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  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Weird...something just timed me out and I lost everything!

    Annette/Marlegal- thank you....was afraid to say yes and 'out'myself but have decided it is fine. No like I have done anything wrong so why hide breast cancer and a heart attack....and you know what, I am a good spokesperson for both of these things...I am confident in front of large crowds ( thank you theatre major and singing in bands!) and I don;t get nervous...though I did write and rewrite a number of times because the choir still had one more song to sing and I did not want them crying....but having someone I didn't know come up to me afterwards and say she was glad I was alive, ask if she can give me a hug and tell me about her own father dying from a stroke at the age of 50...well, I guess that is why we tell our others can also tell theirs....think I will start sharing the breast cancer news too...and after the cardiology appotintment on the 31st and once I get the results of the Junw 7 mammogram, I will volunteer to talk at schools or whatever...why not?

    Also, Annette/Marlegal- I hav enow had 5 sessions with my autistic ESL learner and it is becoming a joyful event. I messed up badly one day...the materials were too hard and he got frustrated with it but I went back to pictures, he tells me the story he believes it to be then he writes it painstakingly, I might add...and then he reads the original story and answers the questions. He is an excellent drawer. I went to the Autism association in my city and got out five books to pour through to make sure I am helping him and not wasting his time. My time with him is sdone this week because then I get into teacher training again but I will miss working with him.Tohelp with the transitin, I am goig to have Thursday's teacher sit in with me on Tuesay so he can get used to her being there.

    Kay/WMS- WELCOMe ladies!! I am 49, no kids..

  • DREAM & REDEEM from American Express Check out my photo at the Memorable Miles photo contest from American Express. Vote for my entry and help me win 100,000 miles!   

    I am posting this one more time and will not bug you again since the contest ends tomorrow night at 11:59 and then I will go back to thinking about cancer and posting about it, but this has been a fun and nice diversion for me.  And I thank each and everyone of you who voted for me and ask that you vote again tomorrow.

    Sandee, I liked your post.  I am sure you are helping many people by sharing your story.  People need to be aware.   Regardless of stage, we need to be aware and it never hurts to remind people of that and yes, it could happen to them. 

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    I voted and it was at 340 for the contest

    I talked with my sister yesterday and my dad was back in the hospital for his second round of chemo.  He has decided tha this will be the last one no matter what the out come.  He is my hero.

    When I did my first relay for life last year I was at the survivor table talking to the ladies about buying a shirt and told them about my story about just being dx with breast cancer.  They told me I was already a survivor and gave me the survivor shirt and sash to wear on the survivor lap.  When they called my name I started to cry as I walked to the start not believing I was a survivor yet, very emotional time.  Four days later I had my BMX.  This year they gave us medals and I walked with pride as my son was escorting me to the start.  My DH and DH both walked the first lap with me, I had a spring in my step this year as I felt that yes I am a true survivor.  Now I want to go through life knowing that part is behind me and get on with living, thriving.  I will continue to do the relay's and raise money in support of finding a cure for cancer.  So I am not going to worry about the future, not going to lable myself either, I will share my story, talk to other women about getting their yearly exams.  I hope with sharing my story that it will help other women in making their decisions on what to do.

    My son

    My husband

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    mjb - Wow!  Get to put a face with a name - such a lovely family.  As I read your story, it brought tears to my eyes.  The love of family and friends gets us through this.  Thanks so much for sharing.

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Marybe - still at 22, but just voted

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388

    I just voted again.  Don't stop reminding us.........sometimes chemobrain gets in the way.

    I am all about awareness, but I do get frustrated at the "cutesy tight pink t-shirt" girls that wear it because it's "cool" and the in thing to do during the month of October then seem to completely forget about it after October.  I also get frustrated with people that think BC isn't hard and doesn't kill.  But.........for all of my frustation, whether it's good or bad, the awarness has helped find treatments to save and extend lives. 

    Wow!  Love the picture of the tree, I would have never guess it was petrified. 

    Great pics from the walk - it's nice to see each other's pictures and especially our families.

  • MJB.  Thank you for sharing that story with us.  It looks like you have a wonderful support team. Ok Jenn3, I am reminding you as is now Monday so the last day to get one more vote in and the last day I will be bugging people, but I am now at 21!!..and it looks like I only have to get a few more votes and I will move into 20 so I think I am going to make it into the top 20 which was my goal.  I know this is silly, but I am just so excited I can hardly stand it!!!  Thank you middleaged women....when I go to that BC program and Marissa Weiss is there I am going to tell her that Elimar started a superior thread here!!! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe, did my final vote and you are at 20!!!!

    MJB you have a very good looking family!!! How old is your son? He REALLY looks like you but in a guy-way. Purple shirts this year? We've had 2 years of yellow. I don't know if Canada will always be yellow, but I'd like a purple one. Our Relay is in a couple of weeks. I will be at my new city's location.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618


    Our RFL always has pruple shirts, or at least for the past 8 years they have. Ours was identical to  MJB's.  Ours has a big list of sponsors on the back, which I could do without, but at least it is money for the cause.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I just voted and it is now at 19!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    MJB,  lookin' good in the photos!  Was the first chemo hard on your dad?  Just asking why he will stop after the second one?  Is it just a desire to live naturally with no more chemical intevention? 

    The day is still young Marybe, you might finish even higher.  Wish we could propel you into the top four.  I might not get to check on how you did til tomorrow...Good Luck!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Meece got the cake, I better bring the ice cream...Happy Birthday, Barbe!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Happy BDAY Barbe!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Barbe-today's your day so rock it!  Have fun with your cake & ice cream! 

  • Marybe voting has you now ranked at 18!

    Barbe. Happy birthday and wishing you many more. Enjoy!

    MJB. Great photos and I agree your son looks just like you

    Ladies go for my second fill this afternoon. I am rather looking forward to it for I am sloshing around so I think I am more than ready. Wish be luck

  • Yes, I am #18 now and thrilled....of course am now hoping to get to 17 and so it steps, but moving.

    Happy Birthday Barb.  I will take a scoop of the pistachio! 

  • MWS
    MWS Member Posts: 13

    I am 41 and feel like I do not belong either..... I have a 12 year old and a 9 year old....

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Barbe, you can never have too much chocolate.

  • Teklya
    Teklya Member Posts: 362

    Have a wonderful day, Barbe.  It is yours to enjoy! Fill it with laughter and joy, peace and love. Then have a year filled with great health, much happiness and tons of hugs and love.



  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

     Happy Birthday Barbe Enjoy your Special day!

    Checking it with my Middles Thniking of all of you !

    Thank you all for the support. I have got my lipstick pick out for my Mastectomy Tomorrow! I will check in with you after I get home from the Hospital wed or thurs! Love ya all My Middle  Pink Sister!! xxoxo Gina

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    mws-everyone belongs

    BArb happy birthday

    mbjmiller-love the pics of your family

    I have not been on all weekend and this thread was cruising.

    Marybe since I have not been I just voted today and you were #18

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    Happy Birthday to You, Barbe! Hope you have a GREAT day!

    Gina - Good luck with the surgery tomorrow! 

    MWS- this is a great thread to join..... I usually "lurk", but reading this thread always (usually) makes me SMILE! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thank you ladies! I LOVE hearing Happy Birthday!! 53 years old today and I feel 23 in my mind but 103 in my body....oh well, stack up the drugs and party on!!!!

    Gina, you will be amazed at how clean everything is for the surgery. Are you getting recon, sorry I forget. If not, you will be particularily pleased at how painless it is! I left the hospital without even Tylenol 3's and I have a very low pain toleerance with my FM. Good luck, sweetie!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Last day to vote!!! Vote for Marybe!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Sandee excellent job!!!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Marybe is up to 18!  Let's keep her there or higher!  Don't forget to vote!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Happy Birthday Barbe!  You're only as old as you feel, so Happy 23rd!

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    MJBmiller- great pic and great story!!!

    Marybe- good for you!!!

    Barbe- happy birthday...

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Regina- GOoD LUCK!!

    Blondie- thanks)