
  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826

    Donna,  You go girl!!!  You got through it with flying colors. I prayed for you all day!!  Now let the surgeon get the results and figure it out.  I'm soooo happy that you got through the IV. 2X sucks but it wasn't 20 and it's done.  Time to celebrate

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Maureen - Thanks!  I will celebrate tomorrow - too tired right now.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Good night dear Jo, get a good nights sleep.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    sleep well, dear girl. you deserve a rest after today..
  • Onetoughwoman47
    Onetoughwoman47 Member Posts: 132

    Barbe - When do we have the Opening Ceremony for that B and B???? I'm in....god loved the cabin picture too! My dream home...somewhere in TN....ahhhhhh.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Ah, the infamous Ranting B&B? I have to find something very, very far away from anyone else, but that still has electricity and water.....

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Barbe, Please scout a location that also has a nearby convenience store (or "party store" in some regional dialects) for replenishing the wine and Cheetos. We don't want the remoteness where they have to fly them in, or do we?
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    We could all bring the wine of our choice and plenty of Cheetos.  If suitcase space is an issue, forget the extra clothes and load up on the goodies.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I finally got an appt with a new MO for Feb 15th.  Have not been happy with my current one and the more I dislike him, I am really second guessing him telling me I did not need to have chemo.  I was kinda boarderline.  Anyway will feel better when this new MO tells me I don't need it.  It has been frustraiting because I tried to get into a guy in Austin that came highly recommended by a friend.  He is part of a large group and you had to go through a central new patient scheduleing thing and I could not get anyone to call me back,  Left a message last week and called back three days in a row and finally got someone and was told I was next on their list to call.  Went through all of my info and they were going to get my records and then call me for an appt.  OK so Tuesday I leave a message and today I finally get someone on the phone and they say I was next on their list.  I told them to take me off their list because since no one would call me back I already found me another Dr. who came highly recommended and I have an appt already scheduled. geeeez.  Anyway the MO that I ended up with I feel really good about because several people recommended him and then my step-dad is going to see my RO on monday and will probably need a MO as well.  Today his cardiologist called me to make sure that whoever we pick out for a MO is on staff at Methodist Hosp in SA because of all his heart issues and in case he would need in pt chemo he wants it done at Methodist.  So I checked this new MO out and he is on staff at Methodist.  So I guess with all my frustations getting to this point it was a God thing so me and my Dad can have the same RO & MO.  I am looking forward to my first appt as all the others that use him love him.  They all say that he is very good with giving you information and with that it helps you to be able to ask questions.  My other MO never gave me info and was always very vague on the answers to my questions.  I really like my RO but I am going to have a talk with him about his recommending this guy because I don't think it reflects well on him. 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    O Sherry Im sorry you had all those issues.  But in the end it sounds like it got worked out.  I just love my MO.  I wouldnt trade her in.  She will take her time and I just love that.  My sissy was a bit put off that I would use her MO but I dont care for him.  I remember her calling me and telling me she had cancer again in the other breast.  His answers to her was if ya got it again then its all over your body.  Why would he tell her that without tests.  I was fuming.  She still raved about him, not me.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sherry - After all the trouble you went through, I'm so glad you finally found a MO that you feel good about.  That is so important to have one that will take the time to listen and take care of you.

    It should not be this hard to get good medical care.  We don't need this extra stress in our lives - we have enough already having to deal with BC.

    I think you need a big hug - so here is one for you.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Sherryc, Big respect for your persistence to find quality care.  When all this cancer business makes us tired, sometimes we just go with the path of least resistance and end up with a doc that is just barely adequate.  But if we can put in a little extra effort, it can pay off like it did for you.
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Here ya go middies-a little afternoon delight (well kinda; not the kind I wish I had sometimes, but delightful just the same!)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898

    Remember this image?

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    How can I forget/

    I was on my lunch break and watching TV in the employee lounge.

    Such a sad day

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I was deep cleaning my kitchen and had moved all the furniture out and was mopping.  I brought one chair back into the kitchen an watched on my little 12" t.v.

  • carol6026
    carol6026 Member Posts: 20

    Good evening ladies, hope all are doing well. I met with the oncologist yesterday and radiation is a definite. Went today for my pet/ ct scan, that was a real fiasco. When they went to put the contrast in the needle blew right out of my arm and the contrast ending up in my face, hair and my clothes. Thank god they had just finished with the test. Going on Tuesday to schedule surgery and talk about any other options their may be. Like I said this is all moving so fast that I just want to sit and cry, so confused about a lot of things.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    carol - Welcome to the middies - this is a great group of ladies with lots of caring and good information.  I can't imagine that scene with the contrast.  I would have been pissed.  But thank goodness the test was over and you could get out of there.  Things do tend to move fast with BC.  I had surgery 10 days after dx and my head did not stop spinning until I was well into doing rads.  Sometimes getting surgery done quickly can be a good thing - depending on how you look at it.  After everything was said and done, I was glad my was fast - did not have time to think about it and just wanted it out of me.

    Hang out with us and we will help you get through this.  Ask all the questions you need to, vent, rant, rave, cry, laugh - do whatever you need to do at the moment.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I saw an interesting story on our local news tonight.  It was about HRT and the chances of getting BC.  It said that if you were taking an estrogen/progestin combo and started it right after menopause you had a 50% chance of getting BC.  If you were on an estrogen only HRT, your chances were 100%.  Now tell me, why is that s@%t still on the market and why are doctors still prescribing it?  Sounds like we are being given a death sentence by the very ones who are supposed to save our lives.  I could not believe it when I heard that. The stupid pill did this to me. UGH!!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Carol, that contrastt had to be a shocker.  Good thing it was at the end.  You will go thru so many emotions, its ok.  Whatever you feel at the moment do.  I know its ao much to take in.  This is a good board to be at.  The gals here are great.  As for things going so fast, I cant help you there.  It was 2 months from the time I found out until I had my surgery.  Good luck.  I will keep you in my prayers.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
  • NotAfraid
    NotAfraid Member Posts: 12

    I'm waiting.  Waiting.  Waiting......Appt with PS was fun, but he doesn't do DIEP but thinks I'm a good candidate for it.  Measured my belly fat and said they might be able to get a "C" out of it.  A C???? Is that ALL?  So, I went out and had a steak, baked potato and coconut creme pie.  I've got to build a bigger boob! (I'm a DD now in on and a C in the lumpectomy side - I say split diff.)  So, I wait for a referral for another PS that does the "right" surgery.

    Meanwhile, my MIL is hospitalized with a blod clot, gangrene, congestive heart failure and low blood count.  She had her leg amputated below the knee this afternoon.  

    I think I'm going to have to hire a professional bartender for my husband.  

     I'm trying to keep my spirits up - and doing a decent job - until I realize that, until I know when I'll be having surgery, I can't make ANY longer term plans.  Palm Springs with friends?  I'll get back to you.  Work assignments for February or March?  I'll get back to you.  Old Punk Bands playing locally?  I'll get back to you. Friends' BD adventure? I'll get back to you.  The saying "if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans" has gone a bit too far, don't you think?


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Too bad you have to play the waiting game, NotAfraid, but if you wind up with a good doc for the surgery of your choice, then I guess it will all be worth it.  Your plan for building a bigger boob sounds yummy.  LOL.

    I feel sorry for your poor husband...Both his wife and mom are going thru' a lot practically at the same time.  They don't like to act worried, but you know that they are.  Maybe when the dust settles, you both can plan a getaway to de-stress.  Hope his mom will be o.k.  When you hear of someone losing a leg, it puts the whole losing a breast thing into a different perspective.

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    Not afraid- I can related to the not being able to make any long term plans. It seems to be the status quo for the first 6 months of this disease at least, first the wait for surgery and recovery and it's impact, then the wait for chemo and it's impact, the rads then....I am accepting every meeting fromfebruary until may as tentative, it is making me crazy. I am trying accept that I will not be able to do it all will need to slow down and concentrate on healing, great advice but still hard to register and come to terms with.

    Meece, not getting a port because MO says they prefer to start without one and only use when medically necessary. I have good veins now, worried what they will be like by the 8th infusion.

    Sherry I am glad you found an MO you are comfortable with, I am not 100% sure on mine yet, know he is good, but felt rushed on first visit, asked me how many questions I had. Will see how next visit goes, everyone has a bad day so maybe that was it. Other than that I liked him, but that was a big question for me. It was what people warned about with big cancer centers but have not experienced it before this.

    That challenger image was heartbreaking at the time, we we all so excited to see a teacher going up in space and then to watch the explosion...Numbing.

    Good luck Carol.

    Jo keeping fingers crossed for good results. Glad scans were not too bad.

    Wig shopping tomorrow, should have booked a friend earlier for a second opinion but may be better on my own.

    Hugs to all.


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    JeanH-just for FYI the Amercian Cancer Society in your area should have wigs free of charge.  I went in there and tried on a bunch & came home with one very similar to hair at the time.  I never ended up using it, but then again, I wasn't out any $$ for a brand new wig.  Granted it wasn't real hair, etc., but if nothing else, maybe you could try on wigs at ACS and get an idea of what you might like before you spend $$ on one.

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    Thanks Joni, I have been torn on the wig but decided since I am going to try and go to office thru this will need one, especially for meetings with people that do not know. I figure it will let me escape for a little while. I have scarves and hats at the ready as well. Will see what ACS has as well.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Jo - Can you bring someone with you who will keep you supplied in kleenex and hugs? I brought my mp3 player with me and played it loudly when I had to lie still for radiation...it could work for your tests too. Put inspirational music on or send me an address and I will send you a copy of my 'radiated mama's' cd I put together for radiation days....Tell them you are afraid of ivs and they will give you something...think about which veins work best and start there. They can never get an iv in my arm or take blood out from there so I say immediately "just put it in the top pf my hand where you have a usable, big vein!)...

    Jean H, Notafraid - I understad the waiting game...clipped my wings for awhile...stopped me from going to San Deigo for a week at December because I was not sure if radiation would be finished on time....I plan on going away for a few weeks in April because I know I have a radiologist appointment in March and then my 6 month mammogram and check in in June....but I feel like my life is completely on hold...live it fully until June when I will know if I can continue to live it fully or have to go through this W$$#^^ again!...I have decided ot make a conscious decision every single day to enjoy the next 6 months fully, to eat well, exercize, lose some weight, deal with my lopsidedness and be grateful as much as possible....and to try not to worry....and when I do worry, I have promised myself that I will not wallow alone,,,,,I will come to breastcancer.org and let it out instead. Seems to be working for me as I feel stronger in the past 3 weeks since I joined this site than I have in all the months previously combined!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    sandeeonherown - Once the IV was done and I calmed down the rest was easy.  I was surprised that I slept through most of it.  The CT scan was so quick I did not have time to do anything - which was good.  I did get warm blankets in both places - I swear the people working there must be Eskimos - the rooms are so cold.  Now just waiting for test results on Friday.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    sandee - another great plan from you! I love the way you think all this stuff out, because I am so ADD - I try to think things through and then I get lost in my thoughts, so I use your stuff! Not only is cancer a complicated subject, it is quite a complication in our lives!

    Jean - I was surprised how much the chemo slowed me down, but the younger ladies (I'm 55) seemed to be able to make it to important functions when they were going through it. I feel like I barely survived it, but I'm probably a little over-dramatic (or so some say - haha).

    But no matter what, if you are getting Taxotere or Taxol, make sure you keep bags of ice or frozen peas on your fingernails and toenails. Some places accommodate you nicely when you're bringing in that extra stuff and some make you feel like you're a burden on them (the 2nd was mine, but I did it anyway). I never had any problems with my toenails or fingernails! It was worth the trouble to me because the thought of my nail raising up off the bed just grossed me out too much. I figured I would feel bad enough without having to deal with anything that I could actually prevent. And those 2 chemos can cause neuropathy in your extremities, so I took acetyl-l-carnitine supplements (2 500 mg daily) and never had trouble with that, either. Plus, I continued the supplements for about 2 months after I was through. And that's all I know about that!

    Elimar - what a GREAT picture, but WTH? I wonder what that was all about - a photo shoot? the weather was hot? It's hilarious!

    Oh, HAHA! Never mind - I get it! I've seen that before and it fooled me again. What does Gomer say? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!