
  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Eph I am on #22 now walking 30 min resting 30 min

    Dear pinkrose you are not alone, I have been having problems with my eyes too. Had the same biopsy done but before my surgery. Waiting is the hardest at times like this, I pray for good results. No matter what you are going through please let us know we are here to support you.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Pink_Rose, Hugs to you gal. I don't take tamoxifen but other sisters who do will be along. MJB is right...the waiting is the worst.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Pink Rose I have floaters and I'm not on Tamoxifen, so it might not just be the Tamox. I AM on blood pressure meds, but have been for 17 years. My floaters have gottnen much worse as I've gotten older and I've noticed them so much in the last couple of week that I'm actually turning my head to see "what just went by"! And I'm USED to them!

    I PM'd you. Look for a message at the 2nd dark blue line at the top of your page.

  • ma111
    ma111 Member Posts: 167

    I like this tread.

    I am a single mom of a 17 year old daughter. She is a senior and I was going to start dating again with her going to college, oops.

    I find it a strugle to mow the yard, work and hide that I would rather be sleeping.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Pink Rose - Welcome to the Middies - You have found a great group of supportive, caring gals.  I have been on Tamox for 4 months and so far so good.  Have not had a gyn exam since starting so I can't help you - someone else will chime in with some advice.  Keeping fingers crosssed for good results.  Visit here often and let us know what you find out.

    ma111 - Welcome to the group.  Dating again?  Go for it girl - it may be something you need to energize you again. 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    pink rose.... I had those eye floaters after few weeks they changed to what i called bright light coming and going into my left eye. I was on Femara that time.

    I know bloaters are age related but when the light started I went to see my eye DR. After a lengthy exam she didn't find anything to be concerned.

    Floaters come and go but the bright light comes at least 4-5 times a day.

    And they are very annoying.



  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Pink rose welcome.  I know I have the floaters aswell.  I  had mine before cancer and treatment.  Im glad you posed that because its something I need to keep an eye on.

    ma11 welcome.  I know engery is a hard one to get back.  My sister says it takes awile, but  she says to do alittle more each day.  Just dont push, but add a small chore or activity each day ar of thats do more one new activity once a week.  Good luck!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Welcome pink rose this is a great group of ladies.

    Have an eye question.  I have worn glasses for years and a SE from tamox can be glaucoma even though I think that is rare.  My MO wants me to see the opthomologist every 6 months.  He said that if I were to get it, it would be better to find it early.  The last time I saw my eye Dr in Nov I told him I was going to start tamox and I asked about the glaucoma and he said I only needed to see him yearly but if I noticed any eye change in between to call him right away and come in.  For those of you who are on tamox or have taken tamox what did your MO's tell you and what did you do.  I kinda like the advise from the eye dr.  I think every 6 months is a little overkill.  What do you galls think??????

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sherry -  Seems there is so much my MO has not discussed with me.  I don't have eye problems right now and guess that is a subject for later.  Perhaps since I am not having eye problems then he is sparing me from information overload.  I really do love my MO - he is always there when I need him.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Sherry- no on ementioned eyes and tamoxifen to me but when I went in for an eye check in December, I told my eye doc because I had read that tami can affect your eyes. it is good for them to know so they can keep an 'eye' on it (bad pun but true)


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Glad to see pink_rose1966 & ma111 have gotten a warm welcome.  I think I have some age related floaters in my eyes.  After a year and a half on Tamox., I can't say they are worse.  My eyesight might be a bit worse, but it was already going downhill before all the B/C business began.

    I find it a strugle to mow the yard, work and hide that I would rather be sleeping

    ma111, I like your list of "three little S/Es."  I hear ya!

    I know bloaters are age related...

    Seyla888, Your typo is so funny, and so true!  Hahaha!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Like my MO would say - "Life Is Good" for me right now.  All is well, no complaints and no appts for the month of May. YIPEE!  Don't know what I will do with all the free time - hehehe

  • sheshe48
    sheshe48 Member Posts: 19

    Hello everyone, I had breast cancer in 2007. My cancer center calls me and says, that one of my tumor markers is elevated. I go back may 11th for more bloodwork. Has this ever happened to anyone? R these blood test trust worthy?

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    PinkRose, I was on tamoxifen from 2006 to 2009, then switched to Aromasin once totally post-menapausal.  It is very, very important to make sure you see gyn every 6 mos while on Tamox. I had thickening as well, and an endo bx. Luckily mine was b9 and I hope and pray yours is also. I had other changes which led my gyn to recommend a D&C which I underwent without any problem.

    Sherry, my eye doctor knew all my meds and cancer tx, chemo, etc.  She never recommended that I see her any more than yearly and while I also had some treatment related issues, they resolved once I was done the Tamox and nothing permanent hung around.  I've had floaters for many years and also feel they are more age related than medication effects.

    Stamina - I'm almost 6 years post-dx and although I'm able to work full time, that's about it. I have very little left over when I get home, and if I try to do much on the weekend, I'll get to a point where all of a sudden my body just says STOP and I know from experience I have to listen and rest.

    Closing up computer now to head out for day in NY with my daugthers - woo hoo :)

    Hope you all have a wonderful remainder of hte weekend.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Seyla - I also have the light in my left eye, a month ago I had my eye exam a my eyes did change. Got my new glasses a week ago and having a had time adjusting to distance. Gona have to go back and get it fixed. My MO did say with chemo your eyes could change but nothing about about the AI's.

    I left the relay at 4:30 just couldn't stay til 7:00. Did around 34 laps and raised $655 for the team. Texas Oncology was a corporate sponsor under my MO's name. Thought that was pretty cool.

    Welome again to the newbies

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Sheshe, my onc does the tumor marker test and doen't place great stock in them. They are really more useful for Stage IV cancer, from what I have read. Take deep breaths and try to keep calm. Mine went up because I had a chest cold one time.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    Hi, Ladies - I have my first visit with the oncologist monday and I am having trouble just letting it go and waiting.  I have read too many of your forums I think (obsessing). Now I have scared myself.  Can anyone tell me which ones I shouldn't look at at the beginning..  In the back of my mind, I know my treatment will be what the oncologist and I decide and what is best for me.. I just don't know anymore what is going to happen..Surprised
  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    elimar- it is a flying goat:) <--answering from a zillion pages ago...

    so much to read- how i missed all of this I have no idea...so...

    congrats to all for anything good that has happened-will happen or that you are celebrating

    hugs and welcome to all of the new folks- sorry you had to join us but glad you found us

    30 years of marriage today and of course I am off my rocker and totally psychotic...hoping it passes...Atlanta went well but it hurt on a deep level realizing all of the destruction swirling around outside...broke my heart...we landed up staying another night since all flights were cancelled wednesday night and I got on a crying jag between watching the storms outside the window and the weather channel updates...argh:( I have to try and get my *hit together since I have been a big drag all last night and this morning and hubby is doing everything short of standing on his head to make me smile...

    Have a good one my friends:)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    GmaFoley - I think you should look at any forum that peaks your interest.  Instead of staying away, ask lots of questions and voice those fears.  This is certainly a good place to do that.  Remember, we have all been there, done that and this group of wonderful ladies will chime right in and help.  The beginning was a scary time for all of us - you are so much stronger than you think and will get through this.  Relax, breathe and take it one day, one step at a time.
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    GmaFolel I agree with Jo.  There are so many forums, you just have to find the right one.  You just ask away. Any questions just ask.  Sometimes you find better answers here.  Or the right ones to ask.  Just take deep breaths.   Welcome.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Gma - I agree ask ask ask. I felt in the beginning I did not ask enough questions. I did not know about this your in good hands here.

  • ma111
    ma111 Member Posts: 167


    I was follwed with tumor markers. They stayed down after my first round of treatment for 6 months. They are only accurate in some people. Mine went down as treatment went along and other things can cause a rise in them. However, tumor markers can be the earliest way of detecting progression, hopefully you have not. Checkout the trails for the vaccine, clinicaltrails.gov and the National Institute of Health web site. They have had such good sucess with it they are trialing it in stage 2 neoadjuntivily.

    Others, I am not sure I want to start dating now, I am stage IV and progressing.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    annettek - most of us have been where you are a lot of times & it will pass.  it's actually better than the numb-shock-can't breathe stage....  i was stuck there much too long.  my dd is a 12-yr bc survivor & was able to understand where i was but poor dh was doing handstands trying to "help" - when i was able i tried explaining but since this was all new to me too, it took awhile.  i have much more appreciation & admiration to what my dd went through 13 yrs ago!!!!  being a caregiver & being the ill one is a world of difference.  i had always been an easy-going, laid-back person - that's gone now & i'm still trying to find the new me.  i don't really like where i am now as i'm "pity-partying" now & i need to get back on my exercise & diet regime.  comfort foods & laying around aren't doing me any good Embarassed
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    sheshe48, welcome!  Hopefully, things will be fine and the info. more clear after your dr. visit on the 11th.  Try not to stress too much between now and then if possible.

    marlegal, you probably won't see this til late tonight or tomorrw, but it sound like you (are having now) will have had some fun times in NYC with the daughters.  I know Manhattan can take a lot of energy, but it's worth it!

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Ma111 your in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy your time.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Okay!  I don't want to sound stupid or anything but I keep reading posts about "tumor markers."  What are they?  Is this something I should be asking about?  My MO never mentioned this.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Jo if he is taking you blood he is probably checking them. The ones I know of is CEA, CA27.29 and,CA15-3

  • sheshe48
    sheshe48 Member Posts: 19

    Thanks BarbaraA, for the resurrance. I am going to think positive and not worry about it for now.

    Thanks MA111, for the information and sorry to hear you are progressing. God Bless you.

    Thanks Elimer, trying not to stress out, this is the first time a marker was elevated for me.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sherry - Thanks for the information.  I do have labs done automatically before I see him each time.  I did not know to ask and he never said anything so in this case I guess no news is good news.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    my onc has never mentioned tham either... iv yet to have a "normal" check up appt... maybe in june i will ask her if she does them...