
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    I will be taking these articles with me on wed.Thankyou for the links Elimar.

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490


    I couldn't shower until I got the drains out.

  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143

    j'all hear about the stude that will know from one blood draw if there is any cancer in the perso?  heard that on the news today ---an abc attiliate   dont rmrmber the source

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I remember a few years ago there were scientists in the UK developing a "smart bra" that could sense temperature changes in your breasts related to breast cancer.  Guess that idea just fizzled.  At least people are trying to find different/better ways to detect BC.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Watched the evening news about the blood test.  It was reported that there are always tumor cells circulating in the blood and aren't always bad or needing treatment.  The test is not available yet.

    NativeMainer -  I am just catching up on all the posts and wanted to respond to yours.  I started freaking out when the pain started up yesterday.  I had not done anything different than I had done in the last couple of months and all of a sudden - the girl is in pain.  Still have the pain today and it tends to move around.  I am due to see my MO on Wed and if it is still there I will let him know.  Right now everything seems to scare me and I hope in time that feeling will ease up or go away.  Thanks so much for the info.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898

    I laughed at the comment about how amazing a step ahead in cancer treatment this is!  This is not a treatment, it's a screening test.  Yes, it will help with treatment decisions, but it is not a treatment, no more than yearly mammograms are a preventative for bc.  I'm a tad skeptical since it is true that there are abnormal cells present in the body all the time, it's not labeled cancer until a cell gets past the immune system  and multiplies enough times to make a tumor.  But it will be a very valuable treatment monitoring aide. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    NativeMainer - I totally agree with you.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Wow, Middies, I'm pages & pages behind.

    It is amazing to consider the forward progress in cancer research. I'm grateful for the link -- as I seldom listen to the news. Here's to wishes and hopes that it becomes a valuable tool, and as quickly as possible!!

    I LOVED seeing the handiwork projects of others on the THREAD (get it?? 'thread' LOL........ yes, I am easily entertained, I know!!!) I already knew Barbe's dirty little quilt-store-owner-secret. If we really, really beg, I know that she has at least one AMAZING photo of her own quilt-art-work. [I think maybe you shared it in the bunny-hutch of the nonHousework corner, Barbe.] Can you please find it again??? Pretty please????

    Here's a two page spread from my most recent picture book. I made the illustrations from fabric as small quilts. So for a 32 page picture book format, I made 16 small quilts.


    This one is based on my interpretation of the red-rocks of Sedona, Arizona...... though having just been in Utah last month, there's some similarity to the red-rocks of Utah and Zion National Park.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    faithandfifty - I make quilts and have posted some on here but yours is absolutely amazing.  What detail work, I love it.  You must share some more with us. Pretty, pretty please.
  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    The above 'quilt' was created thru a combination of traditional piecing, fusing and 'thread painting.'

    This one is the "end papers" of the book....... the pages inside the book when you first open it.

    It is machine pieced.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    faithandfifty - AMAZING!  Meece got me motivated to get back to my quilts - now I am really psyched up.  Halfway through a quilt top now and just wanna get it done.  I already have plans for another one when this one is finished.  

    Quilting for me takes me to a calmer place - sort of like the old commercial for Calgon - "Calgon take me away".  I don't think about BC or any of the treatments.  Have told myself I need to do more.

    Thank you so much for sharing the pics 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Oh my goodness! I'm something like 25 pages behind! I need to post a picture of myself so a visiting Booby Facebook Buddy can identify me, and I can't figure out how to paste a picture, so I temporarily have changed my "avatar." Hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas and New Year's, and I will hopefully catch up and add something relevant soon! :)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Faith, You really know your way around the fabrics!!!  (And no, I did not make the quilt pictured at the top.  I just went with the quilting theme in honor of all the handiwork posted so far.)
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I want to come play in Faith's studio.  I can imagine it would be like Disneyland for a quilter!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Kleenex!  Hey girl!  Good to see you!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Wow, kleenex, that is a real photo!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Happy New Year Middies.

    I loved hearing about the special new years meals!! I love to really cook at the holidays, I get to do it so infrequently.  My new years eve tradition is eggs bacon and pancakes after a night of drinking. Tho I am quiet the timid tippler these days.

    I have discoverd the magic perfection formula for scrambled eggs if anyone is interested.

    I really hope for a good 2011 for us all.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    the quilta are so amazing. im jealous all of you have the strength and energy. but, for now, im living my life vicariously thru ya'll.!!     3jays
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Faith, beautiful quilts and Meece, the one at the top is lovely!

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    Hey Paula- Those drains drove me crazy and I ha my BS telling me it was ok to shower and my PS telling me no. I chose to listen to PS as he is a nut on infection and kept asking if I wanted to risk it. He reminded me that I had open holes in my body for the drains and that just invited infection. I chose not to shower. I was mad but I realized it was my choice-which is no small thing with all the crap we all go through with BC.

    What I did do and this sounds bizarre...I wore my drains pinned in a little loop on each end of a long scarf I wore around my neck---i made it shorter and sat in the tub in a small puddle of water that didn't even cover my butt. But it sure helped me MENTALLY. Awkward as hell, but man it was more soothing than pain pill. Kept the water well away from incisions, drain holes, etc. Until the drains and stitches came out I cleaned myself (and not very well!) the old PTA way with a warm washrag.

    BIG HUG!

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    The quilts are beautiful and I ENVY all of you with the gift of talent to make anything like that...I am inept when it comes to the skilled crafts....:)

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    Thank you Elimar! I am going to see if I can get in on the clincial trial at MD Andersen-I am just outside of Houston. I will keep you guys posted with my progress.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Annette, what is the PTA-way to clean yourself? I'm imagining all sorts of weird things, so please let me know.

    Faith PERFECT fabrics! Don't you just love being on the hunt and finding "it"? My store was those kinds of weird ones. I loved hearing ladies freaking out....rocks!!! water!!! sky!!!!

    My craft room would keep anyone amused for days. I'm a bead-a-holic, my stash of "things" is spectacular if I say so myself. It's not just fabric. Wall quilts embellished with beads and buttons and feathers and tactile objects....sigh....I LOVE it!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    annettek, welcome to the thread.  Are you in rads now, or just finished up?  Yes, please let us know first hand if you get into a clinical trial with the blood screening for cells.  It would be interesting to follow that way.

    Barbe, quilters and non-quilters alike would love to see a pic of your fabric art.

    Kleenex, We missed you over the holidays.  I see from your new avatar that you are no longer a caricature.  For some reason, I expected your daughters to be pencil sketches.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    It's normal (on this thread) to have people forget things, so I cannot remember who has their 6 mo. checks right around now?  I'm going for mammo and U/S this morning and I seem to remember one or two would always have checks the same week I did.  Who was that?  Don't know if I still synched up with anyone else or not.
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    elimar - Love the pic at the top.  So much talent here.

    Going tomorrow morning to see the med onc for Tamox.  I will officially have my ticket to board the tammy train.  Since I had so many problems with the AI's - I am kinda nervous about the Tamox but am willing to give it a try. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Woops, Eli. Thought that was Meece's quilt up top. Beautiful.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Thank you, Middies, for the support on my recently completed project. I truly appreciate your thoughtful compliments.

    The 16 quilts, remember they're small, took over 5 years to complete. They are my "Ode to BC." I had the first one finished and the next couple well underway, when I was struck by dx #1.

    Well the rest is history. I finally got back to them and was making real progress when I hit the skids again with dx #2. I had a real meltdown when following my various complications (infection/cellulitis, frozen shoulder & Lymphedema upstart) I realized that I could no longer use the extremely HEAVY iron that I purchased specifically because of it's weight -- to help with the fusing. Our LE board got me thru that emotional disaster.

    Late last spring I was up to 12 completions & it was my dear husband who gave me the motivational speech of a lifetime. Then back to it....... and voila it's done: the book, that is.

    BTW: I say this as a service, not as a commercial, but if anyone were ever to want to order any of my projects, the promo code "Survivor" will give you a 50% discount from the retail price. I just don't want any of my fellow quilters to get so jazzed up & not be aware. Now that I type that, I just remembered that it/promo code has not yet been extended to my new book...... must remedy that........ babbling to myself, now.

    Drains. The solutions we come up with for drains. Rest assured dear drain friends, it is a temporary time and you will return to the land without drains. There will be a time that is again post-drain. Hugs for those of you in that quagmire.

    Kleenex. I feel better knowing you're a 'real' face & that you will return to us.

    Cookie. If I were ever to be in the kitchen I would want your secret, but alas it's safe in your hands, as you know my domesticity only goes as far as cooking my secret oatmeal.

    Jo. It's great to get back to what has the power "to take us away." I love the creative process and it's powers to heal.

    Eli. The person with the check-up story is our Meecie. She's had a rough go yesterday & we are all sending up prayers for her in the midst of her unfolding story. She's too gracious a person to call attention to her emotional roller coaster on more than one thread.



    I certainly shouldn't have started a list. My brain can no longer keep so many sorted. Hugs to all in the midst of treatment and in the midst of the immediate after-shocks with no explanations.

    Ever onward.


    Yes. Barbe. I have very vivid memories of exact quilt shop shelves where I stumbled upon a fabric that I was searching for -- or better still a fabric I didn't know I was searching for. I was one of your squeelers, jumping up & down, hugging the person behind the counter.

    I fell in love with the orange/gradation-to-red fabric, in the stripes, that is the featured element in my Sedona piece I posted last night. I truly went bonkers with that find -- as I had just been in Sedona.

    The blue stripes had eluded me for ages, I'd found the red & white candy cane version and knew I wanted to create a pinwheel effect.......... it was ages before I found the proper blue & white version -- where the stripe width was similar and the blue full strength. I found that at an international quilt show. Vendors covering an entire exhibit hall floor. I probably looked in a thousand bins of fabric.......... and then there it was.

    Had I known how to do a cartwheel I would have.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    jo and BarbA, a few posts back I did have a disclaimer that said I did not make that quilt.  Just putting some quilting flavor up there since you all are on a roll with all that quilting beauty, so I found a "Welcome" one.