
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Wed is my surgery.  Im so ready for it.  I'm a bundle of nerves, but Im sure thats normal.  I never had to deal with something like this so Im sure thats normal.  I have a few people think that I'm not doing the right thing, but guess what, it MY cancer nd this is how I choose to deal with it.  I have decieded to have them both removed.  I have had cancer for the 2nd time and Im just not going to live with a lifetime of ups and downs.  I watched my sissy go thru this very same thing 10 years ago.  She had cancer in the on boob got well then 2 yrs later bam in the other boob.  I have a huge risk factor going on so Im so ready to get on with it.  Im so thankful that I have this option unlike my sissy had 10 yrs ago.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898

    Great pic, Faith!

    Paula-yes, nerves are normal before surgery, of course they are!  What choice to make is a very personal decision, and no one can say what is best for you but you.  I opted to have the other boob taken off when I had recon, for many of the same reasons, and am entirely happy I did so!  No more mammogram horrors, matching boobs after a year of one boob/one prosthesis, and my risk of a second bc is back to the average woman's.  So I understand your choice, and I say ignore everyone else who is try to tell you how you feel and how you should manage this very personal disease.  

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    faithandfifty great picture!! I see you are moving to Ocala?  My in-laws lived there for 10 years and I LOVED TO VISIT ;)  They had beautiful horses in that area yet a 2 hr. drive away from the commercialization of the Disney thing.  They had pretty decent weather there too.  Good luck and drive carefully, I read the weather is nasty down the east coast.  I have a friend driving from NYC to visit and I'm hoping they are okay.  For a change, Buffalo isn't getting this storm...good thing, I'm not sure we have anywhere left to put the snow anymore.
  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826

    Paula, good luck on the surgery.  I had a lumpectomy and sometimes I regret the decision.  I made that choice based on the size of the tumor from the MRI and guess what, it was 2X that size.  I'm just praying post chemo/radiation the BC beast doesn't rear it's ugly head in boob or worse places.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    NativeMainer - Fortunately for me, my surgeon also specializes in lymphodema so I guess I will try and see him again.  I sure hope it is just the cold weather doing this - like my arthritis.  

    I was in the Air Force and the medical career field for 20 years so I do know about the many abbreviations - some can have many different meanings and can be confusing.  

    Barbe1958 -  Thanks for the info.  Will look into the LE

    Paula66 - A case of the nerves is perfectly normal before surgery.  I wish you the best and know you will recover quickly.

    faithandfifty - What a nice family photo.  Thanks for sharing. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Faith, I think you better tell your kids to get working on another grandchild, there were not enough to go around.  Your mom clearly wanted one on her lap but since they were all taken, she had to go with Mr. Bowtie Doll.  Will anxiously await Xmas photo 2011 to see if the shortage is corrected.

                               Christmas mice

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    DH and I are up by 5:00 every single day.  Today we slept in until 9:20!  We were exhausted from the company, cooking and cleanup.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    faithandfifty ove the family photo

    paula-you are right and it is your decision.  I think I agree with you second time around I would just get rid of the problem.  Good luck with your surgery.

    Jo-hope your pain gets better and it is just the cold and nothing major.

    Had a good Christmas and good food.  A few years ago we decided to forgo the traditional stuff and we do Chili, tamales and anything else that goes with that.  I have given up sugar but did manage to splurge on buttermilk pie my fav.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sherryc - Just when you think things are going good - here comes something else.  Today is a really good day for me.  Have gotten lots of things done.  Even have dinner in the crock pot.  May have to go take a nap in a few minutes.  The rad fatigue is still hanging on a little and that's okay.  Good excuse to go snooze for a bit.

    I like your idea of a Christmas dinner.   Living close to the Mexican border, you get used to eating that kind of food especially if you can get someone to make it  who really knows what they are doing.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    FDIL's mother is from mexico, so when they make tamales, she always brings me some.  Last night was no exception, so tonight will be tamales and flan.

    I cooked a goose that one of DH's coworkers had given us.  Won't be doing that again.  Even thought the goose was huge, it barely fed six of us. 

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Faith....beautiful family picture....I hope you frame one for the wall in your new home!!!

    Paula....you said it perfectly....its your cancer and you get to decide on the Tx that is right for you....I had a bilat with recon....the left side was prophy but the pathology came back pre-cancerous so if I had done a uni, I would have to venture down this road again....I have never regretted having the bilat, but I do miss my old saggy middle age boobs!!!  Wishing you an easy time with surgery and recovery :)

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Forgot to say....been a lazy day today for the most part....this morning enjoyed the Sunday paper....then took a nice hour walk listening to Carole King...and in the 2 hours that I've been back, all I have done is be on the computer....not doing much for my mood...so maybe its time to get off!!!!  But I'm sure I'll be back tonight....

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks ladies for the kind words.  I hope everyone is having a relaxing day after.  I was busy from 8:30 and I just got home and it 6:00.  LOL, so much for chilln all day for me.  Well its back to the saltmines for me tomorrow, UGH. 

  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143

    paula-- as the others have said, it is turture trying to decide what and how and when.   i also had cancer before (2 brain, i endometrial, and now a new brain tumor).  so when this showedd up i was very matter of fact, made clear deciions   until the boioioig factor listed below --- expecially ther rad. part cuz i alread was at glow in the dark stage lol  hard to understand your power vs fear.  my best to you!!   

    ha ha, i just remembered, a friend told me to  well, talk to my  body and see what she tells you.  yeah right!!!  i nearly fell out of my chair laughing!!  but , punchline here is obvious.  as i pondered intellectually what to do what to do,   TADA aand D@mn it!  a 'voice 'came to me and , you geussed it.

    got a question for the world:  s all was fine and good for 3 months post surgery..  ast nite it hit!  i just noticed i had had breast cancer and yes the tamoxifen is screwing with me and and and i have been staying wide awake or  havent been sleepig  la daa dah daa dah.  has anyone else expeienced this?  (not to mention a 3rd rime of med induced menopause)  i feel frantic all day long.  please tell me others have similar advebtures?

    {ps    as usual, if my words or letters are screwy...its the brain surgery thing.  my appologies, hope you can make it out }

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    phew, a few comments.  first of all, no apologies ever needed in this thread for typos of missed words or things like that - we've all become amazingly adept at reading between the lines, or seeing words that aren't there!!  as for how you're feeling post surgery, i guarantee you we could all recite that moment - or moments - when things hit us long after and we just felt like crawling into bed, pulling up the covers, crying our eyes out, or yelling at the top of our lungs.  yes, that's normal unfortunately, as is sleeplessness .. but there are meds that can help for some of these things.  please don't hesitate to talk to your doctor(s) if you find these things are interfering with day-to-day living.  you don't need to suffer unnecessarily.  hugs to you sweetie
  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143
    HA HA ME!    was gonna say. ""oops, i forgot to sign my name"
    GUESS THAT WAS NOT NEC/  or even underscores the missing letters and words, eh?
    Marlegal---thanks for the support. thought i could leap tall building and wore a vest of kryptonite-------guess ineed people ater all   thanks!
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    hey ladies: was in bed most of the day recovering.. from cleaning the urgs here, and Christmas drama. my mood isn't the best, but, with everything that's going on, it's not the worst, either, thank God, and i mean, thank God; i have here , and you, to come too. it restores my sanity...Paula: i'll be praying for your surgery, Girl.. faith; what a glorious get together picture. its' in the Ladies of BCO in my computer.. saved for the occasion! gonna get off soon. glad you're all doing well...      3jays
  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143
    JAY   yes , i agree about the glory of hereness.   how celebratory that we have a place in which to vent cry whine ask         my own pvt 12 stepathon !    can i get an ALL PRAISE BCO!!
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Phew, know that you are normal! Laughing You were in fighting mode before and now it's hitting you. Give it a good cry, girlfriend and get back on here!
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
  • JMW
    JMW Member Posts: 33

    Hi Jo1955, I do have a question about rads. A little embarrassed to admit it now but sometimes it takes something like this to let us see what's really important in life! I got implants 4 yrs. ago. I didn't have to have a masectomy or the implants removed although if I did there would be nothing left of my left breast anyway as they had to remove 2 large lumps and there just wasn't that much there to begin with. What I'm wondering is if you know of anyone on here who had to go through the radiation with implants and how it affected them. They have told me there is a good chance it will cause capsular contracture which is a hardening and tightening of the implant. In other words I will have to have it removed anyway. Thanks for any input.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Hi JMW - Don't be embarrassed to ask questions. We have so much to deal with as it is and we can't think of everything.

    I think I may have read on the Dec Rads thread about someone in your similar situation.  You may either ask your rad onc or jump on that thread and ask your questions.

    Sorry I could not help you 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    JMW, Just when I thought we had a little of everything on here...I can't remember anyone on this thread mentioning rads w/implants.  Check out the rads forum, and read thru' the thread topics.  I bet there is a whole thread about that.
  • JMW
    JMW Member Posts: 33

    Elimar.....your answer gave me a good laugh! Thanks for the info I will look through that topic.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    JMW, Well, if you get your info., then hang out here with us, we WILL have one more base covered.
  • susantm
    susantm Member Posts: 71

    3jaysmom, I can commiserate with the need to recover. I overdid big time this Christmas--and I'm not done, as we are having people over for dinner tomorrow after my second son and his wife get in, and a family noontime meal New Year's Day so family can see son and wife, who only get here once a year. Older son has also been visiting, and a friend of his--both staying next door due to live-in sister-in-law, but spending most of their time here and eating here. Since my energy level has been good, I tried to do everything I would usually do at Christmas and then some. Last evening I had a bit of an emotional meltdown in front of husband, sister-in-law, son, and friend. Rather embarrassing for me. Only then did I realize how tired I was getting.

    Husband fixed lunch today and says he will vacuum and clean up. Right now HE is the one napping on the couch, and I am here on the computer. I should move son's clothes out of the recliner and join hubbie napping... But it is hard to rest when people are going in and out, and I don't really want to go to bed. I prefer afternoon naps in the recliner... sigh... Why is it so hard for me to ask for help from family? I still feel like I need to do it all myself...

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    It's because we are women, hun. The guilt is in our DNA Tongue out