
  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645

    after eating too many of those glorious apples the paper comes in handy!!!!!! LOL

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Wipe the extra s*** from eating too many honeycrisp apples!

    I got a bag of honeycrisp apples from Trader Joe's last weekend.  They were a great price and so good.  I haven't seen them cheaper anywhere else - honeycrisps always seem to be more expensive than the other apples.

    Oh, also ate a small sliver of the apple pie I made for my hubby's birthday.  I love fall...

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Oh, my, ladies, this topic has really "run" away down a dark pathway here lately...

    Carolinachick - I LOVE Trader Joe's, but we don't have them anywhere near me in Texas. I experienced them in Tucson. GREAT prices.

    I got to personally experience the pink prescription bottle caps Walgreens is using this month. THAT was a setback.

    What still sticks in my mind was last year's advertising for a cancer run - a woman in the ad said something about "This is about speaking out against breast cancer in the biggest way possible." Um, was I FOR breast cancer in some way? Does breast cancer care if we are against it? Very annoying ad.

  • moonbuddy
    moonbuddy Member Posts: 23


    I've been on this board a while now and just found this thread!  Great! I'm 55 and divorced wiith a 36 and 33 yr. old boys and 30 yr. old daughter!  Know I have DCIS but still waiting for more info. to find out what all is going on.  Just had a partial mastectomy on Rt. on the 12th of Oct. 

    Have MS so am on SSDI (DX 5 yrs. ago) but work for Vocational Rehabilitation at local SRS.   Have been in social work of one kind or another for 30 years. Doesn't seem possible.  I'm pretty sure i'm going to have BMX with no reconstruction because i just can't take the time off and still pay bills.

    Have 3 grandchildren so far and absolutely love being a grandma.  My parents are in their 90's and are still very active but of course a few health concerns because of age. Dad still plays 9 holes carrying his own bag (less clubs) and walks because he believes carts have been the ruin of golf :) Mom has a cleaner house than I do. Proud to be their daughter.

    That's probably where i've gotten my love of walking from.

    Two dogs and two cats. One dog, Alaskan malamute, I swear thinks he's my husband!

    I've certainly not counted romance out of my life but small town and i walk my dogs and garden and work and really don't think i'll meet anyone till i move somewhere else. I know i won't do that while my folks are alive (which i'm grateful for), but when i move, i soooo badly want to move to New Mexico (Alb. area), but what about the grand kids?

    I think honestly, as taxing as surgery and cancer and MS can be, that divorce right after kids left blew my plans more than anything else.  I really believe if i got through that shock, I can make it through anything!!! Lord, I think women are strong!  I'm not cutting on the male half at all, I just  can't believe how much women are able to take on and still smile, work, be happy and help others.

    Hoping to meet lots of amazing people here.  Love reading about you all. Everyone is so different and fit so perfectly in this group!!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hi moonbuddy and welcome!  It sounds like you have some family support for yourself there and we are happy to offer you some along the way as well.  This thread is a mix of Dx and treatment plans...I can't think of anyone else on here with MS but we'll probably find out if there is. 

    By the way, we might have to make you the POSTER GIRL of this thread because you seem to fit the "profile" that I was generalizing about in my thread opener. 

  •    I have not seen pink toilet paper, but then again guess I never look at toilet paper since my husband took over most of the grocery shopping.  Remember when they used to have all sorts of colors/ , blue, green, pink? But the apples, I know them well.  I first had honey crisp when we were in NYC of all places about five  years ago.  It was in the Fall and there were some vendors set up near the park and they had samples of all kinds of apples and one was HoneyCrisp and we all raved about it.  The next year we were in Williamsburg and saw them there at the grocery, I think the next year they made it to OH and now I see them everywhere, but they are still more expensive than other apples.  $1.98/lb.  I did get some cheap at Aldi's.  Do you have Aldi's?  It is a German based grocery and cheap and if I do the shopping that is where I go.  They had a pkg with four HC apples for $1.98.  Before these came along I was on a Fugi kick,  Wouldn't it be nice if an apple a day really did keep the doctor away?  Even though I now I have gone back on Aromasin and only go in once a month for zometa, I have a calendar full of dr appts every month it seems.  Saw the GP for a flu shot, the opthalmologist to check the tubes for the tearing eyes, saw my Gyno who is sending me for a colonoscopy and had a stress test. Oh, and let's not forget the podiatrist.    Bring on the apples. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    There are a couple of orchards near me that have Honey Crisp and Wine Sap apples--I absolutely love Honey Crisp for eating, and Wine Sap for cooking.  My PCP is pushing me to get a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy (I have Barrett's Esophagus, probably worsened by radiation), Every time I get to a point where I think the appointments will slack off a bit something new comes up--like turning 50, and more tests get ordered.  One PS I saw recently won't consider doing reconstruction until I've had 5 or 6 blood tests, an MRI, a CT, a bone scan, and a PET scan, all because she doesn't agree with me decision not to have chemo.  First, I'm claustrophobic, second I am now extremely needle phobic.  No way am I getting back into a CT machine, and MRI machines are even worse.  And that's presuming I get past the poking and poking to have an IV started for the dyes!  How I wish an apple a day could make all that horror go away. . . .

  • jeanl151
    jeanl151 Member Posts: 36

    NativeMainer,  I love your picture. I am from MA but I adore Maine.  A favorite summer vacation is York Beach Me.  My mother is originally from Greenville.  I spent many years visiting relatives on Moose Head Lake.

      Enjoy the fall...I am sure Maine winter isn't far behind,  Jean

    Ps -- I agree with the apple a day..such a simple thought   

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Hey, Jean

    the photo is Bass Harbor Head Light, on Mt. Desert Island where I grew up.  Fall has come and pretty much gone for this year, had our first snow last week (even though it didn't last) and the high winds are bringing down what few leaves are left on the trees.  I'm a coastal gal at heart, but used to go camping in the Moose Head Lake area--so beautiful up there! 

    What the poochy's name?  Adorable pup!

  • moonbuddy
    moonbuddy Member Posts: 23

    Thanks for the welcome elimar!!!  Love to be poster girl of anything!!! Actually I don't have support. Crazy huh?  Parents need support so hide everything from them.  Kids so busy (I do understand) so don't ask.  And bros. and sis. all have husbands, wives, kids, grandkids, they just forget.  Honestly, not crying poor-me really, but all of my siblings were broke once, but i just don't have anything in common wiith them anymore.  They talk about vacations, going to the show, shopping and i'm in deep sh.... because i missed wk of work for partial mastectomy. 

    Had SLN and partial mast.they took everything but a small amount of breast at the back!  Were more worried about SLN and will go back and do whatever when path comes back.  Have appt. on Tuesday the 27th to get that. 

    when i was married and had my own business and had some $ i sent all i could to all family members who were needful at time, never saved 'cause family is family.

    I know they just aren't thinking i guess, but i haven't had a vacation in over 10 years, don't go to the show.......etc. you guys know how it is.  Reality.  I've just had a few bad luck things that certainly could have been worse, and i figure if it doesn't kill you, it'll make you stronger. 

    But 2 of my siblings came in from out of town today and i went up to parents after they had gone to movie and dinner, (i always make excuses, don't want anyone paying for me).  I left just a little while ago and they couldn't believe i was leaving so early.  My gosh, I had major surgery less than 2 wks. ago, 4 days off and went back to work and so worried about how to pay bills my head is spinning 'cause i have no leeway.

    Maybe i'm wrong, but i always keep a smile on my face, just say i'm tired and wait and cry in the car.  I figure if they're so out of touch with reality that they don't realize that if i hear Hawaii and Arizona and Florida one more time as where they are going and i don't have food i'm not telling them. I'm kinda mad, and yet feel guilty for being so.  It's not their fault I'm struggling.  But it's not mine either.

    I'm told i'm probably having BMX (Yeah)!!!! and i could have reconstruction, but it's not an option because of time off work. 

    I'm so sorry for rambling.  But i'm overwhelmed with my familiy's lack of insight and it's just more than i can handle to point out what they don't (or choose not to) see.

    Whoa! I'm a therapist and man i have some anger issues right now.  I guess I'm tired, jealous and want a vacation and some financial security. 

    I work for Vocational Rehabilitation at SRS in Kansas and I do know where to get help, but i really fall in the cracks.  Except for:  POSTER GIRL !!!!! I want to be poster girl :).  Already I feel better and am smiling as I type, because I know here, i'm understood.  Ups and downs and you guys know, i'll be right back up in just a little while.  But wow, thankyou for this thread so i could vent myself into a good mood again. 

    I've been alone for 14 years now after 19 years of marriage and i'm just fine with realizing i'm responsible for my own happiness.  But gosh, sometimes I get lonely and wish i had a partner. The idea scares me, but I loved being married.  Now i'm not sure if i'd get married, or live with someone, but i'd sure like the opportunity.  I'm not beautiful by any means, but i'm not dead ugly either and i never get asked out.  It's not like i'm hard to find.  If anyone was ever interested I can be found every eveining on the River Road walking my dogs, good weather and bad.  Oh well, I'm boring myself. 

    Thank you to each and every one of you.  Sincerely.  Also, there's some on this board, especially ones my daughter's age that just break my heart and i'm worried for.  Believe me, I do realize how very lucky I am. (Honestly, MS is just something i deal with, no big deal, it totally does not define me in any way). 

    Here's to being back in my normal world where there's problems and support and offering help, before it's asked for.  We Rock!!!!!


  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Native Mainer, love MDI, even in the winter, used to go there for shabbat when I lived in Bangor.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Marian--I hear you about the whole vacation/finances/exhaustion/family thing.  It' really hard to go from being financially stable to living paycheck to paycheck and worrying about what you will do if you miss a single day of work. Keeping up the front becomes a full time job, doesn't it?  For me, 3 years later, things are much better financially and emotionally, but I still have nightmares about those years.  You certainly aren't alone.

    Suz42--I love the island in fall and winter, too.  Much quieter, easier ot get around without the crowds, still a lot to do and see.  I don't get down as often as I'd like, something I need to work on. 

  • moonbuddy
    moonbuddy Member Posts: 23

    Native Mariner,

    Thanks so much for the reply.  Why is it better later?  i'm hanging on your answer here :). Another question if you don't mind.  I had a partial mast. and no matter what I know I can get that paid for through Medicare.  But I really want to be "even" so i'm wondering if you chose to only have one MX or did you want two and couldn't get it.  I'm not very tall or anything, 5'4", 130# but i've always had large breasts for my size and if i only i one MX it's really going to be difficult because i've already developed lymphodema on L side and wearing a bra just aggravates it. So i'm wondering if Medicare will pay for the 2nd.  Another thing, I had surgery two weeks ago, and the only path back so far is the frozen one during surgery, which was mainly to determine i was clean on SLN (great news),  The BS thought the rest of path would be in by Tues. when i go for 2 wk. check up.  Isn't that a long time for path. to come back?  I know he didn't have it last just a few days ago on TH, because that's when i went in and he told me i'd develped lymphodema. Just wondering if anyone had to wait this long for path results?  Marian

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Are you sure he didn't say you had a seroma? It's pretty fast to develop lymphadema......

    The path takes awhile as they do staining and grading and ER/PR stuff, so it's worth the wait. Also, your frozen section will be re-tested as there is occasionally fasle-negatives.

    Would Medicare have paid for it if you had it done at the same time? Now you need the OR, surgeon and his team, bed, etc. for a second time. Why didn't your doc advise you?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    It's better later because I am back to work full time, and can work a little extra at a per diem job so the finances, while not exactly plush, are livable.  It's still paycheck to paycheck, but there is just a little in the savings account again, which I find reassuring after nearly having to declare bancruptcy (sp).

    I initially had a lumpectomy and radiation.  Then I developed complications from radiation--recurrent, constant abcess formation, truncal lymphedema, pain, PAIN, PAIN.  The abscesses had to be opened up surgically, then wouldn't heal becuase of radionecrosis.  I spent all summer in the hospital, or on IV antibiotics, or in hyperbaric treatments.  I finally got a surgeon to agree to do a mastectomy on Aug 15th, and since I had to be back to work Sept 1 I didn't even look at reconstruction.  That turned out to be a good thing, because I would never have found out about DIEP surgery without doing research--there are no surgeons who do it in Maine.  It was while I was researching recon procedures that I decided to have the other breast removed as a risk reduction measure (prophylactic mastectomy) and reconstruction.  So far my insurance hasn't given me any problems with approvals, just as long as I make sure my PCP makes a referral for each appointment.  My insurance will cover it all, federal regs require any insurance company that covers mastectomies to also cover reconstruction and any surgery needed on the opposite breast to acheive symmetry.  Since I am so large breasted I'd have to have significant reduction and lifting and such to the remaining breast anyway--so I'm taking the opportunity to get the reduction I've always wanted but couldn't get covered because the back/shoulder pain isn't bad enough.  I'm planning recon in June during summer break so I won't miss any work. 

    I don't mind answering questions--heavens knows I've asked enough on these boards over the last 3 years!  Now it's my turn to answer--and it feels good to be able to!

  • jeanl151
    jeanl151 Member Posts: 36


         NativeMainer,  My picture is of my cocker spaniel, Cody.   He is such good company during these BC days.. Somehow he knows when I am upset and comes and to sit with me.

      Marian -  I understand your stress with money. Sometimes I worry more about the bills than I do about cancer. We are check to check and when I have to miss work it just complicates things.  My advice is to call and talk to utilities and other bills, they have programs for people who are seriously ill. I work at a preschool at a church (no benefits) but the church people have invited me to shop at their foodpantry.  I was embarressed to do so but bit the bullet and went in.  Everyone was very nice.  Look around and make some calls...I will even be speaking to the social worker at the hospital. They said they can help.

      I can't wait to get past all this....so many things to worry about.


  • PattiB
    PattiB Member Posts: 107

    Nativemainer - I am having my colonoscopy since I am 51, and an Upper GI endoscopy for GIRD, that I have had for about 7 years in 1.5 weeks.  A bit nervous about it, but trying to forget about it for the week.

    Jean - I have a golden retriever named Cody.

  • tinana57
    tinana57 Member Posts: 1

    Hi everyone ,

         What a nice surprise it was to find this topic today!  I was on  Breastcancer.org. looking for first hand information about Radiation(I've had 8 treatments so far) and what to do next (Tamoxifen?)  and I found your topic.  It fits me to a tee. I am 53 years old , have 3 grown boys, 1 grandson and a grandaughter due in March (YEAH! I will get to buy something Pink, besides my breast Cancer items.)

         This is not something I would have wanted in my life, but I believe God doesn't give me more than I can handle,  He has thrown me some curve balls, in my life but he has been a good coach and gotten me this far.

        Sometimes I feel guilty saying I have Breast cancer.  It was caught early in an annual manmogram (Micrcalcifications, Stereotactic Biopsy showed IDC. Lumpectomy with clear margins and DCIS)  I did not need Chemotherapy.  I was not in much discomfort. Although I have since left my job, they were  flexible with Dr.s appointment, tests, my surgery etc.  So far my insurance has covered most of the costs. 

          I know and see people who have been crushed physically, emotionally and financially by this diagnosis. These are the same people who have offered me the most support, prayers and concern.  I want to do the same for others like them.

        I don't know  exactly where i want to go with this but can anyone else tell me that they felt this  same way and/or  how to get past  it?  

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    From our walk yesterday. AmCancerSoc's Strides Against Breast Cancer.

    Our little team was named, "Away We Go for Heidi_Ho!!)

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    Just found this thread. I am 49....less than 3 months before the BIG 50!! Actually looking forward to it. As you can see with my signature..done with all tx's and surgery (knock on wood, pray, pray) but, I feel young at heart, but my body sometimes feels 80! I am on tamoxifin. I tried two different AI's and it was a no go!!
    I am a single mom, of 3 great daughters, 25, 22 and 18. I thought I would be an empty nester a few months back, but my 22 year old decided to transfer schools, and is now living with me. I want to travel more, now that my health is back...money is tight, but I do work for the airlines...so...the opportunity is there. Going to Orlando Florida this week for a Making Strides BC this Saturday, that my company has sponsered!

    Great to see some familiar faces. Faith...love the name of your team!!


    " we are middle aged..........but young at heart"

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Tinana, I am one of the "feeling guilty ones"! I didn't do chemo, rads or hormones either! The only sign that I had cancer is my flat chest. I wear it as my badge of courage. I am 51, but have been told (just yesterday even!) that I look like I am in my early 30's....I usually say, You mean I act 30... hehehehe

    I am awaiting grandkiddies from my two newly married kids, son 28 and daughter 26. My two step kids are 27 and 22 and have been in my life for 17 years.

    I change my hair and glasses a lot and presently have frosted spikey shorter hair but my memory card slot in my computer is awaiting a "new" part from the store (what - are they growing it?)....my avatar is from an April wedding shower for my daughter.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    That's so nice Faith!!!

    clapping for you!

  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64

    today I was to take my Mom and hubby and get our flu shots, not working out though, 7 year old Rosaleigh is home sick with flu like symptoms, rumor is there are more children home than in all the grade schools in this city, how dangerous is this for my Mom ( she is 82 and has COPD ) ?  I have heard this H1N1 affects the young more than the elderly, anyone have any advise?

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I think you ladies can appreciate the magic of this: I went out on Saturday night with a group of women to celebrate the birthday of one of them, and part of our evening out included going to a comedy club. I got "carded" at the comedy club - they had to check the ID of anyone who looked to be 30 or less. I'm 46, and was wearing "slimming" Levi's with low-budget "spankx-like" undergarments, a sparkly 3/4 sleeve T-shirt with a corrective bra. Basically, "mom" jeans and the kind of shirt a woman only wears when she's out with other middle-aged women in Texas. I'm thinking this bouncer guy had to be so young that he had no idea how old WE were - it was pretty funny.

    Moonbuddy - I have been thinking about what you shared about your family. I think people - family, especially - can sometimes be truly clueless about what we're going through. And I think sometimes women do themselves a disservice by not speaking up and being specific, while at the same time being very upset that people don't seem to care what we're going through. Family tends to stick to a sort of status quo mentality: they have an idea of who you are and what you are like that is formed early on, and it's difficult to change it. So it's possible your family actually doesn't get your current situation, especially as you're taking pains to avoid discussing or disclosing it. As you said, family is family, and perhaps you could give them the benefit of the doubt: choose a sibling you are comfortable with and share what's going on. I know that if my sister was having trouble purchasing food, I certainly would want to know about it. I would want to help and would avoid discussing upcoming vacations, etc. But if she didn't tell me and worked hard to hide signs of post-surgery tiredness and lack of funds to do things, I really wouldn't get what was going on with her. Oh, I'd like to think I would NOW, having gone through some of the things I've gone through, but I really think I wouldn't have prior to this.

    As an example - my sister got a boob job ten years ago. I was horrified that she'd opt for elective surgery like this with two small children, and we'd always sort of partnered in making fun of women who were obviously augmented. They put it on a credit card (she'd gone in for a consulation, and as with many cosmetic consulations, she left convinced that she needed to have the implants and she needed them as soon as possible - 2 weeks out from the consultation). She knew we (my mom and I) were not feeling supportive, but as it turned out, the surgery was rougher than she'd thought it would be. She really could have used some support after she got home, but we had no idea what it was like to have implants stuffed under your chest muscles. She was upset that we weren't supportive, and upset that we didn't see that she needed help, but she didn't ask for help. Some of this came out as I was trying to pick a breast cancer surgery - she isn't angry, but the story of how difficult it was to try to recover from the surgery essentially without help was sad. I do remember several weeks after her surgery that we were at a party, and she asked me to scoop ice cream for her because she couldn't yet do that due to residual muscle pain - did I think that through and understand how difficult things might have been over the past few weeks? How hard it was to open doors, even? No. She always asserted she was "fine." And it's lame of me, but I chose to buy those assertions...

    People want you to get better quickly - no one wants to think about a family member having difficulties or being in pain. I remember trying hard (I think I've said this before on here somewhere) to look decent and do things after my surgery (which was just a lumpectomy, but it's the only surgery I've ever had and it kicked my butt). My husband and kids didn't see it as, "Oh, look, she's really trying so hard and she made us dinner - let's clean the kitchen after dinner." Noooo. They said to themselves, "Oh, thank GOD she's totally fine now. Let's laze about here in the family room and watch TV while our handmaiden cleans the kitchen as she always does." So I had a little head-spinning, eyes-glowing-red, shrieking scene to enlighten them, and I got some help. Yes, it's a bummer that they didn't "get" what was going on with me, but they certainly did once I enlightened them.

    So - perhaps if you TELL your family a bit about what's up, and THEN they opt to discuss opulent plans in front of you and STILL do not offer some help, you have a right to be very upset with them. But I think that it might be a good thing to let family be family, and give them the chance to help you or at least understand how you feel and what you're going through.

    Just thought I'd put that out there - not trying to tell you what to do, but hoping to offer a suggestion.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    VERY well said Coleen!

  • moonbuddy
    moonbuddy Member Posts: 23

    Susan, I heard that they think the reason it's hitting the young so badly is that this is a "flu" we've been through before, even though no one realized it.  Hope that helps with your Mom.  We've been keeping grandkids who i swear are all sick and also their schools are sick, but none of them seem to have same symptoms (?????) away from my parents who are in their 90's.  We worry also!  Don't know if Mom would make it through another severe bout. Healthy but tired? Good luck.

    Coleen, how sweet you are.  My siblings do know my situation, they simply forget.  They may not know specifics but my experience has always been if you accept $ from them, there's a bit of judgement there, such as "but you still have cable".  They are wonderful, kind people who do not mean to hurt me.  Truly.  That's what i meant about being able to get mad here, even if it wasn't warranted.  As a therapist, but part-time 'cause of MS so no benefits, I know if i don't blow somewhere, i'm going to blow in the wrong place.  I'm not really mad at my siblings, at least not by the end of that post, just had to get it out.  I know them also.  They love me so much they just can't deal.  I was in a wheelchair for a year with MS,( believe me when i say miracles do happen, one day, I was just able to walk again with limp)!!, they just didn't know what to do and their first instinct was to be mad at me for not going to MORE doctors, although by the end of it all I had even been through research trials at KU,  It's just natural.  The only reason i'm not like that is because i've been there, i'm sure.  So, i'm fine, back to normal.  Called my bank and got things taken care of for now.  They told me to just call when i need them again. 

    Barbe, the reason i have lymphodema so fast is because i had a really really bad fall a few months ago and was putting off surgery for that shoulder and did PT instead, so with that and MS keeping my immune system down, he wasn't surprised at all I developed it so soon.  In PT for it now.  Not much different than what i was already doing for shoulder except learning the massage technique. 

    Native Mariner, you're right, I can just start working more asap!!!  Duh, why didn't I think of that? So simple, but my mind doesn't go simple right now, thanks so much.

    Jeanne, so sorry you're having problems as well.  I love that bit about worrying more about finances than cancer.  I read somewhere in a comedy book, that only the rich have the time to get depressed.  Not true, but understand the saying.  Kinda funny and it was meant to be. Since i work for Voc. Rehab. and have a disability, if there is ever anything short term that comes up that they can help with they will.  It just can't be something long term that won't be fixed eventually. So, lets say, if my car fell apart and kept me from getting to work, i'd be eligible for help.  I've already applied for Liep and Salvation Army and don't qualify, however, if my work hours go way down, I would, if it was for three months in a row.  Lord, I don't even want to be able to to qualify!!! 

    Colleen, I do understand, I look at one of my sister's when I know she had surgery shortly after having her third baby, stairstep ages, and can't imagine how she coped.  I remember one of my older sister's going to stay with her, I was too young at the time.  When I was younger my sister and I used to always go and stay with my older sisters when they had babies and during the summer before we were old enough to work at my Dad's hardware store.  We hated it, but gosh they were "old time" Catholic with tons of stair step kids, and that's how families coped at the time.

    Also, one of my sister's had cosmetic surgery because her husband is an AH and insisted!  She's ten years older than me and that generation of my sisters just did what their husbands said, then, not now!!! Anyway she was miserable and my other sister went and stayed with her but i'm sure it was a little uncomfortable because she was so mad at my brother in law for wanting her sister to go through this for his "pride" that in some ways it probably made it harder on my sister that had the surgery.  Now she would just tell him to leave if he didn't like what he had and believe me she would.   Ahhhh families, don't you just love them? I really do, it's just not always perfect.

    Thank you all for your input, gives me so much to think about and also realize lots of us in same boat.

    Barbe and Tinana, I can't even imagine why anyone would feel guilty about finding their cancer early!!!  It's what we all try and do.  Just encourage others to do the same.  Some are lucky and some find it as early as possible and it still has already spread.  Just happens,  No reason to ever feel guilty, you've gone through enough!

    I'm glad to fine out that you can do DIEP surgery later, and not immediately.  I know I can't afford to do it right away, but it's reassuring to know i can plan for it and get it done on my time schedule,  I truly didn't know it was possible, really did think it had to be done immediately, what a relief!

    So thank you all sooo very much.  This is truly the most responsive thread i've been on.  Again, ladies, I do so think we rock!!!


  • dreaming
    dreaming Member Posts: 219

    I started as "Young woman" 16 1/2 years ago , now there are getting younger, now I am middle age and hope to be a senior.

    I really enjoy my freedom, I divorced my husband, a casualty of my cancer.

    Started a new career, in the cancer field.

     I had never lived alone,I married in College.

    Today I am in South America, next month go back to the US and next year I will travel again.

    I love my work , my kids and my pets, Life is good, except when I go back for my follow ups.. but all is "stable".

    I have 2 chronic conditions that are very painful, but I can live with them.

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    dreaming...great attitude!

    Marian, I had reconstruction 5 mos after my mastectomy. I had a tram flap surgery,and am very happy with my outcome!

    Just a little addition to us women "speaking up for what we need or want".  I too was always someone who CAN DO IT ALL BY HERSELF..and NEVER ASKED FOR HELP. Well..my cancer was very humbling!  I had to learn to ask for help and allow people to help me with physical things that I could not do after my surgeries...and NOT to act...like I could do them, when I knew that it was going to be painful or difficult.  I found out..that when I asked, they were MORE than willing to help. They felt a purpose for being there for me.  Even financially...I needed help, and when it was offered...it was SOOOOO difficult for me to accept...but I did really need it (my new hubby left me after diagnosis), and I did accept the financial help..thank God for family and friends!!!

    Have a good evening ladies.


  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    omahagirl -

    I had a radial head fracture many years ago.  I feel your pain!  Hope you're hanging in there.   OUCH.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Since getting carved up, I'm relating to the Pumpkin a lot this month. Happy Halloween Week!


    <Thanks fainthandfifty for photo posting advice.You may have created a monster!