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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Mmmmmm!  My tacos look good. They gave us a huge "ensalata" too.

           TACOS Pictures, Images and Photos       ensalada 1 Pictures, Images and Photos

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Ele - The tacos look great and they will go good with the drinks.  We can sit and have lunch while we listen to the parrots talk and sing.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Almost time to get back on board.  did you meet the Captain and crew yet?  They look so familiar.

                                         love boat Pictures, Images and Photos

    WHAT?  Don't you dare look disappointed.  You were maybe expecting...

                              sexy sailors Pictures, Images and Photos

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hope some of the "in treatment" gals will be joining us.  I bet they would like to kick back for a few hours on a beautiful white sandy beach.  I know I am ready to hit a nice beach on Grand Cayman about now, and on this fantasy cruise the travel time between islands is almost NOTHING.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    This is 7 Mile Beach.  Save me a chair.  I have to stroll the beach a little, to walk off that lunch.  I kind of wish there were some shells to collect, but mostly they are all ground up.  that's what the "sand" is. 


    Maybe Jo knows of a beach in a more secluded and remote spot on the island.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    This cruise is a blast so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Look how far down I walked...

                         Grand Cayman beach Pictures, Images and Photos

    The vegetation here is beautiful...


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    A little further on, in a cove, I saw a small private yacht offshore...No freakin' way!  It was David Beckham and I got an eyeful.  Yeah, he was with the family, and I was actually kind of surprised to see them in the Caymans.  I really thought they'd go somewhere more "posh."  Snarky pun intended.

                                David Beckham Pictures, Images and Photos

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    "It's a Fantasy Cruise, elimar, not Fantasy Island."

    Oh really, well I met some well to do fellas for you single (Eph! Do you hear me?) women when I stopped off for some bottled water.  I've got their phone numbers (as they handed out business cards, natch.)  Lets meet our bankers:


    Oooops!  That last one is Richard Branson.  How'd he get in there.  Sorry, wrong island!       

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I should've listened when you all kept reminding me to re-apply sunscreen.  I'm hurting now.


    I let jo wear my mini caftan cover up for her walk on the beach, but I was the one who need it.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Look what I found on a shore excursion...the perfect pants to wear on Friday!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I've swam with Parrot fish before, and they crunch! You can hear them going hunch, hunch, hunch as it chews on the coral. I've also done a night snorkel and found moray eel, the inside of his mouth is purple!! We were in Greece once and the only people in the whole restaurant in some labrynth of streets arched over with stone. We were pretty sure we weren't going to be able to find our way back so we thought what the heck and taught the parrot Oh, Canada!!! It was only the whistle of it, of course, but was really fun to see how quickly it bad?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Eli - I will gladly share the sailors with you but first reaplly the sunscreen before you are mistaken for a lobster and some sea creature eats you for a snack. I don't know of a more secluded spot but I do know if we take the sailors and venture further down the beach we could find a private spot.  hehehe

    David Beckman in the Caymans!  Whew!  Some of the most expensive condos and beachfront properties are in the Caymans. The Ritz Carlton built a new hotel there about 4 years ago.

    I wish I looked like that even in a caftan - thanks for doing a lot of airbrushing on my picture.

    Now don't be scared ladies but we can hop a boat and go out to Stingray City and wade in waist deep water and feed these guys.  It is really an awesome experience.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Little bitty shrimp make a clicking sound in the water.  I am a Certified Diver and have never seen a shark in the water but they are never far from my mind.  I have seen many morays. They can make you uneasy when you see thier teeth.  Soooo

    Can we go snorkling in a definitely shark and eel-free area?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Yes, let's go play with stingray's before heading to Jamaica.  Do these have the deadly tails?  Surprised

    Meece,  those pants really do have some deep pockets, I think everyone will fit on Friday.

    So glad Barbe caught up with us.  she actually has post #14 on the first page of this thread!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Can we find somewhere to swim with dolphins while on this cruise?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Not a problem, it's over by the stingray place.  Hey, Meece, I like how those girls on the beach gave you an island hair-do.

                            Cozumel Pictures, Images and Photos

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I put on my 100% aloe vera gel (left over from when i had rads) and already a lot of my sunburn redness has gone away.  That stuff is great!!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Amazing how they gave me the Bo Derek body as well.  And for the bargain price of $20!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    You got the deal of the century, Meece!  Time to hit the high seas once again.  Good thing the ship is so fast, so we will make it to Jamaica with enough time to check out some sights before having the formal Captain's Dinner back on board.  


    Have you gone down that waterslide on the ship yet.  Totally outrageous fun!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I know some of you were disappointed that we didn't take the cruise that went up the inside passage to Alaska.  You whale lovers know who you are.  But you know something, if you look off the starboard bow RIGHT NOW, you will see a couple whales cavorting.  you can call it breaching if you want to, but it looks like cavorting to me.


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Wow! I'm am so thirsty from that long para-sailing trip from Brookings, OR all the way down to the Panama Canal & then over to catch-up to The Fantasy--I'd like a Sex on the Beach please-is Antonio on board anywhere?  You all look so fabulous!!!!  I'll see ya'll in the casino in a while.  

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I'm back!! Had to tell work SEE YA!! Going Cruising! So, where are we stopping tomorrow? Maybe San Juan? They have a great rum factory tour.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Rum sounds like the right thing!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Let's get some Jamaican rum in Ocho Rios.  Why there?  I just heard that Antonio was sighted just chillin' in the vicinity, and Melanie has not been seen.  Also, I need to make a little side trip.  Eph, you can lag behind if you want to.

                                    Antonio Banderas 16 Pictures, Images and Photos

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Seriously...with Antonio, who needs the rum??

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Even tho' it is quite touristy, I've always wanted to go and play in Dunns River Falls.  Lucky us, since it's getting late in the day, a whole tour group is just leaving and we will pretty much have the Falls to ourselves.


    I hope you all are feeling like I am on this stress is just melting away, and when that happens do you know what else happens?  You feel younger and you look younger.  I have proof of it...just look at us in this group photo.


    Now be honest, how many of you thought my side trip was to a local ganja dealer?  Please!  Innocent

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I can barely see my head peaking in the back, but I know I was there!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    I feel relaxed already...

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I'd better get back to the ship, I have a masseuse scheduled before dinner tonight!!!