
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    chrissyb - The quilt is absolutely beautiful.  Love the hand work on it.  Makes me want to run to my sewing room and get to work on mine.  Will post pics of the top when I am done.

    leisaparis - No such thing as rambling - just getting the thoughts out of the head.

    barbe - Good advice on using summer weight batting for a double sided quilt.  I have never done one but may have to put that on my list of things to do next.

    NativeMainer - That would be incredible if you are able to make the hankies into a wall hanging - if you get it done, you must post pics for us to see. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    chrissyb,  your quilt is a testament of both your skill and your patience!   Wowza!
  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495

    When I was a little kid in primary school (England) once a week we had a sewing class. Just the girls - no idea what the boys did. We did simple embroidery with colored "silk" and we had to split the silk to use less strands. We were also instructed to make the  knot at the end of the thread to maximize the thread for sewing. One day I put my knot in and it was about an inch and a half from the end of the thread. Not wanting to get in trouble I got my scissors and simple cut the end off the thread so it looked like a nice neat knot at the end. The teacher came by and complimented me on my knot. I have felt guilty ever since!!! :) But now I wonder how many other girls did this and never told?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    They all did.....it was the only logical thing to do to be consistent!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Gals...the quilts are beautiful....just gorgeous.....Many years ago (many, many) I used to sew...My mom had me take sewing lessons when I was in 6th  grade....I make skirts, blazers and assorted other clothing....my dad worked in retail fabric so I could get the fabric at a good price....actually in 6th-8th grade most of my clothes were home made....we had fantastic seamstress who sewed for both my mom and me...with mini skirts and being a small kid, a remnant could make me a skirt....one time I made a maxi skirt....you could see me all the way down the hall....it was bright, bright pink!!!!  I wanted a maxi skirt and it was the only fabric I had....when my oldest daughter was a baby, I made her a couple pairs of overalls and they were so cute....but with the discount stores, sewing was more expensive so I stopped....plus one kid became two kids and working took up much of my time!!!!  I still have a sewing machine, but use it mostly for mending or sewing girl scout badges on my daughter's vest,.

    Does anyone read the comic ZITS?  I love it because its about a teenage boy.  This past week there was one that was just great.....without the visual its not as good...it is 3 panels and I'll try to describe it:   Panel one:  Mom is sitting on sofa with sone and holding herself going WOO.....next panel mom is at the open window flapping her shirt up and down to cool off and the last panel is the two of them back on the sofa together....Mom says "Darn hot flashes" and teenage sone says "they invented menopause to drive teenagrs out of the house, didn't they?"

    Denver area gals....its girl scout cookie time....cookie sales start Friday the 7th....is you have a hankering for girl scout cookies, please let me know and my daughter can take your order starting Friday....Hugs

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    And........(drumroll).... I did it!!  I have officially caught up to the current page!!!  You guys have been busy!!  Now, I must go and take a nap!!   See you on Feb 2nd Elimar!!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826

    Karen,  I love ZITS comic strip.  I think they monitor my family.  My favorite strip was the boy drumming and the neighbors houses were on their side and he asks his mom if it's too loud :)   The minute I saved up sufficient funds, he got an electronic drum set, he says it's not the same and I agree, it's really quiet.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Gotta question.  For the past two days I have had constant deep pain in my BC breast.  It is hard to describe - like sharp pain - has not gone away or eased up.  Have tried Aleve and hot compresses with no relief.  Also, I am 4 months post surgery.  Has anyone had this happen?  I am concerned and not quite sure what to do about it.  Any suggestions?

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have had it, but it goes away, and sometimes comes back.  One episode lasted over a month.  Funny thing, I waited to tell the Dr. and about three days prior to my appointment, I noticed it had vanished.  No suggestions because nothing I tried worked either.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    Meece- At least I am not imagining this.  Told DH about it and that anything at this point is going to freak me out.  If it is still going on tomorrow, I can always call my surgeon's nurse and will most likely get in right away.
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    The deep pain part is what had me concerned because it wasn't a bruise or bump.  I have had several mammo and a couple MRI since, and nothing bad showed up.  I can get a lot of pain from Mammos now.  I dread having to have one if the US shows something tomorrow because my breast is so sore.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

     hey girls I made it to the recliner.  Im so glad to be home.  I made it home by friday.  Omg it was something the first time I woke up, but afterwards it got better.   Then the first time I went to the bathroom I cried it hurt so bad.  But it got better from there.  Now on to getting the drains out.  Next week sometime that day will come.  Doing good with the pain.  I just got expanders so I will have more to go thru at a later date.  Just a quick question though.  I get to shower.  Is this weird or what.  I asked several times and the PS said yes plus his nurse and the hospial nurse heard him right also.  What does everyone think about that.  I have a drain on each side.  My surgery was 12/29.  Thanks all! 

  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143

    jo   my practioner told me that this is part of the Knitting that the tissues take about a year to fianalize.   when i was lifting weights, i saw many injuuries, know that soft tissue takes a long time to heal.    course no one can speak for another,  and often docs dont spe ak for us either  (unless they have been or have a relative who has been thru a similar process)   my fnp suggestted i have some patience but if it continues or worsens over the next few weeks, to call her.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    Jo - I too have had the deep piercing pain. I was told that it was a healing process and remember I still got a few twinges (sharp ones!) up to a year later!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Jo...It was a year ago i started having dull achy feeling in my BC breast. i couldn't even touch one area then some sharper pain. i called my oncologist he didn't want to see me but the BS.

    He was going to vacation. Another week passed. I was so nervous took myself to the ER and even had a US. Everything was fine.

    I saw BS week later he said to me.

    <I cut you twice , got radiation this is normal. this was after 3 years of my surgery.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    phew & Mary Louise - That is good to know.  I will stop freaking out now.  Have not had this up until now and did not know what to think especially since it is tender to the touch - no warm feeling.
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Have not read this thread for a couple of days and boy did I miss out.  All the crafty people on this thread.  I like to sew but do not have an area that is convient to leave it out.  So do most of my creativity in the kitchen which my DH likes way too much.  My neighbors love when I bake, but my double oven has been broken for 3 months.  Whirlpool national backorder.  Never a good sign.  Computer board is out and so is everyone elses.  Suppose to have them produced and available sometime soon.  I hope

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I taught myself to sew when I was about twelve and the same with embroidery but back then I didn't have the patience to do the single thread embroidery but that's what I love most now as I can really thread paint doing it that way.  I have always made most of my clothes and when the kids were little I did all theirs too.  That way, I could make them clothes that no-one else had and I could always find them in a crowd!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    My mother taught me to sew when I was 6.  I made my clothes from about 2nd grade on.  My whole "female" family embroidered.  I still have many sets of pillow cases I have done.  One day I 'd like to make a crazy quilt with embroidery on it.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    hang in there, but if it continues, i check em out. my onco is great at ordering tests. that way, if its' "nothing" im relieved, and we've caught a few things.. not bc thank You< God! i dont call with every twinge, so she's all for it. remeber, we still are being "watched" so, we NEED to watch. early detection( God please never) is still the key..       3jays
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898
    Paula-my BS would not let me shower with a drain in, she was concerned about infection. My PS insisted I shower every day with 4 drains in, to help prevent infection! It really depends on your doc. I used a length of ribbon, threaded through the drains and tied around my neck to manage them while I showered. Of course, I couldn't stand up in the shower for a long time, and that made it a bit easier to manage them all!

    Jo-I had a mastectomy 3 years ago and still get those pains once in a while. I was worried and kept a log for a while, then discovered it usually happened a day or two after a day when I had been using my arms more than typical, especially reaching over my head. Nothing much helps with it when it comes, except time.

    SherryC-hope everything gets back in working order for you soon!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My chest pain has been diagnosed as Costochondritis (arthritic inflamation). Read up on it, as it may be what y'all have! VERY painful! We thought it was my heart at first because it was that deep, but after a year of testing this is the final result. At least I know the condition of my heart, too....as I already have heart problems, it's the first place we went.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898

    Costochondritits is a common after effect of radiation treatments, one of the ones they don't tell us about.  I found out about it the hard way.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Some exciting news today for us cancer patients...please check it out...

    "Liquid Biopsy"

    As an early-stager, I'd love to have this test to know if I am truly "cancer-free."  For later stages, it's a definite benefit to help doctors know quickly if a treatment is working.  I'm excited!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Elimar - Thanks for sharing the link.  I heard about this on the news this morning.  Gonna print it out and read it carefully later.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    It won't work for me as I already know that I have Isolated Tumour Cells. The blood test would always be positive!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Barbe what kind of test was that? I really want this new blood test even if I have to fly down to boston for it.I see my rad onc this wed for a followup.He should know where we can get this new bloodtest.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Mum, the isolated tumour cells were part of the pathology on my breast tissue from the mastectomy. I had cancer cells away from the tumour iteself. Elimar has a link in her post above that is about circulating tumour cells - CTC's I suppose. I'm pretty sure if you test anyone they'll have some kind of cancer cell floating through their body.....

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I did wonder about that, whether many people (even ones without a previous cancer Dx,) would show up positive with some circulating cells?  Will it lead to more people having to do chemo and will that be a good thing?  But the article did say that it might one day relace mammos and colonoscopies, so if they can screen the blood to that point of accuracy, I'd rather have a blood draw than either of those other two tests. 

    Maybe it "sounds too good to be true" and we all know what they say about that.