantra
    mantra Member Posts: 189

    I remember when my mother died at age 48. I was 18. People at the funeral kept saying how horrible it was to lose someone so young. I kept thinking . . . 48?  Young?. It took me many more years to understand that 48 really is not old.  I will always regret that I never got to see my mother grow old. She is forever 48, laughing in some silly candid shot my father took while she was on the phone.

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Wow Elimar,

    This place is growing like crazy. "Hi" to all new people I  may have missed.

    I luv that wrinkle story LOL.

    I haven't been on as much the last few days because my puppy was neutered and he is being a baby about it LOL..With his little cone on, he would sit and look at us like we betrayed him. We finally had to take the thing off and just watch to make sure he doesn't hurt himself. He wouldn't so much as pee outside if he had it on. I guess he is pretty smart since he got his way LOL.

    We get Cheetos once in awhile but I usually get the regular cheese puffs cause Cheetos are a little hard on my poor teeth. But Cheetos is the cheesiest!!!!!!!! LOL

    To all who are just starting their treatments etc....Having cancer is scarey beyond words. If you are feeling depressed, disappointed, irritable, is normal. Don't be afraid to ask your onc for some anti depressants. I take Prozac and it isnt real strong or anything but it takes the edge off. It kinda keeps my head on straight .Coming to this site is the best therapy I have found. I use the boards and chat rooms.

    Mantra.....I am so sorry you lost your Mom when you both were so young. My Mom has been my rock so many, many times.

    I hope all you fine ladies have a most beautiful day...........Hugs, Mazy

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Remember my "freak out" that my radiation was hitting 20% (adjusted down to ~13% now) of my lung?   Heard something yesterday...

    Took my mom to meet a pulmonologist.  After her O/V, I figured I could ask a question or two at no additional charge. (Who doesn't do this with doctors, right?)  I asked if that portion of my lung could ever get back/heal to be a normal again?  He said YES, unless it develops a lot of fibrosis (scarring.)    My Rad-Onc had made it seem like the scarring was a given, but the Pulmonologist made it seem like scarring was not an automatic outcome.  I hope his version is the correct one.

    Has anyone else here asked how rads affects the exposed lung?  What were you told?

    [Update Edit: The Rad-Onc trumped the Pulmonologist!  He said the part of the lung that gets zapped does lose its ability to function, but that the remainder of the lung "learns" to function more efficiently to kind of make up for the damaged part.  Oh, the horror!]

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    To be honest, I asked a lot of questions about rads before agreeing to them and also in the early days of experiencing them, but after that, I have had to pretty much not think about it, since whatever's done is done. I was in a relatively ferocious car accident and did NOT break ribs, which was good. I have not developed "pneumonitis" or whatever it is, the pleurisy-like thing that can show up 6 months or so later. So far, so good (I finished last Nov. 7th).

    I am also actively not thinking about my heart and any damage it might have sustained, as I had radiation to the left side. La la la la I can't hear myself wondering about it all...

    Cheetos and wine - what wine do you serve with the big ol' drum of Cheez Balls you can get at Sam's Club? Wine coolers? Boones' Farm?

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424


    Be the Queen of D'Nile (denial) if that helps.

    Live on your own island of happy.

    That's my motto.

    And when in doubt, ask for pharmacalogical happy..... in a pill.

    Whatever gets ya thru..............


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Rads hit a small (whatever that means) portion of my left lung, a bit of my heart (lalalalala you say?Wink) and a portion of my esophagus.  The lung part does show up on xray.  Lalalalalalala, don't know about the rest.

    Edit to add........pass the Cheetos please.

    Re-edit to add........Kleenex, I suspect any 'wine in the box' will be more than adequate.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    There's a rads machine that times the zaps to coincide with your breathing? Wow. I am pretty sure that the device I got most of my radiation from (whole breast zaps) was about 20 years old. The other one - that delivered my boosts) was 5 years old, and while it had electronic blocking capability, it certainly wasn't paying any attention to my breathing. My breast probably glows in the dark, but I'm certainly not going to look and see if it does. La la la la.


    Queen, Island of D'Nile

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Coleen, I was getting rads when the fire alarm went off...........I'm sure I just about hit the machine over me as I startled.  I never opened my eyes though........  I wonder how targeted THAT treatment ended up being?

    Edit to add.........Lalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaala.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    When I went for my mamosite, I really was not particularly concerned about the effects of radiation la la la, just "kill the cancer, kill the cancer"  then I read something about it being really bad for smokers and ex-smokers and then  I had to sing even louder! I pretend that it is just fine since I haven't smoked in 10 years La La La

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    This is not related to radiation but.........

    I was getting my annual pap test and guess what the instrument <whatever its called> malfunctioned and didn't want to come out. My DR was more nervous than me. I was trying to calm him. I asked if he was going to call the locksmith to cut it open. Him lol but relieved that i still had my SOH, anyway it took about 15 minutes but he was able to take it out.

    The only thing in my mind was strangers coming in and working on me.  hahahahahaha

    Laughing Sheila

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    I'm sorry Sheila.... I have so many responses for you, but some I don't think everyone would appreciate...Embarassed Hugs for your bad experience. I'll shut up now. Sealed
  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Sheilia- I am sorry about your experience but I must admit I really laughed, glad to see your sense of humor is in tact, oh come on barbe we can take it LOL

    My rads Onc told me there was a chance that a small section of lung would be damaged with the Rads but it would be small enough not to hinder me, I will know more when I go back on Oct 2 was done with Rad on 8/26.

    Any wine you like will go with Cheetos!!  I must admit we like to make cheese popcorn , don't know when I had last had cheetos.

    Talked to my Rads nurse today about the sleep issue they refilled my Ambien and said it is most likely the Tamoxifien that is causing the restless sleep and that I should not take the Melatonon due to the Thyroid issues I am havin.  She told me not to worry about using the ambien it was important for me to get some rest.  I must admit I sleep great with it, when I don't take it I don't sleep but I don't like taking it so have only been using 2 night s a week.  I will start taking it and will worry about getting off it when the time is right, LALALALALALA!!!

    I hate that we take one pill for this and then another pill to help what this pill does etc, oh well I am thankful that I am on the in the cuarable ranks so please excuse my "wineing"!!

    Going to my grand nieces first birthday party tomorrow with my sister and Mom.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Sheila...........good grief...............I think I'd have been hysterical.  (And NOT with laughter)  Wow, good for you for .................... well hanging in.  Gosh, what choice did you have?  I remember someone saying (maybe it was here on the boards or a friend) they got caught in the mammo machine.  Couldn't get the thing to unclamp.  ..............

    Paps never used to be uncomfortable for me.  Now they are excruciatingly uncomfortable.  I have to say I'm so sorry about you having to go through this.  Oh boy, can't wait for my next pap now Frown  I'll be sure to ask my Dr. if she's ever had one malfunction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Please pass the vino and Cheetos (in that order).  Lalalalalaaaaaaaaaala.

    We are becoming quite the singers.  I love it!!!  (The singing part.)

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    Oh, and my lung damage...................apparently it might affect me if I decided to become a marathon runner.  Well poop...........there goes one thing out of my 'bucket list'......................NOT!!!Wink
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Somebody please can explain to me how did you find out about radiation going to your lungs??????Innocent
