
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sheila - cok tesikkur ederim arkadas

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow Jo!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    You are very welcome jo.

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    Good luck tOmorrow Jo, hope you feel better soon.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    jo, May you get some answers and some relief soon.
  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    Hi ladies!  I'm new to this forum and just barely qualify (agewise) lol 
    Barbara: I didn't read far enough back to see where you are going on your cruise, but I hope you enjoy every second.  I'm scheduled for Stage 2 reconstruction surgery in a couple of weeks and am planning a vacation to Costa Rica this summer.  I can't wait to wear summer dresses without a prosthesis (and the ugly bra that went with it!) lol 
    I've raised 9 kids, still a few stragglers but I'm soon to enter the empty-nesters and trying to prepare.  It's not so much I'm going to miss them, as much as I'm afraid I've lost myself in the 34+ years of parenting.  Last year when I was diagnosed with bc, even though I went through all the right motions, it took me months to REALLY deal and accept the impact it had on me.  Reconstruction will be finished soon and then I'm looking to discover myself again!

     (the blog I've begun to document my journey)

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    dbdaze - welcome to the middies! I know what you mean about wondering if you can find yourself again. I put so much of myself into getting my husband's career established (now ex-husband, what a mistake!), and focusing on keeping my college-aged son on track that I wonder if I can pick up the pieces again, like Humpty Dumpty! I will basically have to start off from scratch trying to re-establish myself as a Realtor around here, so I think I may as well make a slight commute and apply at an office in an expensive, but highly transient part of town. People just don't move very often in my area - a seller peeks out and everybody's on it! So I need to go where the transferees congregate - lots of moving! But first, I need to get some semblance of a hairdo back!

    Good luck with your reconstruction surgery and then have a blast in Costa Rica - you deserve it, by gumby! Heck, we all do! hmmm....must add vacation to this year's goals!

    Take care and see you around! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Welcome to the middies!  dbdaze - Proof of age is not asked for here.  This is a fun, supportive bunch as well as informative.  If you have to be here, this is a great place to hang out.

    Thanks to everyone for your support - I will post later tonight what I find out today.  Have a late afternoon appt.

    Elimar - Love the picture at the top. 


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Welcome dbdaze.  Good luck on the upcoming change and enjoy the cruise.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    dbdaze, welcome!  We hear you loud and clear. So many middle-aged women do have to redefine themselves anyway, and then when B/C gets thrown into the mix...  Well, they tell us we have to find a "new normal," but what if we liked the old normal?   Good luck to you getting the reconstruction done.  Feel free to share that experience with us (and your trip to CR.)

    HnS76, Just wanted to let you know that anyone who invoked the name of Gumby could be my realtor anyday!


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I have not been on this thread in several days.  I finished rads yesterday which was very exciting for me but then last night my mother calls me to tell me my step-dad has a spot in his bone.  He is been my step-dad for 30 years and the only dad I have  as mine dad died when I was younger.  He was a heavy smoker for most of his life and and has had a lob on both lungs removed because of lung cancer.  At that time I did not know much about cancer but the surgeon never sent him to an oncologist and he never had any treatments.  That was about 3 years ago.  Now with the bone.  I tried to explain to my mom that this means probably metatisized but she kept wanting to think it was a new cancer because it was not in is lungs.  Anyway CANCER SUCKS AND I AM TIRED OF IT.  Parents are elderly and I am the only daughter with 7 brothers so they look to me to take care of our parents and my parents look to me to take care of them.  I thought I was going to get a break from cancer doctors now just looks like it is starting up all over again. Thanks for listening to me whining!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Jo good luck on your Dr. appt keep us posted.

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297

    Sherry--Congrats on finishing rads!  I finished mine mid-Dec.  My skin looks great (a little tan), and the fatigue is fading...

    VERY sorry to hear about your step-dad!  I know what you mean about not getting a break from cancer (I found out about bc a month after finishing chemo for colon cancer!).  I'm sorry the burden of caring for your parents has to fall on you, esp. now.  You'll be a blessing to them however, by being the "expert" and helping them navigate.  Make sure you ask those brothers for help when you need it!  They can do some of the driving, or whatever is needed!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    thanks Tmarina yes I will be asking them for help

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sherryc, Sheesh!  You barely had time to celebrate, but it is a great feeling to be able to check rads off the list.


    A friend of mine took a handicapped SIL into her home, but she made a calendar for the other brothers and sisters to sign up which weekends they would step up and be caregivers.  Maybe you could try something like that with your brothers...take charge and delegate?   The Beast seems to rear its ugly head at the worst times, but then again, there will never be a good time for it!!!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Jo - good luck today! I know you will be relieved to finally get some answers!

    Elimar - if it works for you, maybe I should I have tiny, almost subliminal, pictures of Gumby on all my advertising!

    Sherry - so sorry about your step-dad. I loved mine like a father, too, so I can imagine how distraught you must be. And I know you've had your fill of cancer! Maybe your own experience can help give your family a little guidance. ((HUGS))

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    jo1955, Come back from the surgeon and tell us something good.  Thinking of you this afternoon.
  • shells43
    shells43 Member Posts: 499

    Ok, well get this. Finally got the MRI report I've been waiting on. The Onc nurse called me and said it recommends a biopsy. Crap. However, I then called the BS's nurse to see if they had also gotten the report. They had, but she said she didn't know why it recommends a biopsy. She read the report to me and it says "NO enhancement of 5 mm suspicious area of left breast seen on US 12/30/10". The nurse thinks the recommendation for a biopsy is a case of CYA by the radiologist. Opinions? I thought MRI was supposed to be definitive? Anyone have any experience with this? I can understand biopsying and risking a false positive, but a negative? I'm picking up the films tomorrow and sitting down with the BS on Friday.

  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143
    got a humpgh!     when i was told i had a malignant breast  tumor it was via a mesg left on my phone by the triage, ie not my own practioners, nurse.         thought that was kinda rude, not very preofessional.         got over it.lotsa activity ensued, good results etc         BUT!  yesterday, a friend called and told me that a lab tech told her that the standard chest x-ray  showd lung cancer A LAB TECH!!!!!   ON THE SPOT!!!!!   regardless of how tru or false,whether to fret yet cuz  cuz it is foolish it to worry about something  in advance this woman had no authority, not the eduaction , npr professional pride, to deliver something this horrid!!!           i remember one of my brain tumors was announced over tha pa system at the dept store where i worked.    "nc----please report to the hr dpet,  you must sign papers for  malignant brain tumors"  ok, bad for me, but can you immagine the horrors she must have had when she realized what she just said?  (bts  before anything like hppa laws)                  when i had uterine/edndomedtrial cancer, the ob/gyn suggested i  just take birth control pills and that would take care of my cramps  HELLO!!!!!!!  not cramps/ cancer can we see the diff?   i wanted to throwshis uterine display at his head and ask if he wasnted some aspirin to help if the hash i left in his skull hurt      guessing, others have similar stories?
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    phew the gyn story made me laugh.  I needed that.

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139

    Sherryc: that just sucks!  

     Thanks ladies for the welcome -- looks like a very inviting place.

    My Quest: Discovering the dreams that lie inside 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Sherryc Im glad to see you finished your rads.  I will keep you and your family in my prayers. 

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    The "new normal"....I can't stand that term.....I'm coming up on 5 years since Dx next week and beginning to have moments of anxiety...knots in my stomach.....it seems that each year gets harder when the dreaded day comes.....

    one of my dearest bff asked me if I wanted to meet for breakfast and go to a museum display on the 3rd, not knowing that it is the anniversary of my Dx....I'm probably going to tell her YES, because I know that is going to help me get through the day....now I just need to get through the next 9 days

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Back from the surgeon.  It is the dreaded waiting game again!! UGH!  Scheduled for a bone scan and CT scan on Thurs.  Had not had these before and don't know what to expect.  Scared to death and cried all the way home.  Won't get results until Feb 4th.  Can't stand this.  Just when I thought I could move on - this comes along.  This whole journey has been a nightmare - so many things have gone wrong.  I just need a break.

    Sorry about whining but had to get it out 

  • dawney
    dawney Member Posts: 136

    Jo - after everything you have already been through a CT and bone scan as far as the procedures go are easy.  The stuff you have to drink for the CT scan is pretty nasty but doable and the bone scan was not bad at all, you have to be still but they let me move the parts or my body that had already been scanned if I needed to.  Sorry you are having to go through this and then have to wait for the results.  I had to wait about a week for results as well.  I will be thinking about you.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    dawney - Thanks for the words of encouragement.  It is good to know the scans will be easy.  

    I feel like I have been through h#@l and back.  After surgery, there was the failed attempt at mammosite, the 6 weeks of radiation with a RO that was a moron - would not let me use creams on the skin until I got a bad rash/infection and burnt to a crisp.  Tried Arimidex & Femara - had to stop both - too nauseated.  Doing good on Tamox.  Thought things had finally turned around.  Then the burning sensation started on Jan 2nd and has not gone away.

    I know I sound pitiful - sorry.  I may just stay off this for a few days - don't want to get everyone down. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Don't go anywhere.  This is where you need to be!!!!  Do you hear me???

  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143
    jo1955----i was trying to scroll back to your story        , but my cats keep gettin in the way....apparently walking across keyboard and causing big irritating havoc is more appetizing than a nice roaring fire and the 5 heating pads araanged for their comfort right at my feet.            i digress      not knowing what happ'd i can tell you that i have had more scans than there are days in a claendar.   as dawny sai, the procedures themselves are nothing.   the reason i deduce is bad?     often a person neeeds to just be heard.  doesnt really matter what others know      but since you didnt ask        when my hundreds of different scans for my vari8ous C's,  seeking whetever their reasons were that day, my practioinoer suggested gabopentyn (sp) to give ease to the burning spasms in my legs and torso  eminating from some magical sphere.        jest aside, i do know that cancers suck!   and also, yey us!       this is a very special society that knows stuff and leasds and rescourceswith       i would say, indulge in whatever your favorite indulegence is till you get answers.   hey!  why not!    anyway, it workds for me    ~ ~ nancy carol
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    UGH!  Just read about bone scans on the internet.  Now I am scared!!!  It says they inject dye through an IV.  Scared to death of IVs - too many bad experiences over the years.  So scared of them, when I had my lump surgery, I did not have the IV placed until after I was put out with the gas.I know the tests themselves are easy but now I got to get past the IV crap.  

    I want to go crawl in a hole, cover up and hide from the world.  This can't be happening to me. 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    jo....If your veins are tiny or you have issues make the appointment when the nurse is present.

    She takes over the IV.

    That's what happened to me. I even got her name for another test that required IV. She did it 123.