
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Jo1955...we will be awaiting with you to hear of your results..in the meantime, since there is nothing else ot be done for now, keep your mind out of 'waste thoughts" (ie. the stuff we have no control over that just sucks the life out of us) and plan something good for you..a massage? facial? dinner with a good friend?...Thursday sounds like the perfect time to distract yourself!

    heartsoul76...yeah, I am a fixer....and it is often sooo much easier to see solutions to problems hat are not our own, hmm? that objective viewpointWink...my nails have become quite brittle...went for a manicure last Saturday and htat helped me feel better..but think some gelatin or this glycerine stuff I am taking for sleep will help...what is with the nail bed thing???EEEH!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Those are the STOOLS they are sitting on! Too funny!

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132


    Thank you I'll check on both suggestions, I'm 52 and already feel achy at times so a bit worried about all the Se from treatment. Looking at the January 2011 chemo board the range of reactions is quite wide. I am going to a nutritionist on Monday to see what she suggests changing to make this easier to deal with.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sandeeonherown -Work right now is busy so that is a good distraction.  I have been doing some hand quilting on a quilt for someone who has been my angel during this journey.  She keeps me focused and on track.  I plan on giving it to her on my one year cancerversary.  That won't be until Aug but I have a lot of detail on it to do.  I live and work in a 55+ "snowbird" park and there is a dance on Wed night that I am looking forward to.  My DH does not dance - has 2 left feet and stays home.  That is okay - the music is country and I love to line dance.  Great exercise.  So, I don't think I will have too much trouble getting through this week.  Of course, the blasted pain in there all the time to remind me but I try my best to ignore it and go on.

    Will post results when I get them. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Elimar - OMG!  Just noticed the pic at the top - how funny.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Jo1955...sounds like you have a good plan for the week...stay busy, stay focused and distract your thoughts so that they do not go 'there' this week. The line dance sounds like a hoot (kind of like the community dances we have in cape breton which I take our sudents to whenever we are on school trips)...I did some dancing when I was in Dallas....fascinating!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Eph, that was hysterical :)   I hardly ever send "blast" emails, but I sent that link to my whole BCO chat group!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Jean - that's a great idea to talk to a nutritionist. The only thing my onc emphasized was to get plenty of protein and drink lots of water. The range of reactions is SO different, but so are the oncs and their treatment plans. Ask your nutritionist what she thinks about eating foods high in antioxidants, too. Some oncs don't like that because they think it may interfere with the effect the chemo has on the cancer cells.

    sandee - we're lucky to have a fixer here! I, for one, do not have enough fixers in my life - I think they're ALL ADD! 

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    Jean, about not getting a port .. how do YOU feel about that? It's your decision, and I for one think a port is the best way to go. We all have to make our own choices, but I felt so bad when I was doing chemo and would see many others in the infusion room having trouble with the iv's. It is in the end your choice, not the doctor's ... and I just hope you got all the info you need to make that choice.  I was 50 when doing chemo, and I was able to work through it.  I had my tx's on Thursdays and my se's hit Sat/Sun.  So I'd have that one day every 2 weeks out for the actual infusion, but didn't miss time otherwise.  Once I got to rads, I was very, very fortunate that they let me work from home, quite feasible for my job, and I had my tx's at 9:00 in the morning, was home by 9:30 and worked the rest of the day from home.  Toward the end of rads, I worked a short schedule because I did have fatigue issues, but was back to work full time within a month of ending rads.  I'm not saying this is normal, or what you should aim for ... only saying that it's possible, and that it's up to you, not articles or hearsay or anyone else, to decide how you react to treatment.  All my very best wishes and vibes for an easy course.
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    Sandee, I love your attitude :)  And you're right - come here and let it out whenever and however often you need to.  This site, both on the boards and in the chat rooms, was my sanity 5 yrs ago. Nails - mine still are crappy unfortunately. I console myself by thinking that the chemo that left so many reminders...the nails, the uneven eyelashes one eye to the other, the memory issues .... I figure if it was powerful enough to do all that and have it last 5 yrs later, then it must have kicked the shit out of any remaining cancer cells in my body :)
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    marlegal-Now, THAT'S a great way to look at it.  Adopting effective now!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    re: comments about food during treatment - my oncologist was the head of the research department at a teaching hospital and was very specific about NOT eating anti-oxidant foods because of their interaction with chemo, so yes - anyone getting ready for chemo - please talk with your docs or nutritionists about that issue and make sure they have latest info available.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    Joni, if a post of mine helps you, that makes me happy, cause I've been loving your posts for a very long time :)
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Marlegal...thanks for the kudos!! Attitude is 90% or reco very from anything I think...can't always stay in the moment but doing my best to fill those moments with things  like to do and people I like to do them with.

    Marlegal , I was also told very firmly by the radiation and oncology nurses NOT To take and supplements that work as anti-oxidants (like vit C, Vit A, vit E...what else was I not allowed to take...my adrenal gland support?) the idea is for the rads to break things apart and zap the $%$%& out of those cancer cells...antioxidants anre trying to repair the damage so...its counter productive. So leave the carrot juice in the fridge for ano hour ...it'll be there where you are finished rads and ready to fight from the inside again afterwards...I also avoided them for the two weeks post rads since I was told  the work in your body carries on for a couple of weeks.

    In my mind, I see a little hollywood set up of gamers...all sitting in theatre rows zapping cancer cells as they go by and spraying my innards with 'just in case' ammo...I am not a violent person and rarely watch stuff like that on tv...never play games..but this image it sowkrin gfor me.. I figure raditaion needs a bit of internal helpers to get 'er done!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Howdy gals, I'm back! What an experience. It was exceptional. Here are a few pix.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Georgeous!! Well done!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    The dress is gorgeous - so glad you had a good time.  I'm jealous - my cruise sets sail in 76 days but who is counting.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    HooRay for you Jo! I counted the hours, too.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Gotta start planing the shore excursions.  I definitely want to snorkel in Cozumel.  We have done that before and it is so much fun.  This will be cruise #7 so it will be a no brainer when it comes to packing.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks Marle I was going to search www for some tips, but I will for sure talk with doc first.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I've heard: Pack your suitcase with what you think you need. Now take out 1/2!!! I've never had the guts to try, but still would always come home with un-worn clothes, so it must be right.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    barbe - Even though I consider myself an experienced cruiser, I always come home with unworn clothes.  You really should give it a try - it is loads of fun.  The best part is no housework, cooking, dishes - they do everything.  All you gotta do is have fun.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898

    I am so envious!  Maybe someday I'll get myself dug out of the financial hole the beast dug me into and I can go on vacation again.  I went on some cruises and loved them, need to look into doing that again some day. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    We used to travel away about 3 months of the year. At one point we wondered why we even had a house!

    I HATED the cruise! We took our 4 kinds (in their 20's) with us when my DH was diagnosed with 3 brain tumours. It was a worry to wonder if they'd make it back on the ship. We met in our suite at 5:30 every night so we knew they were aboard before we left that port. But my DH had back problems at the time as well as my usual crippled-ness so it was a nightmare. The lineups for the flights and security and boarding and unboarding. The ramps on the ship and the VERY heavy doors on the ship. Then add in the motion of the ocean and me on a cane.....sigh. Next time I go I'll be in a wheelchair!!!

    My oldest kept saying I wasn't having fun but I insisted I was. He thought I was mad, I was just in pain! Yell We did see some great shows though....

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    NativeMainer - I have been stashing money away for two years to make this trip.  That is about how often we try to go.  When I get off the ship, I immediately start my next cruise fund again.  I make sure I have enough for the tickets and the "fun money".  We go out of Galveston, TX, so don't need airline fares - we are 7 hours away and drive up the day before.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    I come from a cruising family! My father and his wife sailed the QE2 across the Atlantic to England and then flew back on the Concorde. My mother and her husband sailed the QE2 from NYC down the Eastern Seaboard and around the tip of South America, then through the Panama Canal and back to NYC (and all I got was a lousy T-shirt! j/k). Then my crazy mother set out on her own at the age of 75 and took a round-the-world cruise! She was gone for 3 months - she is full of spunk! As for me, I used to be a travel agent for American Express so I knew exactly what cruises I wanted to take. I've been to the Caribbean and on the beautiful Prince Edward Island cruise in Canada, but my next cruise will be to Alaska. I like to see something different every time. We had planned on going this May, but I'm afraid I won't have recuperated enough by then. I'm disappointed, but I want to feel great when I go so I'm going to wait until next May. In the meantime, it's down to the Gulf of Mexico as usual for our vacation...sigh.

    Barbara - such a beautiful dress and a handsome husband! You both look so great - it made me smile! Then beautiful scenery AND a beautiful dessert? What more torture do you have in store for us? Do share! 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    My DH and I have enjoyed the european cruises.The most memorable one was in Northern Europe.Started in Amsterdam and ended up in St petersburg Russia for 2 days before heading back through Scandanavia.I highly recomend saving up for this one.

  • carol6026
    carol6026 Member Posts: 20

    Well, finally got back to work today, after being off for a week. Thought it would help, but it didn't. I could not wait to get out of their. In general everyone was very nice, except for a few comments that kinda hurt. One girl told me I look like crap and another said, you are already skinny and you had to go and lose more weight. I did not do it intentionally. I did not realize until I had gone to the oncologist that I had lost 8 pounds. I was even shocked. Makes me not want to go back to work tomorrow. I also stopped and bought some ensure to drink, to try and gain some of the weight back. If anyone has any suggestions on how I can or a good web site, plz let me now. Other then that, hope all are having a blessed day.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Carol, where are you in your treatment? I'd definitely talk to your doctors about the weight loss and a healthy way to gain it back slowly.

    Cruising - have only been on one, left from NYC and went into Canada, then back down the New England coast.  I've been wanting to go on another since the day I got off the ship!  Hub didn't enjoy quite as much, he's just not a traveller in general.  I really think it's a terrific value for the money.