
  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    I am ok with needles but IVs are a different thing.  Since we are not to us the right arm which has lovely veins, have to us the left arm.  Those have gotten so small, collapse and move around so much it is hard to get one in.  The first surgery after BMX to take TE due to infection, they had to have one the nurses from the neonatal sp? department put a thin baby IV in.  It worked but each time it is getting harder as they end up using the same site.

    As soon as I am done with rads, I need to set up my dentist appointment.  I am going to have to go in two different times and $$$$ later be done.   Have crowns and bridge work to fix and a few cavities I got since chemo.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    I have a hair question.  On the radio they have been advertising Ovation hair products.  Someone told me that it was originally designed for cancer patients to promote hair growth after treatments.  I googled it and came up with Lots of conflicting information on what it is used for.  My guess to promote stronger hair and growth, not to grow hair where baldness has set in.  My hair since I ended chemo in Oct has grown at least an inch, my hair grew fast before but this is due to hormone therapy.  Any ideas, just wondering.  A co working was asking as she was thinking of getting since her hair is brittle and dry.

  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143

    paula...i took the native route.  i echose to whatever measure would best promise no bc return.  i had a mx and tomox.  for me, the choice was based on cancers i have had in other places in my body and cancers in family members.  therefore the benefit outwieghed the risk----which i know i a very frightening decision.  didnt do radiation cuz already have had a lot, therefore they decided chemo wouldnt help me and also therefore surgery and tomax.  an example of everybody is diff, such a confounding personal choice.  i wish you good luck towards a comforting outcome

    ~~ nancy carol 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    AAARGH! I lost my post!

    Anyway, as I was saying to myself before I so rudely interrupted myself...Eph, your reaction to that creepy Bozo pic was hilarious! And Meece, that USPS commercial with yet another creepy clown is so funny!

    Seriously, though, the Shriner clowns are very admirable with all the work they do for the kids, and the kids seem to love them. I think it's just the baby boomers that back away at the parades!

    susan - I have dental work I need to do, too. But I also have to have surgery, so I don't know which one I can't afford to do first. Maybe there is some logical - and safer - order to do this in. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    heartnsoul - Don't you just hate that when you lose a post?  That happens to me sometimes when my internet connection is really slow.

    The USPS clown is not only scary but really weird.  That sucker could give a person nightmares.

    The Shriners clowns are the good guys.   

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    okay, way too many pages behind so I hope I didn't miss any huge announcements ... weddings, births, etc.  Eli I love this picture at top of page :)  (The pretty sky one in case you don't see this right away and it's already something else!)  weighing in the topics I did see - hot flashes - had them all through tamox, a little less on aromasin.  I stop that in May and am very curious to see how the flashes are.  I have at least 10-15 a day but they're shorter as time goes by.  Night sweats - still get them but we keep our bedroom about 60 degrees so as soon as I throw covers off, I usually cool down in a minute.  Empty nest - have been for almost 10 yrs and love it.  Love when they come over to visit though :)  Colonoscopy - I have to schedule mine ... way overdue for my first.  Barbe - thanks for the tips about starting liquids a few days ahead, I'd prefer that.  It'll remind me of when I was in labor :)   hugs all around.
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I rememebr being in labor and they brought my husband a full bacon and egg breakfast.  The smell was nauseating.  At that point I wasn't interested in anything solid.

  • trinity57
    trinity57 Member Posts: 3

    I was diagnosed with HER2+ BC - left breast in 2007 at age 50yrs. 26mm Grade 2 IDC with 1/7 nodes positive for cancer. ER-, PR- and HER2 3+ positive.I had a partial left mastecomy and axillary node clearance. Had 6 mths of chemo in conjunction with 9 mths Herceptin. I didn't have the full course of Herceptin as it caused me to have Congestive Heart Failure. I also had radiotherapy for 6 weeks. Following a routine Mamo late last year they discovered a small tumour on my right breast, This week, it was confirmed to be a small ductal carcinoma, no vascular invasion ER+ PR+ HER status inconclusive (they are doing more tests to determine).

    Elimar, you are so right. I had just turned 50yrs, our youngest was in her last years at High School and basically independant, and we were looking forward to our "freedom". After all my treatment and the all clear,in October 2009, my husband and I decided to move to Australia from NZ (our son had been here for 11yrs) as my husband had a job opportunity here. 2 mths later our youngest moved over (she couldn't live without her Mum she said) and 7 mths later our eldest daughter moved over with her partner and family. Great!!!! now we're all here.....and then what happens?? the week I turn 54yrs....wham!!! here we go again. Life can seem to be so unfair, but every morning I wake up and thank my lucky stars that I have a wonderful and supportive family. 

    I am to see the Specialist on Tuesday, so hopefully I will get my HER2 status then, but I will keep you all informed. Cheers trinity57

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Welcome, Trinity.  Best wishes as you go about this journey, yet again.  We are here for you.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, trinity 57!  You fit right in here alright.  Sorry you are facing yet another round with The Beast.  I will be hoping for the best with your testing, which at this point will be to get the news you are HER2- and then, at least, they will probably let you skip the chemo this time around. You know all the basic info. from the first time but, this time is going to be different because now you will have some B/C sisters here to support you as you go through much of the same ordeal as before.  Sounds like you have good nearby family support also.  That's so nice.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Welcome to the group Trinity!  Sorry you are facing round 2.  We all will be hoping for the best and are here for you.  Sounds like you are surrounded by a supportive, loving family.  

  • catbill
    catbill Member Posts: 102

    Welcome, Trinity.

    Glad you could join us, but sorry for the reason that brings you here.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Welcome Trinity.  Im sorry to see how you have to go thru this again.  The same happened to my sister.  She had it on the one breast, it was removed.  She had chemo and for a couple of years she did good.  Then bam she found it in the other breast.  I sounds like you have a great support all around you.  Good luck with the her2 test.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Welcome trinity and sorry you are going through this again.  Best wishes and I will be praying for you.

    Paula did you have a oncotype dx test done? if so what was the score.

    Oh and I do like clowns, never watches the steven king movie with the clown

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    doing my "post as I read" ... Trin  as far as herceptin status and chemo ... i was her- but due to other factors of my tumor they elected to do chemo so if they say it's hercep negative but still recommend chemo, that's not unusual
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Sherry Im not sure what that is.  What is it.  I just know she went to a place and put in all my info and it pulled up charts that show studies on different treatment and how they have impacted the rates of survival and also the rates of the cancer returning.  Thats all I know.  I know she said that Rads werent needed because the margins were very clear.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    Paula, who did that? your doc? did she print for you or share the source? i don't mean to sound suspicious, just curious!  Did they do the oncotype test though?  they would or should have told you they were doing that particular test ....
  • trinity57
    trinity57 Member Posts: 3

    Hi all, and thank you so much for your support and kind words. Can anyone advise what are the chances of this happening? Separate breasts, different pathology (so far) and a whole new primary??? I never ever thought this would happen...yeah, I know there is a chance of met, but a new breast cancer??? I look forward to your replies.

    What a great support group this isSmile Love you all.....

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    Welcome Trinity,

    I am also relatively new here and it is fun supportive group with a thread that goes any and everywhere.  So sorry you are dealing with round 2.


  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132


    Love the new photo - look like it could have been in my yard. Would like  abreak with the snow though....


  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    Trinity.. I don't know the statistics, but unfortunately I know jsut from this thread and the chat rooms that it's not uncommon to have a totally new diagnosis.  It sucks and it's not fairk but it happens.  Hugs and love hon
  • Anjanita
    Anjanita Member Posts: 43
    Yes, catbill, I'm just a short drive down the Valley of the Jolly Green Giant from you.  We have plenty of snow but I read in the paper today that it isn't likely to cause flooding here in the Spring.
  • Anjanita
    Anjanita Member Posts: 43

    I haven't tried posting an image here yet and had a little trouble getting my picture up but, to show you just how much snow we do have I'll try.  Here's what happened to DH when he went out to try to shovel.


    Well, I had hoped to get a picture up.  I'll have to experiment. . .

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Anjanita,  by just clicking your link, the photo comes up.  I saw it and WOW! I'd sure hate to have to shovel that little lot!

    Eli, the new pic at the top is beautiful.  I'm always facinated by the variety you seem to find and the fact that they always reflect either the time of year or some thread in the conversations going on.  You are amazing!

    Hi to the newbies!  and welcome!!!  This is a great place to hang out.

    Well girls am starting to feel a bit more like myself just a little tired now so I can see that by the time I've finished the aunty-B's I'll be just fine and dandy!  Thank goodness for that!  I really hate the added stuff when we all deal with the beast  just makes any thing else seem ten times worse.  My DH is doing dinner tonight and I'm being treated to home made pizza.....YUM!  He's such a good ole stick I think I'll keep him.....well after almost 42 years I really don't feel like training another!

    Love to all.  chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Mary, I think she was referring to the Adjuvant onLine program most oncs uses to determine risk of recurrance%.

    Welcome Trinity. Sorry you have to join us and am hoping you have HER- status so you can skip the herceptin!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297

    HI Trinity!  Sorry you have to go through this AGAIN!  Once we have one cancer we are at higher risk for additional cancers.  I had colon cancer 2 years ago, and shortly after was dx with bc!  I was 44 wat the time of my first dx--way too young!  And as others have said, there are other women here that have had that happen too--maybe there is a thread for them?

    Anjanita--I'm soooo tired of the cold and snow!  I live in the north suburbs of the twin cities.  I wish we could get a break and have a day or 2 in the 30's at least!  sheesh!  My youngest dd just left to go back to college in KC and it's even cold down there--but should warm up to the 30's later this week.  My hubby keeps going up on the roof to clear snow and it makes me so nervous!  I sit in the house and pray!  My onc asked me if I have been out in the sun at all (for vit. D) and I looked at him like he was crazy--I said just long enough to go from the car to the store! (and turns out my vit. D is low...) I have neuropathy too, so I really don't want to be out in the cold!

  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143
    oh trinity!  how awaful to hear your story!  and how good to hear that you have such a good support team!     ~ ~ nancy-carol
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Mary Im not sure of the web address she went to.  She did put in all of the info regarding my cancer and it brought this info up,  I just know that its a tool she said likes to share. 

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    Anijinta - love the picture it seems we are all getting our fill of snow this year....

    Jo1955 thanks for the smiles, always welcome.

    I see the ONC tomorrow and finally get to find out what the next part of the battle plan is...I think not knowing is adding to the stress...I need to know the plan.  Then I guess it will be back to one step at a time as I see how the treatments affect me. 

    Stay warm everyone.
