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  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Sunangle I am just north of Dallas would love to meet you if you have time but will understand since you will there to see your friends.

    Marlegal thanks for the cheetos and drinks on the beach. Makes a good start to the weekend.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    NavyMom - If you do plan on going to San Antonio, let me know.  I lived there for 10 years and I could make some good suggestions on places to see and places to eat.  I could be your virtual tour guide LOL!

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 106

    Simply website ... profiles, etc.   I get a bit confused with the posting .. as some go back to 2007, and posting on the subject continue ... ???

    Vicki Sam

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Member Posts: 234

    mj...we will see what we can set up! Maybe lunch.

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842

    Jo, thanks for the virtual tour guide offer.  I do hope to take you up on it!

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

     Welcome newbies I was there not to long ago.  It has been a blessing to have them here in the beginning. I see my 1st oncologist appt on Mon but going to Maine tomorrow to see my sister cousin and niece before treatment.  I will try to forget about the big C for a few days.  I know once I have surgery and start treatment I will not be going anywhere.  I am going to try to get lobster for dinner I love seafood.  Have a good weekend and God Bless You All

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Lynniea, I hope you have an utterly wonderful awesome time with sister/cousin this weekend. Shut off the BC meter sweetie - you don't need  it for a couple days.  We're hvaing kids for dinner Sunday and have lobster in freezer - not as good as fresh, but still better than no lobster!!  I'll be thinking of you when we have that hon.  Hugs

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    VickieSam-my advice is to just go back no more than 5 pages on any thread you're interested in- that will give you an idea of the topics covered but won't be totally overwhelming.  I've never read a thread all the way thru except for the couple 3 I have been lucky to get on pretty much the beginning of it!  Good luck! 

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132


    Congrats on making it throught the first week, now celebrate with a long weekend I hope.  I think working has been great for me too,  Keeps my mind going on other topics.

    Sandee you trip sounds wonderful, as does the girlfriend road trip.  My family and girlfriends have rallied so much around me it have been so great to have their support and the support of the ladies here.

    Welcome to our new posters,sorry you are members of the sisterhood but this is a great thread with wonderful supportive knowledgeable women who know how to have fun and love CHEETOS!

    As for Texas and Turkey, I have been in Texas, eaten Turkey and my DS has been studying Turkish in college and took an immersion class last summer in Wisconsin, on the edge but since we are loosely qualifying I guess it counts!

    Feeling much better today, more sleepy this round, even with all those steroids, hate to see what I'd be like without them.

    {{{{{HUGS TO ALL}}}


  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

     <a href=" strawberries/p0iis0n_iivee/Vday weekend/IMG00229.jpg?o=6" target="_blank"><img src=" weekend/IMG00229.jpg&quot; border="0"></a>


  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    Ok picture posting not working will try again....

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132
    Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

    there they are!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    This pic was posted on the "Beachies" thread and I just love it ... while we're in a party mood, I thought I'd post it here too ...isn't it gorgeous?

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132



  • beccad
    beccad Member Posts: 189
    Ok, is it too late, I live in Texas and have a turkey in the freezer.  the past2 weeks that Turkey could have beenkept frozen outside for days and now today it was 80 outside.  Texas weather you gotta love it.
  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    I'd like to join in if it's not to late. I eat turkey every year at least once. Have been to San Antonio Texas for my sons graduation in the military. He was in AIT training. We went down to see him graduate and spend some time together. We don't all get to be together much so when the opportunity hits we all try to go. Always have a great time.

    beautiful picture on the beach...had to save that one,will make a great card

    welcome all newbies....(((hugs))) to everyone else, you all are my rock

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Member Posts: 234

    OH MY!!! Them chocolate covered stawberries look so yummy!!! BUT THAT BEACH LOOKS EVEN MORE YUMMY!!!!!!     I was talking to some friends and family yesterday on fb about wanting to get away to the beach SOON!!!!!     Living near the beach for quite a few years of my life and then not for over the last 25 yrs has been a shock to my system!! hehee When things bothered me when I was young, I would go sit by the shore and just watch the waves and listen to the crashing of them.........such a peaceful time........wish I had that now......

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Member Posts: 234

    oh yeah.........I forgot the turkey/Texas thingy!! heheeee

    I USE to live in Texas, for about three months!! and I have family and friends in Texas.......and I have a turkey in the freezer at work.......(our boss gave us turkey for Christmas, but because I had my surgery I couldn't lift it to get it home!! hheee) so it is still in there!!  So....does that count??? heheheeeeeeeee

    Thinking tonight when I go to work I will make me a note to bring the turkey home......maybe cook it for the crew at work next week.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

     Good Morning Girls I t is 5:50 up already leaving at 6:30 for Maine have to get oil change in the  car they open at 7 went yesterday they were full.  I hope you all have a good weekend and enjoy the day. 

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Member Posts: 234

    Have an awesome time this weekend with your sister/cousin Lynniea!!!

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

     Thank you It is hard to sleep when you are planning a trip. Keep me in your prayer's Thanks again

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    beccad-Never too late for Turkey!!!

    Lynia- good are right.your wings will be clipped for a wee bit while you wait on appointments but you will travel again. I did school campling trips etc. all summer as i knew my surgery would be at least 6 weeks post mammogram so....i planned things on the weekends...for me the fall was hell asi had no idea when rads would start and end...they were a month behind and since i was not doing chemo, they were able to put me off abit...felt grounded...but now I am on the move again so...not to worry! Enjoy the lobster!

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Member Posts: 234

    I sure will :)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898
    Lynniea-what part of Maine is your family in? Hope you have a great visit! Watch out for the black ice this morning.

    Mariegal-lobstah is good, no matter how you get, enjoy! Lots of melted butter necessary, and big bibs for the mess. Don't forget to suck out the meat in the little claws.

    VickieSam-Eph is right. I've been on a handful of threads from the beginning, and the discussion tends to wander around the main topic quite a bit. As people come and go some things get discussed more than once. Start a few pages back, 3 to 5 is a good number, and you'll pick up the thread of the conversation (pun intended). Welcome to the club no one wants to have to join. You'll find lots of help here.


    Mariegal-the perfect place to eat lobstah-make all the mess you want then go swim it off! Thanks for sharing.

    Beccad-sounds like Texas weather is getting as predictable as Maine weather!

    Sunangel-I grew up on an island and used to do the very same thing. I really miss it now that I live inland. And ocean fog smells soo good, river fog just isn't the same. I still drive to some of my favorite spots when I'm really stressed and have the time and can afford the gas.

    I have a turkey in the freezer that has been there for at least 3 years, and through at least 2 unintentional freezer defrostings, does that count? I'm afraid to eat and too parsimonious to throw it away.

  • beccad
    beccad Member Posts: 189

    NativeMainer-THROW that turkey OUT.  You don't want anybody trying to be helpful (ha, not likely to happen here) to decide to cook for you and end up poisoning you.

    Our wonderful superbowl wwek and the following week of weather. It was horrible!  Most of us do not live in Texas for the cold weather!  We (in my mind anyway) may have 4-5 days of frozen stuff on the ground and that is not all in a row.  I think most of the N.TX. school districts schedule in 2 or maybe 3 snow days.  I really think they have closed the schools 6 or 7 times this year.  There are gonna be some unhappy kids in June when the extend school for an extra week.  Glad they are not mine.  

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898

    Good point, Beccad.  I'll take it out into the woods behind the house.  The turkey vultures other beasties will probably appreciate it. 

  • sunangel27
    sunangel27 Member Posts: 234

    Native.......we have rivers here, and there is one area I will go to when it is a bit warmer!! I love to go there.... It has a huge Statue of an indian...(Keeper of the Plains") it is called and there is a bridge that goes over the two rivers that meet here in Wichita.......there is a "little dam", and the area where you can go to has bon fire pits, and thru the "rock area" they have indian music playing. That is now my favorite place to go when it is warmer.   Or I will go to one of the parks that the river flows down by....and walk there.  Just have to make myself do it now days more than I use to.  

    THROW that sentimental bird out the door!!!!!!! heheheeeeeeeee (IF I find something in my fridge that has been there...."a little too long".......I say........OH gee, you must have been a "sentimental" meal, or vege or whatever......and then tell it, ya gotta go tho!! heheee

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Good grief!  I was off a few hours and this thread has been really busy.

    Welcome to all the newbies!  Hang with us - we will get you through this and have some fun along the way.

    How about having the chocolate covered strawberries on the beach?  Make it a two for one special?

    Lynniea - Have a great weekend and don't think about BC.

    Hubby and I are off today to play a round of golf with some good friends.  Temp is supposed to be 84 today - perfect day to be outside and going to take advantage of it.  Been feeling sooooo good these days, I can hardly stand it.  Still have toe pains from Tamox but just ignore it and go on.


  • nana3
    nana3 Member Posts: 7

    Hello everyone. Just found this topic and it fits me perfect. I also love talking about anything other than BC.

    the beach and choc. covered strawberries, I love it.

    I find out this coming Wednesday if I'll have to have chemo so everyone please pray for me..

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    nana3 - Welcome to the Middies.  We are a fun but supportive group.  As you can see, not all the conversations are about BC.    Praying you don't need chemo.  Please come back and let us know.